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‘Bsbur conquered north india in 2826.08. ‘Established tauehal attributed as the true founder of Mughal The painting topics ware Mamaaenama, Sais Gulstan cea tates), Hafi's Dw (Mahabharata), Razm Nama framayena}, Tarai, ama Nama, Shab rama, aimur nama, babur nama, Famayan himself got He brought v0 Persian masters ‘and set up fis ert it Kabul ‘Akbar assod the the ‘thagne in 1556 at ating in akbae's “aswikhan wo ‘group work The paintings are) Gok etetions are The images af secular academic, | | "Patnaryeubyedt ot "re male noble adi: are etic, eematic | | agate dominated imaginary they deat Character ever came out in public wik-out “The soma features of i. ' a Mughal Minisnare We painting was done besingie arcst but a collective effant wf twa. near midiie file ‘The lesser artist make the figures and the back-pround andi va Pretrait ookan lmpeetant part in Moghal Miniatare che cfeslur were intngs Eee ee ‘Thefiguros are done in soft, subdued andi tess bright enamet ike colours Pecans 14 profile or quarter profie ‘enamel like: ™ were used = com: ik Tite bt oF sy ‘sible abe mountain Taiasive rocks, (rues, innumerable animals ice deer, many make the et ealistie ‘ithe peopte of raj gathered bbeow the mountain with atts [BABUR CROSSING RIVER SONE ARTIST: AMGANENATH, TEMIMERA ON HANDIARDE PABER ine blend of Persianand ) [ sx hoars in we high ajasthani Minit ide of river Sone Representation of Babu 1827 attendants in abur dating on alange Past ata on well deearated throne surrounde tiy attendants Hels dessedin red coloured royal costurne with turbssv and wast Bane anather boat the wel built lumber colour horse-af Babu can be Bichiy decorated saddle i lve colour and golden bonier ‘Two gunman inthe fore ground Fighting with crocodile in the fore ground {in one boat five occupants have captured a are fis Wo efthem lacking towards the ish nd 2 looking towards dabur Tarbuleat water OF The Te) beautifully depicted Holling & small picture of Maconna in nigh hand presented to him by Jessult father roe Go ‘The partial shows decorative feral “Hasish (doer The Fira! borders arigially caption Warn Persian Miniature ‘The arist mas sent to Persia by ahangir to paint the portrait of shah from where he (perfected the kiva ef border ‘Aquiline noao, painted chin, thin sensuous ‘mouth Colder andbiack strives fF (Calligraphy in-vertical and eeeoetat der Taint suggestion of ais owhined his head aang aT great reanstie manner ‘Sharp beak and vigiant oye painted in yellow ochre Tpit ae feather on the: nec Thinatringhang loosely rom the neck ta ground “Fahangi Post span, Gaharl, E ‘The painting shows the simple He of indian vatages. and wark and worship gnes side by side Fatined penpactveras been uzedin the painting [MIARSHAGE PROCESSION OF DARA:SAIKOH sacs: HA MAD \IATER COLOUR AND TEMPERA ON HANDMADE PAPER PROWINCI MUGHAL SCHOOL (AvADH) Large painting depicting marrioge procession of Bara Shilah Barat recewved by lage The crowd capping and sing Emperor Shahjahan present on horse with halo behing his head relatives ave dressed in brant cathes (Mest of the figures aren profile only afew are inthree quarter sition The women acornpaTng larat dre on eephseit on distance the franta boy isshown dane with dere beat

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