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– Do things right
Getting the most output from the least amount of inputs. Inputs include resources such
as people, money, and equipment.

Effectiveness – Do the right things

Undertaking those work activities that will help the organisation reach its goals.

Stakeholders are any party in the organisation’s external and

internal environment that are affected by the organisation’s
decisions and actions.

Since all stakeholders have an interest in the activities of the

business, the business must consider the impact of its actions
on all stakeholders.

Organisational culture – The shared values, principles,

traditions and ways of doing things that influences the way
organisational members act.

Employees perceive the culture of the organisation on the basis

of what they see, hear or experience within the organisation

Specific – factors that directly impact achievement of the
organisation’s goals - suppliers, customers, competitors,
government agencies and public.

General – broad political/legal, economic, sociocultural,

technological, environmental and legal conditions that affect the

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