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Personal Development

Quiz #5

Test I: Choose the correct answer on the choices provided above. (5 points)

Social influence Social Norm Conformity Obedience Compliance

__________________1. It is characterized by a change in your behavior caused by the people that

empower you to adjust to a particular situation. Whether someone agrees or disagrees with you, it
influences your behavior that may help or hinder your social roles.

__________________2. This is changing your behavior to be the same with the others in the group.

__________________3. This is granting a request or demand asked by another individual in exchange of

either a reward or a punishment.

__________________4. It means changing your behavior to follow the demand given by an authority or
an adult you have high regards with.

__________________5. This is shared standards of acceptable behavior by groups. 

Test II: Write Con if the situation is pertaining to conformity, Com if it pertains to compliance,
and Obe if it pertains to obedience. (15 points)

1. A person going to work dresses in the same style as colleagues in order to fit in.
2. A college student takes drugs because they don’t want to appear ‘boring’ when all their friends
are doing it.
3. A person walks around the airport like a zombie acting very passively, to fit in with other
4. A diner fails to order meat, despite liking it, because they are surrounded by vegetarians.
5. People stand in line for tickets and do not jump the queue.
6. A child cleaning up their room because their parent asked them to
7. A student helping another student with their homework when asked
8. Buying an item because a salesperson encourages you to do so
9. Helping a friend because they ask you for a favor
10. Assisting someone because they have helped you in the past
11. A person following the traffic laws in their community
12. A person moving over to let an ambulance pass
13. A nurse following a doctor's orders to give a patient medication even though the patient is
14. A soldier shooting at a group of people due to an order even if he knows they are innocent
15. A teacher submitting accomplishment report to the principal
Personal Development
Quiz #5

Test III. Essay (5 points)

Why it is important to follow the social norm of a society. How does this help towards

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