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Alicia B. Bactol

Bachelor of Fine Arts - Major in Advertising Arts, SARFAID Department

La Consolacion College-Bacolod

February 2022


The study would create a promotional campaign for Lihog Ko, a local deliver service

in Negros Occidental. The goal of the study would indicate the appropriate strategy and

media for a promotional campaign to increase the brand visibility of the service provider

in the market. The study will utilize a framework that would support the assessment of

the promotional campaign. The research would be limited within Negros Occidental, and

would be beneficial to the proprietors of the service provider and its consumers. The

study was conducted using a quantitative method, and was given online using a survey

that was distributed to 60 participants. The findings of the study shows that the majority

who purchased from Lihog Ko were young adults and students residing in the cities of

Talisay and Bacolod. The data was determined that most respondents purchased food and

package delivery. It also shows that respondents learned about the service through social

media and find the service relevant and convenient. The majority of the respondents

identified Facebook as their preferred media platform, indicating that online poster

advertisements would influence their purchasing decisions toward the service. In

conclusion, based on the results of the study it was recommended that the promotional

campaign would focus on enhancing the Facebook presence of the service provider,

provide relevant advertising materials that would help promote the service. Develop a

branding kit to improve brand visibility, increase sales, and attract more customers.

Table of Contents
I. Introduction
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
The framework of the Study
Scope and Limitation
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
II. Methodology
Research Design
Locale of the Study
Population and Sampling Technique
Participants of the Study
Research Instrument
Statistical Treatment of Data
III. Results and Discussion
Demographic Profile
Consumer Background and Preferences
Consumer Perceptions and Engagement
Service Analysis
SWOT Analysis
IV. Conclusion and Recommendation
Summary of Results
Marketing Strategy

Chapter 1


The Covid-19 has caused a lot of challenges to the development of social and

economic growth. Businesses and services were pressured to find ways to respond to the

rising effects of the pandemic. The delivery services are among the first category

industries that are fully operational. The relevance of delivery services has been

emphasized in today's fast-paced world since they serve as a link between businesses and

customers. Because of the current global health crisis, people are unable to go out and

must rely on digital platforms to obtain their necessities. Those working in the delivery

service industry have been able to adapt to the social distancing practices that are

necessary to prevent the virus from spreading. Businesses with the help of delivery

services have been able to efficiently and safely reach out to their consumer base.

According to consumers, home delivery has provided a solution to the challenges

brought by the Covid-19 pandemic. Home delivery and E-commerce can be a practical

alternative for professionals who are required to work remotely, as well as a variety of

other individuals, such as parents who must balance job and family responsibilities, and

those who are at risk of serious Covid-19 health complications (Unnikrishnan & Figliozzi,


In the Philippines, delivery services have grown in popularity as a result of online

shopping. The ability to purchase and sell products online has made delivery services

even more vital. Local delivery service providers allowed contactless business operation

during the extended community quarantine period. People turned to delivery services as

more than just a convenience when cities locked down to stem the spread of the virus. It

became a way to keep secure and healthy at home while still having access to basic needs

like food and other necessities.

The main objective of a delivery service is customer satisfaction. Advertising enables

businesses to get a profit by allowing customers to learn about its services.

Communication engagement is a method of advertising. It can be both informative and

persuasive, relying on traditional and new media to persuade customers to purchase

products and services. The goal of a promotional campaign is to develop an advertising

strategy in order for the business to reach the right customers.

Advertising has traditionally been the most common form of communication in

persuading customers to purchase products or services (Hunag et al., 2012). It is the

distribution of product or service information to the broader public with the goal of

convincing people to buy something, do something, or think in a certain way.


A group of researchers identified advertising as the most important component of

marketing, as well as the fundamental necessity for it to be used for establishing

relationships with customers, identifying the target market, and promoting goods and

services (Al-Ababneh et al., 2020).

Creating an advertising campaign requires a central message or topic that can be

communicated across a variety of media. The goal of the campaign must come first,

followed by the creative design. Setting a campaign goal, defining the target market,

media selection, and assessing metrics and information are important aspects to consider

when creating an advertising campaign. The target market can be defined in terms of

demographics, and behavioral characteristics using the strategy. Brand strategy with the

goal of expanding the customer base and creating customer satisfaction is a challenging

process that can only be accomplished with a focused approach to achieve strategic

development. The entire purpose should be founded on clearly defined goals and values

in order to establish the groundwork for communication, operations, and product

innovation (Altay et al., 2021).

Social media platforms play an important role in the distribution of information and

allow individuals to communicate and interact (Constadines, 2014). Advertising

campaigns on social media can be categorized according to many qualities. One of which

is increasing awareness, improving brand image, sales promotion, maintaining the

relationship with the customer, increasing consumer engagement and lowering marketing

expenses (Raudeliuniene et al., 2018). The effectiveness of advertising is defined as the

evaluation of an advertising campaign, which must be determined in terms of the success

of the strategy and objectives that were set for the advertisement (Ansari & Riasi, 2016).

Brand awareness has a significant role in purchasing a product or service and may

have an influence over a customer’s perceived risk evaluation and their level of assurance

about the buying decision. Consumers become aware of a brand through successful

marketing, communication mediums, and strategies. Brand awareness is necessary or

vital to the interaction process. The awareness of brand, associations, and attitudes are

formed as a result of communications. The visual component of market development

comprises brand names, logos, product packaging, and advertising (Bonnici, 2014). A

Business with a higher level of associated brand image and awareness is more likely to be

purchased repeatedly by the customers.

According to research that has been conducted in the Philippines on the demand of

courier services during the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. The customers' preferred

courier service in Metro Manila and the surrounding regions is Lalamove. Lalamove

dominates the competition against Grab express, Ninja van, Angkas, and Transportify.

Despite the fact that Lalamove is somewhat more expensive than other courier services, it

is the chosen courier of the users, which delivers everything from food, documents, to

groceries (Dones & Young, 2020). The delivery speed is the most important element that

people evaluate when picking a courier, and same-day delivery is the most popular option

among customers. In addition to being a popular courier service in the Philippines,

Lalamove provides both of these alternatives to customers. As a result, Lalamove is the

courier of choice for the majority of users.

Businesses and services utilize strategies to improve their brand image in an

increasingly competitive marketplace. Having successful brand management a business

should understand how the brand strategy is implemented and communicated to

customers, and how customers react to these approaches. When a business has successful

brand awareness, it means that its products and services have a strong brand image in the

marketplace and are simply acceptable (Aboagye & Abdullah, 2013).

As the pandemic affected businesses and services worldwide, it has created a huge

opportunity for the advertising industry. Delivery services benefit from the fact that

they became essential in aiding societal needs. Branding plays a vital role in helping

businesses and services to adapt to the current and future trends of advertising. This study

focuses on the brand awareness of Lihog Ko, a local delivery service that was founded

when the pandemic began. The goal of the researcher was to create an advertising

campaign to raise brand recognition and provide an effective strategy to help the business

establish a brand, reach out to more customers, and become well-known in the


Given the circumstances, the demand for delivery services has increased. Delivery

services become essential in assisting people in adjusting to the new normal. In response

to adversity, a student from Talisay City established Lihog Ko, a delivery service in

which the driver can purchase a customer's needs or fulfill other requests. Together with

her father, they develop a practical way of responding to the situation as a source of their


Lihog Ko is a delivery service that started in June of 2020. Ms. Krishia Hechanova

and her father Mr. Henchel Hechanova, decided to start a delivery service with the aim of

providing quality services accessible to their customers. Lihog Ko is a delivery service

that can handle any type of request or transaction, including groceries, pick-ups, and bill

payments. The delivery service meets a customer's demand by purchasing items such as

food, medicine, and other necessities. Lihog Ko also accepts on-demand pick-up and

delivery, and a variety of additional requests. Its target market is the locals of Talisay

City and Bacolod City. The delivery service fulfills the needs of the customers by

providing good service in a negotiable and convenient manner. Lihog Ko engages with

their customers by using Facebook and Messenger as their marketing platforms. With the

help of social media, the business was able to introduce the service it wanted to offer.

According to Ms. Krishia Hechanova, the delivery service encountered certain challenges

during the pandemic, but they were able to handle and sustain the service’s demands.

Apart from the demand for delivery services in the Philippines. The delivery

services make a significant contribution to the business industry even without a pandemic.

As it has a social significance in every transaction of goods and services. It is important

for a delivery service to have an advertising strategy in order to appropriately promote the

business to its target market, attract new customers, and sustain the goal of the business,

which will benefit the business as well as the community in general.

Statement of the Problem

The researcher has chosen a local delivery business as she wanted to help promote

its quality and the services it offers, as well as increase brand recognition and develop

strategies to address the challenges that the business encounters. This research would

determine strategies to indicate the appropriate media for a promotional campaign to

develop a brand attitude that would impact the buying perceptions of the customers of

Lihog Ko.

This study aims to design a promotional campaign for the service provider “Lihog

Ko,” which is adhering to safety protocols and responsive to the call of these pandemic


Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the customers of Lihog Ko?

2. What are the preferences of the customers toward the services provided by

Lihog Ko?

3. What advertising strategy or media would be effective in promoting the

services and persuade customers to purchase from Lihog Ko?

The framework of the Study

Lapido et al., (2013) define DAGMAR communication spectrum theory that an

advertisement must raise awareness, ensure message comprehension and conviction, and

elicit purchasing action in order to achieve its goals. DAGMAR theory focuses on how to

measure the results of an advertising campaign and the levels of comprehension that a

customer must-have for the business.


Figure 1.1: Schematic Diagram of the Study

Service and Product Research

Customer Research

Market Analysis

Advertising Strategy

The framework shows that a promotional campaign will focus on the advertising

objectives that support a consumer through levels of understanding. The DAGMAR

Model was designed to create a communication task, which involves communications

between the business and the customer. The communication task involved brand and

product awareness which play an important role in the goal of this study. It also ensures

customers have comprehension about the product or services and how would they benefit.

With this customers can develop conviction toward the brand. The ultimate goal of

advertising was the customer will be enticed to take action. The objective of an

advertising strategy is to persuade the customer to purchase a product or service. This

would indicate the effectiveness of an advertising strategy. The DAGMAR model does

not only conclude the creation of the communication task. Thus, DAGMAR also

involved defining the Objectives for communications. Incorporating advertising

objectives is significant to create communication tasks. The objectives of these tasks

involve what the advertiser wants to achieve through communication. The significance of

segmentation in defining the target market was emphasized by these objectives. The level

of customer perception was also influenced. A defined time period provides better

measurability in achieving the advertising objectives of the communication tasks in

establishing a brand. The study would depend on the ideas and perceptions of the

customers of Lihog Ko. This would develop a brand attitude toward the customers, which

would support the assessment of a promotional campaign.

Scope and Limitation

The study is limited only to the business operations of Lihog Ko within Negros

Occidental. This study will focus on the promotional campaign of Lihog Ko and will

involve the use of both traditional and digital advertising. The promotional campaign is

operational from August 2021 until March 2022. The information and data will be

gathered through an online survey via a google form.


Significance of the Study

The study will provide advertising strategies and materials needed for

the promotional campaign of the business or service. The findings of this study will

be beneficial to individuals who are interested in developing a brand strategy for a

business or service in response to the challenges brought by the Covid -19 pandemic. The

individuals that fall into this category that would benefit from this study include the


Lihog Ko. This study would benefit the proprietors of Lihog Ko since it will aid in

the promotion of the delivery service through advertising. This will provide a positive

brand image and assurance that the business would thrive in the midst of the pandemic.

People of Talisay and Neighboring cities or municipalities. People could benefit

from this study because advertising has become increasingly relevant in our means of

communication, businesses, and services, all of which are helping to meet the

requirements of individuals in this time of crisis.

Advertising students. The Students would benefit from this study because it would serve

as a learning opportunity for them to be competent in working with clients and

advertising agencies in the future. Also by highlighting the significance of advertising in

various settings. Even in difficult circumstances, advertising offers a multitude of

opportunities in current and future situations.


Advertising professors. This study could be used as a future reference of utilizing

advertising strategy in the midst of a crisis. This will encourage future advertising

campaigns to be more proactive and innovative.

Future Researchers. This study would benefit future researchers because they will be

able to use it as a reference for their studies, particularly in the field of advertising.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined to have a common understanding of the

words in the context of this study.

Brand Awareness Is an effective advertising strategy that leads consumers to

develop an instinctive preference for a brand's products and services, where a customer

may recognize a brand based on visual indicators.

Campaign A strategic advertising effort on behalf of a business, brand, or individual

to promote a specific objective in order to attain the best possible results.

Market It is a meeting ground for buyers and suppliers to enable the exchange of

products and services. The pricing of goods and services that are established, which

based on supply and demand.

Strategy A defined set of plans, actions, and goals for advertising that explains how

a business will compete in a certain market, with a number of products or services.


Chapter 2


The methods used to determine an effective promotional campaign during the Covid-

19 pandemic are discussed in this chapter. This chapter will provide information about

the research design, participants of the study, research instrument, and analysis procedure

of the data. This study will also delve into the products and services provided by the

business. The research would be determined by discussing the SWOT or PESTEL

analysis in order to ascertain what factors the business or service faces and what

advertising strategy should be utilized.

Research Design

A quantitative research design will be used to determine the results of the study. This

research will be conducted on 60 respondents who purchase the services provided by

Lihog Ko. The researcher will conduct the study online due to the limitations brought by

the Covid- 19 pandemic. The method for gathering data will be through a survey

containing the research instrument.


Locale of the Study

This study focuses on Lihog Ko located in Talisay City, Negros Occidental. As a

result of the restrictions of the Covid- 19 pandemic, the study will be conducted online

and is limited to the business operations within Negros Occidental.

Population and Sampling Technique

The delivery service utilizes and relies on digital platforms as the marketing tool of the

business. The Facebook page of Lihog Ko has 369 followers & likes which was equated

to the population of the supporters and customers of the service provider. The sample

population would be sixty (60) for a ninety (90) percent confidence rate.

Participants of the Study

The participants were all customers of Lihog Ko since they are the primary target to

determine the effectiveness of a promotional campaign for increasing the brand

awareness of the service provider. The survey questionnaire will be distributed to the 60

customers of Lihog Ko. Furthermore, the respondents of this study will be classified

based on the following variables: sex, age, occupation, and civil status.

Research Instrument

The researcher will conduct the study using an online survey questionnaire that will be

distributed to 60 customers of Lihog Ko who purchased the services. Google Forms will

be used to complete the survey. Parts of the online survey questionnaire were divided, i.e.

Part I for the demographic profile of the respondents, Part II for the background and

preferences of the respondents, and Part III for the perceptions and engagement of the

respondents. The first part aims to define the demographic profile of customers that have

purchased the services of Lihog Ko, which will answer the first statement of the problem.

The second part focuses on the preferences of the customers. The last part addresses what

media platforms would impact the purchasing behavior of the customers. And also

answers the effectiveness of a promotional campaign on what advertising strategies

would increase and develop brand attitude among the customers of Lihog Ko.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

To determine the demographic profile of the customers of Lihog Ko, descriptive

statistics will be used by tallying the data and formulating a chart. The background and

preferences of the customers will also be taken into account when tallying. The question

of the ideal advertising media platforms and the options provided will be rated according

to the percentage and tally it will gather when determining the best approach in a

promotional campaign.

Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

The results of the study and the interpretation of data are presented in this chapter.

Furthermore, the data gathered from the online survey will be analyzed and discussed.

A. Demographic Profile

Figure 2. Gender of the Respondents

Table 1. Gender of the Respondents

Gender No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Male 7 11.7

Female 51 85

Prefer not to say 2 3.3

Total 60 100

Figure 2 and Table 1 show that the majority of the customers of Lihog Ko were female

accounting for 85% or 51 of the total respondents. Male customers accounted for 11.7%

or 7 of the respondents, while 3.3% or 2 of the customers preferred not to disclose their


Figure 3. Age of the Respondents

Table 2. Age of the Respondents

Age No. of Customers Percentage (%)

18-21 years old 7 11.7

22-25 years old 42 70

26-30 years old 11 18.3

30 and above 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 3 and Table 2 show that 70% or 42 of the customers of Lihog Ko were between

the ages of 22 and 25, while 18.3% or 11 of the customers were between the ages of 26

and 30. Customers aged 18 to 21 accounted for 11.7% or 7 of the respondents, while

those aged 30 and above accounted for 0 respondents.

Figure 4. Occupation of the Respondents

Table 3. Occupation of the Respondents

Occupation No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Student 38 63.3

Employed 17 28.3

Unemployed 1 1.7

Self-employed 4 6.7

Total 60 100

Figure 4 and Table 3 shows that the majority of the customers of Lihog Ko are students

accounting for 63.3% or 38 of the total respondents. Customers who were employed are

next with 28.3% or 17 of the respondents. A total of 4 or 6.7% are self-employed, while

1.7% or 1 of the customers indicated as unemployed.

Figure 5. Civil Status of the Respondents

Table 4. Civil Status of the Respondents

Civil Status No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Single 59 98.3

Married 1 1.7

Separated 0 0

Widowed 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 5 and Table 4 shows that the majority of the customers of Lihog Ko were single

with 98% or 59 of the total respondents. The respondents having a civil status of being

married accounted for 1.7% or 1 respondent, while those who were separated or widowed

accounted for 0 respondents.

Figure 6. Location of the Respondents

Table 5. Location of the Respondents

Location No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Talisay City 24 40

Silay City 2 3.3

Bacolod City 29 48.3

Others 5 8.3

Total 60 100

Figure 6 and Table 5 shows that the majority of the customers of Lihog Ko were from

Bacolod City accounting for 48.3 % or 29 of the respondents, followed by the customers

who were from Talisay City with 40% or 24 of the respondents. A total of 8.3% or 5

respondents indicated others or from different locations within negros occidental, while

the customers who were from Silay City accounted for 3.3% or 2 respondents.

B. Consumer Background and Preferences

Figure 7. Respondents preferences for the type of service they usually purchased

Table 6. Respondents preferences for the type of service they usually purchased

Type of Service No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Food & Restaurant 19 31.7


Parcel/Package delivery 26 43.3

Groceries 2 3.3

Bill payments 1 1.7

Others 12 20

Total 60 100

Figure 7 and Table 6 shows that most of the customers prefer Parcel/Package delivery

with 43.3% or 26 of the total respondents, followed by the customers who preferred Food

& Restaurant Delivery with 31.7% or 19 respondents. A total of 20% or 12 respondents

preferred other types of services, while 1.7% or 1 respondent preferred bill payments.

Figure 8. Respondents preferences on how often they use the service

Table 7. Respondents preferences on how often they use the service

How often No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Once a month 12 20

More than once 6 10

per month

Once every three 24 40


Once every six 10 16.7


Once a year 8 13.3

Total 60 100

Figure 8 and Table 7 show that the majority of the customers use the service once every

three months with 40% or 24 of the respondents, followed by the customers who

purchased once a month with 20% or 12 of the respondents. Customers who purchased

once every six months accounted for 16.7% or 10 of the respondents. A total of 13.3% or

8 customers purchased once a year, while customers who purchased more than once per

month accounted for 10% or 6 of the respondents.

Figure 9. Respondents time preference in purchasing from the service

Table 8. Respondents time preference in purchasing from the service

Time preference No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Morning 24 40

Noontime 3 5

Afternoon 31 51.7

Evening 2 3.3

Total 60 100

Figure 9 and Table 8 shows that most of the customers prefer purchasing in the afternoon

with 51.7% or 31 of the total respondents. Followed by the customers who prefer

purchasing in the morning with 40% or 24 of the respondents. Customers who prefer

purchasing noontime accounted for 5% or 3 of the respondents, while those who prefer

evening accounted for 3 or 2 of the respondents.

C. Consumer Perceptions and Engagement

Figure 10. Media where respondents found out about the service

Table 9. Media where respondents found out about the service

No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Social Media 34 56.7

Word of mouth 1 1.7

From a friend 25 41.7

Total 60 100

Figure 10 and Table 9 shows that the majority of the customers found out about the

service was from social media with 56.7% or 34 of the respondents. A total of 41.7% or

25 of the customers found out the service was from a friend, while 1.7% or 1 customer

found out about the service was from word of mouth.

Figure 11. Level of the relevance of the service in the time of pandemic according to

Table 10. Level of the relevance of the service in the time of pandemic according to

No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Highly relevant 24 40

Relevant 36 60

Slightly relevant 0 0

Not relevant 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 11 and Table 10 show that most of the customers find the service relevant in the

time of pandemic with 60% or 36 of the total respondents, while 40% or 24 of the

customers find the service as highly relevant in the time of the pandemic.

Figure 12. Reason of the respondents in purchasing from the service

Table 11. Reason of the respondents in purchasing from the service

No. of Customers Percentage (%)

I find it convenient 39 65

It has good quality 17 28.3


It was affordable 4 6.7

It was based on trends 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 12 and Table 11 show that most of the customers find the service convenient with

85% or 39 of the total respondents, followed by the customers who purchase from the

service because it has good quality services accounting for 28% or 17 of the respondents,

while customers who find the service affordable accounted for 6.7% or 4 of the


Figure 13. The level of satisfaction of the respondents from the service

Table 12. The level of satisfaction of the respondents from the service

No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Highly satisfied 36 60

Satisfied 24 40

Not satisfied 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 13 and Table 12 show that the majority of the customers are highly satisfied with

the services provided by Lihog Ko accounting for 60% or 36 of the total respondents,

while the customers who were satisfied accounted for 40% or 24 of the respondents.

Figure 14. Social media platforms mostly used by the respondents

Table 13. Social media platforms mostly used by the respondents

No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Facebook 50 83.3

Instagram 10 16.7

Others 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 14 and Table 13 show that most of the customers who mostly used social media

platforms were Facebook with 83.3% or 50 of the total respondents, while customers who

mostly used Instagram were 16.7% or 10 of the respondents.


Figure 15. Amount of time spent by the respondents on social media

Table 14. Amount of time spent by the respondents on social media

No. of Customers Percentage (%)

1 hour below 3 5

2-3 hours 14 23.3

4-5 hours 29 48.3

More than 6 14 23.3


Total 60 100

Figure 15 and Table 14 shows that most of the customers spend 4-5 hours on social

media with 23.3% or 14 of the total respondents. Followed by the customers who spend

2-3 hours and customers who spend more than 6 hours accounting for 23.3% or 14 of

the respondents, while the customers who spend 1 hour below accounted for 5% or 3 of

the respondents.

Figure 16. Social media platforms preferred by respondents when engaging with the

Table 15. Social media platforms preferred by respondents when engaging with the

No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Facebook 58 96.7

Instagram 2 3.3

Others 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 16 and Table 15 shows that most of the customers prefer Facebook when engaging

with Lihog Ko with 96.7% or 58 of the total respondents, while customers who prefer

Instagram were 3.3% or 2 of the respondents.


Figure 17. Advertising media prefer by the customers when purchasing from the service

Table 16. Advertising media prefer by the customers when purchasing from the service

No. of Customers Percentage (%)

Online Poster Advertisements 48 80

Brochure and Leaflets 1 1.7

Outdoor Advertisements 7 11.7

Video Advertisements 4 6.7

Total 60 100

Figure 17 and Table 16 shows that the majority of the customers prefer online poster

advertisements as an advertising media that would influence their buying decision with

Lihog Ko accounting for 80% or 48 of the total respondents. Customers who prefer

outdoor advertisements accounted for 11.7% or 7 of the respondents, while 6.7% or 4 of

the respondents preferred video advertisements, and 1.7% or 1 respondent preferred

brochures and leaflets.


Figure 18. Respondents’ level of satisfaction regarding the service

Figure 18 shows that most respondents were satisfied with the services provided by

Lihog Ko. The last part of the survey was to determine the level of satisfaction of the

customers of Lihog Ko regarding the services they provide, and the results show that the

majority of respondents were satisfied with everything from the quality of the services to

the accommodation of the service and the provision of products to its customers.

Service Analysis

The main services offered by Lihog Ko are package or parcel delivery, food

delivery, and other in demand requests by the customers. Lihog Ko as a delivery service,

provides quality services. It is capable of handling any request or transaction. The

delivery service uses digital and online platforms like Facebook and Messenger as their

marketing tool in order to obtain access and engage with their customers. Lihog Ko

mostly provides delivery to residents of Bacolod City, Talisay City, and other cities

within Negros Occidental. Lihog Ko delivers quality services to its customers in a

flexible and convenient manner especially considering and fulfilling their needs in times

of crisis.

SWOT Analysis

The delivery service has grown in popularity as a means for businesses to connect and

engage with their customers. The service provider has adapted to the protocols in order to

continue business operations. With the demand for delivery services, Lihog Ko has

become one of the requested services during the pandemic. What distinguishes Lihog ko

is that they provide and handle any type of customer request. They provide services that

are both flexible and convenient, allowing them to meet the needs of their customers. The

service provider utilizes and relies on digital and online platforms, which is relevant in

today's marketing industry. Because delivery service is so popular today, several delivery

service brands have become well-known in the city, indicating that the service provider

faces a lot of competition. Due to more popular brands, the service provider would have

encountered challenges, as well as difficulty in developing a brand . Thus a business or

service can create a brand image and increase brand awareness with the help of

advertising by developing a strategy that can build brand attitude toward the customer.

Customers can communicate and engage well with the brand through advertising and

brand attributes that help promote the service. When a brand can effectively market and

advertise the business or services through a advertising , the brand can gain more

customers, establish brand image, and increase sales, resulting in frequent growth of the

business and services. Lihog Ko exclusively utilizes media platforms; unlike other

popular delivery services, they rely on digital applications which are more accessible to

customers. The service provider primarily uses Facebook as their marketing platform for

their business and services, which limits their ability to attract more customers. Because

the service provider does not use digital apps, customers would benefit more from the

service if it enhanced its advertising strategy.

Figure 20. SWOT Analysis


Chapter 4

Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter will discuss the summary of results and conclusions of the study, as well as

the recommendations for how the findings of the study can be utilized.

Summary of Results

The following is a summary of the results gathered from the survey:

 The majority who purchased from the services of Lihog Ko were female customers
rather than male customers.
 Most of the customers who purchase from the services of Lihog Ko were young
adults aged 22-30 years old.
 The majority of the customers of Lihog Ko are students.
 Most of the customers of Lihog Ko were single.
 The majority of the customers of Lihog Ko were from Bacolod City and Talisay City.
 The majority of the customers of Lihog Ko usually order package or parcel delivery
and food delivery.
 Most of the customers of Lihog Ko use the service once every three months, while
others use the service every month.
 Most customers prefer afternoon in purchasing with Lihog Ko.
 The majority of customers learned about Lihog Ko was through social media and
from a friend.
 Most of the customers find the service relevant in the time of pandemic.

 The majority of the customers find the service convenient and have good quality
 Almost all of the customers were highly satisfied with the services provided by
Lihog Ko.
 The most used social media platform of the customers of Lihog Ko is Facebook .
 The majority of the customers spend 4-5 hours on social media.
 Most of the customers prefer Facebook when engaging and purchasing with Lihog
 The majority of the customers chose online poster advertisements as an advertising
media that would influence their purchasing decision
 Most customers were satisfied with the service accommodation and delivery of
products or items.


In the statement of the problem for the demographic profile of the customers of

Lihog Ko, it was necessary that the respondents of the study were all customers who had

purchased from the services of Lihog Ko as they were the target market of the services'

media platform. It was determined that most of the customers are single female young

adults and students, who live in the cities of Bacolod and Talisay.

According to the background and preferences of the customers of Lihog Ko it was

determined that all customers have purchased with the services offered by Lihog ko. Data

shows that the majority of the customers of Lihog Ko purchase package and food

delivery, their preferred time for using the service is in the afternoon, which answers the

second statement of the problem. Most of the customers use the service once every three

months, while others use it every month.

In terms of the perceptions and engagement of the customers in the service

provider, it was determined that the majority of customers learned about Lihog Ko

through social media and from a friend. They found the service relevant and convenient

in the time of pandemic, and most of the customers were highly satisfied with the

services provided by Lihog Ko. As seen in the finding of the study it was determined that

the most used social media of the customers is Facebook, where they spend an average of

4 to 5 hours each day, and they choose Facebook as a media platform for engaging and

purchasing the services of Lihog Ko.

Lastly, in determining the advertising strategy or media that would increase the

brand awareness and would influence customers, it was shown that the majority of the

customers chose online poster advertisements as an advertising media that would impact

their purchasing decision.



The following recommendations are made based on the findings of the study.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook is an excellent platform to establish a brand identity. It allows a

business or individual with limited resources to reach their target audience in a fast and

efficient manner (Lekshmi & Rajalakshmi, 2021). Based on the data, the first

recommendation would be to enhance the Facebook presence of Lihog Ko. As the

majority of customers use Facebook as their primary social media platform. It would be

beneficial for Lihog Ko if the service provider would focus on utilizing a strategy to

improve their brand visibility as well as attract new customers. It is recommended that

creating an advertising slogan in Facebook would highlight the uniqueness of Lihog Ko

among competitors.

Because the majority of customers said that online advertisements would

influence their purchasing decisions. Creating poster advertisements in facebook would

entice more customers to purchase from Lihog Ko. Since the service provider was in high

demand in package and food delivery, it is important to highlight these types of services

in the advertisement.

Although Lihog Ko does not have a mobile application, the service may invest in

setting up a good advertising strategy in Facebook in promoting that the service provider

has good quality services and is very convenient which customers may require assistance

in any situation.

Develop A Branding Kit

Branding is an entire process of creating a name and image for a product or

service in the consciousness of customers, through promotional campaigns with

consistent themes (Hasan & Khan, 2011). It is proposed that developing brand qualities

would increase the visibility of Lihog Ko, and would be beneficial for the consumers if

the service provider has a unique brand image. It's important to consider the elements that

contribute to the brand identity of Lihog Ko. Creating visual elements such as, Logo,

color palette, typography, and imagery can help the service provider establish a strong

brand. Because Lihog Ko has been in business since the pandemic and is new to the

industry, also it is a local business. The promotional campaign would recommend brand

attributes needed for advertising that the service provider can afford.

Marketing Strategy


The target demographic of the promotional campaign were single female young

adults and students between the ages of 22 and 30, residing in Talisay City and Bacolod


The target market based on behavioral segment of the promotional campaign were

social media users who spend more time on Facebook, mostly order food and package

delivery, and find the service relevant and convenient.


According to studies market segmentation aids in the more precise definition of

customer demands and desires. A business can utilize market segmentation to identify

market opportunities. An advertisement can impact the purchasing behavior of the target

market that can be developed using segmentation. In particular, the advertisement will

show the qualities offered by the service provider which customers who were young

adults and students would benefit, mainly in food and package delivery. Also the

advertisement will emphasize the social convenience and uniqueness of the delivery

service among its competitors.

Media Identification

Facebook Advertisements

Create a slogan that would highlight the qualities of the service provider and the

type of service that they are most in demand of. And would develop brand visibility to

attract more customers.

Create poster advertisements that would persuade the viewers to purchase from

the service provider by showing how reliable and convenient the service’s in any

situation, and how customers would benefit from it.

In posting of the advertisements it's also important to be aware of the engagement

of users towards the chosen platform. Based on reports it was said that the best time to

post on Facebook for higher visibility as people are just starting with their work and tend

to go online was on weekdays between 9 a.m. to 12 a.m., while the most consistent of

engagement for posting was in the afternoon between 1 pm and 3 pm.


Branding Kit

Develop a logo design for the service provider that conveys the brand's vision

through visual representation. This would improve the brand identity of the service

provider towards the market. Also it would improve their online presence on their

primary marketing platform which is Facebook.

Design brand qualities that would increase the engagement of people towards the

service. Create a color palette that is appropriate for the service provider. Develop or

research a decent font that will represent the whole brand that connects with the audience

in order to establish a brand attitude.

This would serve as visual guidelines, also a unique value proposition to enhance

the image of the brand toward the market, which would be beneficial for Lihog Ko

because it would make it easier for them to promote their services, as well as increase the

engagement of current and new customers towards the service.



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Validity of the Survey Instrument

The research instrument was presented for validation to a jury of experts, namely:

Table 1. List of experts who validated the survey questionnaire


1 Ms. Larissa Pacheco Program Head

2 Mr. Tibo Deocades College Professor

3 Ms. Susanne Tolentino College Professor

Scoring of Survey Questionnaire:

5 –Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Poor

Table 2. Validation of the Survey Questionnaire


1. The questionnaire is short enough such that the respondent

will not drain much of his precious time.

2. The questionnaire has a face appeal such that the respondent


will be inclined to accomplish it fully.

3. The questionnaire can obtain some depth to the responses and

avoid superficial answers or information.

4. The items and their alternative responses are not suggestive or

too stimulating.

5. The questionnaire can illicit responses which are definite but

not mechanically forced.

6. The items are stated in such a way that the responses will not

be embarrassing to the person concerned.

7. Items are framed in such a manner as to allay suspicion on the

part of the respondent concerning hidden purposes in the


8. The question is too narrow, not restrictive, or limited in its

scope and philosophy.

9. The responses to the questionnaire, when taken as a whole,

could answer the basic purposes for which the questionnaire

is designed and, therefore, are considered valid.


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