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Is tourism beneficial to an environment?

Should tourism be
banned in order to protect the environment?
Yes No
1. . When the tourist industry crosses the 1. Tourism can contribute directly to the
ethical and legal barriers for its commercial conservation of sensitive areas and habitat.
benefits, it results in the declension of the Revenue from park entrance fees and similar
environment in that area. Moreover, tourism sources can be allocated specifically to pay for
is linked with almost all types of pollution. the protection and management of
Tourists travel by air planes, trains, buses, environmentally sensitive areas. Special fees
etc. giving rise to huge amounts of air for park operations or conservation activities
pollution. People who travel in large can be collected from tourists or tour
numbers use fuel which results in massive operators. Contributions to government
amounts of harmful emissions that affect revenues Some governments collect money in
environment locally as well as globally. more far-reaching and indirect ways that are
According to a survey by Mayer and not linked to specific parks or conservation
Hillman (1996), tourism accounts for 60% areas. User fees, income taxes, taxes on sales
of air travel due to rapid growth in or rental of recreation equipment, and license
international tourists . With regards to just fees for activities such as hunting and fishing
air pollution, one study has estimated that a can provide governments with the funds
single transatlantic return flight emits almost needed to manage natural resources. Such
half the CO2 emissions produced by all funds can be used for overall conservation
other sources (lighting, heating, car use, programs and activities, such as park ranger
etc.) consumed by an average person yearly. salaries and park maintenance (WTO, 1997;
( WTO, 1998)
2TC - Dương Huệ Anh & Lưu Mỹ Trang -
Critical Reading - Mindmap
2. Important land resources include 2. The most commonly noted positive
minerals, fossil fuels, fertile soil, forests, environmental impact of tourism is raised
wetland and wildlife. Increased construction awareness. Many destinations promote
of tourism and recreational facilities has ecotourism and sustainable tourism and this
increased pressure on these resources and on can help to educate people about the
scenic landscapes. Direct impact on natural environmental impacts of tourism. There are
resources, both renewable and non- also many national parks, game reserves and
renewable, in the provision of tourist conservation areas around the world that help
facilities can be caused by the use of land to promote positive environmental impacts of
for accommodation and other infrastructure tourism. Undeniably, tourism activities in the
provision, and the use of building materials. areas of ecotourism can have positive effects.
Forests often suffer negative impacts of For instance, revenue from the tourist spots
tourism in the form of deforestation caused can be used to conserve the local
by fuel wood environmentally sensitive areas and habitats.
In 2017, Quang Nam Province implemented a
collection and land clearing. For example,
policy of collecting fees from tourists to be
one trekking tourist in Nepal and area
used to conserve the sea of Cu Lao Cham.
already suffering the effects of deforestation
can use four to five kilograms of wood a day
(UNEP, 1999).

3. In areas with high concentrations of 3. Tourism impulses huge investment done to

tourist activities and appealing natural improve the facilities with a view to attract
attractions, waste disposal is a serious more tourists. More emphasis is given to
problem and improper disposal can be a preserve heritage structures and the
major despoiler of the natural environment, monuments. Tourism has a big role in
rivers, scenic areas, and roadsides. For encouraging the conservation of places having
example, cruise ships in the Caribbean are natural beauty and their built heritage.
estimated to produce more than 70,000 tons Moreover, tourism motivates for the
of waste each year. Solid waste and littering rehabilitation of built and natural
can degrade the physical appearance of the environments. For example, according to a
water and shoreline and cause the death of research, Also and Yokohama have been
marine animals (UNEP, 1997). saved by converting into retail and foot and
beverage outlets for a dominantly tourism-
driven market.
4. Water, and especially fresh water, is one 4. Tourism can significantly contribute to
of the most critical natural resources. The environmental protection, conservation and
tourism industry generally overuses water restoration of biological diversity and
resources for hotels, swimming pools, golf sustainable use of natural resources. Because
courses and personal use of water by of their attractiveness, pristine sites and
tourists. This can result in water shortages natural areas are identified as valuable and the
and degradation of water supplies, as well as need to keep the attraction alive can lead to
generating a greater volume of waste water. creation of national parks and wildlife parks.
In dry and hot regions like the In Hawaii, new laws and regulations have
Mediterranean, the issue of water scarcity is been enacted to preserve the Hawaiian
of particular concern. Because of the hot rainforest and to protect native species. The
climate and the tendency of tourists to coral reefs around the islands and the marine
consume more water when on holiday than life that depend on them for survival are also
they do at home, the amount used can run up protected. Hawaii now has become an
to 440 liters a day. This is almost double international center for research on ecological
what the inhabitants of an average Spanish systems and the promotion and preservation of
city use (UNEP, 1999). For example, golf the islands' tourism industry was the main
course maintenance can also deplete fresh motivation for these actions.
water resources. In recent years golf tourism
has increased in popularity and the number
of golf courses has grown rapidly. Golf
courses require an enormous amount of
water every day and as with other causes of
excessive extraction of water, this can result
in water scarcity.

5. Global tourism is closely linked to 5. Regulatory measures help offset negative

climate change. Tourism involves the impacts; for instance, controls on the number
movement of people from their homes to of tourist activities and movement of visitors
other destinations and accounts for about within protected areas can limit impacts on the
50% of traffic movements; rapidly ecosystem and help maintain the integrity and
expanding air traffic contributes about 2.5% vitality of the site. Such limits can also reduce
of the production of CO . Tourism is thus a the negative impacts on resources. Limits
significant contributor to the increasing 2 should be established after an in-depth
concentrations of greenhouse gases in the analysis of the maximum sustainable visitor
atmosphere. Air travel itself is a major capacity. This strategy is being used in the
contributor to the greenhouse effect. Galapagos Islands, where the number of ships
Passenger jets are the fastest growing source allowed to cruise in this remote archipelago is
of greenhouse gas emissions. The number of limited, and only designated islands can be
international travelers is expected to visited, ensuring visitors have little impact on
increase from 594 million in 1996 to 1.6 the sensitive environment and animal habitats
billion by 2020, adding greatly to the (UNEP, 1998; UNEP, 1997;
problem unless steps are taken to reduce
emissions (WWF, 1992).

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