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Project Name: CIVIL WORK Company:

Nama Project: Perusahaan: PT. DAEAH E&C

Work Activity: P-FRM-JSA-DEC-

Pekerjaan: GENERAL HOT WORK JSA No: Rev 01

Work Location: Date Developed:

Lokasi Kerja: LOTTE-KINE PROJECT (OWNER OFFICE) Dibuat Tanggal: 08-11-2022

Risk Matrix:
Disciplines will review likelihood and consequences in
1 = Negligible 2 = Slight 3 = Moderate 4 = High 5 = Very High
line with their specific parameters as noted
No injuries requiring any First aid treatment. Medical treatment Injuries resulting in; lost Single or multiple
treatment. required, Restricted Work time, permanent disability, fatalities.
Case. amputation, or surgery.
5 =Very Likely Is expected to occur M-5 H -10 VH-15 VH-20 VH-25

4=Likely Will probably occur in most M-4 H-8 H-12 VH-16 VH-20

3=Possible Should occur at some time L-3 M-6 H-9 H-12 VH-15

2=Unlikely Could occur at some time L-2 M-4 M-6 H-8 H-10

1=Very Unlikely May occur only in L-1 L-2 L-3 M-4 M-5
exceptional circumstances
Likelihood (L) 1 = Very Unlikely, 2 = Unlikely, 3 = Possible, 4 = Likely, 5 =Very Likely Consequence (C) 1 = Negligible, 2 = Slight, 3 = Moderate, 4 = High, 5 = Very High
Risk Rating (R) LOW [ 1-3 ] Broadly acceptable - MODERATE [ 4-6 ] Tolerable – With identified HIGH [ 8-12 ] Undesirable - Additional VERY HIGH [ 15- 25 ] Intolerable - Do
Manage by routine procedures controls fully implemented controls required to reduce risk not start activity

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Potential Hazards / Consequences Impact of hazard (Dampak bahaya) [L x C=R]
(What can go wrong) Control Measures/ Tindakan Persons Responsible
(Basic job steps)
Potensi bahaya/ konsekwensi (Apa yang perbaikan Penanggung jawab
Aktivitas (Langkah kerja)
bisa salah?) L C R

 The work is not in accordance

 criminal punishment
with the work (permit Pekerjaan  Work does not match the
Preparation (Hukuman Pidana)
tidak sesuai dengan ijin kerja) work permit (Lakukan
Making JSA and Work Permit (Persiapan penilaian resiko terlebih 2 2 4 Supervisor
Pembuatan JSA dan Ijin Kerja)  The risk cannot be identified dahulu terhadap suatu
(Resiko tidak bisa di identifikasi) pekerjaan)
 work can't be done
(pekerjaan tidak dapat

 Supervisors are required

 Workers who involve the work,  wrong standard procedure to explain work steps and
do not understand the work plan and endanger yourself preventive measures for a
and its hazards every step of (Menyalahi Prosedur dan job (Supervisor
Toolbox meeting work (Pekerja yang melibatkan membahayakan diri) diharuskan menjelasakan 2 2 4 Supervisor
pekerjaan, tidak memahami langkah-langkah kerja
rencana kerja dan bahayanya serta langkah
setiap langkah kerja) pencegahan suatu

 The placement of LPG

 The tool cannot be used and O2 gas cylinders must
Preparation of working equipment  Damaged working tool condition be in the push trolley /
(Alat tidak bisa di pakai) Worker & Foreman
(Kondisi alat kerja rusak) basket (Penempatan 2 3 6
(Persiapan peralatan kerja) (Pekerja dan Leader)
tabung gas LGP dan O2
harus berada di trolley
dorong / keranjang)

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Potential Hazards / Consequences Impact of hazard (Dampak bahaya) [L x C=R]
(What can go wrong) Control Measures/ Tindakan Persons Responsible
(Basic job steps)
Potensi bahaya/ konsekwensi (Apa yang perbaikan Penanggung jawab
Aktivitas (Langkah kerja)
bisa salah?) L C R

 use personal protective

equipment according to
the type of potential
hazard (Gunakan APD
 Fire (Kebakaran) sesuai dengan jenis
Safety & Welder
 (Sparks) Potensi bahaya)
Welding (Pengelasan) 2 4 8 (Safety dan tukang
Percikan bunga api  Make sure the work area las)
is free from combustible
(Pastikan area kerja
bebas dari bahan/material
yang mudah terbakar)

 Make sure the position when

welding is safe, make sure to
follow the wind direction.
Make sure the use of masks
 Respiratory disorders that match the type of welding Safety & Welder
 Smoke exposure
(Gangguan pernafasan) (Pastikan posisi saat 2 4 8 (Safety dan tukang
(Paparan asap)
pengelasan aman, pastikan las)
mengikuti arah angin.
Pastikan penggunaan
masker yang sesuai dengan
jenis pengelasan)

 Use of personal protective

equipment in accordance with
the job (Penggunaan alat
pelindung diri sesuai dengan Safety & Welder
 Grinding blade round (Putaran pekerjaannya)
Grinding (Pengerindaan)  Cut Injuries (luka sayat) 2 3 6 (Safety dan tukang
Pisau gerinda)

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Potential Hazards / Consequences Impact of hazard (Dampak bahaya) [L x C=R]
(What can go wrong) Control Measures/ Tindakan Persons Responsible
(Basic job steps)
Potensi bahaya/ konsekwensi (Apa yang perbaikan Penanggung jawab
Aktivitas (Langkah kerja)
bisa salah?) L C R

 Check wiring installation

(Cek instalasi kabel) Safety & Welder
 Workers electrocuted  Fatality
2 4 8 (Safety dan tukang
(Kematian) las)
(Pekerja tersengat listrik)  Install ELCB 30 MA
(Pasang ELCB 30 MA)

 Sparks
(Percikan bunga api)
 Make sure the fire blanket is
 FIRE Safety & Welder
(Kebakaran) 2 3 6 (Safety dan tukang
(Pastikan fire blanket

 Make sure the gas

 Welded tubes overwrite cylinder is in the
Use of Cut Welding (Penggunaan Las  Gas cylinder fell workers trolley/basket and tied up
2 3 6 Fitter,helper & safety
Potong) (Tabung gas terjatuh) (Tabung las menimpa (Pastikan tabung gas
pekerja) berada di dalam trolley /
keranjang dan terikat)

 Make sure the torch

handlebar and regulator
 permanent disability event are installed flashback
 There was an explosion
fatality (cacat permanen arrestor (Pastikan stang 2 5 10
( Terjadi ledakan)
bahkan Kematian) torch dan regulator sudah
terpasang flashback

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Potential Hazards / Consequences Impact of hazard (Dampak bahaya) [L x C=R]
(What can go wrong) Control Measures/ Tindakan Persons Responsible
(Basic job steps)
Potensi bahaya/ konsekwensi (Apa yang perbaikan Penanggung jawab
Aktivitas (Langkah kerja)
bisa salah?) L C R

 Make sure the gas

cylinder is protected from
the sun, there are no
flammable objects in the
area of cut welding use
(Pastikan tabung gas
terlindungi dari sinar
matahari , tidak ada
benda mudah terbakar di
area penggunaan las

 Make sure to check gas

cylinders using soapy
water to detect gas leaks
(Pastikan pemeriksaan
tabung gas dengan
menggunakan air sabun
untuk mendeteksi
kebocoran gas)

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