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Emotional IQ

Daniel Tolson
© Emotional IQ
Dedication Page

This book is dedicated to my friends at Wearthy.

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Hello, my name is Brian Tracy

I would like to introduce to you my good friend and business colleague, Daniel Tolson.

Daniel is an experienced business coach who has consulted with thousands of

businesspeople to sell more, faster, and easier in any market.

Daniel has also consulted with the Australia top companies and celebrities; he is a
former Australian Champion wakeboarder and has helped business people like you
make more sales and a lot more money.

One of the new realities of selling is that there are more sellers than buyers in every
market today. The competition is fiercer and more determined than ever before. There
are fewer customer dollars available for an ever-expanding and desirable assortment of
products and services. And whatever got you to where you are today is not enough to
keep you there—or to get you any farther.

Your job as a business person is to learn what you have to learn and do what you have
to do to become one of the most successful and highest-paid business people in your

In partnering with Daniel, you get to learn from his 30 years of sales experience and the
strategies his clients are using to generate hundreds of millions of additional revenues,
along with his time tested and proven business coaching systems.

Over the past 35 years, I have personally trained more than 5,000,000 business people, I
have consulted with more than 10,000 companies in 79 countries using these exact
techniques, and with Daniel here to coach you through them, you will be assured to
attract and keep more customers, faster and easier than you ever thought possible.

Whether you work with Daniel in group training or hire him as your business coach,
you are guaranteed to increase your sales and income quickly in the months ahead.

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Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Chapter 1: The Science of Emotional Intelligence ......................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: No to Plan B ..................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 3: The Greatest Breakthrough .......................................................................................... 11
Chapter 4: MMM and SMS ........................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 5: Got Crabs? ...................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 6: Fire in the belly .............................................................................................................. 20
Chapter 7: Understanding Inborn Attributes ............................................................................... 22
Chapter 8: Your angle of approach ................................................................................................. 26
Chapter 9: How to change your life ............................................................................................... 29
Chapter 10: Review ......................................................................................................................... 30
About the Author .............................................................................................................................. 32

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“It’s up to you to make your life. Take what you have and stack it up like a tower of teetering blocks. Build
your dream around that.” – Cheryl Strayed

You are the elite, the top 10% of people in business, and like the very best people in business
who take time and make the sacrifice to read books like this. I'll be sharing with you some of the
most important ideas ever discovered in the field of emotional intelligence.

It is my belief there is no better time to be alive and to be in business.

In the past year alone, our economy has helped to create more than 255 new millionaires. In the
past year, we have learned more about becoming a success than at any other time in history. In
the past year, more than 70% of the Fortune 500s had started to budget for education in
emotional intelligence.

Here's an example: Salmat, an Australian based communications company valued at $450

million recently trained their team in emotional intelligence. As a result, they increased their
internal revenue stream by 75% in 60 days.

That's why there is no better time to be alive and to be in business.

I'm going to be sharing with you proven ideas and strategies that are guaranteed to increase
your sales and income. But before we go any further, I would like to ask you a question. What
stands between you and making a lot more money? But don't tell me the answer yet. What is it?

The answer is self-limiting beliefs.

If you have ever watched the movie, "The Wolf of Wall Street," Jordan Belfort calls them bullshit
stories you keep telling yourself about why you can't have what you want. Now, I was a victim
of my own self-limiting beliefs. For many years, I would tell myself stories that I wasn't smart
enough, I wasn't good enough, that everyone else could do it except me. The truth was I was
just telling myself bullshit stories. I soon discovered I was not the only person in the world who
had this problem. I also learned that you could neutralize your self-limiting beliefs. Now, I
travel the world showing business people like you how to neutralize them.

When I met Jason, he was earning $500 per week as an electrician. When he learned how to
neutralize his self-limiting beliefs, he started to make more than $100,000 per month.

Paul. When I met Paul, he was a mess. Recently divorced, he couldn't afford to buy new clothes
and was earning 500 pounds per month. I showed him how to increase his emotional
intelligence, get rid of his emotional baggage and last week, he told me he is now earning
two-and-a-half thousand pounds per week.

A good friend, Nathan, no one ever showed him how to change his financial self-concept.
Within 24 hours of learning how, he had an immediate increase in his sales and income.

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Our friends at Salmat, when they implemented my emotional intelligence strategies, they
experienced a 75% growth of internal revenue within 60 days.

Now, if you had these results in your business, would that change your life?

Would you like to know how to do this?

I will share with you proven methods to discover the root cause of your self-limiting beliefs,
tested techniques to neutralize your self-sabotaging behaviors. I will share with you how to
quickly change your self-concept so you can make more money faster and easier than you ever
thought possible.

What makes these strategies different is that these strategies have been proven to work with
over two million business people in 60 countries. They are fast. These strategies stop
self-sabotaging behaviors in minutes so you can start making more money immediately. They
have been tested by more than 10,000 small to medium sized businesses and 1,000 large

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Chapter 1: The Science of Emotional Intelligence

“There is no separation of mind and emotions; emotions, thinking, and learning are all linked.”
—Eric Jensen

I have three questions. If you answer yes to any one of these, then you are reading the right

Do you feel you should be making more money?

Do you ever tell yourself bullshit stories about why you can't make the type of money that you

Have you ever felt guilty for not achieving the goals that you set for yourself?

If you answered yes to any of these three questions, then you are in the right place. I'm here and
I'm going to share with you three strategies to increase your emotional intelligence so you can
start making a lot more money. The result? You will stop self-sabotaging behaviors. You'll be
free from your self-limiting beliefs and you'll make more money faster and easier than you ever
thought possible.

Strategy number one.

The latest research published in Forbes Magazine reveals that emotional intelligence accounts
for 58% of your success in life professionally and privately. It also revealed that a one point
increase in your emotional intelligence adds $1,750 to your annual salary. According to Dr.
Travis Bradberry, who surveyed more than 42,000 people, he discovered people with high levels
of emotional intelligence earn on average an additional $37,000 more than those with low
emotional intelligence. These facts hold true for every industry in every region of the world.

Now, over the past decade, I've researched this field, I have discovered there are five pillars of
emotional intelligence. If you have a deficiency in any one of these areas, you will lose millions
of dollars over your lifetime.

The first pillar of emotional intelligence is Self-Awareness. This is your ability to understand
why you think and feel the way that you do.

The second pillar is Self-regulation, this is your ability to get out of any mental or emotional rut
that you get into.

The third pillar is Motivation, this is your ability to pursue your goals without running out of
energy when you come up against an obstacle.

The fourth pillar is Social Awareness, this is your ability to understand the emotional makeup of
other people.

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The fifth pillar is Social Regulation, this is your ability to manage relationships and build

Here's an amazing case study: James Lavelle grew up in a council estate in Manchester. At a
very young age, his mother left his father. Within a few years, his father died. He had no place
to live and moved from council house to council house. Sleeping on the floor. Just to survive, he
was slaughtering pigs at the bacon factory. As soon as he was old enough, he joined the military
and was shipped out to fight on the front line in the Middle East. James told me he saw things
there that no one should ever have to see in their entire life.

When I started working with James, he said to me, "Daniel, I feel like I'm operating at 40%." He
was correct. He had a very high self-awareness, but no one ever showed him how to regulate his
emotions. I took James under my wing and showed him how to regulate his emotions more
effectively. As a result, the people who he partnered with were so impressed by his results they
made him a partner in their 200-million dollar business. In 240 days, James increased his
self-regulation by 97%.

Here's the point, because of the accuracy of my emotional quotient assessment, you can discover
the root cause of your self-limiting beliefs, which means you can then quickly neutralize them
and make a lot more money.

James Lavelle Before Results of Emotional IQ James Lavelle After Results of Emotional IQ

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Chapter 2: No to Plan B

"If we have a goal and a plan, and are willing to take risks and mistakes and work as a team, we can
choose to do the hard thing." - Scott Kelly

Strategy number two.

The Wisconsin School of Business recently reported that if you consider a plan B for as little as
10 minutes, that is enough to sabotage your entire success. This is what happened to me.

In 2012, my wife was terminated from her cabin crew job with Emirates Airlines. She was five
months pregnant and had been in rehabilitation for two-and-a-half years due to an accident on
an aircraft. The stress was so great, we almost lost our daughter three times. I was also working
with Emirates. I was happy. I was a Senior Flight Steward co-leading a team of 17,000 cabin
crew. However, because I had used all of my holidays I could not get time off for the birth of
our daughter in Taiwan.

I had to make a decision. Do I be there for the birth of our daughter or do I serve chicken and
beef at 40,000 feet? I chose my daughter's birth. I finished my contract and packed my bags. Lost
in Taiwan, I pursued my coaching business. But I was always thinking about going back to my
cabin crew job in Dubai. Dubai was my plan B. Plan A didn’t work out so I went back to plan B.
With a shock and a slap in the face, they didn't want me back. I went to plan C. I applied for
more than 300 jobs and nobody wanted me there either. By the end of 2013, I was down at
Centrelink receiving social security.

This is what I learned, I had a plan B and I sabotaged my own success.

Now, self-sabotage comes from your fears. According to Inc. Magazine, 43% of business people
have fears. Fears of failure, fears of rejection, and a fear of making a mistake. Self-sabotage is
also triggered by feelings of guilt. According to psychology today, the worst of them is guilt for
something you didn't do but want to do. This happens in life and business, when you set goals
and fail to achieve them. How do you know if guilt is manifesting in your life? Firstly, you
won't feel worthy of success. Secondly, you’ll be telling yourself bullshit stories.

Here's an excellent case study.

Sue was a firefighter. For 14 pounds per hour, she would risk her life by running into burning
buildings to save other people's lives. When I met Sue, she had been in therapy for years dealing
with depression and PTSD. The real problem was she feared making mistakes and felt guilty for
not achieving her goals. To deal with this, she would drink a bottle of Prosecco every night. In
order for Sue to move forward, she needed to learn how to neutralize those self-sabotaging
behaviors. I showed Sue my proven system that is being used by more than two million
business people around the world.

The first step is to neutralize your self-sabotaging behavior using the law of substitution.

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Step two, you need to have clear set goals with strategies and plans for their attainment.

Step three, you need to take daily actions to stay focused.

Now, when Sue applied this proven system, she achieved instant results. Sue has now been
sober for 365 days. Sue has lost 25 kilos and achieved a 500% increase in her income. Within 180
days, she increased her self-awareness by 48%. She's improved her self-regulation by 70%. She's
increased her motivation by 166%.

Here's my point, when you neutralize your fears and guilt, you automatically stop
self-sabotaging behaviors. Just imagine being free from the fear and guilt that has been holding
you back. Think about what a difference this could make in your income.

Sue Foord Before Results of Emotional IQ Sue Foord After Results of Emotional IQ

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Every Monday, I hold a live event to help businesses and individuals to catapult their
influence, accelerate their impact and unleash new income levels. I’d love for you to
come and join me. Visit

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Chapter 3: The Greatest Breakthrough

"To sit back and let fate play its hand out and never influence it is not the way man was meant to
operate." - John Glenn

Strategy number three.

I'm about to share with you one of the greatest breakthroughs in the field of human potential in
the 20th century. You are about to learn how to change your self-concept. Your self-concept, the
way that you think and feel about yourself determines how much you sell and how much you

With one small change in your self-concept, you can begin to earn 3, 5, and even 10 times more
than you are today. Now, the latest studies from Stanford University show that the average
person is only using about 10% of their potential. Think about everything you have ever
achieved in your life. You've done this only using 10% of your potential. You are just scratching
the surface of what is possible for you. You still have 90% of your potential untapped.

Would you like to know how to tap into the other 90%? If you do, get your pen and paper

Firstly, your self-concept is based on your beliefs. Your beliefs about sales and your beliefs
about money. The truth is you will always run within 10% of your self-concept level of income.

Your financial self- concept is made up of three parts, and each part affects the other. Your
self-ideal can be referred to as your future income. This is the amount of money that you really
want to earn. It is your dream number. What is your dream number? How many zeros does it
have? I want you to think about that number right now.

Also, you have your self-image. We can refer to this as your current income. How much do you
believe you're entitled to earn? This is based on your self-limiting beliefs and your
self-sabotaging behaviors. Think about this, how much are you earning today? How much did
you earn last year? I want you to write this down or I want you to think about it, and I want you
to be true to yourself.

I would like you to compare your two numbers. I'd like you to compare your dream number
and your current number. Now, what stands between your dream number and your current
number? It is your self-limiting beliefs. The bullshit stories you keep telling yourself why you
can't have what you want.

The third part of your self-concept is your self-esteem. What impacts your income is your level
of self-esteem. We call this the reactor core of your personality. It is how much you like and
respect yourself. The truth is you will always earn in proportion to how much you like yourself.

The question is, how do you change your self-concept? You develop a new self-concept. You
firstly need to discover the root cause of your self-limiting beliefs with an emotional quotient
assessment. You then need to neutralize your self-sabotaging behaviors using the law of

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substitution. You also need to raise your levels of self-esteem by setting and achieving your

When Charlie neutralized her self-limiting beliefs, she increased her sales commissions from
$44,500 per month to $98,300 per month within 180 days.

Within 90 days of Janet increasing her emotional intelligence, she also increased her sales from
£50,000 to over £100,000 pounds per month.

After changing her self-concept, Lisa increased her personal sales by more than one million
euros within three weeks.

Here's my point, when you change your financial self-concept, you will immediately make
more sales and a lot more money.

So far I have shared with you real life examples of the emotional quotient assessments used to
discover the root cause of your self-limiting beliefs, tested techniques to neutralize your
self-sabotaging behaviors. I also Shared with you how to change your self-concept so you can
make more money faster and easier. These are the three strategies you need to succeed.

For success, firstly, you need to know your emotional quotient and the root cause of your
self-limiting beliefs. Remember, it’s not what you know that hurts you, it’s what you dont know
that hurts you.

Secondly, you need to neutralize your self-sabotaging behaviors by using the law of
substitution. Remember the rule, one mental block is enough to sabotage your entire success.

Thirdly, you need to change your financial concept so you can make a lot more money.

When you unlock more of your emotional intelligence, you'll make more sales and more money
faster and easier than you ever thought possible. That is why there is no better time to be alive
and to be in business.

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Charlie Lund Before Results of Emotional IQ Charlie Lund After Results of Emotional IQ

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Chapter 4: MMM and SMS

“Unleash in the right time and place before you explode at the wrong time and place.” —Oli Anderson

I want you to write down something special.

The first is “MMM”, second “SMS”.

Why do you wake up in the morning? MMM….. To Make More Money.

How do you make more money? You SMS Sell More Stuff.

Life is simple just MMM & SMS

That's what's important. Over the past decade we've learned more about success than at any
other time in history. In the Carnegie studies, what we discovered is that success can be broken
down into three components.

The first part of success is knowledge. Knowledge is the foundation of everything. We then
acquire skills in the workplace. Then we also have an attitude. In the Carnegie studies, what we
discovered was that 7.5% of your success is attributed to knowledge. Your skills only contribute
to 7.5% of your success. Which leaves us with a whopping 85%, which is attributed to attitude.

Today we're going to work on our attitudes. We already understand that 58% of your daily
success is attributed to your levels of emotional intelligence. Those people with more active
levels of emotional intelligence on average earn AUD $37,000 more per year.

What we want to do is we want to start to unlock more of your emotional intelligence.

Now, the first 17 years of my career, I was in the pawn industry.

My mom was in the pawn industry, my dad was in the pawn industry.

We had a very successful pawn shop. We would buy and sell secondhand goods. What we
learned is that our customers didn't set goals, they didn't have plans. They didn't have strategies
to get what they wanted. Through the past decade, I've learned that the master skill of success is
setting goals. Only 3% of the population have clear written goals and plans for their attainment.

Mark McCormack in his book, What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School, did a
survey on Harvard's MBA students. He discovered that 84% did not have a goal when they
were leaving Harvard. These are the smartest people in the world, supposedly. They didn't
have goals, they had no direction. 13% had dreams, but none were committed to paper. Only
3% had clear written goals and plans for their attainment.

After a 10 year period, when they came back and interviewed that 3%, they discovered that the
3% was earning 10 times more than the other 97% combined.

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That's a lot of money. So, the risk of having no goal, it's very dangerous.

When I was a Senior Flight Steward, co leading a team of 17,000 cabin crew at Emirates Airlines,
we would depart Dubai and fly to the west coast of America. We would travel 16 hours in the

One morning I was in the flight deck and the captain asked me, "Daniel, what happens if we're
off course by 1 degree every hour?" I said probably not much it’s 1 degree. With a stern look he
said "Daniel, by the time we get to the west coast of America, we will overshoot the runway by
600 miles, we would have to ditch this aircraft into the ocean and we would all die!"

Imagine that, 1 degree off course and we could all die!

The risk for you is that if you don't have a goal and you're 1 degree off every hour, you will end
up in no-man's land.

Perhaps you'll end up like me. I was on Social Security. I wasn't very proud about that. That
hurt my ego. Because I didn't have clear set goals.

Now, this is a great formula. If you follow this formula, you'll increase your chances of goal
attainment by 1,000%. They're the best odds that you'll ever have.

First of all, you need to have goals. Dr. Edward de Bono, one of my mentors, said, "You need to
have goals for the immediate time frame. These are 24 hours to seven days. You then need to
have short-term goals for the month. You need to have long-term goals for the year. You need to
have lifetime goals as well."

If you don't have goals, you'll never activate your reticular cortex, which is a part of your brain
that constantly looks for a match of your most dominant thought. If you've heard of Napoleon
Hill, he says, "You become what you think about most of the time." When you think about your
goal all of the time, you become a match for that goal. So you've got to have goals. Then you
need to have objectives. These are your sub-goals. These are the small ones. You're going to take
a step at a time. You need to have small goals in between the big ones. You have to experience
success on a daily basis.

If you manage your time effectively, you will achieve more in one day than most people will in
a week. Then you get dopamine. serotonin and an adrenaline rush, and you feel good because
success is something that's consistent. It's not a one-off, it's not one thing. It's many, many small

Then you have your strategies. These are the different ways that you can go about getting those
objectives. Most people have one way to get something. When that doesn't work, it all goes to
shit. You've got to think through, if this doesn't work, how will I get to the next step? Can I go
around the mountain? Can I go through it? Can I go under it? Can I go over it?

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Chapter 5: Got Crabs?

“You can always find a solution if you try hard enough.” —Lori Greiner

Fact! The highest paid skill that you have is your ability to think.

You've got to sit down, you've got to plan, and you've got to think things through. Then you're
going to take your plans, you're going to put them on paper. When they're on paper, you can
look at where you are every moment of the day. I need to do this, I need to do this. You've got to
have your list. You also need to take action on a daily basis. Most people write down a goal on
December 31st, and what happens? By the end of the month, 90% of those people, have failed
their New Year's resolutions because they forgot to take action.

What is the biggest killer of success?

Who's had crabs before?

Have you heard of the crab mentality? What happens with crab mentality is somebody says, "If
I can't have it, neither can you."

As the story goes, Chinese fishermen would catch crabs and put them in a bucket. They'd put
the crabs in the bucket, and then the crabs would put their little pincers on the edge of the
bucket and pull themselves out, and then scurry away to freedom.

The fisherman got tired of that and started to tie up their pincers with string, but that's a lot of
hard work when you've got a lot of crabs. One day they discovered that if they put one crab in a
bucket, and they put another in the same bucket, then the crabs didn't get out. So they put a
third, a fourth, a fifth, and the crabs never got out.

Why? Because each time one of the crabs tried to get out of the bucket, one of the other crabs
would reach up with its pincer and pull it back down into the bucket.

Today we call this crab mentality.

People in your environment are constantly pulling you down, and this kills success.

What else kills success?

The comfort zone. Who's been in a comfort zone before? Who knows they're in a comfort zone
now? We already know that you're only using 10% of your potential. You've got another 90%
untapped, and you've got to start to tap into it.

We all have a comfort zone, it’s called homeostasis? Your normal temperature is about 37
degrees. But what happens is if your body temperature rises by 10%, you go into the state of
hyperpyrexia, the body gets overheated and you can die.

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If your temperature drops by 10%, you can experience hypothermia, the body gets too cold and
you can die.

What happens when you move 10% out of your income comfort zone?

The good news is, you don't die, but it feels like it.

We start to fear mistakes, fear rejection, fear failure, fear criticism, fear of losing traction. What
we do, we hit an obstacle and we retreat, and we come back to the comfort zone. We say, "Oh,
that feels more comfortable." What we have to do is we have to keep pushing outside of that
comfort zone. If you know you're in one, all you've got to do is to take one step outside of that
everyday. Don't try to take massive leaps. You don't need to have these massive goals. All you
have to do is have a small one that leads to the next one, and the one after that, and you will
avoid getting stuck.

Here's a great example.

One of our clients, she just went 437% over her target in sales and income in the first week of the
month. What happened? She was so far outside of the comfort zone, she developed a
psychosomatic illness. Within a week, she had tonsillitis. Did you know that 80% of disease,
your colds, your flu is all psychosomatic in nature. It starts in the mind, and it makes your body
sick. Have you experienced that before? You get really stressed. Two or three weeks later, you're
sick. You think, but nothing happened today. I didn't eat anything bad yesterday. It's constantly
carrying over. You have to get outside of your comfort zone. You've got to constantly move

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Self Regulation score of 4.7 out of 10 (Population average 7.2). In this case study the client's inability to regulate emotions can lead to health implications.

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Chapter 6: Fire in the belly

“Hustling is putting every minute and all your effort into achieving the goal at hand. Every minute needs
to count.” - Gary Vaynerchuk

How far do you think you can go? Do you think you've lived your whole life just to get where
you are today? You lived just enough to get here, or do you think you can go further? How
much further do you think you can go in life? Do you think you can go another 10% from where
you are today? Yes or no? Could you do another 20%? Knowing that you've got 90% of your
potential untapped, how far can you go? How far do you think that is? Do you want to see how
far you can go?

What happens with the mind if we're limited by our mind? We're not limited by our body.
We're limited by our mind.

Now there's four D's to develop a new pattern.

The first one is desire. When I grew up, I lived in Penrith, my mother owned a haberdashery
shop, and across the road there was a toy shop. I had a Transformer Robot on lay-by. And every
week I went over and I gave 50 cents to the toy shop owner. I had invested so much time
investing into getting this purchase. I wanted this. I'd have to make my bed, I'd have to wash
mom and dad's car, I'd have to mow the lawns. Eventually after a whole year of working,
saving and paying off the toy, I could finally take it home. Today we have tap and go. It's not
even real money. You don't think about it. You can have anything that you want.

You can have the Rolex today. You don't have to wait for it. You can have the car. You don't have
to wait for it. You can have the house. You don't have to wait for it. But we've lost our desire.
Who had laid by when they're younger? How bad did you want that item? I still have Ninja
Turtles. I bought them back from America in 1992. I have them because I had to pay the price in
advance. When you think about success, if you're willing to pay the price in advance, you can
out desire people. If you want something more than anybody else. Brian Tracy said to me,
"Daniel, to be the most successful, you only have to be the longest and the last man standing.
You've just got to stay in there longer than anybody else."

When you think about your goals, what I want you to do, I want you to write down a goal later
on, but I want you to write down a hundred reasons why you must have that goal, a hundred
reasons why. Most people run out of energy, and it's because they don't have enough reasons
why they want that thing. Then secondly, you have to understand what will happen if you fail.
You've got to write down what will happen if I fail at this goal. You've got to write down a
hundred things that you need to avoid.

The emotion of fear of loss is two and a half times more powerful than that of desire. It's not
until something's taken away from you, it's not until then that most people get truly motivated.
Have you noticed that? They had years to pay off their home. The bank calls. They want the
house back. They start to work. You've got to have a hundred reasons why you must succeed,
and you have to have a hundred reasons why you can't fail. Raza, a real estate agent in

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Windsor, didn't have enough desire. He stopped chasing his goal. Once he did this exercise, he
grew his income by 46% in under a hundred days. You've got to train the mind.

Next, you've got to make a decision. Remember the rule, 70% of the decisions that you make
turn out to be wrong in the fullness of time. You have to keep making new decisions. Most
people freeze and they stop. You've got to keep moving forward. How do you know that you're
going to get your goal? You first of all make the decision to get it, and then you've got to burn
your bridges. You've got to burn the boats. This is mental. It's not about burning, it's about
burning these ideas out of your mind. You can only have one dominant thought, because you
become what you think about most of the time.

Next is determination. You have to be determined. You've got to have that fire in your belly, and
then you need to have discipline. You need to take action, even when it hurts. Luke was in
Taiwan with me. We're in the middle of a marketing campaign, 250 days. It's 2:30 a.m. in the
morning, and Luke said, "Can I go to bed?" I said, "No, you don't go to sleep till the job's done."
You have to have the discipline to see things through. Correct? How many people do you know
who failed because they don't have the discipline? Success is not luck. It's not a chance. It's the

When you do what successful people do, you will get the results and effects that successful
people have. It's cause and effect. It's the law, the iron law of the universe. You have to have
discipline. You've got to work hard. You have to work long hours. The average American
millionaire works 59 hours a week the first 20 years just to become a self-made millionaire.
That's without knowledge or skill. You've got to work hard at the start. They're the four D's.

Desire, you have to want this, a hundred reasons why you must succeed and a hundred reasons
why you can't fail. You've got to make the decision, get rid of your plan B, or you'll be cashing
checks down at Centrelink. That wasn't fun. You've got to have determination, and you have to
have the discipline. If you just do what successful people do, you'll get the same result. Do not
reinvent the wheel. Find one that's working and do what successful people do.

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Chapter 7: Understanding Inborn Attributes

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” —Henry Ford

What can you do in this lifetime? Where you are today, is this what you were put on the planet
for? Is this all you can do? Can you only influence this amount of lives, or can you impact more
lives? Can you unleash new income levels? Can you sell more? What can you do in this
lifetime? We need to unlock more of your potential. If you've got some blank paper there. I want
you to do an exercise with me. We already know that Stanford University tells us the average
person only uses how much? 2%, you're only using 2%. I'm only using 2%.

We have to unlock more. You've got 98% to unlock. Most people don't have the level of
self-awareness to understand what skills and knowledge that they already carry with them.
They're not sure of the attitudes that they have. We're going to put it back into a plan. When you
use this system here, you're guaranteed to increase your results. How do you change your self
image? We have to put new programs and new thoughts into our mind, but we have to know
what our individual human potential is. You'll all do this formula. First of all, individual human
potential. What can you do in this lifetime?

First of all, we need to understand our inborn attributes. These are the things that are passed
down through our bloodline. These are the things that are genealogical, these characters that we
get from our parents. When Luke was in Taiwan, he asked me, "How can you stay up till 4:30 in
the morning and get back up at 7:00?"

He asked, "How long can you do that for?"

I asked, "I can do that for the rest of my life."

Why? Because it's an inborn attribute. My father wasn't formally educated, but he was a farmer.
A farmer gets up, and he keeps working till the job's done.

It doesn't matter what season it is. It doesn't matter how hot or cold it is. When does he come
home? When the job's done? This is something that I have inside of me.

My mother, her father were in the Air Force. They traveled around from town to town, and
lived in many different places. Within me already, I have this ability. When I moved to the UK,
it was simple. It wasn't hard. Then I moved to Dubai, and I left. I came back, and I left, and I
came back. Then I moved to Taiwan, and I came to Australia. Then I went back to Taiwan.

This exists in me already. You need to know what's in you. If you don't know what's in you, you
can't access it. Then we have our quiet attributes. This is the knowledge and the skill sets that
you've learned. When I grew up, I had a series of learning disabilities. I couldn't read properly, I
couldn't write effectively, I was tone deaf. My spine was twisted. The plates in my skull pushed
down on my brain, and I had limited brain function. Imagine that, but I learned to work hard. I
had to learn how to learn as an adult. Once I learned how to learn, I then discovered I could
learn anything. It didn't matter what it was, I could learn anything. That's one of the skill sets
that I've picked up.

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One of my first jobs, I was a mechanic at a go-kart track. It was one of my first jobs. Today, and
when I flew on the aircraft, I could fix things. I automatically pick it up. Yeah, I can fix that. It
exists in me already. These are resources, and you need to access your resources constantly so
you can get more of what you want. You also have to look at the knowledge that you've
acquired. When I was having learning difficulties, I studied Edward de Bono's work when I was
young. I went through the de Bono court method of thinking. It taught me how to think again.

When I was 30 years of age, I flew to Singapore. I went to a bookshop, and I picked up this book
by Dr Edward De Bono. I went, "Oh my gosh, I did this stuff 20 years ago." So I flew backwards
and forwards from Singapore, and I bought his books till I read every book he had, 75 books I
read. From a boy who couldn't read to reading 75 books. That was the knowledge. I learned it
once, I learned it again. Now I get to sell that knowledge to other people. That's what people
pay me for. You've learned things as well. Then we have our attitudes. Your attitude is the
expectation you have of yourself.

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Acumen Capacity Index Self View. This view measures my clarity and understanding of himself, my roles in life and my direction for the future.
One of my greatest strengths, Sense of Self demonstrates I rely on my self-esteem for strength (not on others).

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Every Monday, I hold a live event to help businesses and individuals to catapult their
influence, accelerate their impact and unleash new income levels. I’d love for you to
come and join me. Visit

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Chapter 8: Your angle of approach

“It is a choice. No matter how frustrating or boring or constraining or painful or oppressive our
experience, we can always choose how we respond.”—Edith Eger.

Attitudes and expectations are so powerful. They can change you or they can change other
people. 95% of men and women in the American prison system were told by their parents, "You
will end up in jail one day." Heterogenic conditioning that's called. Think about what your
parents told you. Maybe they said to you, "You'll never succeed. You'll never succeed in
business. Business is dangerous." Who's parents failed at business, and they said, "Just get a job.
Play it safe. Don't do that." Then we carry that for the rest of our life, don't they? Then you've
got to break out of this, these attitudes or these expectations.

You also have expectations of your teachers. My teachers told me, "Daniel, you're stupid. You're
an idiot. You can't do this. You'll never succeed." I tried to jump in front of the car. I believed
them. But I was a little bit stupid. They were right. I did it at a zebra crossing. Thank God, the
car stopped. It was the only thing they were right about. My expectations changed. I said, "I can
do it. I can do this. I will do this. Even if I have to fight for it. Even if I have to bleed for it. I'll do
it." You've got to start to think differently, because your expectation is enough to overpower
anybody's expectations of you.

If your teacher said you can't do it, and you believe you can do it, you'll do whatever it takes to
get it. You've been there before, haven't you? You've had challenges. Then we have our mental
blocks. We have to get rid of our mental blocks, these feelings of guilt. One of my clients went
bankrupt 10 years ago. She felt guilty going bankrupt. She felt guilty that other people had to
find jobs, and it held her back. She said, "I don't want to feel like that again." So she sabotaged
her success. Her daughter grew up and she had an eating disorder. She felt guilty about that.
She says, "I don't deserve success if that happens to my daughter."

She carried on till she was 61 with all that junk in the trunk. It's a lot to carry, isn't it? She
wouldn't let herself succeed, because she told herself a bullshit story. But then she learned that
she could change those expectations. When she did, within 90 days she took her sales and
income from £50,000 pounds to a one hundred thousand pounds per month at age 61. If you
think you're too young to succeed, that's a story. If you think you're too old to succeed, that's a
story. Only think about what you want, because you become what you think about most of the
time. Your thoughts influence your feelings. Your thoughts influence 95% of your feelings.

It's how you think. Out there is not the problem. Here is the problem. You've got to learn to
think differently. Your feelings determine your actions. If I don't feel worthy of success, am I
actually going to go cold call and knock on people's doors? Am I going to do that, if I don't feel
worthy of success? If I don't feel I deserve it? If I do feel worthy of it, if I do feel capable, am I
going to knock on those doors? 100%, because I believe it. Now, your inborn attributes plus
your acquired attributes, multiplied and times by your attitude will determine how far you can
go in this lifetime. Would you like to know how far you can go? Let's put pen to paper.

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Put three inborn attributes down on paper. These are the things that you've got from the
parents, from the grandparents. My grandfather could drink. I tried to keep up, but it was hard.
I can if I want to. What are the three inborn attributes? One thing my grandfather could do, he
was in the military. He was in the Air Force, and he built homes. He broke his arm and he kept
going to work. During the working hours, he'd take his plaster cast off, and he'd go throw that
hammer down. You've got to keep working, even when it hurts. That's what I learned from him.

What are the three greatest inborn attributes that you have from your family? Whether you love
them or hate them, what are those three things that you've got in you already?

If you're struggling with this, remember about self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Your
emotional intelligence needs to be increased. If we can't be self aware, we won't know what's
inside of us. Does that make sense? You have to know what's inside. We put these ridiculous
expectations on ourselves, but the true expectation is here. If you're willing to take that risk,
business success will be very easy. Then we have our acquired attributes. I want you to start to
write down, what did you learn? What did you study? What are some of those failures you
had? Where did you fail?

We want somebody who screwed it up. If you just increase your rate of failure, you'll succeed
faster. You don't learn anything from success. You learn what not to do. When Edison invented
the light bulb, he said, "I know a thousand ways not to do this." You've got to fail. Failure is cool.
Fail forward, land on your face. I was much better looking. I just failed a lot, and now the face is
going to get squashed. So, knowledge and skill sets. What have you learned of your years?
Write it down. What have you learned? What did you study? What are some of those reversals
that you've had?

Maybe it was a relationship that didn't turn out, but now you're succeeding. Have you left a job
and you gave up a six figure income, and you started from scratch and that worked. You've
learned a lot there. Then finally, what do you expect of yourself, better or worse, true or false?
Write it down. What are some of the expectations? Do you think you're going to fail? Do you
think this is going to be hard? Because if you think it's hard, it's going to be hard. We become
what we think about most of the time. What are your expectations? Do you expect that you're
going to struggle with staff?

Do you think it is going to be a hard year? If you think it is, it will become very hard. What are
those expectations? What are the positive expectations? Do you believe that you're just destined
to become a big success? Do you wake up in the morning and say, "I believe something
wonderful is going to happen to me today."

What do you expect of yourself? Your inborn attributes, plus your acquired attributes, times
your attitude will determine how far you can go in this lifetime. The reality is, you can't do
much about the inborn attributes, whether you know them or not. They're there whether you
like it or not, they're there.

You've got attributes that you've acquired. Can you learn more? Yes or no? Can you learn more
skills? You're in 100% control of that. Your attitude, who controls your attitude? You do. 58% of
your success is your emotional intelligence. 85% of success is attributed to attitude, and you can

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control 100% of that all of the time. Once you figure that out, you can unlock more of your
individual human potential. What happens? You make more sales, you make more money. You
wake up in the morning, make more money. Are we getting out of bed? We're going to go sell
some stuff.

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Chapter 9: How to change your life

“You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. Remember, fear doesn’t
exist anywhere except in the mind.” —Dale Carnegie.

There's only four ways to change your life. We've been told by the big guy, he's about 6 '10", that
you've got to walk across burning hot coals to make a change. Do you want to walk across hot
coals to make a change? We put these thoughts into our mind, and we think change is hard.
There's only four ways to change your life, and here they are,

1. You can do more of certain things.

2. You can do less of certain things.
3. You can stop doing something altogether.
4. You can start doing something new

What do you need to do more of? Is it believing in yourself? Is it taking action? Do you have to
do more of that? What do you need to do less of? Is it less of talking yourself out of what you
truly want to do? Is it less whinging and whining about the present situation? Is it less time on
Facebook? What do you need to start doing? Do you have to start to believe in yourself? Do you
have to set new expectations? What do you need to stop doing all together? What if you just
stopped those bullshit stories today? What will happen by the end of next week? What would
happen the week after? What would happen the month after?

There's only four ways to change your life: more, less, start, and stop.

I want you to have one idea in each area. What do I need to do more of? What do I need to do
less of? What do I need to start doing, and what should I stop doing altogether? If you can take
that away from today, you can have a better life, and a better business next week. More, less,
start, stop. This is how you unlock more of your emotional intelligence. You do what successful
people do, and you will get the same result.

There's no better time to be alive and to be in business than there is right now. If you just start to
do more of certain things and less of other things. If you start doing something new, and if you
stop doing something altogether, you will win the inner game. Once you win the inner game,
then the outer game will take care of itself.

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Chapter 10: Review

“The strength of character and emotional intelligence to face your failures and learn from them are at the
core of success.”— Robert Kiyosaki.

As a result of self-limiting beliefs, we tend to engage in self-sabotaging behavior.

Limiting beliefs are not inherent in us, but are brought about and nurtured by our environment.
Does this situation justify blaming other people?

Certainly not.

A person cannot change even after blaming it on their surroundings or circle of people. This
book helped you discover the root cause of your self-limiting beliefs, tested techniques to
neutralize your self-sabotaging behaviors and how to quickly change your self-concept.

Here’s a quick recap:

1. Defiance of any of the five pillars of emotional intelligence will result in losing millions
of dollars over your lifetime.

2. Considering a plan B for as little as 10 minutes, that is enough to sabotage your entire

3. Your self-concept, the way that you think and feel about yourself determines how much
you sell and how much you earn.

4. If you don't have goals, you'll never activate your reticular cortex, which is a part of your
brain that constantly looks for a match of your most dominant thought.

5. Put your plan on paper. When they're on paper, you can look at where you are every
moment of the day.

6. We're not limited by our body. We're limited by our mind.

7. We need to understand our inborn attributes. These are the things that are passed down
through our bloodline.

8. Attitudes and expectations are so powerful. They can change you or they can change
other people.

9. There's only four ways to change your life: more, less, start, and stop.

A. You can do more of certain things.

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B. You can do less of certain things.

C. You can stop doing something altogether.

D. You can start doing something new

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About the Author

"Daniel Tolson is an internationally known business coach. He helped more than 17,000
businesses to catapult their influence, accelerate their impact and unleash new income levels.”

As a child, I had Linear sequential learning disability. I was a slow learner. I had a
curved spine. My hips were out of alignment. I couldn’t run. My knees would collapse
when I was running. This physical defect created pressure in my head; I was losing my
vision. I couldn’t think properly. I was in so much pain physically. In the end, my body
collapsed under this tremendous stress, I developed chronic fatigue syndrome and
contracted Epstein Barr virus, and I had to drop out of school.

When I recovered, my uncle took me under his wing and showed me the blueprint of
how to become the top 10% in real estate. I took that blueprint, overcompensated with
actions, became the top 1% performer, and bought my first home at the age of 19.

But I dreamt of becoming an Australian champion wakeboarder. So, I gave up the real
estate career to pursue my dream. I had a lot of challenges. To overcome the fear and
achieve my goal, I spent a lot of time and energy on personal development, learning
how to systematically and methodically break barriers to achieve goals. Eventually, I
became the Australian Wakeboarder Champion, not once but three times.

That experience of creating my breakthrough and sustaining it set me up for a series of

career highs, such as co-leading 17,500 cabin crew, launching my own business, and
building a global business that impacts more than 17,000 business people 100X their life
and income.

In 2010, at the peak of my career, my wife was involved in an aircraft accident. It left her
with some disabilities requiring multiple surgeries over the next 2.5 years. Eventually,
she lost her job and was forced to leave the country. I left the job to join her back home
to take care of her.

But 10 months and 500 job applications later, I was jobless. We were living with my
grandmother, depending on Australian social security payments. It was the lowest
point of my life. I was desperate. And I knew if I wanted to be a man who provides for
my family, things must change.

I pulled myself together, used every tool and technology I had in my toolbox, got clarity
on life, and launched my coaching business from my grandmother’s spare bedroom.

I wish I could say life was happy ever after. But no, success never comes on the first
attempt. Richard Branson launched 400 companies before founding Virgin galactic.
Steven Spielberg was rejected by Film School 3 times. I was betrayed by a business
partner. I had to move countries several times. I was broke three times in 3 different
countries and had to start all over again.

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These experiences have become the foundation of my 100XDNA. It has 100X-ed my life
in the last 10 years, and I built a global business that impacts more than 17,000 business
people to 100X their life and income.

I now have over 17,000 clients globally. The goal is to more than double that number to
30,000 clients in the next 12 months. My mission is to teach and help 1,000,000 business
people to catapult their influence, accelerate their impact and unleash new income

Page 34
Every Monday, I hold a live event to help businesses and individuals to catapult their
influence, accelerate their impact and unleash new income levels. I’d love for you to
come and join me. Visit

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