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This document is strictly for practitioners of Dark Lever and

Shogun Method X. Do not distribute to people outside our

community. Thank you for keeping this knowledge private.


–Shakespeare (As You Like It)

or thousands of years, we have used stories
to pass on the knowledge or wisdom from
one generation to the next.

Throughout antiquity, humans relied on fables and songs to

spread news and propaganda. Religions propagate mainly
through parables and allegories. In modern society, ideas
spread via Internet memes.

Fables, songs, parables, allegories, memes... these are all

stories, albeit in different forms.
But make no mistake; storytelling is indoctrination. It’s
ultimately a device for persuasion, for changing minds, for
implanting beliefs.

And the reason we use stories to indoctrinate is simple–it

appeals to the subconscious. A story is, by nature, covert. It’s
under-the-radar, inconspicuous, non-threatening, totally
innocent. After all, it’s only a , right?

Of course, the Anzaian knows not to tell a story for the sake
of telling a story. Encode a message into a story and it’ll
wiggle its way into your mark’s mind without him noticing.

Storytelling is a foundational Anzai Protocol technique. It is,

thus, surprising for many Anzaians that I’ve not written it
into Dark Lever. I might develop a full chapter for a future
edition of the book, but in the meantime, this short tract
will do.

Side note: if you have access to Shogun Method X, read

Hypnotic Storytelling by Brian Marsh. I loved how he
described the Wounded Warrior archetype; and it’s useful if
the seduction of a beautiful woman is the goal.
The subject of storytelling is vast. For the full treatment,
check out Brian Marsh’s work. Here, I’m focusing on the
simplest form of storytelling–using metaphors.

How the Mind Works

The human mind is a giant storage of thoughts, emotions

and experiences. This vast archive of memories is encoded
in the form of .

Concept patterns provide references for the mind when we

encounter new experiences. They let us compare the new
information with what we are already familiar with.

In doing so, we can quickly understand the new information

and know how to deal with it. This is crucial in a quick-
changing environment. The brain simply doesn’t have time
to parse new data and understand it from zero.

Concept patterns, therefore, enable us to make parallels with

past experiences. This gives us insight about how to interpret
the new information quickly.
So, here’s how the mind works. When we encounter new
information, our mind digs into its library of concept
patterns for something identical. It then retrieves the
previously gained understanding and applies it to the new

The most common form of a concept pattern is a metaphor.

To the mind, a metaphor is a shortcut to understanding new
things. Present a metaphor to the subconscious mind and it
gets accepted wholesale.

For this reason, the Anzaian often uses metaphors to lead the
mark from one context to another. It’s could be the easiest
way to shape someone’s beliefs while keeping your intent

And here’s how it works. Let’s say you want to implant idea
A into your mark’s mind, and the mark knows B is true.

All you need to do is simple. First, find a metaphor

between A and B. Then, tell a story containing the

The mark will then subconsciously process the connection

between A and B. .
The beauty of metaphors is you let the mark come to the
conclusions you desire on his own. Because, remember–
nothing is more convincing to us than something we have
decided for ourselves.


The best metaphorists are inevitably politicians. This is

understandable, right? To win support, politicians have to
appeal to large swathes of the population quickly, and
metaphors gift them this power.

Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech–

He conjures the imagery of hell to describe the current

situation ( ), contrasting it with a picture
of the ideal future ( ).
From Winston Churchill–

Here, Churchill motivates his fellow countrymen during the

Second World War, noting that they could rise above the
hardship to emerge triumphant from the war.

And, one of his more humorous musings–

Abraham Lincoln on the importance of groundwork and


Certainly more effective than prodding people to do their

homework with naked language.

Lincoln on the steadfastness of character–

On the immutability of truth independent of rhetoric–

Karl Marx–

Despite the monstrosity of his intentions and wickedness of

his deeds, Hitler converted millions into supporters with his
masterful metaphors. He called Jews and rendered
them subhuman; they were .

Our enemies are not men of action, not masters. They are
little worms.

If you want to shine like the sun then first you have to burn
like it.
Jews (are the) race-tuberculosis of the peoples.

Hitler’s horrendous success in propagating his racist

worldview hinged on one thing–

Effective imagery that galvanized millions through

the power of metaphors.

And if you have the same power in your hands, what are
you going to do with it?


© Akira Anzai. All rights reserved.

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