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XS He 7 NM pet ‘ aobwrve > 5 ° a 2 Gea 03 1-0. %G Q2. Ww (1 coP Gr) + rsincg,)c130g, >i ~ $4, 44 2804.) + 24? sin (gd = ux ques. X + Cit sidiequy? F 4/5445 80 ~ 24} cos(quy = Uy fod + Jef — Ua | | 2sir 1a ogy) 2sin(qoosiqid 0) | % | fShdscoqrtogisingy] [ux asingnengy — rgsing” oF f+ | Sheds sincq-agzenqu}e|44 jo}Lz 584 us Vi = Hat Kv ert per. Vo = Hat bv t bper. C= xd % = ya-y. D Et bvdit bpe=0, S*t kvS+ kp=o. G+ 25unSt We = 0, D E&thet hao. St kevS+ kep=o. S425 waSt Wn =O, Choose $= 1, Wn = 5 Wve = AS%xb2M% Chonse d Riv = 25 un. bape we = 36m, | kev = forte contol e(3-3e) = 10(2-1), Fsiw¥, y= = let C= fa- J Ve = phy Jat HivBy + eepey>, C+ bv by t hpey = 0, n= OS Wes = 19M, fap = 25um=sbm, Ksp= on’ = 32407. Wn = 0.5 Wyo, = 27 pirse = DHT, Kap = wae = ET Too * Qs. w For Castor wheel) 1 ois dn. Bap. Lead, Tsar , A> 028 + walling constraint: jE» RWS, - GQrEo . 508) = 1 since TBD) — Este Bice) — 0.318 vst Brew): : Shiching Constraint: CiB) Rip) £ + dp=o, D CHRO 4, + 02s Biv =0, wheve CBI =F cose dee Bier) SING Be) 03 B sin( Putt) | For _castom wheal 2 + AS CBee - dm, Ba pie. (tl aig, rar, door * rlling Constroint : where, JPRS. - oRg=0, JEG2= E sing grrBo7) ~nst-pn+ Bar) 058 cor Brn) |, Sliding contrat : ccp> Rios. 4 0.25 X)=0, where CCB) = Pom-Bn+ Brn) Sin Fn By) 032 Sinan) | For Swedish wheel |: meas F. Baas HF. yeyotedn . veo. leash. Tau =0.03 * wlling costing: jRiO)$,— ab Gy om 3n 2.0 where j= Psin( A+ 342m) - oF +B 3n) ~ aS oo (Be Fm] CROIE, — O15 Gu SiN FR)~ 0.03 Gia = 0, whee C=[om F134 gn) sinh +31 ny 352 SincA43nr] For Swedish wheel Seage 2, p + volléng conctraing > veb%F, veou, ais beojen. JR Sr- 015 @, os? = 9 2) ou BrBe3) Oss onc Ar Fs] , sliding cmstraing s — ¢RO)S, - aS de Sint) ~ 008 Con =O | where c= PomegtF4F) sin 2eBady osc sine Ba F9] Yaw = 0.08, whee j= [sin-fa G+ . a Omstraing y cb) X= WSG, sings Cqs+aS) - D254, Y= Sing, sings (Qy4ac) + 02084) , z= os C4st05) xe Siege Cqp40.5)'~ a4 Sin, Sings C4, (4,406) + ath cing, Sing, 089, (fs+05) 4 2.04 = Sin’ga(q eas y+ oom = Shlqe gy + Sina qt 0.26 Sings + nog , Za oar gs + a.2b0n74, + a4, 45, irate Be gage ong i > xaye 2 oop = Get +025 = (4it05)*, 4 = +| Xeypezooy - OS. o B= om. (4540.5) > hs Lorcos (que). 0 with Known 42 and 4x, 4, con be colcnlated by x ory. E6221 NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY SEMESTER 2 EXAMINATION 2017-2018 EE6221 - ROBOTICS AND INTELLIGENT SENSORS April/May 2018 Time Allowed: 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS 2. Answer ALL 5 questions. 1, This paper contains 5 questions and comprises 5 pages. | 3. All questions carry equal marks. 4. This is a closed-book examination, 1. A robotic manipulator is mounted on a slanted wall as shown in Figure 1 | Figure 1 (@) _ Use the Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) algorithm to obtain the link coordinate diagram. Derive the kinematic parameters of the robot. (15 Marks) (b) Assuming that a reference frame is assigned as shown in Figure 2 on page 2 and the arm matrix of the robot manipulator in part 1(a) has been derived as T(q)§224, obtain the transformation matrix of the tool frame with respect to the reference frame ‘Note: Question No. 1 continues on page 2 E6221 sie r Reference frame Figure (5 Marks) ‘The dynamic model of a robot manipulator with three joint variables qi, qa» 43 and three ‘control inputs uty, Uz is expressed in Cartesian coordinates (x, ¥,2) as follows: (1+ cos*(q,))¥# +2 sin(q,) cos(q,) ¥ — 5445 c0s(q,) + 247 sin(qy) = Ux 2 sin(q1) cos(qu) # + (1+ sin®(qy))¥ + Suds sin (ay) — 24f cos(qs) = My 102 + 98q2 = us ‘The system possesses unmodelled resonances at 6 Hz, 12 Hz and 18 Hz. (@)__ If the end effector of the manipulator is in contact with a workpiece such that the contact force along the z-axis is given as f = 100(z — 1), design a hybrid position and force controller for the robot so that the system is critically damped and should not be excited at all the resonances. (12 Marks) (©) Suppose that the base frame of the robot is assigned as shown in Figure 3 and the end effector is in contact with a frictionless workpiece. The surface of the workpiece ‘can be modelled as an are of a quarter circle with radius r= 0.2 m and centroid (e.2e) = (1,0) meters. Design the model based portion of the hybrid position and force controller to perform a contact task on the workpiece. Surface of the workpiece te LS! Base frame ¥ Figure3. (8 Marks) E6221 3. (a) _ A mobile robot with a local reference frame (¥,,y,) is shown in Figure 4. There are two)castor wheels and two)Swedish wheels. The radius of each castor wheel is 0.12 ny-anid the radius of each Swedish wheel is 0.15 m. The roller’s axis of the ‘Swedish wheel is shown in Figure 4 and the radius of each rolleryis 0.03 m. The rotational velocities of the castor wheels, Swedish wheels, and’ the rollers are denoted by de1, ear Osis sar Pars» aNd Psr2, respectively. Derive the rolling and sliding constraints of the mobile robot. (10 Marks) kastor wheel 2 > Note all lengths are in meters Rigure4 (b) A manipulator with 3 joint variables q,, qz and q3 is mounted on the mobile robot. ‘The forward kinematic equations of the manipulator are given as x = cos(q,) sin(q,)(qa + 0.5) ~ 0.2sin(q,) y = sin(q;) sin(q2)(4s + 0.5) + 0.2cos(qu) | 2 cos(qa)as + 05 c0s(@,) Solve the inverse kinematics problem to express the joint angles qs, 42 and qa in terms of x, y and z (10 Marks) BE6221 4. A moving camera at poseé P, nd P, t3kes two images of a stationary object, respectively. Assume that four Coplanar and non-collinear feature points are detected on these images, The pixel coordinates of the four feature points at poses P, and P, are denoted as Po [andet}s Poe [Oral] Pre =[@raell’s Py and Pum [boblls Pry bolls Par= [bolls Po =[erbul] respectively, Let H denote the 3 x 3 Euclidean homography matrix from P, to R and let Fay denote the third row third column element of the matrix H. Let @,, 1=1,2,3,4 ‘denote the four depth ratios and A denote the camera calibration matrix. (2) etme sk oopapy ac (10 Marks) (b) Describe a method that can be used to compute the rotation matrix and scaled translation vector from the scaled homography matrix. (4 Marks) (©) We aim to control the camera to move from the current pose P to a desired fixed pose P". Assume that four fixed coplanar and non-collinear feature points can be detected during the whole control process. A 6 x I error term e(t) is defined ‘based on three of the feature points to represent the mismatch between the poses P and P", The error term is govemed by the dynamical equation é(¢) = L(+) (t) where £(1) is the 6 x 1 velocity control input to the camera and L(t) is a 6 % 6 matrix, Assume that £(¢) is nonsingular during the control process. Design a control law for £(t) so that the error term e(¢) goes to zero eventually, and prove that your design works. (© Marks) E6221 ‘A sensing system consisting of multiple sensors is used to achieve accurate temperature ‘measurement of an indoor environment, The temperature x is modelled by iq =A, t0%, where vs, represents noise and disturbance. N sensors with outputs 24) 191,23, are used to measure the temperature, The sensors are modelled by Fy =a, +¥q where vy with .2,3,--",N represent sensor noises. The signals w, and respectively. ,2,3,:-+,N are all zero mean Gaussians with variances given by o,° and 07, Denote &, as the estimation of +... Let the temperature estimation error be defined as Sean = Yaa) ~ 4) Assume that the estimation error %,,, and the noise terms ¥, 5 Yjes Yor» Yoyo Myer Ad My ae all uncorrelated and that the expectation value EL, A fusion-based estimator is proposed to estimate the temperature: Bu BK ea -3) where Ky, /=1,2,3,--,N, are the gains (a) Derive the difference equations that govern the behaviours of the estimation error 4... and the estimation error variance p,,,, respectively. (12 Marks) (b) Determine the update laws for K,, /=1,2,3,N, to minimize the estimation ‘error variance, and determine the update law for the estimation error variance p,,, to obtain the optimal estimation. (8 Marks) END OF PAPER, 5

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