Calculation of Pipe Support

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Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

1. Pipe Support-1

1.1 Structure Overview

> General
3D Model

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Structure Modeling

Structure node numbering Structure beam numbering

> Member proerties


1.2 Loading Calculation

> Dead Load (DL)
Dead load automatically applied by Staad Pro

> Piping load (P)

Diameter 12"
Diameter (m) 0.4287
Pipe Load (kg/m) 74
Specific Gravity (kg/m3) 1000
n 3

> PE (Empty)
Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)
Beam 12" 6 444
> PO (Operation) > PT (Test)
Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg) Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)
Beam 12" 6 1309.62 1 12" 6 1309.62

> Termal Load (TL)

TL = P(O) x 0.3

Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)

1 12" 0.3 392.89
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Wind Load (W)

Wind Load Refer to 27.3-1 dalam ASCE 7-10
q = 0.613 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * V  N/m2
dimana, q = Speed Pressure (N/m2)
Kz = Exposure coefficient (Sect. 26.8.2 ASCE7-10) Kz = 0.85
Kzt = Wind direction factor (table 26.6-1 ASCE7-10) = 1
Kd = Steel Structure = 0.85
V = Wind Speed Design = 32 m/s

q = 453.522 N/m2 = 44.5 kg/m

Member Profil Length (m) Weigth(kg)
1 WF-250x125x6x9 0.125 5.56

Member Profil Length (m) Weigth(kg)
1 WF-250x125x6x9 0.25 11.12

Wind Load - X Wind Load - Z

> Seismic Load

Seismic Load - X Seismic Load - Z

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support


Condition No. Load Combination
Empty 101 1D+1PE
Empty 102 1D+1PE+0.6WX(+)
Empty 103 1D+1PE+0.6WX(-)
Empty 104 1D+1PE+0.6WZ(+)
Empty 105 1D+1PE+0.6WZ(-)
Empty 106 1D+1PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 107 1D+1PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 108 1D+1PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 109 1D+1PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 110 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 111 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 112 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 113 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 114 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WX(+)
Empty 115 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WX(-)
Empty 116 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WZ(+)
Empty 117 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WZ(-)
Empty 118 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 119 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 120 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 121 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 122 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 123 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 124 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 125 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Operating 126 1D+1PO+1TL
Operating 127 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Operating 128 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Operating 129 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WZ(+)
Operating 130 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WZ(-)
Operating 131 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(+)+0.16VZ(+)
Operating 132 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(+)+0.16VZ(-)
Operating 133 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(-)+0.16VZ(+)
Operating 134 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(-)+0.16VZ(-)
Operating 135 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(+)+0.16VX(+)
Operating 136 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(+)+0.16VX(-)
Operating 137 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(-)+0.16VX(+)
Operating 138 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(-)+0.16VX(-)
Operating 139 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WX(+)
Operating 140 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WX(-)
Operating 141 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WZ(+)
Operating 142 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WZ(-)
Operating 143 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Operating 144 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Operating 145 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Operating 146 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Operating 147 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Operating 148 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Operating 149 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Operating 150 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Test 151 1D+1PT
Test 152 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Test 153 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Test 154 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WZ(+)
Test 155 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WZ(-)
Test 156 1D+1PE+1TL
Test 157 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Test 158 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

Test 159 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WZ(+)

Test 160 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WZ(-)

- Pembebanan Primer
No Title Type Remark
1 D Beban mati Beban mati
2 PE Pipa Pipa kosong
3 PO Pipa Pipa ber-operaso
4 PT Pipa Pipa saat test
5 TL Thermal Beban thermal
6 WX+ Angin Angin arah X+
7 WX- Angin Angin arah X-
8 WZ+ Angin Angin arah Z+
9 WZ- Angin Angin arah Z-
10 VX+ Gempa Gempa arah X+
11 VZ+ Gempa Gempa arah Z+
12 VX- Gempa Gempa arah X-
13 VZ- Gempa Gempa arah Z-
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

1.3. Analysis Result

> Steel structure ratio

> Steel Structure Ratio < 1 OK

> Vertical displacement (beam displacement)

> Allowable deflection for ordinary beam is L/240

Deflection Allowable deflection

TYPE Beam L/C Direction Length (L) mm STATUS
(Δ) mm (Δall) mm
WF250x125x6 9 101 Y 2340 0.018 9.750 OK

Member 9

> Horizontal displacement

> Displacement due wind load (output STAAD)

- Allowable sway caused by wind load is H/200

Displ. Direction Node L/C X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) Δmax (mm) H (mm) Allow (mm) Check
Max X Logitudinal 5 102 0.028 -0.024 0.036 0.028 4750 23.750 OK
Min X Logitudinal 14 101 -0.101 -0.036 0.107 0.101 4750 23.750 OK
Max Z Transversal 5 104 -0.044 -0.041 11.455 11.455 4750 23.750 OK
Min Z Transversal 5 105 -0.044 -0.041 11.455 11.455 4750 23.750 OK

> Displacement due seismic load (output STAAD)

- Allowable sway caused by earthquake load is 0.020hx
Displ. Node L/C X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) Δmax (mm) Cd Δ.Cd/I H (mm) Allow (mm) Check
Max X 5 145 0.151 -0.022 -3.954 0.151 3.5 0.42 4750 95 OK
Min X 14 108 -2.474 -0.036 3.013 2.474 3.5 6.93 4750 95 OK
Max Z 5 149 -0.097 -0.041 13.18 13.18 3.5 36.90 4750 95 OK
Min Z 5 151 0.009 -0.04 -13.18 13.18 3.5 36.90 4750 95 OK
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

2. Pipe Support-2

2.1 Structure Overview

> General
3D Model

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Structure Modeling

Structure node numbering Structure beam numbering

> Member proerties

WF-300x150x6.5x9 WF-150x75x5x7

2.2 Loading Calculation

> Dead Load (DL)
Dead load automatically applied by Staad Pro

> Cable Load & Instrument

Member Berat /m (kg) Panjang (m) Berat (kg)
1 175 11 1925

Cable Load & Instrument

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Piping load (P)

Diameter 12"
Diameter (m) 0.4287
Pipe Load (kg/m) 74
Specific Gravity (kg/m3) 1000
n 3

> PE (Empty)
Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)
Beam 12" 11 814
> PO (Operation) > PT (Test)
Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg) Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)
Beam 12" 11 2400.97 1 12" 11 2400.97

> Termal Load (TL)

TL = P(O) x 0.3

Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)

1 12" 0.3 720.29
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Wind Load (W)

Wind Load Refer to 27.3-1 dalam ASCE 7-10
q = 0.613 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * V  N/m2
dimana, q = Speed Pressure (N/m2)
Kz = Exposure coefficient (Sect. 26.8.2 ASCE7-10) Kz = 0.85
Kzt = Wind direction factor (table 26.6-1 ASCE7-10) = 1
Kd = Steel Structure = 0.85
V = Wind Speed Design = 32 m/s

q = 453.522 N/m2 = 44.5 kg/m

Member Profil Length (m) Weigth(kg)
1 WF-300x150x6.5x9 0.3 13.35
2 WF-150x75x5x7 0.15 6.67
Member Profil Length (m) Weigth(kg)
1 WF-300x150x6.5x9 0.15 6.67
2 WF-150x75x5x7 0.075 3.34

Wind Load - X Wind Load - Z

> Seismic Load

Seismic Load - X Seismic Load - Z

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support


Condition No. Load Combination
Empty 101 1D+1PE
Empty 102 1D+1PE+0.6WX(+)
Empty 103 1D+1PE+0.6WX(-)
Empty 104 1D+1PE+0.6WZ(+)
Empty 105 1D+1PE+0.6WZ(-)
Empty 106 1D+1PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 107 1D+1PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 108 1D+1PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 109 1D+1PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 110 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 111 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 112 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 113 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 114 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WX(+)
Empty 115 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WX(-)
Empty 116 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WZ(+)
Empty 117 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WZ(-)
Empty 118 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 119 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 120 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 121 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 122 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 123 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 124 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 125 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Operating 126 1D+1PO+1TL
Operating 127 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Operating 128 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Operating 129 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WZ(+)
Operating 130 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WZ(-)
Operating 131 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(+)+0.16VZ(+)
Operating 132 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(+)+0.16VZ(-)
Operating 133 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(-)+0.16VZ(+)
Operating 134 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(-)+0.16VZ(-)
Operating 135 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(+)+0.16VX(+)
Operating 136 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(+)+0.16VX(-)
Operating 137 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(-)+0.16VX(+)
Operating 138 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(-)+0.16VX(-)
Operating 139 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WX(+)
Operating 140 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WX(-)
Operating 141 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WZ(+)
Operating 142 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WZ(-)
Operating 143 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Operating 144 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Operating 145 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Operating 146 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Operating 147 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Operating 148 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Operating 149 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Operating 150 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Test 151 1D+1PT
Test 152 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Test 153 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Test 154 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WZ(+)
Test 155 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WZ(-)
Test 156 1D+1PE+1TL
Test 157 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Test 158 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

Test 159 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WZ(+)

Test 160 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WZ(-)

- Pembebanan Primer
No Title Type Remark
1 D Beban mati Beban mati
2 PE Pipa Pipa kosong
3 PO Pipa Pipa ber-operaso
4 PT Pipa Pipa saat test
5 TL Thermal Beban thermal
6 WX+ Angin Angin arah X+
7 WX- Angin Angin arah X-
8 WZ+ Angin Angin arah Z+
9 WZ- Angin Angin arah Z-
10 VX+ Gempa Gempa arah X+
11 VZ+ Gempa Gempa arah Z+
12 VX- Gempa Gempa arah X-
13 VZ- Gempa Gempa arah Z-
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

2.3. Analysis Result

> Steel structure ratio

> Steel Structure Ratio < 1 OK

> Vertical displacement (beam displacement)

> Allowable deflection for ordinary beam is L/240

Deflection Allowable deflection

TYPE Beam L/C Direction Length (L) mm STATUS
(Δ) mm (Δall) mm
WF-150x75x5x7 16 101 Y 1380 0.018 5.750 OK

> Horizontal displacement

> Displacement due wind load (output STAAD)

- Allowable sway caused by wind load is H/200

Displ. Direction Node L/C X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) Δmax (mm) H (mm) Allow (mm) Check
Max X Logitudinal 14 102 0.15 -0.238 0.281 0.15 6420 32.100 OK
Min X Logitudinal 26 101 -0.179 -0.287 0.338 0.179 6420 32.100 OK
Max Z Transversal 25 104 -0.023 -0.193 27.614 27.614 6420 32.100 OK
Min Z Transversal 25 105 -0.023 -0.193 27.614 27.614 6420 32.100 OK

> Displacement due seismic load (output STAAD)

- Allowable sway caused by earthquake load is 0.020hx
Displ. Node L/C X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) Δmax (mm) Cd Δ.Cd/I H (mm) Allow (mm) Check
Max X 20 145 0.424 -0.276 5.751 0.424 3.5 1.19 6420 128 OK
Min X 26 108 -5.767 -0.233 5.576 5.767 3.5 16.15 6420 128 OK
Max Z 25 149 -0.154 -0.195 24.397 24.397 3.5 68.31 6420 128 OK
Min Z 25 151 0.109 -0.19 -24.397 24.397 3.5 68.31 6420 128 OK
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

3. Pipe Support-3

3.1 Structure Overview

> General
3D Model

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Structure Modeling

Structure node numbering Structure beam numbering

> Member proerties

WF-250x125x6x9 WF-150x75x5x7 L50x50x5

3.2 Loading Calculation

> Dead Load (DL)
Dead load automatically applied by Staad Pro

> Cable Load & Instrument

Member Berat /m (kg) Panjang (m) Berat (kg)
1 175 3 525

Cable Load & Instrument

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Piping load (P)

Diameter 12"
Diameter (m) 0.4287
Pipe Load (kg/m) 74
Specific Gravity (kg/m3) 1000
n 2

> PE (Empty)
Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)
Beam 12" 3 222
> PO (Operation) > PT (Test)
Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg) Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)
Beam 12" 3 654.81 1 12" 3 654.81

> Termal Load (TL)

TL = P(O) x 0.3

Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)

1 12" 0.3 196.44
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Wind Load (W)

Wind Load Refer to 27.3-1 dalam ASCE 7-10
q = 0.613 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * V  N/m2
dimana, q = Speed Pressure (N/m2)
Kz = Exposure coefficient (Sect. 26.8.2 ASCE7-10) Kz = 0.85
Kzt = Wind direction factor (table 26.6-1 ASCE7-10) = 1
Kd = Steel Structure = 0.85
V = Wind Speed Design = 32 m/s

q = 453.522 N/m2 = 44.5 kg/m

Member Profil Length (m) Weigth(kg)
1 WF-250x125x6x9 0.25 11.12
2 WF-150x75x5x7 0.15 6.67
Member Profil Length (m) Weigth(kg)
1 WF-250x125x6x9 0.125 5.56
2 WF-150x75x5x7 0.075 3.34

Wind Load - X Wind Load - Z

> Seismic Load

Seismic Load - X Seismic Load - Z

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support


Condition No. Load Combination
Empty 101 1D+1PE
Empty 102 1D+1PE+0.6WX(+)
Empty 103 1D+1PE+0.6WX(-)
Empty 104 1D+1PE+0.6WZ(+)
Empty 105 1D+1PE+0.6WZ(-)
Empty 106 1D+1PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 107 1D+1PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 108 1D+1PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 109 1D+1PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 110 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 111 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 112 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 113 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 114 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WX(+)
Empty 115 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WX(-)
Empty 116 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WZ(+)
Empty 117 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WZ(-)
Empty 118 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 119 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 120 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 121 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 122 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 123 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 124 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 125 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Operating 126 1D+1PO+1TL
Operating 127 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Operating 128 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Operating 129 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WZ(+)
Operating 130 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WZ(-)
Operating 131 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(+)+0.16VZ(+)
Operating 132 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(+)+0.16VZ(-)
Operating 133 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(-)+0.16VZ(+)
Operating 134 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(-)+0.16VZ(-)
Operating 135 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(+)+0.16VX(+)
Operating 136 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(+)+0.16VX(-)
Operating 137 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(-)+0.16VX(+)
Operating 138 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(-)+0.16VX(-)
Operating 139 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WX(+)
Operating 140 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WX(-)
Operating 141 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WZ(+)
Operating 142 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WZ(-)
Operating 143 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Operating 144 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Operating 145 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Operating 146 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Operating 147 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Operating 148 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Operating 149 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Operating 150 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Test 151 1D+1PT
Test 152 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Test 153 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Test 154 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WZ(+)
Test 155 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WZ(-)
Test 156 1D+1PE+1TL
Test 157 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Test 158 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

Test 159 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WZ(+)

Test 160 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WZ(-)

- Pembebanan Primer
No Title Type Remark
1 D Beban mati Beban mati
2 PE Pipa Pipa kosong
3 PO Pipa Pipa ber-operaso
4 PT Pipa Pipa saat test
5 TL Thermal Beban thermal
6 WX+ Angin Angin arah X+
7 WX- Angin Angin arah X-
8 WZ+ Angin Angin arah Z+
9 WZ- Angin Angin arah Z-
10 VX+ Gempa Gempa arah X+
11 VZ+ Gempa Gempa arah Z+
12 VX- Gempa Gempa arah X-
13 VZ- Gempa Gempa arah Z-
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

3.3. Analysis Result

> Steel structure ratio

> Steel Structure Ratio < 1 OK

> Vertical displacement (beam displacement)

> Allowable deflection for ordinary beam is L/240

Deflection Allowable deflection

TYPE Beam L/C Direction Length (L) mm STATUS
(Δ) mm (Δall) mm
WF-150x75x5x7 15 101 Y 2400 0.018 10.000 OK

> Horizontal displacement

> Displacement due wind load (output STAAD)

- Allowable sway caused by wind load is H/200

Displ. Direction Node L/C X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) Δmax (mm) H (mm) Allow (mm) Check
Max X Logitudinal 29 102 0.142 -0.074 0.161 0.142 6290 31.450 OK
Min X Logitudinal 25 101 -0.176 -0.114 0.21 0.176 6290 31.450 OK
Max Z Transversal 25 104 -0.06 -0.115 30 30 6290 31.450 OK
Min Z Transversal 25 105 -0.06 -0.115 30 30 6290 31.450 OK

> Displacement due seismic load (output STAAD)

- Allowable sway caused by earthquake load is 0.020hx
Displ. Node L/C X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) Δmax (mm) Cd Δ.Cd/I H (mm) Allow (mm) Check
Max X 23 145 0.335 -0.053 -8.605 0.335 3.5 0.94 6290 126 OK
Min X 25 108 -1.744 -0.12 8.937 1.744 3.5 4.88 6290 126 OK
Max Z 25 149 -0.164 -0.114 39.1 39.1 3.5 109.48 6290 126 OK
Min Z 25 151 0.043 -0.117 -39.1 39.1 3.5 109.48 6290 126 OK
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

4. Pipe Support-4

4.1 Structure Overview

> General
3D Model

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Structure Modeling

Structure node numbering Structure beam numbering

> Member proerties

WF-250x125x6x9 WF-150x75x5x7 L50x50x5

4.2 Loading Calculation

> Dead Load (DL)
Dead load automatically applied by Staad Pro

> Cable Load & Instrument

Member Berat /m (kg) Panjang (m) Berat (kg)
1 175 3 525

Cable Load & Instrument

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Piping load (P)

Diameter 12"
Diameter (m) 0.4287
Pipe Load (kg/m) 74
Specific Gravity (kg/m3) 1000
n 2

> PE (Empty)
Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)
Beam 12" 3 222
> PO (Operation) > PT (Test)
Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg) Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)
Beam 12" 3 654.81 1 12" 3 654.81

> Termal Load (TL)

TL = P(O) x 0.3

Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)

1 12" 0.3 196.44
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Wind Load (W)

Wind Load Refer to 27.3-1 dalam ASCE 7-10
q = 0.613 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * V  N/m2
dimana, q = Speed Pressure (N/m2)
Kz = Exposure coefficient (Sect. 26.8.2 ASCE7-10) Kz = 0.85
Kzt = Wind direction factor (table 26.6-1 ASCE7-10) = 1
Kd = Steel Structure = 0.85
V = Wind Speed Design = 32 m/s

q = 453.522 N/m2 = 44.5 kg/m

Member Profil Length (m) Weigth(kg)
1 WF-250x125x6x9 0.25 11.12
2 WF-150x75x5x7 0.15 6.67
Member Profil Length (m) Weigth(kg)
1 WF-250x125x6x9 0.125 5.56
2 WF-150x75x5x7 0.075 3.34

Wind Load - X Wind Load - Z

> Seismic Load

Seismic Load - X Seismic Load - Z

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support


Condition No. Load Combination
Empty 101 1D+1PE
Empty 102 1D+1PE+0.6WX(+)
Empty 103 1D+1PE+0.6WX(-)
Empty 104 1D+1PE+0.6WZ(+)
Empty 105 1D+1PE+0.6WZ(-)
Empty 106 1D+1PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 107 1D+1PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 108 1D+1PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 109 1D+1PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 110 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 111 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 112 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 113 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 114 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WX(+)
Empty 115 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WX(-)
Empty 116 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WZ(+)
Empty 117 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WZ(-)
Empty 118 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 119 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 120 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 121 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 122 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 123 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 124 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 125 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Operating 126 1D+1PO+1TL
Operating 127 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Operating 128 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Operating 129 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WZ(+)
Operating 130 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WZ(-)
Operating 131 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(+)+0.16VZ(+)
Operating 132 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(+)+0.16VZ(-)
Operating 133 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(-)+0.16VZ(+)
Operating 134 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(-)+0.16VZ(-)
Operating 135 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(+)+0.16VX(+)
Operating 136 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(+)+0.16VX(-)
Operating 137 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(-)+0.16VX(+)
Operating 138 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(-)+0.16VX(-)
Operating 139 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WX(+)
Operating 140 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WX(-)
Operating 141 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WZ(+)
Operating 142 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WZ(-)
Operating 143 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Operating 144 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Operating 145 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Operating 146 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Operating 147 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Operating 148 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Operating 149 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Operating 150 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Test 151 1D+1PT
Test 152 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Test 153 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Test 154 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WZ(+)
Test 155 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WZ(-)
Test 156 1D+1PE+1TL
Test 157 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Test 158 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

Test 159 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WZ(+)

Test 160 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WZ(-)

- Pembebanan Primer
No Title Type Remark
1 D Beban mati Beban mati
2 PE Pipa Pipa kosong
3 PO Pipa Pipa ber-operaso
4 PT Pipa Pipa saat test
5 TL Thermal Beban thermal
6 WX+ Angin Angin arah X+
7 WX- Angin Angin arah X-
8 WZ+ Angin Angin arah Z+
9 WZ- Angin Angin arah Z-
10 VX+ Gempa Gempa arah X+
11 VZ+ Gempa Gempa arah Z+
12 VX- Gempa Gempa arah X-
13 VZ- Gempa Gempa arah Z-
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

4.3. Analysis Result

> Steel structure ratio

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Steel Structure Ratio < 1 OK

> Vertical displacement (beam displacement)

> Allowable deflection for ordinary beam is L/240

Deflection Allowable deflection

TYPE Beam L/C Direction Length (L) mm STATUS
(Δ) mm (Δall) mm
WF-150x75x5x7 15 101 Y 2400 0.018 10.000 OK

> Horizontal displacement

> Displacement due wind load (output STAAD)

- Allowable sway caused by wind load is H/200

Displ. Direction Node L/C X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) Δmax (mm) H (mm) Allow (mm) Check
Max X Logitudinal 29 102 0.142 -0.074 0.161 0.142 6290 31.450 OK
Min X Logitudinal 25 101 -0.176 -0.114 0.21 0.176 6290 31.450 OK
Max Z Transversal 25 104 -0.06 -0.115 30 30 6290 31.450 OK
Min Z Transversal 25 105 -0.06 -0.115 30 30 6290 31.450 OK

> Displacement due seismic load (output STAAD)

- Allowable sway caused by earthquake load is 0.020hx
Displ. Node L/C X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) Δmax (mm) Cd Δ.Cd/I H (mm) Allow (mm) Check
Max X 23 145 0.335 -0.053 -8.605 0.335 3.5 0.94 6290 126 OK
Min X 25 108 -1.744 -0.12 8.937 1.744 3.5 4.88 6290 126 OK
Max Z 25 149 -0.164 -0.114 39.1 39.1 3.5 109.48 6290 126 OK
Min Z 25 151 0.043 -0.117 -39.1 39.1 3.5 109.48 6290 126 OK
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

5. Pipe Support-5

5.1 Structure Overview

> General
3D Model

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Structure Modeling

Structure node numbering Structure beam numbering

> Member proerties

WF-300x150x6.5x9 WF-150x75x5x7 L90x90x10

5.2 Loading Calculation

> Dead Load (DL)
Dead load automatically applied by Staad Pro

> Cable Load & Instrument

Member Berat /m (kg) Panjang (m) Berat (kg)
1 175 3 525

Cable Load & Instrument

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Piping load (P)

Diameter 12"
Diameter (m) 0.4287
Pipe Load (kg/m) 74
Specific Gravity (kg/m3) 1000
n 2

> PE (Empty)
Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)
Beam 12" 3 222
> PO (Operation) > PT (Test)
Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg) Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)
Beam 12" 3 654.81 1 12" 3 654.81

> Termal Load (TL)

TL = P(O) x 0.3

Member Line Length (m) Weigth(kg)

1 12" 0.3 196.44
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

> Wind Load (W)

Wind Load Refer to 27.3-1 dalam ASCE 7-10
q = 0.613 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * V  N/m2
dimana, q = Speed Pressure (N/m2)
Kz = Exposure coefficient (Sect. 26.8.2 ASCE7-10) Kz = 0.85
Kzt = Wind direction factor (table 26.6-1 ASCE7-10) = 1
Kd = Steel Structure = 0.85
V = Wind Speed Design = 32 m/s

q = 453.522 N/m2 = 44.5 kg/m

Member Profil Length (m) Weigth(kg)
1 WF-300x150x6.5x9 0.3 13.35
2 WF-150x75x5x7 0.15 6.67
Member Profil Length (m) Weigth(kg)
1 WF-300x150x6.5x9 0.15 6.67
2 WF-150x75x5x7 0.075 3.34

Wind Load - X Wind Load - Z

> Seismic Load

Seismic Load - X Seismic Load - Z

Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support


Condition No. Load Combination
Empty 101 1D+1PE
Empty 102 1D+1PE+0.6WX(+)
Empty 103 1D+1PE+0.6WX(-)
Empty 104 1D+1PE+0.6WZ(+)
Empty 105 1D+1PE+0.6WZ(-)
Empty 106 1D+1PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 107 1D+1PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 108 1D+1PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 109 1D+1PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 110 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 111 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 112 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 113 1D+1PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 114 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WX(+)
Empty 115 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WX(-)
Empty 116 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WZ(+)
Empty 117 0.6D+0.6PE+0.6WZ(-)
Empty 118 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 119 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 120 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Empty 121 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Empty 122 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 123 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Empty 124 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Empty 125 0.6D+0.6PE+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Operating 126 1D+1PO+1TL
Operating 127 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Operating 128 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Operating 129 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WZ(+)
Operating 130 1D+1PO+1TL+0.45WZ(-)
Operating 131 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(+)+0.16VZ(+)
Operating 132 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(+)+0.16VZ(-)
Operating 133 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(-)+0.16VZ(+)
Operating 134 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VX(-)+0.16VZ(-)
Operating 135 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(+)+0.16VX(+)
Operating 136 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(+)+0.16VX(-)
Operating 137 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(-)+0.16VX(+)
Operating 138 1D+1PO+1TL+0.53VZ(-)+0.16VX(-)
Operating 139 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WX(+)
Operating 140 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WX(-)
Operating 141 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WZ(+)
Operating 142 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.6WZ(-)
Operating 143 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(+)
Operating 144 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(+)+0.21VZ(-)
Operating 145 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(+)
Operating 146 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VX(-)+0.21VZ(-)
Operating 147 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(+)
Operating 148 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(+)+0.21VX(-)
Operating 149 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(+)
Operating 150 0.6D+0.6PO+0.6TL+0.7VZ(-)+0.21VX(-)
Test 151 1D+1PT
Test 152 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Test 153 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Test 154 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WZ(+)
Test 155 1D+1PT+1TL+0.45WZ(-)
Test 156 1D+1PE+1TL
Test 157 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WX(+)
Test 158 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WX(-)
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

Test 159 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WZ(+)

Test 160 1D+1PE+1TL+0.45WZ(-)

- Pembebanan Primer
No Title Type Remark
1 D Beban mati Beban mati
2 PE Pipa Pipa kosong
3 PO Pipa Pipa ber-operaso
4 PT Pipa Pipa saat test
5 TL Thermal Beban thermal
6 WX+ Angin Angin arah X+
7 WX- Angin Angin arah X-
8 WZ+ Angin Angin arah Z+
9 WZ- Angin Angin arah Z-
10 VX+ Gempa Gempa arah X+
11 VZ+ Gempa Gempa arah Z+
12 VX- Gempa Gempa arah X-
13 VZ- Gempa Gempa arah Z-
Steel Structure Analysis of Pipe Support

5.3. Analysis Result

> Steel structure ratio

Failed Member

> Steel Stress Ratio > 1 (NOT OK)

Please check if eksisting steel profile is correct,
besause in sketchup drawing steel structure is
different with real photo.

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