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Primary school of Teacher : khadra Boukabouya

Level : 1PS Unite : 01

Lesson : I listen and repeat Lesson focus : Days of the week
Learning objective (s) : by the end of the lesson, my learners will be able to understand and recognize days
of the week

Target competency : Domain : Materials :

to interact - interpret - produce Oral - written - Both White board - flash cards

1. Intellectual competency: L Can understand ,interpret verbal and non_verbal messages

Cross 2. Methodological competency : L Can work in pairs or in a group
competencies 3. Communicative competency : L Can communicate with his classmates through using
days of the week
4. Personal and social competencies: L Can socialize through oral and written exchange

- being polite

Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives Aids VAKT

10m Warm up - T greets his PPLS and welcomes T-P To pave Board V
them ways
- A quick revision of the previous

30m Pre- - T writes the date on the board T-P Introducing Flash- V
listening P-T new cards
(writes the day in a diffrent color)
and asks the PPLS to recognize the Days
- T presents the days of the week
Through flashcards and asks PPLs
to repeat after him individually
and chorally.
Time Framework Procedures Focus Objectives Aids VAKT

30m During- - T puts the PPLS in pairs and give each pair a set P-P Check Flash- V-K
listening of mixed up cards with the days of the week written underst- cards

on them . T tells PPLS they are going to race to see
which pair can put their cards in order first. Say

"Ready, steady, go!" and let the PPLS put the cards

in order. Play multiple rounds , the winner pair

finished first with the correct order in each round
gets a prize. ( Stickers)

20m Post- - "Wall Touch" game

listening T Asks everyone to randomly stick the cards all P-P Check Flash- V-K

over the walls around the room. Then bring
perfor- cards
everyone into the middle of the room. Shout out

"Monday" and everyone has to race over to a

Monday card and touch it. Then "Tuesday" and
so on (in the correct order) until you make it
through all the week days. Play another round,
this time faster!

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