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PT Pulau Baru Mandiri LIST OF A/R INVOICE

Jln Raya Bontang Sangatta Km 3 Rt 04 No 012 Invoice No. : All to All Employee : All to All
Phone: 082152981947 Fax: -
Invoice Date : All to All Customer : ASE PELASTIK to ASE PELASTIK
Invoice Due Date : All to All Payment : All
Document Status : All Option : A/R

Invoice Invoice No Due Date Customer Customer Name Gross Amount Discount Promotion VAT Total Paid Outstanding Payment No./Date C/ Faktur Pajak No Reason
Date Code Amount K

Salesman: 308004 - UVN EFRIADI

14-12-2022 88422013532 26-12-2022 30800394 ASE PELASTIK 3,591,348 35,913 0 391,098 3,946,533 3,946,533 0 6322008051/24-12-2022 K
Subtotal Date 14-12-2022 3,591,348 35,913 0 391,098 3,946,533 3,946,533 0
Total Salesman 308004 - UVN EFRIADI 3,591,348 35,913 0 391,098 3,946,533 3,946,533 0
Grand Total 3,591,348 35,913 0 391,098 3,946,533 3,946,533 0

Print Date: 28-12-2022 10:08:25 Print By: MUHAMMAD NUR RIFAI Page 1 of 1

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