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AIS-F401-E Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies Ver.

6-c Page 1 / 38

Management System, Ashimori Standard

name Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies


Version 6-c

Establishment date 1996.06.01

Full revision date 2013.10.29

Partial revision date 2022.11.01.

Created by Reviewed by Approved by

Shigeo Togawa

Takao Nishida Harushige Motoki

Hiroshi Tanaka
AIS-F401-E Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies Ver. 6-c Page 2 / 38

Table of New issue/Revision/Removal History

Standard name/ No.:Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies /AIS-F401 (1/6)
New issue/Revision/Removal
Created Reviewed Approved
No. Description by by by
Confirmed by
Full/Partial Date
New establishment (Due to change of stand-
1 New issue 1996.06.01 ard No.) [Former AS-N1101]
Full Change and clarify approver of procedure
2 revision 1996.09.11

Revision due to review of Standard.
2-a 1997.12.05 Change submission destination of Process
revision Change Application Form from “QA dept.”
to “QA dept. Inspection sec.”
Change Chapter 2.10.2, 6.3 and “Process
Change Application Form” (Form-8).
Revision due to review of Standard.
2-b 1998.04.10 Add 5. Auditor Dispatch, Request of Res-
ident toⅠ. Control Standard.
When critical quality issue occurred or is ex-
pected to occur, an auditor dispatch from
Ashimori or resident personnel from sup-
plier is requested until the issue is solved.
Full Fully review and revise to conform to
3 revision 1999.04.09 QS9000 system.

Revision due to Honda’s suggestion.
3-a 1999.05.28 9.2.1 Concession Application Procedure
revision Pert 2
Sample to be provided when description in
Concession Application Form is inadequate,
is changed to limit sample.
Partial Quality Assurance dept.→Quality Assurance
3-b revision 2000.07.07 (in each business) dept.
Full Add explanation about PPAP for single part.
4 revision 2001.03.05

Change name and form of “Part Confirma-
4-a 2001.11.06 tion Application & Mold Production Com-
revision pletion Report” to “Part Production Comple-
tion Report”
2.3.1 First Product Control
4-b 2004.01.15 For A rank part, request cooperative compa-
revision nies to draw up and implement Initial Stage
Management Plan. (Applicable only to Auto-
motive Safety Systems Business)
1. Scope Outsourcing companies for
4-c 2004.07.23 transport are also included in the scope.
revision (Applicable only to Automotive Safety Sys-
tems Business) Nonconformity found after an ac-
ceptance inspection Add application proce-
dure of Complaint Handling Sheet. (Applica-
ble only to Automotive Safety Systems Busi-
AIS-F401-E Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies Ver. 6-c Page 3 / 38

Standard name/ No.:Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies /AIS-F401 (2/6)
New issue/Revision/Removal
Reviewed Approved Confirmed
No. Description Created by
by by by
Full/Partial Date

Partial revi-
5.2 Scope of Design Change 3) Change of
4-d 2006.02.24 mold (modification)/new build of mold
(mold remodeling) Add “Note 1: Die and
punch for forging are regarded as mold.”.
4-e Partial revi-
2. First Product Delivery Procedure Add “6)
2006.05.08 Evidence for free from Substance of Con-
cern (SOC 4 substances)” in 2.3 Items to be
reported to Ashimori
2. First Product Delivery Procedure Add
“Evidence for free from Substance of Con-
cern (SOC 4 substances)” in 12. List of First
Product Inspection Procedure. Adopt Ap-
pendix 1, Form-1, Form-12 and Form-13 to
conform to regulation for Substance of Con-
cern (SOC 4 substances).
4-f Partial revi-
Add “Necessity for Report to Customer” in
2006.08.02 Answer Sheet of Process Change Applica-
tion Form (Form-8).
Partial revi-
Add 14. Storage of Quality Document /Rec-
4-g 2006.08.23 ord.
Add storage period in a list of procedure
concerning quality assurance (Form-15). Re-
vise Notice of First Product and Process
Change Application Form.
Partial revi-
Add 2.7.9 Control during Production Prepa-
4-h 2008.11.21 ration Period
14.3 Storage of Document and Quality Rec-
ord Add conformity with customer’s re-
quest for storage period of quality record.
4-i Partial revi- 2009.04.01 Add a dedicated form for Automotive Safety
sion Systems Division. Clarify submission due
date for various documents (Automotive
Safety Systems Division). Change audit pro-
cedure method (Automotive Safety Systems
Partial revi-
Add Planning dept. in column of approver,
4-j 2009.06.17 distribution destination and circular route.
Clarify implementation deadline for correc-
tive measures in reaction to the audit out-
Partial Change form of various documents due to
4-k 2010.05.12
organizational change in Automotive Safety
Systems Company (Production Control dept.

4-l Partial 2010.07.26 Revise form of Part Production Completion

Report (dedicated form for Automotive
Safety Systems Company: AIS-F401-01:
Form-16) (Add supplier column to distribu-
tion destination)
AIS-F401-E Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies Ver. 6-c Page 4 / 38

Standard name/ No.:Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies /AIS-F401 (3/6)
New issue/Revision/Removal
Reviewed Confirmed
No. Description Created by
Approved by
Full/Partial Date
Change form of various documents due to
4-m Partial 2012.04.17
organizational change in Automotive Safety
revision Systems Company (Production Control
dept., Planning dept.→Integrate into Pro-
duction Planning & Control dept.).
Specify submission of evidence for free
from Substance of Concern at the time of
submission of Part Production Completion
Flesh out the submission due date for QC
Process Chart and Supplier Inspection Spec-
Delete Audit Sheet from a collection of
Specify on-demand submission of Self Audit
Revise a form of Report of Persons Respon-
sible for QA.
Changes above are applicable only to Auto-
motive Safety Systems Company.
Change name of document
4-n Partial 2012.07.04
Approval Application Form → Design
revision Change Application Form
Delete Complaint Handling Sheet from a
4-o Partial 2012.07.30
collection of dedicated forms for Automo-
revision tive Safety Systems Company (F401-01)
(Since this document is issued by Ashimori)
2.7.10 Clarify the items for control of spe-
4-p Partial 2012.11.26.
cial process.
revision Add instruction to include Critical character-
istics (CC) and Special characteristics (SC) in
items of 11.2 Supplier Inspection Specifica-
tion and indicate the symbol.
Change a collection of dedicated forms for
Automotive Safety Systems Company (F401-
Supplier Inspection Specification: Add col-
umn for characteristics (CC/SC)
Process Change Application Form: Add de-
scription concerning part No. suffix
Full Revise fully due to PPAP adoption etc.
5 revision 2013.10.29 Nishida Togawa Motoki Kurano
Partial Add requirements for equipment mainte-
5-a revision 2014.03.05 Nishida Togawa Motoki Kurano
nance and trouble shooting.
5-b Change due to organizational change as of
Partial 2014.04.16 Nishida Tanaka Motoki Kurano
2014.04.01 (Company system → Business
Division system, Remove Technology Con-
trol dept., change name of Production Plan-
ning & Control dept. → Production Control
AIS-F401-E Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies Ver. 6-c Page 5 / 38

Standard name/ No.:Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies /AIS-F401 (4/6)
New issue/Revision/Removal
Reviewed Approved Confirmed
No. Description Created by
by by by
Full/Partial Date

5-c Revise a form of Report of Persons Respon-

Partial revi- 2014.06.02 Nishida Togawa Motoki Kurano
sion sible for QA.
Add items to be satisfied for production of
Partial revi- 2014.06.23 Nishida Aiko Motoki Kurano
5-d sion parts that include customer-specified criti-
cal items (Ⓐpart).
Review requirements for critical items.
5-e Partial revi- 2014.09.16 Nishida Togawa Motoki Kurano
sion Partly change and add note for
measurement system analysis method for
Add note for part delivery to overseas.
Add column for Designing dept’s
confirmation in Process Change
Application Form.
Review the document due to develooment
5-f Partial revi- 2015.01.06 Nishida Tanaka Motoki Kurano
sion of English version.
Partly change PPAP package form etc.
Add the example when necessary for
5-g Partial revi- 2015.02.27 Nishida Togawa Motoki Kurano
sion applying process change.
Correct an error of Contents and so on. Tanaka
Add the precautions at the time of Process
Partial revision of PPAP Package
Form.(Reset of Sample Tag) etc.
5-h Partial 2015.06.25 Partly change Advance notice before first Nishida Sasaki Motoki Kurano
revision product delivery and PPAP package form
Change form from FailureHandling
5-i Partial revi- 2015.08.05 Mori Aiko Motoki Kurano
sion Communication Slip to Failure Handling
Form to be used in contact at the Hasegawa Togawa
nonconformity occuered in ashimori
Partly change Definition of lot and display
form of lot.
5-j Partial re- 2016.01.15 Specify the APQP formatting. Nishida hayashi(N Ueda Nishida
vision Change the deadline of PPAP
Add the notice about individual submission
request Togawa
5-k Partial re- 2016.04.05 Nishida Aiko Ueda -
Add VA Proposal Procedure and VA Sasaki
Proposal Sheet
Change ‘Application or Reply Engineering
5-l Partial 2016.06.20 Nishida Yokotani Ueda -
Change’,’ Application or Reply Process
revision Change’, & ‘Concession Application or Hasegawa
Reply’ form.
Add procedure for display of the first
product and special adoption
5-m Partial revi- 2016.09.01 Change the name of documents of PPAP Nishida Sasaki Ueda -
sion Package (Unification of PPAP Submission
Clarification of how to check the Mill sheet
AIS-F401-E Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies Ver. 6-c Page 6 / 38

Standard name/ No.:Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies /AIS-F401 (5/6)
New issue/Revision/Removal Approved Confirmed
No. Description Created by Reviewed by
by by
Full/Partial Date
Add the requirement of self-audit by the
5-n Partial 2017.04.01 Nishida Togawa Ueda -
revision Add the Changes in need of Process Change
Correct the mistakes of PSW.

5-p Partial 2017.09.08 Add the requirement that supplier shall Nishida Togawa Ueda -
revision review the Process FMEA when the Com-
plaint Handling Sheet is issued
Add the changes in need of Process Change
Application (Change of person in charge of
special process).

5-r Partial 2017.12.01 Add the requirement about lot control and Takasu Otsuka Ueda Nishida
revision display of lot for the supplier who can com-
ply with Ashimori’s Lot Traceability System
Change requirements of Quality
5-s Partial 2018.07.18 Nishida Togawa Ueda -
management system with the revision of TS
revision to IATF. Matsubara
Change the submit method of APQP.
Change standard of laboratory
5-t Partial 2018.11.30 Nishida Sakurai Ueda -
requirements and internal audit from
revision TS16949 to IATF16949 with the end of
transition period.
Improve PPAP package.
Change department name in accordance
with organization change.
Add the case to changes in need of Process
Change Application
Add evaluation method for supplier, actions
5-u Partial 2019.04.01 Nishida Sakurai Tanaka -
against the evaluation results and
revision evaluation criteria(Table-2).
Clarification of the acceptance of character-
5-v Partial 2019.04.26 Mori Wakita Tanaka Nishida
istics for process control
revision Detail correction of PPAP package
Change quality documents and records
Stipulate decision making on evaluation cri-
5-w Partial 2019.07.01 Nishida Sakurai Tanaka -
teria for indiscrete values, considering the
revision measurement variability.
Revise documented Inspection Standard (B)
Change display method of lot
5-y Partial 2019.10.01 Takasu Ishitani Tanaka Nishida
Add list of applicable part numbers for ap-
5-z Partial 2020.06.22 Nishida Nishioka Tanaka -
plication for change and form of list of
revision changes for process change application. Sakurai
Change initial process capability studies
method required for PPAP.
Stipulate initial process capability studies
method after mass production has started.
AIS-F401-E Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies Ver. 6-c Page 7 / 38

Standard name/ No.:Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies /AIS-F401 (6/6)
New issue/Revision/Removal Approved Confirmed
No. Description Created by Reviewed by
by by
Full/Partial Date
Correct the format of Initial process studies
6 Partial 2020.08.25 Nishida Aiko Tanaka -
(Continuous data).
revision Change the format of Inspection agree- Nishioka
Add Production Engineering Dept. to circu-
6-a Partial 2020.12.14 Nishida Amase Tanaka -
lation destination of Application or reply
revision engineering change, Application or reply
process change, Concession application or
reply, and VA proposal sheet.
Change process change procedure.
6-b Partial 2021.02.22 Hirao Sakurai Tanaka Nishida
Change form of Application process
revision change.
Change department name in accordance
6-c Partial 2022.11.01 Nishida Aiko Miyoshi -
with organization change.
revision Limited coverage of MSA in PPAP
AIS-F401-E Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies Ver. 6-c Page 8 / 38


1. Scop e - - - -- -- - - - --- - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- - - - --- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -1 1

2 . Q ua l i t y Re q u i r e m e nt s - - -- - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1
2 . 1 Re s p o n si bi l i t y- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 11
2 . 1 . 1 N o t i f i c a t i o n o f Pe r s o n s Re s p o n s i b l e fo r Q u a l i t y A s s u r a n c e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1
2 . 1 . 2 . C o n t r o l o f T i e r- 2 a n d S u b s e q u e n t S u p p l i e r s ( S u p p l y C h a i n ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1
2 . 2 Q ua l i t y M a na g e m e nt S yste m -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2
2 . 3 Pre p a ra t i on o f M a s s P ro du c t i o n - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 2
2 . 3 .1 S pe ci f i ca ti o n Me e ti n g - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 12
2 . 3 . 2 M a s s P r o d u c t i o n P r e p a ra t i o n P l a n ( A P Q P ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2
2 . 4 Re q u i re m e n t s fo r C r i t i ca l I te m s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2
2 . 4 .1 Re q u i r e m e nt s fo r C r i t i ca l I te m s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2
2 . 4 . 2 Re q u i r e m e n t s f o r Pa r t s w i t h Ⓐ i te m ( S u z u k i s p e c i f i e d ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2
2 . 5 P r o d u c t i o n Pa r t A p p r o v a l P r o c e s s ( P PA P ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3
2 . 5 .1 PPA P P ro ce d ur e - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13
2 . 5 . 2 P PA P D o c u m e n t s P r e p a r at i o n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 4
2 . 5 .3 S u b m i s s i o n a n d A c c e p ta n c e of P PA P- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - 1 8
2 . 6 I n i t i a l S ta ge F l o w C o ntr o l - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18
2.7 In spe c ti on - - --- - - -- - -- - - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- - - -1 8
2 . 7 .1 Q u a l i f i ca t i o n A u t h or i z a t i o n of I n s pe c to r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - 1 8
2 . 7 .2 A n nu a l In s pe c t i o n- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 18
2 . 8 F i r st Pr od u c t De l i ve r y P ro ce d ur e - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19
2.8 .1 A pp l i cati on S co p e- - - - -- - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - 19
2.8.2 Document for Prior Announcement to Ashimori-------------------------------------------------------19
2.9 L o t C ontro l --- - -- - -- -- - -- --- - -- - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- - -- - --- -- - - -19
2.9 .1 D ef i ni ti o n of L ot-- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- - -- - ---- - -- - -- -- - -- --- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - --- -- -- -19
2.9 .2 Di spl ay o f L o t- - - - -- - --- - - - -- -- -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - --- - - -- - --- - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - --- - - - -1 9
2.9 .3 L ot Tra c e a bi l i ty- - -- - - - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - --- - - - - --- - - - -- - - -- -- - - - --- - - -- - - - --- - - - -2 0
2 . 9 .4 C o ntr o l a t S h i p m e nt a n d D e l i ve r y- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 0
2 . 1 0 De l i v e r y Pa r t s D i s p l ay Pr o ce d u re -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 0
2 . 10 .1 D i spl ay Fo r m - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 21
2.1 0 .2 Di sp l ay Po si ti o n-- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - --- - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- -2 2
2 . 1 0 . 3 Pr o c e d u r e fo r D i s p l ay o f t h e F i r st P r o d u c t u n d e r M a s s P r o d u c t i o n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2
2 .1 1 D e si g n Ch a nge / P ro ce ss Ch a nge - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 23
2.1 1 .1 Def i n i ti on o f C ha n ge- - - - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- -2 3
2 .1 1 .2 D e si gn C ha n ge Pr oce du re - - -- -- - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - --- - - - --- - - - -- - - - --- - - - - --- - - -- - - 23
2.1 1 .3 Pro ce ss Ch a nge P roce du re - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- - - - --- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - --- - - -- - -- -- - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - 24
2.1 2 C on ce ssi o n P ro ce dure -- - - -- -- - -- - - --- - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - --- - - -- - --- - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - --- - - - -2 4
2 .1 2 .1 C on ce ssi o n A pp l i ca ti on P roc e du re - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - 24
2 . 1 2 . 2 N o ti c e o f Re vi e w Re su l t of C on ce s s i o n A pp l i cat i on - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 25
2 .1 2 .3 D e l i ve ry of Pa r t s w i th Co n c e ssi on - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -2 5
2 .1 3 M ol d Re newa l P roc e dure -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - --- - - - - --- - - - -- - - - --- - - -- -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- - -2 5
2 . 13 .1 A p pl i c at i on For m S ub mi ssi o n- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- 25
2.1 3 .2 Co nf i r mati o n of t he A pp l i cati on - - -- - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - 25
2 .1 3 .3 Im p l e m e nta ti o n of the A p pl i ca ti o n- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - 25
2 . 1 4 Va l u e A n a l ysi s Pr op o sa l Pro ce d ur e - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 25
2 .1 4 .1 S u b m is si o n of VA P ro po sa l -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -2 5
2.1 4 .2 Confirmation of Proposal-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------25
2 .1 4 .3 Implementation of Proposal-------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
2 . 15 L i m i t S a m pl e C on tro l -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- 26
AIS-F401-E Quality Control Standard for Cooperative Companies Ver. 6-c Page 9 / 38

2.16 Equipment Maintenance and Abnormality Handling----------- --------------- ------------- 27

2 . 16 .1 Eq ui p me nt Ma i nte na n ce - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- 27
2 . 1 6 . 2 H a n d l i n g o f A b n or m a l i ty i n E q u i p m e n t- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 2 7
2 . 1 7 Ha n dl in g o f A b n o r ma l i t y i n Qu a l i t y- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27
2 .1 7 .1 N on co nfor mi t y Occu rre d at th e S up pl i er - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- 27
2 . 17 .2 N o nco nfo r m i ty Oc cur re d at A sh i m o r i - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 28
2 . 1 7 .3 N o n c o n fo r m i t y i n M a t e r i a l s a n d Pa r t s S u p p l i e d b y A s h i m o r i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 9
2.1 7 .4 Re occ ur re nc e Preve nti on - - - --- - - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- - - -2 9
2 . 1 7 . 5 C om p e ns a t i on for N o nc o nfo r m i ty i n Qua l i t y- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 29
2.1 8 S pe c ia l Pro ce ss Co ntrol- ----- -- -- --- -- -- --- ---- -- --- -- -- --- ---- -- --- -- -- --- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- -- -- -29
2.1 9 Tra nspo r t a nd S tora ge -- -- --- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- --- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - -- --- -- -- --- -- - -- -- - -- -- --- - -- -- - -- --2 9
2.20 Audit--- ------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------- -- --------------------------- - 29
2.2 0.1 Purp ose-- ------- - ----------- ------- ----------- ------------------ -------- --- ----------- ------- -------- -- 29
2.2 0.2 Audi t Obje ct---- ------- ---------------------- ------- ------ ----- ----- ----- - ------- ------ ----- ----- ----- 29
2.2 0 .3 Aud i t I mp l em e ntati o n- -- - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- -- - -- --- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- - -- - --- - -- - -- --- - -- - 30
2 . 20 .4 Pr oc e du re i n A cco rd an ce w i th th e A u d i t Re su l t- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- 30
2 . 20 .5 A u di t D ocu m e n ts a n d Re co rd s S to ra g e - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 31
2 . 2 1 Qua l i t y D o cu m e nts a n d Re co rd s S tora g e - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 31
2.2 2 Enviro nm e nt- - -- - - --- - -- - -- -- -- - - -- --- - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - --- - -- - -- --- - - -- --- - - -- - --- - -- - - -- - -- - -3 1
2.2 2.1 SOC C ontrol- -- -- --- ----- -- --- -- -- --- -- --- -- - --- -- --- -- --- -- -- --- -- --- -- - --- -- --- -- ----- -- --- -- ----- - -31
2.2 2 .2 IMD S Pr oc e dure- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - --- - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - --- - - - -3 1
2.2 3 C ontro l of Sp e cif i cati o n D o cum e nts- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- - --- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - --- - -- - -- -- -- - -- - 31
2.2 3 .1 Co ntro l of Drawi ng- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- --- -- -- --3 1
2.2 3 .2 Co ntr ol o f th e Q ua l i ty C ontrol Sta n da rd -- - --- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - --- -- - -- 32
2.2 4 Qua li ty Mee ti ng- --------- ----------------- ------------ ------ ----- ------ ---- -------- ------ ----- ------ --- 32
2 .2 5 A ud i tor D isp atch , Re qu e st o f Re s i de nt- - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - 32
2 . 2 6 Re q ui r e m e n t s for Pa r ts De l i ve r y to Ove rse a s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 32
2.2 6 .1 App l i ca ble Pa r ts-- - --- -- - -- - -- - -- - --- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- - -- - --- -- - - -32
2.2 6 .2 Re q uireme nt s- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- - --- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- - --- -- ----- -- -- -- -- --- -- ---- - -32
2 .2 7 P re ca u ti on at Pr od ucti o n of Re si n Pa r ts - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- 32
2.28 Supplier Evaluation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33
2.28.1 Evaluation Method---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33
2.28.2 Actions be taken against the results----------------------------------------------------------------------33
2.29 Maintaining Process Capability------------------------------------------------------------------------------34
A p pe n d i x Ta b l e 1 C h an g e s i n ne e d of Pr o c e s s C h a n g e A p pl i c a t i o n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 5
A p pe n d i x Ta b l e 2 S u p p l i e r Pe r fo r m a n c e R a t i n g S h e e t- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 8
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1)Document Form Collection (Except PPAP)

No. Name

2)PPAP Package
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1. Scope
This standard is established in accordance with the Basic Business Contract, focusing on necessary actions to pro-
duce high quality parts which meet customer’s various requirements and to put them on the market in cooperation
with partner companies (hereinafter called supplier) for parts and processed parts (hereinafter called parts includ-
ing semi-finished parts and finished parts) purchased and used by Ashimori Industry, Automotive Safety Systems
Business (hereinafter called Ashimori).
Cooperative companies include an outsourcing company for transport.

2. Quality Requirements

2.1 Responsibility
The supplier shall be fully responsible for establishing and maintaining an effective quality system and shall ensure
that process control, parts and services provided by the supplier, tier-2 and subsequent suppliers surely meet Ash-
imori’s requirements.

2.1.1 Notification of Persons Responsible for Quality Assurance

The supplier shall inform Ashimori of persons responsible for quality assurance to clarify quality assurance respon-
sibility and authority for delivery parts according to the following procedure.
1) Assignment of Persons Responsible for Quality Assurance
The supplier shall assign individuals who are qualified to meet the following requirements as persons responsi-
ble for quality assurance in the company.
・A person capable of controlling quality assurance of delivery goods on a company-wide level
・A person capable of establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving quality assurance system
・A person who has responsibility and authority to realize customer’s requirements
2) Notification of Persons Responsible for Quality Assurance
The supplier shall inform Ashimori of the assigned persons responsible for quality assurance according to the
following procedure.
・One person as regular and one person as vice shall be assigned to be responsible for quality assurance.
Name of the post, person’s name and assigned (or changed) date shall be clarified.
・The supplier shall draw up the “Notification of Persons Responsible for Quality Assurance” (Refer to Form-1)
and submit to Purchase and Supplies Dept. After conclusion of the Basic Business Contract with Ashimori in a
timely manner.
3) Change of Persons Responsible for Quality Assurance
For any changes in contents of the “Notification of Persons Responsible for Quality Assurance”, the supplier shall
inform of that according to the above procedure in a timely manner.

2.1.2 Control of Tier-2 and Subsequent Suppliers (Supply chain)

In a case where the supplier outsources part of or entire processing, the supplier shall conform to the following
and the quality shall be assured on the supplier’s responsibility.
①For outsourcing contractor selection, the supplier shall research on their actual situation of engineering level,
quality control system, production capacity and process capability.
②The supplier shall provide a Supply chain (Refer to Form-2) up to raw materials source on Ashimori’s request.
If any trading firms intervene in the supply chain, it shall be also documented. The Design Change Application
Form or the Process Change Application Form shall be submitted for any changes or addition in the supply
③The supplier shall request outsourcing contractors to conform to this standard and give proper instructions.
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2.2 Quality Management System

The supplier shall acquire third-party certification of ISO 9001 or IATF 16949 issued by a certification
body bearing the accreditation mark of a recognized IAF MLA (International Accreditation Forum Multi-
lateral Recognition Arrangement) member.
The supplier shall submit a copy of certificate to Purchase and Supplies dept. each time third-party cer-
tification is updated.
The supplier who has obtained third-party certification of ISO 9001 shall continuously improve quality
management system with the ultimate objective of becoming certified to IATF 16949.

2.3 Preparation of Mass Production

2.3.1 Specification Meeting

At the time of order reception for new or design changed parts, the supplier shall understand the part’s
functions, critical characteristics and special characteristics etc. beforehand by taking place a specifica-
tion meeting with Ashimori Engineering Dept. if needed.
For critical characteristics and special characteristics, assurance method (process method, condition con-
trol, error proofing system or inspection method etc.) in process shall be confirmed.
・Critical characteristic (symbol: CC) is a characteristic item that is indicated with ★ mark etc. on
・Special characteristic (symbol: SC) is a controlled characteristic as its quality characteristic (hardness,
film thickness, weld length, weld penetration amount, crimping height and pull-out load etc.) in
special process (heat treatment, surface treatment, painting, welding, crimping and press-in).

2.3.2 Mass Production Preparation Plan (APQP)

The supplier shall make a plan for all quality assurance activities required for parts to be newly released
or to be changed and shall manage its progress.
Ashimori issue PPAP Submission Index and APQP sheet when we request production of new parts.
The supplier shall state the plan of quality assurance activities including PPAP items on the APQP sheet
and shall submit the APQP sheet to PPAP Submission Index issuer until the deadline stated in PPAP Sub-
mission Index.
The supplier shall revise the APQP sheet according to plan changes or implementation.
The supplier shall submit APQP sheet if requested by Ashimori.

2.4 Requirements for Critical Characteristics

Critical characteristics shall confirm to the following.
Critical characteristics: Items indicated with ★ mark or Ⓐ etc. on drawing.

2.4.1 Requirements for Critical Characteristics

1) Characteristic symbol shall be set forth in the Control Plan (the QC process chart) and the Inspection
Standard. For characteristic symbol indication procedure, refer to Section 2.5.2 PPAP Documents Prep-
aration, 7) Control Plan (QC Process Chart) and 17-1) Inspection Standard.
2) Critical Control Characteristic shall be specified at Initial Stage Flow Control and process capability shall
be continuously maintained.
2.4.2 Requirements for Parts with ○A item(Suzuki specified)
1) Definition
① ⒶPart is;
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An essential part to assure vehicle safety under normal usage condition and any defects in this part
may disable to drive or impair driving performance and result in high possibility of a fatal accident
accompanied by injury or death.
② ⒶItem is;
An item, in quality characteristic of ⒶPart, with whose quality characteristic fault may result in high
possibility of a fatal accident accompanied by injury or death or a fire.
2) Requirement
① Display of ⒶPart in operation process
A display board shall be set in operation process of ⒶPart in order to define that ⒶPart is being
processed (assembled) in the process.


② Display of ⒶPart in working process and on machinery equipment

A display board shall be set in working process (assembling) and on machinery equipment for ⒶItem
of ⒶPart in order to define that it is particularly critical process in corresponding processes.


③ Display in shipment inspection site

A display board shall be set in shipment inspection site for ⒶPart in order to define that it is inspec-
tion process for ⒶPart.



④ Qualification of operators
The operators who are engaged in working on Ⓐ Item and Ⓐ Spot of Ⓐ Part shall be given a
qualification to distinguish from general operators.
2.5 Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

2.5.1 PPAP Procedure

1) Application Scope
This applies to parts of which PPAP submission is requested by Ashimori through EO (Engineering Or-
der) or the Process Change Application/Response.
PPAP is a procedure of product and production process validation for new parts or parts with changed
Submission due date and requirements for PPAP shall conform to “PPAP Submission Index” issued by
2) Production of parts for PPAP
The supplier shall ensure that parts produced under mass production condition meet requirements specified on
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Parts for PPAP shall be produced by jigs, tools, gauges, processes, materials and operators for mass production
and total production quantity is consecutively over 300 pieces in operation time of 1 to 8 hours.
In cases where multiple production processes such as more than one assemble line, jig, tool or die/mold with
multiple cavities are used, measurements shall be conducted on parts from each process and tests shall be
conducted on representative parts.

2.5.2 PPAP Documents Preparation

Documents that make up PPAP shall be prepared according to the following.
1)-1 Design Record
For design commissioned by Ashimori, record of the designing shall be submitted. (Refer to Form-4.1)
1)-2 IMDS Declaration
The IMDS declaration for materials shall be implemented through the IMDS data base. The IMDS information shall
be approved. Its registration ID No. shall be described in PSW (Part Submission Warrant) (Refer to Form-4.18).
2) Authorized Engineering Change documents
In a case where design is commissioned by Ashimori and design changes are made to be incorporated into parts
but not reflected in design documents, records shall be submitted to verify those changes were approved. (Refer
to Form-4.2)
3) Design Approval
In a case where design is commissioned by Ashimori, the supplier shall have evidence (e.g. approval drawing, stand-
ard sample) that the design is approved by Engineering Dept. or Development Promotion Dept. which is commis-
sion source of the design.
When obtaining approval using master sample for appearance or shape etc., that shall be documented.
4) Design FMEA
The supplier shall draw up the Design FMEA if the supplier is responsible for the design. Creation of the FMEA shall
be according to the FMEA Manual Version 4 issued by AIAG. (Refer to Form-4.4)
5) Process Flow Diagram
The Process Flow Diagram shall clearly show steps and a chain in production process and shall include all processes
from part receiving to shipment including storage, transfer, semi-finished part storage and part introduction. Plant
name or company name in which each process is implemented shall be set forth. (Refer to Form-4.5)
6) Process FMEA
The Process FMEA shall conform to the FMEA Manual Version 4 issued by AIAG. The items set forth in the Process
FMEA shall be in consistency with those in the Process Flow Chart and the Control Plan. (Refer to Form-4.6)
In case of Important Process(CC), Special Process(SC) and Working Process of ○A item, specify the characteristic
mark in the column of “class”.
Follow the following points in case of revising Process FMEA due to occurrence of nonconformity and so on.
When a failure mode which led to nonconformity occurrence cannot be extracted, add the failure mode in FMEA
sheet and put contents of change (measures) in the column of “Result of the Actions” in FMEA sheet. Also, add
“current design or process control (Prevention and Detection)” with RANK if any “actions (measures)” was not
implemented against the failure mode.
When an nonconformity was occurred despite the failure mode had been extracted, add contents of change
(measures) in the column of “Result of the Actions” in FMEA sheet and review RANK as originally established.
When Process FMEA was revised by occurrence of nonconformity, indicate the description of “Past Trouble” in the
applicable failure mode.
7) Control Plan (QC Process Chart)
The QC Process Chart is a chart that shows control method to attain quality characteristics required for parts in
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manufacturing process and enables to understand the overview of quality control work in the whole manufacturing
process. The items set forth in the QC Process Chart shall be in consistency with those in the Process Flow Chart.
Form of the QC Process Chart is indicated as Form-4.7, however, its form shall be arbitrary provided that the re-
quirements are met. The requirements are shown below.
① Part No./Part Name
Ashimori-specified part No. and part name shall be indicated.
② Process Name
Processes and works at supplier shall be described in order of process and work to be implemented. All
processes shall be indicated from materials/parts receiving to parts shipment without omission. The items
set forth shall be in consistency with those in the Process Flow Chart. Each process of transport, storage,
process transferring, detention, handling, packing (including temporary storage) and annual inspection shall
be included. For annual inspection, implementation timing shall be specified.
③ Equipment Name
Name, model and capacity information etc. of machines, equipment, jigs and tools to be used for each pro-
cess shall be indicated.
④ Process Control Characteristics
To ensure quality characteristics, characteristics to be controlled in the process (temperature/ pressure/ ve-
locity/ oil quantity of equipment) shall be indicated.
⑤ Part Control Characteristics
Quality characteristics of parts to be controlled in the process shall be indicated.
⑥ Special Characteristics
For critical characteristics (symbol: CC) and special characteristics (symbol: SC), characteristic sym-
bol shall be indicated. For an item applicable to special characteristic and indicated with ★ mark on
the drawing, characteristic symbol of “CC/SC” shall be indicated.
Indicate a characteristic mark (○A ) on Working Process of ○A item.
⑦ Standard
Standard value of the Process Control Characteristics or the Part Control Characteristics shall be indicated.
⑧ Responsibility of Control
Name of department responsible for controlling items and quality characteristic shall be indicated.
⑨ Measurement Method
Measurement method of the Process Control Characteristics or the Part Control Characteristics shall be in-
⑩ Check Frequency
Checking frequency of controlled item or quality characteristic shall be indicated. (For quality characteristic,
frequency/quantity and inspection method shall be indicated.)
⑪ Control Method
Inspection method (Control chart, Calculation of Process capability, etc.) to validate conformity with
controlled value shall be indicated.
⑫Trouble Shooting
Procedure and person responsible for any abnormalities shall be indicated.
8) Measurement System Analysis (Gauge R&R)
① Procedure
Measurement system analysis (Gauge R&R) shall be conducted on a measurement system capable of repet-
itive measurement out of all measurement systems specified in the Control Plan. The analysis shall be con-
ducted on both of continuous data (Refer to Form-4.8-a) and discrete data (OK/Not OK, ON/OFF) (Refer to
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The parts subject to the MSA must have critical or special characteristics, and other parts may be omitted
with our agreement.
For the same system (same measurement device, same measurer), the analysis shall be conducted on the
smallest standard dimension.
For calculation method of %GRR for continuous data, there are methods of using total variation for denom-
inator called “Total variation method” and using 1/6 of tolerance for denominator called “Tolerance method”.
The Total variation method shall be used for process control measurement system and the Tolerance method
for inspection measurement system. The parts to be used for %GRR calculation shall be representative parts
of variation in process (upper/lower limit part).
For discrete data measurement system analysis, at least 3 pieces of NG parts shall be included in 25 pieces
of measurement parts. The NG parts shall not be clearly deviated parts but barely deviated parts.
The measurement systems capable of repetitive measurement are nondestructive and reproducible meas-
urements such as dimension measurement, excluding strength requirement, destructive test torque meas-
urement, assembly load and pull-out load etc.
② Judgment Criteria
a) Continuous data
・%GRR=Under 10% and ndc = min.5: OK
・%GRR=10%~30% and ndc = min.5: Provisionally OK (Justification for OK result of the measurement system
is required)
・%GRR=Over 30%: NG (Measurement system needs modification)
b) Discrete data
・Measurement part quantity: 25 pcs, Measurer: 2 people,
Number of measurement: Validity (number of OK) shall be 100% in twice of measurement for each.
9) Dimensional Results
All dimensional characteristics on drawing are applicable. The measurement sample quantity shall be 3 pcs for each
production process. (Refer to Form-4.9-a or 4.9-b)
For a part to be purchased in ASSY condition (e.g. Housing ASSY), the measurement shall be conducted on both
single component part (Housing, Guide bar etc.: Use Form-4.9-a) and ASSY (Use Form-4.9-b).
Measurement accuracy shall be 1/10 or less of tolerance specified on drawing.
10) Material Test/ Performance Test Results
10)-1 Material Test
In cases where chemical, physical or metallurgical requirements are specified in design document or the Control
Plan, the test shall be conducted on all parts and materials. The judgment criteria shall be defined (Refer to Form-
4.10-a). Material certificate shall be submitted regardless of the necessity of material test. The supplier shall con-
firm that the material described in the material certificate is same as the material instructed in the drawing.
10)-2 Performance Test
In cases where performance or functional requirements are specified in design document or the Control Plan, the
test shall be conducted on all parts and materials. The judgment criteria shall be defined (Refer to Form-4.10-b).
11) Initial Process Studies
The investigation shall be conducted for Critical Characteristics and Special Characteristics specified in 7)-1 ⑥, For
continuous data, carry out sampling with more than forty parts, the following shall be met; Ppk: 1.67 or more.
(Refer to Form -4.11-a)
For discrete data, make a decision using three hundred parts, requirement specification shall be met for all items.
(Refer to Form-4.11-b)
12) Accreditation of Test Body
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Inspection or test facility shall, in principal, meet IATF16949 Section Requirements for Test Place. For inter-
nal test, Section Requirements for Internal Test Place shall be met. For outsourcing the testing, a test
facility accredited by ISO/IEC 17025 or equivalent domestic standards shall be selected.
If the above requirement cannot be met, a list of measurement devices and calibration schedule shall be submitted.
13) Appearance Approval Report
The supplier shall obtain appearance samples of color, grain and gloss etc. for parts in need of appearance approval
from Engineering Dept. or Development Promotion Dept. and shall draw up AAR (Refer to Form-4.13) for the
14) Production Part Sample (to be submitted to Ashimori)
Samples to be submitted for PPAP shall be made according to 2.5.1 2) Production of parts for PPAP.
15) Master Sample (to be stored at the supplier)
The master sample shall be originated from the same lot as for PPAP samples and shall be clearly identified as a
master sample for storage.
16) Checking Aids Verification Form
Checking Aids shall be operational, have no damage and show expire date on it (Refer to Form-4.16). Measurement
system analysis shall be conducted according to 2.5 28) and the tool shall be controlled as a measurement device
by means of regular calibration etc.
17) Ashimori-Specific Requirement
In a case where documents other than the above 1) ~ 16), below 17)-1, 2, 3, 18) and 19) are required to submit,
specific name of documents to be submitted are given in Section 17) of “PPAP Submission Index” as Ashimori-
specific requirements. The supplier shall follow this instruction.
17)-1 Inspection Agreement and Inspection Standard
To satisfy required quality for parts, the supplier shall specify inspection position, frequency, method, pass and fail
evaluation criteria and others in the Inspection Agreement and Inspection Standard (Refer to Form-4.17-a~g) and
submit to Ashimori.
Critical Characteristics (symbol: CC) and Special Characteristics (symbol: SC) shall be incorporated into inspection
standard and characteristic symbols shall be indicated. Critical Characteristics (symbol: CC) and Special Character-
istics (symbol: SC) shall be regarded as critical inspection items in inspection agreement and reflected in the inspec-
tion items in the Inspection Standard.
For an item applicable to special characteristic and indicated with ★ mark on the drawing, characteristic symbol of
“CC/SC” shall be indicated.
Inspection items may be specified by Ashimori.
In a case where the inspection items are indiscrete values, the pass or fail evaluation criteria shall be determined
by concerning measurement variability (refer to Note) corresponding to values indicated in drawings.
In case of conducting Gauge R&R: The pass and fail evaluation criteria shall be the value subtracted one-half
of %GRR result from the upper and lower limits tolerance specified in drawings.
In case of not conducting Gauge R&R: The pass and fail evaluation criteria shall be the value subtracted the mini-
mum measurement device value from the upper and lower limits tolerance specified in drawings. However, if
there is an agreement with our company, there is no need to concerning measurement variability in places that
do not affect performance.
17)-2 Supply Chain
Refer to Section 2.1.2
17)-3 Evidence for Free from Substance of Concern
Evidence shall be submitted to prove that SOC4 substances (lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chrome) are
not contained. Its form shall be arbitrary.
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18) Part Submission Warrant (PSW)

The supplier shall ensure that all PPAP requirements are satisfied and shall draw up the Part Submission Warrant
(PSW) with signature. (Refer to Form-4.18)
If PPAP requirements cannot be fully satisfied by the due date, preparation planning document for uncompleted
items shall be attached to the completed document and submit along with the Concession Application Form ac-
cording to 2.10 Concession Procedure. Interim approval is granted depending on the content.
19) PPAP Check List
At PPAP documents submission, the supplier shall confirm if there is no missing document using the Check List
(Refer to Form-4.19).

2.5.3 Submission and Acceptance of PPAP

The PPAP Submission Index, the PSW (Part Submission Warrant), the PPAP Check List and various PPAP documents
(PPAP package) shall be submitted to Ashimori at once. (Submit to PSI issuer)
Deadline for PPAP documents shall be two weeks prior to the mass-production parts ship date.
There is a case to request the individual at any time submit for each document of PPAP.
Acceptance, rejection or tentative acceptance for PPAP shall be informed through the PSW. The parts delivery for
mass production is not allowed unless acceptance or tentative acceptance is given.

2.6 Initial Stage Flow Control

The supplier shall draw up and practice the Initial Stage Flow Control Plan for initial phase of mass production of
new parts and design/process changed parts. In the Plan, implementation period and termination criteria of initial
flow control shall be defined.
Check items for the Initial Stage Flow Control shall be, for example;
①Critical control characteristics: More frequent checking, Tendency control, Process capability review
②Quality characteristics affected by operator’s knowledge/skill: Special inspection such as 100% check
③Quality characteristics that caused defect at production preparation phase: Special inspection such as 100%
④Customer’s request: Special inspection such as 100% check
⑤Appearance characteristics for design parts: Special inspection such as 100% check

After the period, the outcomes of Initial Stage Flow Control (Defects and/or issues found and measures taken during
Initial Stage Control) shall be reported. If no defect or issue was found, that shall also be reported.
Issues arisen in Critical control characteristics shall be reported to Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality
Control Unit.
In a case where the Initial Stage Flow Control period and check items are specified by Ashimori, the supplier shall
follow those instructions.

2.7 Inspection

2.7.1 Qualification Authorization of Inspector

Workers who are engaged in inspection process shall be accredited and separated from normal workers.
With regard to visual inspection, periodic review shall be performed because it is considered that their checking ability
might be deteriorated as inspectors’ eyesight goes worse as they get older.
The products or parts such as NG samples or limit samples shall be used in the periodic review.
2.7.2 Annual Inspection
All dimensional characteristics and functional/performance characteristics shall be checked at least once a year on
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a regular basis to confirm their conformity with requirement specification. The annual inspection shall be con-
ducted on N=1 for each production process and each mold and its implementation shall be set forth in the Control
Plan (the QA Process Chart) (Description such as all characteristics specified on drawing etc. is acceptable).
The inspection result shall be provided on demand from Ashimori.

2.8 First Product Delivery Procedure

2.8.1 Application Scope

The following parts are applicable.
① New order parts
② Design changed parts
③ Process changed parts
④ Value Analysis Proposal adopted parts (excluding requirement of Design Change or Process Change.)

2.8.2 Document for Prior Announcement to Ashimori

The supplier shall submit “Advance Notice before First Product Delivery” (Refer to Form-3) to Quality Assurance
Dept. or Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit before delivery of the first product under
mass production.
The submission due date shall be 7 days before production parts delivery.
When delivering process change products, fill in the “Information on the first product to be delivered” of Process
Change Application and submit it to Purchase and Supplies Dept. Production Control Unit at least one month before
delivery. (If you need to deliver changed parts in a hurry, please contact Purchase and Supplies Dept. Production
Control Unit.)

2.9 Lot Control

The supplier who can comply with Ashimori’s Lot Traceability System shall follow 2.9.1-B, 2.9.2-B and 2.9.3-B. The
supplier who is not able to fulfill the requirement specified in the said items B shall follow 2.9.1-A, 2.9.2-A and
2.9.1 -A / B Definition of Lot
Lot is a group of parts that are manufactured under the same condition. Basic lot types are as follows.
① Raw material lot: Minimum unit of raw material that has the same characteristic. (In accordance with the
criteria of raw materials manufacturers.)
② Process lot : Minimum unit of parts that are produced continuously in the same conditions. As a general rule,
it is defined as one lot the production volume of the day or shift.
③ Delivery lot : Minimum unit of parts that have been delivered to the same location on the same day.
⑤ Process lot after design/process change: If raw materials change, production equipment change or produc-
tion method change etc. has been made, the lot shall be separated.

2.9.2-A Display of Lot

① Display of process lot on the parts shall be carried out in accordance with the instruction on the drawing.
② Display of process lot on the box or container shall be carried out in accordance with the instruction on
2.10.1-A Display Form.

2.9.2-B Display of Lot

① Display of process lot on the parts shall be carried out in accordance with the instruction on the drawing.
② Display of process lot on the box or container shall be carried out in accordance with the instruction on
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2.10.1-B Display Form.

④ Lot No to be shared by the supplier and Ashimori shall be the one which appears in the suppliers’ lot number
(the lot number which is able to trace by themselves) on Ashimori specified Identification Tag.

2.9.3-A Lot Traceability

The supplier shall be able to identify production date for each production process or process lot and used material
lot by Ashimori-specified delivery date, part’s lot display or process lot symbol.
In addition, Ashimori-specified delivery date, part’s lot display or process lot symbol shall be able to be identified
by material lot and process lot.
The control system shall be capable of tracing target quantity, raw material lot, production condition, inspection
record, production date, worker and others by specified lot. Quality records and production records required for
tracing shall be stored.
The supplier shall establish a system capable of providing the above quality records and production records to
Ashimori within 5 working days when Ashimori requests to trace specific lot.

2.9.3-B Lot Traceability

The supplier shall be able to identify production date for each production process or process lot and used material
lot by the suppliers’ Serial lot numbers in Ashimori specified Identification Tag.
In addition, the suppliers’ Serial lot numbers in Ashimori specified Identification Tag shall be able to be identified
by material lot and process lot.
The control system shall be capable of tracing target quantity, raw material lot, production condition, inspection
record, production date, worker and others by specified lot. Quality records and production records required for
tracing shall be stored.
The supplier shall establish a system capable of providing the above quality records and production records to
Ashimori within 5 working days when Ashimori requests to trace specific lot.

2.9.4-A Control at Shipment and Delivery

The supplier shall, in principal, follow first-in first-out rule even for a transfer between processes.

2.9.4-B Control at Shipment and Delivery

The supplier shall, in principal, follow first-in first-out rule even for a transfer between processes.
In addition, Identification Tag at the time of shipment and delivery shall be controlled in accordance with Ashimori
specified ‘Identification Tag Administration Rules’.

2.10 Delivery Parts Display Procedure

The supplier who can comply with Ashimori’s Lot Traceability System shall follow 2.10.1-B, 2.10.2-B and 2.10.3-B.
The supplier who is not able to fulfill the requirement specified in the said items B shall follow 2.10.1-A, 2.10.2-A
and 2.10.3-A.

2.10.1-A Display Form

Unless otherwise specified, the display form shall be arbitrary however the following items shall surely be included
(Refer to Form-5)
① Delivery date (Delivery date to Ashimori Industry)
② Part No.
③ Quantity
④ Process Lot (※1)
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⑤ Supplier’s name (company name)

※1 ④ is lot symbol which allows for lot tracing on the supplier side, and process lot indication shall be
surrounded by thick line.
When Ashimori provide Identification Tags, handle based on the above ※mark.

2.10.1-B Display Form

The suppliers have to use specified Ashimori’s WEB-EDI System except Ashimori admits to utilize different style if
the suppliers introduce the system.
The suppliers prohibit to write anything by their hands because these items below are automatically displayed.
【WEB-EDI System】
① Receiving date(Arrival date in Ashimori)
② Parts number
③ Quantity
④ Suppliers’ lot number (※1)
⑤ Suppliers’ name(name of company)
⑥ Parts name
⑦ Serial lot
⑧ Name of delivery place
⑨ QR Code (※2)

※1: On this Ashimori specified identification tag, suppliers lot number is indicated which is input to WEB-EDI
System. Inputting suppliers’ lot number is essential. If the suppliers don’t type in suppliers’ lot number, it doesn’t

※2:Inside the OR Code, 8 items are typed in ; listing from 1 to 7 upper and “Order Number”, which is based of Ashimori
specified identification tag. A picture below is a sample.

【Ashimori specified Identification tag Issuing System】

① Date(manufactured date by the supplier or delivery date to Ashimori)
② Parts number
③ Quantity
④ Suppliers lot number (※3)
⑤ Suppliers name (name of company)
⑥ Parts name
⑦ Serial number
⑧ Name of delivery place
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⑨ QR Code (※4)
※3: On the identification tag, the suppliers lot number is indicated which is input to the identification tag issuing system.
Inputting suppliers’ lot number is absolute. Therefore, if the suppliers don’t type in the suppliers’ lot number, it will print
out the identification tag without the lot number.

※4: Inside the QR code, there are 8 items are set up; listing from 1 to 7 and Order Number. However, there is no Order
Number, so Order Number column becomes blank space.
The suppliers are able to select which system are going to use and issue the identification tag. The suppliers need to
handle these systems adhere to Ashimori specified ‘Identification Tag Administration Rules’ A picture below is a

2.10.2-A Display Position

The display shall be on side face of outer packing box of delivery parts and old display shall be deleted for reuse. In
a case where the display position is specified in the Packing Style Application Form etc., the supplier shall comply
with it.
If more than one packing is contained in one case, each packing shall have the display as above.

2.10.2-B Display Position

The display shall be on side face of outer packing box of delivery parts. One item shall be displayed in one Identifi-
cation Tag. In a case where the display position is specified in the Packing Style Application Form etc., the supplier
shall comply with it.
If more than one packing is contained in one case, display shall be carried out in accordance with ‘Identification Tag
Operation Rule’.

2.10.3-A Procedure for Delivery of the First Product under Mass Production
At delivery of the first product under mass production, in order to distinguish the first product from old product,
clear indication of the first product shall be rubricated on the Delivery Slip, Statement of delivery, and the Display
(on each outer packing box).
Indication of the first product shall be done for each delivery destination and for at least 1 delivery lot.

2.10.3-B Procedure for Delivery of the First Product under Mass Production
At delivery of the first product under mass production, in order to distinguish the first product from old product,
clear indication of the first product shall be rubricated on the Delivery Slip, Statement of delivery, and the Display
(on each outer packing box).
In case of Ashimori specified Identification Tag, it is recommended to rubricate either “ ○初 ” or “ ○IP ” sign in
Remark box as an indication of the first product. (IP=Initial Production)
Indication of the first product shall be done for each delivery destination and for at least 1 delivery lot.
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2.11 Design Change/ Process Change

2.11.1 Definition of Change

1) Definition of Design Change
Design change is a change in contents on drawing or a change that have influence on performance/critical
functions. Changes applicable to the conditions described above at tier-2 and subsequent suppliers are
also included.
E.g.: change of material, change of punch mark position, change of mold matching position, change of
gate position, change of ejector pin position, change of parting line, change of material manufacturer,
change of material grade, change of paint (including touch-up), change of additive agent, change of ad-
hesive agent, change of mold structure, introduction of new material, change of type/ingredient (chemical
ingredients, mechanical characteristics, composition etc.) etc.
2) Definition of Process Change
Process change is a change unaccompanied by drawing change such as change of manufacturing process,
change of operators, change of tier-2 supplier or change of equipment etc. Changes applicable to the
conditions described above at tier-2 and subsequent suppliers are also included.
Also for failure correction for existing parts that is not applicable to design change, the Process Change
Application is required. Changes that require the Process Change Application are shown in Appendix Table
For changes specified in Appendix Table 1, the supplier shall apply for Process Change even if the change
is temporary, regardless of length of period.
*In a case where the supplier has difficulty judging on whether the change is applicable to the Process
Change Application or not, it shall be informed to Quality Assurance Dept. or Purchase and Supplies
Dept. Purchasing Unit to ask their judgment on necessity of the Process Change.
【Consultation destination of process change】
When applying from our production site: Quality Assurance Dept.
When applying from supplier: Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit

2.11.2 Design Change Procedure

1) Submission of “Application or Reply Engineering Change”
When the supplier plans design change, “Application or Reply Engineering Change” (Refer to Form-6) with neces-
sary information filled in shall be submitted to Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit beforehand. The sub-
mission due date shall be at least 90 days before expected delivery date of changed part. Further time may be
required for customer’s approval.
When applying an engineering change for the identical contents of the multiple parts, the supplier should attach
the List of Part Numbers Subjected to Application for Change (Refer to Form 6-2).
2) Confirmation of Design Change Application
Person responsible in Engineering or Development Promotion Dept. shall check the contents of the submitted
“Application or Reply Engineering Change” and obtain confirmation from customer if needed then give response
and instructions to the supplier and take necessary actions as Engineering /Development Promotion Dept.
3) Implementation of Design Change
The supplier shall implement the change according to EO issued by Engineering or Development Promotion Dept.
Implementation of Design Change without approval is not acceptable. After the Design Change, PPAP shall be sub-
mitted according to the PPAP Submission Index issued along with EO. The submission due date of PPAP shall be at
least 30 days before changed parts delivery.
4) Delivery of Design Changed Parts
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The parts produced through changed design shall be proceeded according to 2.8 First Product Delivery Procedure
and delivered with a display according to 2.10 Delivery Part Display Procedure.

2.11.3 Process Change Procedure

1) Submission of “Process Change Application / Response”
When the supplier plans process change, “Process Change Application / Response” (Refer to Form-7) with necessary
information filled in shall be submitted to Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit beforehand. The submission
due date shall be at least 90 days before expected delivery date of changed part. (If the application is made less
than 90 days before expected delivery date, it should be classified as "Emergence.") Further time may be required
for customer’s approval.
Write down any concrete changes, and quality characteristics to be affected by the change ant its concerns in the
List of Comparison of changes (Form 7-2). When applying a process change for the identical contents of the multiple
parts, the supplier should attach the List of Part Numbers Subjected to Application for Change (Refer to Form 6-2).
But it is subjected that the timing of changes are the same, if the timing of the change is different, an applica-
tion for process change should be submitted for each part.
When applying for a process change for parts at an overseas production site, attach a list of the local custom-
er's delivery part number and our company's part number to “Process Change Application / Response”.
2) Confirmation of Process Change Application
Quality Assurance Dept. and Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit shall check the contents of the submitted
“Process Change Application / Response” then give response and instructions to the supplier and take necessary
actions as Quality Assurance Dept. or as Inspection Sec.
3) Response by Process Change Application & Response Form
The supplier shall verify and validate the change according to the contents of the response to “Process Change
Application / Response”. Implementation of Process Change without approval is not acceptable.
4) Implementation of Process Change
After the Process Change, the supplier shall submit “Process Change Application / Response” and PPAP ac-
cording to the PPAP Submission Index issued along with Response Form. The submission due date shall be
at least 30 days before changed parts delivery date.
5) Delivery of Process Changed Parts
The parts produced through changed process shall delivered with display according to 2.10 Delivery Part Display
First product display and control number described in “Process Change Application / Response” shall be described
in the packing box.

2.12 Concession Procedure

When the supplier delivers parts which are not compliant with Ashimori’s requirements (Refer to Note 1) for ex-
ceptional circumstances, the following Concession procedure shall be certainly performed before delivery.
(Note 1)
① When required characteristics on drawing are not satisfied
② When there is no limit sample for appearance, color and damage or when parts do not conform with limit
③ For parts delivery with PPAP unapproved
④ When delivering non-approved process change parts

2.12.1 Concession Application Procedure

The application procedure to be complied with shall be as follows.
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① The supplier shall put the necessary information in “Concession Application or Reply” (Refer to Form-8) and
submit to Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit.
② Explanatory documents and samples shall be submitted along with the Concession Application Form.
③ Quantity and period in need of Concession shall be set forth in the application. For addition of the quantity
and extension of the period, “Concession Application or Reply” shall be resubmitted.
④ Plan of termination of Concession and scheduled date of delivery of parts without concession shall be set
forth or attached.
⑤ The submission due date of “Concession Application or Reply” shall be 7 days before the parts delivery.
2.12.2 Notice of Review Result of Concession Application
Once the Concession Application or Reply is submitted by the supplier, Quality Assurance Dept. or Purchase and
Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit reviews the contents and decides on whether to adopt or reject
after consultation with associated depts. as necessary. The result of review is reported to the supplier from Quality
Assurance Dept. or Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit. For conditional adoption, the
supplier shall comply with it.

2.12.3 Delivery of Parts with Concession

Once the Concession Application is accepted, the supplier shall rubricate an indication of Concession on the Deliv-
ery Part Display (on each outer packing box), Statement of delivery, and the Delivery Slip.
Control number described in the Concession Application or Reply shall be described in the packing box.

2.13 Mold Renewal Procedure

2.13.1Application Form Submission

When the supplier plans ①Renewal of mold due to mold aging, ②Mold modification due to breakage,
or ③Production of additional mold due to increase of production quantity, “Application or Reply Mold
Renewal, Repair, or Increase” (Refer to Form-9) with necessary information filled in shall be submitted to
Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit.

2.13.2 Confirmation of the Application

Person responsible in Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit. checks the submitted “Application or
Reply Mold Renewal, Repair, or Increase” and obtains confirmation from associated depts. as necessary.
The response is given to the supplier from Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit.

2.13.3 Implementation of Mold Production/Modification

The supplier shall implement Process Change procedure according to 2.11.3 “Process Change Procedure”
after obtaining the response from Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit.

2.14 Value Analysis Proposal Procedure

2.14.1 Submission of VA Proposal

When the supplier plans proposal regarding cost reduction, “VA Proposal Sheet” (Refer to Form-14) with necessary
information filled in shall be submitted to Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit.

2.14.2 Confirmation of Proposal

Person responsible in Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit. checks the submitted “VA Proposal Sheet”
and obtains confirmation from associated depts. as necessary. The response is given to the supplier from Purchase
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and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit.

2.14.3 Implementation of Proposal

The supplier shall implement VA Proposal, procedure of Design or Process Change according to the response from
Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Unit. When the proposal adopted without the procedure of Design or
Process Change, applicable parts of proposal shall be proceeded according to 2.8 First Products Delivery Procedure
and delivered with display according to 2.10 Delivery Parts Display Procedure
2.15 Limit Sample Control
In a case where a limit sample is required as a reference for functional inspection, the supplier shall produce the
sample according to the following procedure to prevent defect in quality.
1) Limit sample
The limit sample is a guideline to define judgment criterion of acceptance on behalf of the Inspection Standard
when the Inspection Standard cannot sufficiently represent the quality of delivery part. Therefore, for the inspec-
tion of parts whose limit sample is supplied, the supplier shall provide education and training to the operators to
ensure their accurate skills.
2) Production method of limit sample
The limit sample shall be produced when it is judged to be necessary by the supplier or Ashimori. The quantity shall
be at least 2 pieces; one for return to the supplier and the other for backup at Ashimori however it shall be deter-
mined on a consultation if needed.
3) Submission of limit sample
The supplier shall prepare “Limit Sample Application” (Refer to Form-10) and “Limit Sample Application & Thing
Tag” (Refer to Form-11) and submit to Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit Inspection Sec.
along with the sample.
4) Acceptance of limit sample
Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit checks the submitted limit sample to decide on its
acceptance and further, applies for limit sample approval to customer as needed.
5) Limit sample provided by Ashimori
Ashimori may provide limit sample as needed. For any inquiries on this limit sample, Ashimori Purchase and Sup-
plies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit shall be the contact point for consultation.
6) Control of limit sample
The limit sample shall be controlled so that its condition at the time of acceptance can be maintained throughout
the effective period.
7) Effective period of limit sample
Effective period of the limit sample shall be determined by Quality Assurance Dept. or Purchase and Supplies Dept.
Purchasing Quality Control Unit at the time of acceptance in consideration of deterioration with age.
8) Renewal of limit sample
If applicable to the followings, the limit sample shall be renewed by the same procedure as the first time.
①When the effective period of limit sample is ended
②When the judgment criteria of limit sample are changed
③When the limit sample is unusable as limit sample owing to breakage
9) Removal of limit sample
When Ashimori judges that existing limit sample is not necessary, it shall be removed.
If the supplier has need of removal, this shall be reported to department approved limit sample to ask for their
10) Reflection in Control Plan
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The event of limit sample setting and removing shall surely be incorporated into the Control Plan (the QC Process
2.16 Equipment Maintenance and Abnormality Handling
Operational control of equipment, jigs/tools and measurement devices to be used by the supplier and abnormality
handling shall be performed as per the following.

2.16.1 Equipment Maintenance

For equipment, jigs/tools and measurement devices to be used by the supplier, their name and ID control No.(code)
shall be defined in the Control Plan (the QC Process Chart) and effective maintenance plan including the following
items shall be developed, maintained and exercised. “Maintenance” is to maintain functions, performance and
accuracy of equipment, jigs/tools and measurement devices systematically prior to the occurrence of failure or any
1) Storage/retention method of equipment, jigs/tools and measurement devices
2) Distinct information of replacement parts for maintenance, procurement and storage/retention method of re-
placement parts for maintenance
3) Replacement history of replacement parts for maintenance
4) Calibration of measurement devices
5) Clear information of inspection content, acceptance criteria and frequency of regular inspection and its imple-
6) Clarification of personnel in charge of maintenance

2.16.2 Handling of Abnormality in Equipment

At the event of abnormality in equipment, jigs/tools and measurement devices, it shall be handled according to a
previously developed contingency plan. The contingency plan shall include the following 1)-7) and shall be set forth
in the Control Plan (the QC Process Chart).
1) Shut off of the production
2) Isolation of parts produced before the abnormality occurrence
3) Trace back and check parts produced before abnormality occurrence
4) Prompt report to the customer if there is a possibility of flow out
5) Person responsible for abnormality correction
6) 100% check and its contents after the abnormality is corrected
7) Requirements for termination of 100 % check (including time limit)

2.17 Handling of Abnormality in Quality

At the event of abnormality in quality shown below 1), 2) and 3), it shall be handled according to the procedure
described in 2.16.1 and subsequent sections.
1) When nonconformity occurs at the supplier and the nonconforming parts may mix in parts to be delivered to
2) When nonconformity in delivery parts is reported by Ashimori
3) When nonconformity in materials and parts supplied by Ashimori occurs at the supplier.

2.17.1 Nonconformity Occurred at the Supplier

When nonconformity occurred at the supplier and the nonconforming parts may mix in parts to be delivered to
Ashimori, the supplier shall inform Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit of the following
①~③ to receive instructions and take emergency measures. Meanwhile, the cause shall be investigated to take
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steps to prevent a recurrence.

①Status when nonconformity occurred and the cause of occurrence
②Delivery date, quantity and lot No. of the parts
③Emergency measures at the supplier and action plan for parts already delivered

2.17.2 Nonconformity Occurred at Ashimori

1) Report Method
Nonconformity occurred at Ashimori shall be reported through the Failure Handling Form from Quality Assurance
or Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit.
2) Nonconforming Parts Handling
Once the Failure Handling Form is issued, the countermeasure shall be provided to Quality Assurance Dept. or
Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit within 24 hours after receiving the Slip.
①Nonconformity at acceptance inspection
Nonconforming lot at acceptance inspection in Ashimori shall be subject to rejection.
When redelivering the parts which have been through sorting/modification, the parts shall be sepa-
rated from other lots and delivered according to instruction from Quality Assurance Dept. or Purchase
and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit.
In case of emergency, Ashimori may request the supplier to come and sort/modify at Ashimori. In that case, the
supplier shall obtain confirmation of work result after sorting/modification is completed. Ashimori may out-
source sorting/modification.
②Nonconformity found after acceptance inspection
Nonconformity found after acceptance inspection shall be proceeded according to above ① by Ashimori’s judg-
3) Submission of Report of Countermeasure against Nonconformity
①Nonconformity at acceptance inspection
For nonconformity at acceptance inspection, the Failure Handling Form is issued by Purchase and Supplies Dept.
Purchasing Quality Control Unit. The supplier shall put necessary information in the Failure Handling Form and
submit to Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit by specified due date to obtain approval
of validity of the countermeasure.
②Nonconformity found after acceptance inspection
For nonconforming parts found after acceptance inspection, the Complaint Handling Sheet or the Failure Han-
dling Form is issued by Quality Assurance Dept. or Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit.
The supplier shall put necessary information in the Failure Handling Form and submit to Quality Assurance Dept.
or Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit by specified due date to obtain approval of
validity of the countermeasure.
③Nonconformity in failures flowed out to customers and severe failures
For failures flowed out to customers and severe failures such as reoccurred failure or failure in large quantity,
the Complaint Handling Sheet is issued. In that case, based on its description, the supplier shall perform the
root cause investigation, take countermeasure by Fault Tree Analysis, confirm its efficacy, deploy lessons learned
horizontally and submit to Quality Assurance Dept. or Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control
Unit by specified due date to obtain approval of validity of the countermeasure.
When the Complaint Handling Sheet is issued, the supplier shall review the Process FMEA.
When the countermeasure is applicable to changes in need of Process Change Application specified in Appendix
Table 1, or it concerns changes in requirements for personnel, working procedures, ways to maintain equipment,
jigs and tools, or causes changes in items / conditions of supervision / measurement, the supplier shall revise
the Process FMEA without fail.
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Regarding the revision method of the Process FMEA, the supplier shall follow the procedure specified in 6) Pro-
cess FMEA of 2.5.2 PPAP Document Preparation.

2.17.3 Nonconformity in Materials and Parts Supplied by Ashimori

When nonconformity is found in materials and parts supplied by Ashimori, the supplier shall report the following
items to Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit and follow their instruction.
①Status when nonconformity occurred
②Supplied date and quantity of the parts
③Production status

2.17.4 Reoccurrence Prevention

The supplier shall ensure to perform sufficient analysis and study on the nonconformity in quality and take accurate
steps to prevent reoccurrence.

2.17.5 Compensation for Nonconformity in Quality

If the supplier causes actual damage due to nonconformity in quality, Ashimori demands compensation for the loss
according to the Basic Business Contract.

2.18 Special Process Control

For special process (heat treatment, surface treatment, painting, welding, crimping and press-fitting),
regulations for equipment and operation, consisting mainly of control of equipment/devices/production
condition, shall be made and practiced.

2.19 Transport and Storage

The supplier shall sufficiently control storage, packing, transport, loading and unloading to prevent deterioration
of quality. For packing method for delivery to Ashimori, the Packing Style Application Form shall be submitted to
Purchase and Supplies Dept. Production Control Unit for approval.

2.20 Audit
Ashimori shall conduct an audit concerning achievement status of quality control as per this Quality Standard at
suppliers or outsourcing companies as needed. The guideline of audit performed by Ashimori is shown below.

2.20.1 Purpose
The main purpose is to confirm the following items.
①Quality level of applicable parts
②Control condition of production process
③Status of development of the quality assurance system

2.20.2 Audit Object

1) Audit by the supplier
-Self-audit by the supplier and audit on tier-2 and subsequent suppliers by the supplier
-All processes at the supplier and tier-2 and subsequent suppliers form materials/parts receiving to delivery to
2) Audit by Ashimori
-All processes at the supplier and its tier-2 and subsequent suppliers from materials/parts receiving to delivery to
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2.20.3 Audit Implementation

1) Audit by the supplier
①Implementation timing
It shall be implemented basically at least once a year at proper timing.
Person responsible for quality assurance at the supplier or tier-2 and subsequent suppliers shall confirm his/her
company’s quality assurance system, production process and part’s condition etc.
Implementation of internal audit as per ISO9001or IATF16949 may be substituted for this.
When requested by Ashimori, please carry out self-audit by using the check sheet specified by Ashimori.
For failure reoccurrence prevention purpose or when contents of horizontal deployment have to be confirmed,
self-audit shall be implemented as needed.
The self-audit shall be also implemented at the event of process change such as production facilities change,
plant transfer or layout change.
2) Audit by Ashimori
In a case where the supplier is certified according to international standard or domestic standard regarding quality
management system, this shall be used as a part of audit standard. If Ashimori requests to present supplier’s quality
manual or equivalent documents in advance, the supplier shall promptly respond.
Further, in the audit, if Ashimori requests to present quoting source documents/records for quality manual or for
equivalent documents and quoting source documents/records for part production planning documents (the QC
Process Chart or the Control Plan), in order to confirm conformity to part requirements and the audit standard, the
supplier shall promptly respond.
①Notification of implementation
For audit to be conducted by Ashimori, Quality Assurance Dept. or Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing
Quality Control Unit shall notify the person responsible for quality assurance at the supplier of the audit imple-
mentation in advance.
②Audit on quality assurance system
In accordance with quality assurance system documents at the supplier or sub-suppliers, adequacy of the con-
trol system shall be audited. As it is the basis of quality assurance from materials/parts receiving from sub-
suppliers to delivery to Ashimori.
③Audit on process
In accordance with drawings, specifications, inspection standard and the QC Process Chart, status of quality
control in production process of the applicable parts shall be audited.
④Special audit
For important items in customer’s or Ashimori’s process and at frequent occurrence of failure, the supplier shall
audit the quality control status according to the improvement report from tier-2 and subsequent suppliers.

2.20.4 Procedure in Accordance with the Audit Result

1) Audit by the supplier
The supplier or tier-2 and subsequent suppliers shall draw up improvement plan and carry out the improvement
for the items pointed out at self-audit. Ashimori may request to report the outcome of the self-audit as necessary.
2) Audit by Ashimori
①Report of audit result
The overview of the audit result is informed verbally on the day of audit and the detail is reported as “Audit
Report” in written form at a later date.
②Handling of items pointed out
For action plan and reoccurrence prevention measures for the item pointed out in Audit Report, the supplier
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shall put necessary information in “Countermeasure against the fact/event” column and in “Reoccurrence pre-
vention measures” column and submit to Quality Assurance Dept. or Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing
Quality Control Unit within 2 months after the audit along with evidence.
③Confirmation of improvements/result
Quality Assurance Dept. or Purchase and Supplies Dept. Purchasing Quality Control Unit shall confirm the im-
provements and result.

2.20.5 Audit Documentation Storage

Storage period of audit result record shall be 20 years after the audit implementation.

2.21 Quality Documents and Records Storage

Documents and records related to part quality and traceability shall be stored in a proper way so as not to get
damaged for at least 20 years after the parts shipment. If longer period is specified in regulations, it shall be com-
plied with.
The following quality records are applicable to this requirement.
①Test Report to confirm conformity of parts (reliability test result report, shipment inspection list etc.)
②Record of process control value defined in the Control Plan at the supplier (daily report, equipment setting
standard, check sheet etc.)
③Record of in process check defined in the Control Plan/the Inspection Standard at the supplier
④Material report, material certificate and the result of acceptance inspection for main member
⑤PPAP documents (the PSW, the Control Plan, FMEA, test reports etc.)
⑥Inspection/test report for items that are agreed on the Inspection Standard
⑦Record required for traceability
⑧Record of failures that flowed out and major internal failures (the Failure Countermeasures Report etc.)
⑨The Special Adoption Application Form and related record (with approval)
⑩Record of Design Change and Process Change (including record of change by independent control)
⑪Documents and records demanded by Ashimori
Documents and records stored at tier-2 and subsequent suppliers are also controlled the in same way as that at the
When Ashimori requests to submit documents or quality records, those shall be submitted within 24 hours after
the submission request.

2.22 Environment

2.22.1 SOC Control

The supplier shall submit a certificate to prove SOC 4 substances (lead, cadmium, mercury, and hexavalent chro-
mium) are not contained as evidence for free from Substance of Concern at PPAP submission.

2.22.2 IMDS Procedure

The supplier shall input IMDS and indicate its registration ID in the PSW at PPAP procedure.
Internally approved data shall be used for IMDS input.

2.23 Control of Specification Documents

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2.23.1 Control of Drawing

Once the Engineering Order and Drawing are issued by Ashimori, the supplier shall promptly put necessary infor-
mation in the Drawing Receipt and reply to the issuer of the Engineering Order. When revised drawing is issued,
the old drawing shall be returned or discarded to make sure to keep the drawing updated.

2.23.2 Control of the Quality Control Standard

This Quality Control Standard, in principal, is issued electrically unless data transfer is impossible. When revised
version is issued, the old version shall be discarded or separated to make sure to keep the standard updated.
The contents of specification documents shall not be leaked out to the third party without permission.

2.24 Quality Meeting

For critical failures, Joint Quality Meeting may be organized.
Critical failure example;
-Failure that does not conform to lows
-Failure that accompanies vehicle check at customer
-Failure that is judged as critical quality problem by the manager of Quality Assurance Dept. or Purchase and
Supplies Dept.

2.25 Auditor Dispatch, Request of Resident

When critical quality issue occurred or is expected to occur, an auditor dispatch from Ashimori or resident personnel
from supplier is requested until the issue is solved.

2.26 Requirements for Parts Delivery to Overseas

2.26.1 Applicable Parts

Parts that are instructed to deliver to overseas with an export display label by Ashimori, Purchase and Supplies
Dept. Production Control Unit.

2.26.2 Requirements
1) Drawing up and submission of the Lot Composition Table
The Lot Composition Table (Refer to Form-12) which contains information of serial No. of display label, process lot
of packed parts, quantity, container quantity and material certificate No. with respect to the order from Ashimori
(P.O. No.) shall be drew up.
The Lot Composition Table shall be included along with the Inspection Report at parts delivery. At the same time
(at least by 3 days after the delivery), its copy shall be submitted to Purchase and Supplies Dept.
2) Attachment of the Inspection Report and the Material Certificate
For each delivery parts process lot, the lot’s Inspection Report and Material Certificate shall be included in the
container and indicate “Inspection Report Inside” under the display label. In a case where the same lot parts are
divided into more than one container, the attachment and indication may be on representative 1 container.
The form of the Inspection Report shall be the same one as that for the Inspection Result Report (Form-4.17-f) used
at PPAP procedure.

2.27 Precaution at Production of Resin Parts

①When manufacturing resin molding parts (including insert molding), the supplier shall ensure that correct con-
trol value is set for resin drying temperature and resin molding temperature in accordance with material manufac-
turer’s recommended value.
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②The supplier shall ensure that resin drying temperature and resin molding temperature set at manufacture of
resin molding parts are properly maintained and controlled.
③Implementation of above ① and ② shall be set forth in the Control Plan (the QC Process Chart).

2.28 Supplier Evaluation

2.28.1 Evaluation Method

Ashimori shall conduct a supplier evaluation to rank based on the business transaction results for the last one (1)
The evaluation is divided into five (5) categories: ①Engineering, ②Quality, ③Procurement, ④On-Time Delivery,
and ⑤Environment. Table 2 shows the detailed evaluation items for each category and their criteria. The evalua-
tion shall be implemented in May, in principle.

2.28.2 Actions be taken against the results

1) Evaluation by the total score

Rank Score Guidance Penalty

A ≧90 Given awards

B 55 to 89 No guidance No penalty

Guidance aiming at Suspension of ordering a new order and protptype

C 40 to 54 improvement model in case of C evaluation for two(2)
consecutive years.
(with the collaboration of When the improvement is not made after two(2)
Purchase and Supplies Dept. years' guidance, Ashimori will consider an
and Department in charge) alternative supplier.
Guidance aiming at Suspension of ordering a new order and protptype
D ≦39
improvement model.
(with the collaboration of When the improvement is not made after one(1)
Purchase and Supplies Dept. years' guidance, Ashimori will consider an
and Department in charge) alternative supplier.

2) Evaluation considering the respective scores

In case of not satisfied in specific category (regardless of high in total score)
Category Points Guidance Penalties
Guidance aiming at Suspension of ordering a new order and protptype
Quality <14/25 total
improvement by Purchase and model in case of disssatisfied for two(2) consecutive
<7/15 total Supplies Dept. years.
3) Contents of the guidance aiming at improvement
In case of any need of guidance as a result of the rating, the guidance shall proceed as follows.
① Terms for improvement action: Six (6) months at the longest, and it can be shortened when the improvement
goal is achieved. However, if you can not achieve goal, extend the action.
② Requirements:
a) System Audit by Ashimori: Ashimori will conduct system audit according to section 2.20., 3-2). Refer to
section 2.20.4 for actions based on the audit results.
b) Preparation of improvement plan by Suppler: The suppler shall make a plan aiming at improvement against
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the unachieved items and submit the plan within two (2) weeks after the date of the notice from Ashimori.
The format of the plan is arbitrary.
c) Confirmation of progress for improvement plan: The supplier shall visit Ashimori once (1) a month to re-
port the status of progress about their improvement plan. Ashimori may visit the supplier to visit the sup-
plier and check the status on site depending on the progress.
③ Improvement target
Evaluation by the total score : Rank A or B
Evaluation considering the respective scores : Quality ≧14 On-time delivery ≧7

2.29 Maintaining Process Capability

The supplier should continue sampling on four parts per lot in a consecutive twenty five lots, even after the mass-
production, to the critical and special characteristics (calculated Ppk to comply with Initial Process Capability Stud-
ies specified in the paragraph 2.5. 2-11). Also, confirm that Cpk data readings should be more than 1.67 and its
process being stable.
When Ashimori requesting, the supplier should submit the Cpk data readings in the consecutive twenty five lots
(Refer to Form-14).
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Appendix Table 1 Changes in need of Process Change Application

Division Subdivision Description
Machine Change of facility New construction/renewal of production facility
Modification of production facility
Reuse of facility and jigs/tools that have been suspended more
than 6 months
Change of facility el- Change of welding timer unit (compensation timer, constant cur-
ements rent timer)
Change of command unit such as sequencer
Change of jigs Mold remodeling
New construction/renewal of mold
Change of jigs (locator, knock, pad, pallet etc.)
Change of tools Change of facility jigs (processing tool, electrode, assembling tool,
fastening tool etc.)
Change of tool for special work
Change of tools for fastening work (pulse wrench, impact wrench
Change of material or shape of machining tools (cutter knife or
drill etc.)
Change of inspec- Change of inspection jigs
tion jigs
Change of gauges Change of gauges
Method Change of facility Casting condition (pouring temperature, mold temperature, cool-
condition ing condition, pouring pressure etc.)
Forging condition (forging pressure, temperature etc.)
Sintering condition (temperature, time etc.)
Plating condition (including pretreatment) (concentration, current
density, temperature, time etc.)
Heat treatment condition (treatment temperature, time, cooling
condition, gas flow rate etc.)
Press condition (press pressure, wrinkle holding force)
Injection molding condition (molding pressure, temperature, time
Adhesion condition (bonding pressure, temperature, time etc.)
Welding condition (welding current, voltage, diameter of electrode
tip, welding pressure, time etc.)
Painting condition (including pretreatment) (concentration, tem-
perature, air pressure, dry time etc.)
Cutting work condition (rotation rate, feeding rate, concentration
of cutting fluid)
Press-in and crimping condition (press-in pressure, press-in speed)
Automatic fastening condition (fastening parameter, oil application
amount etc.)
Measurement condition in production line (measurement pressure,
measurement time, determination value, accuracy check etc.)
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Cleaning condition (cleaning pressure, cleaning agent, concentra-

tion of cleaning liquid, filter mesh etc.)
Soldering condition (temperature, time, flux etc.)
Processing/assembling check (including model detection) (work
condition etc.)
Error proofing (work condition etc.)
Shot peening condition (shot duration, pressure, flow rate)
Change of engineer- Adoption of new engineering method (all processes)
ing method Casting design (pouring method, cooling method)
Forging design (heating method, margin etc.)
Sintering design (compounding, sintering method)
Plating design (including pretreatment) (plating method)
Heat treatment design (treatment method etc.)
Press design (press method etc.)
Injection molding design (molding method etc.)
Adhesion design (including pretreatment) (application method, ap-
plication pattern, drying method etc.)
Welding design (welding method etc.)
Painting design (including pretreatment) (application method, ap-
plication pattern, drying method)
Cutting work design (cutting standard, margin etc.)
Press-in and crimping design (press-in method etc.)
Automatic fastening design (fastening method etc.)
Measurement design in production line (change of measurement
method etc.)
Cleaning design (cleaning method etc.)
Soldering design (soldering method etc.)
Sealing application design (application pattern, application method
Processing/assembling check (including model detection) (detec-
tion method etc.)
Error proofing (detection method etc.)
Automatic assembling method (assembling order, assembling
method etc.)
Marking design (punch mark method etc.)
Attachment design (attachment method etc.)
Change of production base or manufacturing plant
Change of identification display except design change (markings,
color or placement of printings)
Change of method, frequency, or standard of inspection
Change of parts supply method or packing specification
Change of process Integration of processes
Addition of process
Removal of process
Change of process sequence
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Change of layout (including facility transfer)

Change of production shift
Change to production at interim process, facilities, or machine due
to emergency and return to the original process
Change of business Change of tier-2 and subsequent suppliers
partners Change of internal production←→external production
Change of control Change of quality control value
Material Change of materials Change of materials source
Change of materials to be directly used for parts (seal material,
welding rod etc.)
Change of amount of materials to be directly used for parts (seal
material, welding rod etc.)
Change of material shape (forging material, casting material etc.)

Use parts, component parts or materials stored for 1 year or more

(Must not expire date).
Change of subsidiary Change of subsidiary materials to be directly used for parts (rust
materials prevention oil, cutting fluid, cleaning fluid etc.)
Change of amount of subsidiary materials to be directly used for
parts (rust prevention oil, cutting fluid, cleaning fluid etc.)

Use subsidiary materials to be directly used for parts stored for 1

year or more (Must not expire date).
Man Change of Man Change of worker of ○A item(Suzuki’s designation)
Change of inspector of ○A item(Suzuki’s designation)
Change of person in charge of special process or in process requiring
special skills (ex. Heat treatment, Welding).
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Appendix Table 2 Supplier Performance Rating Sheet

Category (points) Evaluation Criteria Point Score SB AB NB Category (points) Evaluation Criteria Point Score
Design Proposal Does the company have the ability to make proposals in drawing meetings Record of delivery with good quality Scoring ≧98 0
Capability prior to the start of mold ② ≧95,and <98 -3
High : Able to explain and propose improvements to ensure quality High 6 Q ≧90,and <95 -5
Average : Able to name manufacturing problems and make suggestions for Avarage 3 ≧85,and <90 -8
improvement l <85 -10
Low : Can't make the above suggestions. Low 1 i
Manufacturing Can the product be manufactured as required by the drawings? t Defect No defect 0
capability for y -0.1x
High : Able to make proposals that satisfy drawing requirements at a high quality High 3 Defect that impairs its marketability (Class : C)
drawing level number of
requirements events

Average : Able to review drawings, point out problems, and suggest alternatives Avarage 2 D It does not satisfy the specification (Class : B) -2x number
Low : Problems are not discovered until the product is made. e of events
Low 1
Mass production Does the company have management skills in mass production mold making? u The critical defect that does not satisfy the basic function (Class : A) -8x number
start-up capability of events
High : Ability to meet deadlines for both APQP submission and mold fabrication. High 3 c
Avarage 2 t ↓Point-off system Sub
Avarage : APQP submissions can be delayed, but mold fabrication deadlines can
be met i
Outflow of defects Outflow of defects which result in actual vehicle inspection -8 total
Low : Either APQP submission or mold fabrication is more than 2 weeks late from Low 1 n Points alotted Outflow of defects which results in market inspaction -15
the deadline Response by disposal sheet ≦70% of response ratio within the due date of Disposal Sheet -2

PPAP proposed Are PPAP submission deadlines being met? Points alotted ≦50% of response ratio within the due date of Disposal Sheet -4
deadline High : Submitted prior to the submission deadline. High 3 Price The price is cheaper than the target price as a whole. 10
compliance ③
capability Average : Submission is on time. Avarage 2 The price is almost as same as the target price. 6
① P
  Low : Failure to meet submission deadlines Low 1 r The price is expensive than the target price as a whole. 2
E Ability to prodce Can the company produce a prototype at development stage? o The company has some achievements by making efforts proactively. 6
Effect to reduce cost and any
n prototype c
High : The prototype can be produced in 2 weeks. High 3 achievements The company is negative for cost reduction with fewer achievements. 3
g u
i Average : It takes more than 2 weeks due to some restrictions. Avarage 2 The company is not cooperative without any achievement. 1
n Low : It takes more than 1 month. Low 1 e Sub
e Ability to perform Can the company perform measurement and accuracy verification of products? m The company is cooperative and can meet the due date for Ashimori's request. 6 total
Action against due date, including
e measurement and e
High : It can perform measurements and accracy verification of products at its site. High 3 response to estimate The company is sometimes late for Ashimori's due date. 3
r accuracy n
i verification Avarage : Some evaruation items are not able to measure at its site. Avarage 2 t The company is not cooperative and is repeatedly late for Ashimori's due date. 1
n Low : It is impossible to provide measurement data of the products. Low 1
g Capability to Can the company perform evaluation test on products and decide "pass" or "failure"? On-time delivery attaining ratio Almost no delay in delivery. ≧90% 10
perform evaliation ④ The number of The number
High : It can perform the test necessary to comply with the requirements on High 3 d There are delays in delivery sometimes, however the ≧75%, and <90% 6
test   Lot that has of Lot that
drawing st its site. e company is highly conscious about the due date.
O been delayed in has been
Avarage : It owns general facilities to evaluate, but it has to request outsoucing Avarage 2 l There are many delays in delivery. ≧50%, and <75% 2
n delivery delivered
for some tests. i
- There are frequent delays. <50% 1 Sub
Low : It can not perform any evaluation test. Low 1 t Cooperation The company is proactively cooperative for short delivery due date. 5 total
Capability to Can the company analyze and validate the products? r The company is cooperative sometimes. 2
analyze and High : It can operate CAE analysis and the analysis is useful for products design. High 3 y 0
e The company is not cooperative and refuses to cooperate to meet the desirable
Avarage : It can provide an estimate calculation necessary for the design. Avarage 2 due date without proper reasons.
Low : It can not logically explain how to realize a critical characteristics with ★ Low 1 Environment Managemant The company obtains Environmental Management System Certification accredited 8

item. E by the third party.
Continuous n
Has the company adopted the system to accelerate and maintain any engineering The company is preparting to obtain Environmantal Management System 6
engineering improvement activity as a company? i accredited by the third party.
improvement r
Good : It has the achievements to be adopted its VA or VE proposals from Good 3 o (The expacted obtaining date : ) Sub
ASHIMORI. Or, it has the achievements to develop jointly with customer, or it has n The company has set up its policy and target, considering environment. 4 total
any engineering award. Sub e
Adequate : It has worked on engineering improvement, and utilizes its knowhow Adequate 2 total n The company is not working on the issues to consider environment. 2
and solutions against past troubles.
Bad : No particular engineering improvement activities has been found. It only Bad 1 Rank A:≧90 C:≧40, and ≦54
works on the appointed task. B:≧55, and ≦89 D:≦39

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