Writing - Onkar Dasgupta

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Broke Out In Madam Lyngdok s

An Angument
l Class. She Had Finished Teaehing The Previous
Asked The
Section On What Is Democracy And
Students If They Thought Democracy Was
Government. Everyone Had
Best Form 0f
Something To Say


YOLANDA: We Live In A Democratie Cowntry. We

Read In The Previous Chapter That AlL
Oven The World People Want Democracy. Countnies
That Were Not Dem.ocratic Earlier Are Becoming
Democratic Now. All great People Have Said Nice
Things About Democracy. Isn't It Obvious That
Democracy Is The Best ? Do We Need To Debate
TANGKINI : But Lyngdoh
Madam 'Had Said
We Shoull Net Accept Something Just
Because It Is Famous, Just Because Everyone
Else Accepts It. Isn't It Possible That
Everyone Is Following A Wrong Path ?

What Has
JENI Yes, It Actually Is A Wrongd Path.
Democracy Brought To Ouw Country ? More
Than Half A Century 0f Democracy And Thene
S o Much Poverty In The Country

RIBIANG: But What Has Democracy Got To Do

With It 2 Do We Have Poverty
Because We Are Democratie Or Do We Have
Poverty Despite Being A Demoeracy

JENI: Whatever, How Does It Make A

Differenee ? The Point Is That This
Cant Be The Best Form 0f Government.
Democracy ls ALL About Chaos, 1nstability.
Comuption And Hypocrisy. Politicians Fight Amon
Themselves. Who Cares For The Country 2

POIMON : So, What Should We Have Instead 2 Go

Back To The British Rule ? Invite
Some KÜngs To Rule This Country 2

ROSE: I Don't Know. I Think What This Country

Needs Is A Strong Leader Someone Who
Does Not Have To Bother About Elections Amol
Parliament. One Leader Should Have ALL The pwers.
He Should Be Able To Do Whatever Is Needed In
Country's Intenest . That Alone Can Remove
Cornuption And Poverty From This Country

SOMEONE SHOUTED: This Is Called Dictatonship |

HOI What If That Person Starts Using ALL

These Powers For Himself And His Family ?
What If He Is Corrupt Himself ?

ROSE: I Am Speaking Only

Of The Honest,Sincere
And Strong Leader.

HOI: But That Is Not Fair. You Are Comparing A

Real Democracy 1Wtth An Ideal
We Should Compare An Ideal With An
Ideal, The
Real Weth The Real. Go And Check The Record
Of Dictators In Reat Life.
They Are Most
Corrupt, Selfish And Brutal. It Is Just That We
Den't Get To Know About This. And
What Is
Worse, You Can't Even Get Rid 0f Them

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