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REASONS f0R CHOOSING MY SUBJECT: Menge veAy Ls Canvey, ene odes ere. ae oly vast AcoHuese — 4 | He hoo extreme, wseroel sust > 5. | Me Uo Uitte wil corn abaie ieee ; EE VOUe ede euuubudd dd lee eve d He i ‘4 ue | PELL OVVLOVLVLLOS big Fae ee Se mis Topic Date [Page No INTRODUCTION — TO DISORDER AGGRESSION ry » bo oy ‘belrowtour bu error utlrat es _ Uuleuded to caune eat) +o_ CUAD ter pesca eee eae at “eo BS deuousralid du actual action or through the use ote mete words oh carte tar ow een Woattle feedings agatuat others . Foscetul deutriietive’d belboutour, owasds Qurvtier prs oO objet Xe desucibed as Ufoleusen + CONTR wide Wonge of belay ~He = frown yipaling -b- usw ce uver's | cur educational dbroual old a clowmrwecticr violence. 2 ree anal dope, vote oud feXrAo Wot Attacks . Agg soadiue, belowours uvolves cle cdiunoctte do borur or Lu Purse Quvother person. ee ne eee ed we ee ‘Teacher Sig Ju Bas reno agqreadion Bo veal cho obloin oO Cectatu 4 pook or ohifect for Sa Ou bully mes co Ueur Student Aco fo tot a| le cam guotelr dhe uewrourers clo colate gu wostile og areacions Sa lmaoo es how An An ox portance of ourger toward tue torget , wet ce Siento of Yon | io» Keannk ee ahi ie eae Oe the felis - for eg '- O Udarrtuol beot up o persors re UO bis fae uuerttiou 3 —s : fax Pah ‘CAUSES = AGGRESSION — | a “y| Tuber “Tenclemuy —% Ag qsivadl veneer Eh on Guboru tou exe bine beiugs Biologcatty, — tiie Puberu tendends vacy 68 vstouk for_Aolt dlefeuce. oo. Fiesta Logical Wwe chou % could aloo be. Indirectly triggered Se “tHe cvokivetiow et Cextatin baxto os tus bkatu hak platy alrole du enotts ral expedenee . WVU bs Keeeddudue 3:| child os an, aa aU tad taal do _brouglt up tou cut es Pubes lia Aggrena?velreaa- Ht eq ee Une 3 laste 2 Me iert wad uf _b CA UABRR- dba Bplhnary stechuiiq ues . BUS PSSS i Teacher S19. Topic Dato [Page No. Fucus tation —% i Agadieacion clo Cr) eaporeadlon ard conteque | ~ure of feustottion fe om enctio nal Gtote hat arta when a prusceu Lo _ prevented fom vnreacht® Seen ies ancl Cs Page No. ‘SYMPTOMS (i — AGGRESSION | Bebouvtousol S qurptous a Furclot ty =fo stk shU = Cxiouely oldotractable : : Fire sharting — a Cxcradwe BHUudeun OL fies Pheking ake wubol vr regulate U Liefljojopeye ‘og aa iia > dock “of sel courtaol 2 Poover Abtmataun i Obit tPes > €xtrowel dun pular 3 Potr eee beta. SELLY VVLY YUVOLYLUbLYUdUdUodE ur i | Psyctosoctol Syurplous =) ex Heme Euratioual 2 AUGQYU ere a eye fon 3 Teh Ey 4 Sokol Tcdlation = Ls 3 S 4 = 8 (Family) ate = Topic Date Page No WAU IDDM. . | to The Stucly Ee Powe stone @ to problena witlout RAPPORT FORMATION: A puto conversotionu Urar Cannfed art’ +o wrioike thre sulbfect feet at ease. f aaoureed the ect Avot The vieoults cuoutd be bopt CoupPelerittod : Bie 2 ee relatsd PT fRut wiode Ulu sth Pn wy rom. DL waited te wore dove | ee Peudly Uteloiows Lip with Wen so ot le Could Curot Ae aud be Ouay tatiou -T oko obpered liv _ stood’. D taleed to Liu 9 tke & Pond ocloeco. 2 was able -to ercounty ee weg ative aud potve e Tn C CLASSTIME] PRELIMINARIES INFORMATION -: NAME = Ankeit AGE: 5 GENDER: mare BIRTH ORDER : 20 Avavst 2002 —_LERUCATION = scrioo- stovent “te LOCALITY —0f- RESIBANCE oe 5 RELIGION = HINDU, {PARENTAL EDUCATION AD “caver SuaTECT'S “MEDICAL HISTORY © Ved t. #. n INTERVIEWS Ouagecr’s Inrenview bo. ds our vole unrodel ce Ny adder, Bouter ‘i Se Do you enjoy dhe company soe ee leas as covmpared to me frends cee ae What Streav You have chosen aud uty ? sD howe chosen eceuce stead “because P want +0 be “Trttefan oud 1 copsted se oases ieee Mavs often playa ou_go out with your Sealy) Twiee ofisice duo a woth a Do you enjoy your stuclies ? Ein eet || (| Yos El Wout KuAd of eutertaiuwent cdo you Ure? T Uke waclig aztion ursvien, Haley gunmen cud Uinteniing fo vausie OOOO TUN Ty adda deed dade dd ddd ewe ls tf | | Uxrot ore your hobbrer ? Suging songs, plotoqrapluy, roading boris Quo playtug quae Bist : 2 Ww [etassnimey ye i a ill i. : ego ay ag perple au apes? -| Do you share your problems | with aa ath? ges: a [uovat fa your diva tun To get o me fe dun eae Titdax Topic Date Page No What Kiud of envivoument you eufoy tue wuost ? Peneetul ond fre ores (udtty oxeos) Ts alan oe bind of vierluictions put on you by your te vot ie ge suid wlth Uy fiends, uot to send tine wth : kK ee Nore = ee ae Nose 5 a aural Ridlogiot: ° Tiplhow do gourKunt the vunst du your fauily ? VULEPVVOPYYULEY ever yuuevecreCouCteededdeeC ters 8 Nooue 1y- | Usitl_ you do souuetlng that your fauutly coject 0) Tt DP We ck then fo suse 2 wll obo That amy test To} Mov usoch tue do you takeout for your faurtly ? Most _o} the “thes Tbe with ny turto pareuls Ie: | Do _Yyou Cust your frends ) ales (4-] Avie you Slot - terupored ) [Ye TuassTINE) t- Topic [Date Page No PARENT'S INTERVIEW Do you. trust your So? +| father - Yu : ae Mother = Yer Soe ps Q. | Do you fore im cle omy tuiing whic he wouldinot ? = rales, Nome : | Mothe - Yess dike. wu adutee Wun to aduce Wits ae am, ets aggreasion (evel ae ie ami A 3 [de you buut his pe a oc farer- No ‘ é __| No ther - No Bis an 4. | do you take Lua HA wise —— Fotior- Jt dbared on uceds. Motuer -Klo 6-| Do you -force Lunn cur ters of ctuclies 2 Patter. 1 woulduot ute -to Say force but ty -to VULEVUNLPUUU PHS Col uuveveudsseueuurlvererwerere 5 urtue Wim whot sould be doue 1 ol Noten - Yu Do you belfeve ui qtutag pocket usouey “to Your wild) [cassie] ——— 4 [Ts be vey wrod 2 Topic oa Page No Fotuer- I do uot beiteve thot uth o geod practice +0 que wo} as pocket ULDU! Hother- Not evenyrhure_ but at ures of weeds fat - Ya, ar ethene level Molen Yu. at extrem Level How often do you ales your 4ou +o go out wit Vis frencls ? Fawr - J clouct send wysou uti auy frends te whom who Xo uuguown to Linn Motuer - Never. _ f | Fotuer: No MOEA Oke fue ou “alis fed with the coupamy 5 ie frud) | | ~[ukak Ehud of pasion do you see Ln your udld 2 Cine i [Pattier- vecoustusctin Nother - vecouiiuelive Bows your dald Usten te you? Fortrer - Yes 2 el Nother - Not every Poe Does he Lgattate cu shading pratense witu you? Pattal=Klo because ue b wipe a fied. He - Usually teu Lis problenis j Motar- He never Sores tis prrbler wit ure t Neyo ween beuLbuddedddddddeduue seed EeEHUEY | (cusssmne) i 4 [Tei on] | [Bile Eames] [Page ne =] eee r [nave you ore allowed youd ddd to aiive veldde 7 __[fotuer- No _ : _| MOtues - No jn [bo gou tiue waobfle plone do uscrsary for your cubld 2 father - Ou the baste of unde He otha Alo but Ue etfll ctteks to Lis nebile ploue ddddee ig. | Ae you possescive abort your itd 2 Fatuer - Yer Mother - Ye We |whak qualities of bini do you Ure tue wr0st } Fatuer- Ne ufotens to we Motun - sfuging » ductabing , Hovoutludion - g 17 | Ave you-aurare of lio burbbres ! Fotlun Yer MoHGa- Ju Trolar Wo Wie attitude towards Lis uihe 2 Fatuanr- Me ds uot aurere vighh wow te tuinmk. aboul his die os Le to adolencenty. Hothea He wants te Wve a weil ratutafusd urd wealttyy fe - SPOS OUT W added ddd deveded eT F i ee | a. sess Date Page No. FRIENDS INTERVIEW Stu wher have “you bees plonds uth Uaua) - furowu H years How -far do you taut hina) LP tout Wun but wot that wc 3 fs bo_you ite Ws aia ae 4. fuss Aue you proud ok yo your fried ) ft yer Because of Acuierly “towards Wis goal aud sluice Do you Kuow about Wu dikes 4 atlixer 2 Ya Ge vohot ue Ws atu iu fulire 2 Aust] He weuds lo be Qu TT ton. + fuss Hovo offen co yee vase fur ? yp Oly a & what do you appreciate the vuost abowk Mlur 2 Aust Hin cfcerily towards study adel Seer cee SVP PTO VP OVID PIV oe oedeweqdovgeceud (casero) te Fe EI zB a [ie || [eae | (Paw: Ts Ue dw the habit c Avsoed on didneh 9 - No sy oe Ration tau sia We Renate ete detour cto Wie father sttetliy but uot Wis Wuotes what Kurd of eporte he dee 2 ae we oe utkes bacluinton aud wiebel J usbotler be go out for pouty 2 [No » because bite parouts dows uot allow Wud: ke he satin 4Ped wth Line pouket vont he get? st nlo because Ke cloecu't gel Suey pouree ab syd NON N La a addT de 1 | Sou he takes ¢ ust Yer, Studies dedi Te aa ees plowihiy | ig. | Ts be Ho face challenges im hin ite 2 Auas eery field of bd dddeddeed| vy INTERVIEW |Ttwvoug cuctorviens proreas T wae “to Kuoud wire a) ee a (He ANALYSIS aubout Aualeject: when 1 hatrvitued teu 1 Ue to eb Erow tak lie vuole Urodel du Wa elder brother. He ous wh tle uk frends wicre ox Courpared fo lio pautlly! 4 tune weak. He da pxiGouk Ly stuclter pease We Los opted for sveuce eben cond weniled Fo becowe TIT tekau- He res walchong ostion ep Jeaten ning Go Guyalé, Apeudtng Cunnes Wott, Ws Houd 0, Mis totter one Suting Aovgs, puustegraple. Taeat cine it Oust OP peaceulll axeaelnen balbs Coau Me fools sesbacttous ove Hin “by lito barat ted Ze vey cot taupe aid cau do oujtilng dn We Life 1 alien (de Goal He Gi vey aggtecatve alzo- We Gs vety usedy- ee Tone f CuateuMaved uli Uls parents T wouue “to ure Gear be at Soe bind of plsblen wit Ute vanities a but We dtricHy fellows qd 1 thie they aluo behav ive ds. He shores aU Wir Probleun COU Lis fatuer Gut Uli faites Kas Soure dtfferaut SOWETO ae eed deeded pout oben Wh dipe -Such as Lids jfatuer eleeruot belie —————————— && [ Topic | (Date. [Page No. Se uot satis fied wt de Loup cu lis_flead Wok to LUA Gud $0 BU pelrove cla gus vuole plots 1 also cout to" wun that We beccunee ogguestut wth ea urotor at cbtures arrol never [Petes t8 Lis usotior, Sodelly. Me dootu’t care ousting utile Ul Wooten Me suouls ot Wor winter: a I Couns +0 L009 rare (Rat “whew P Lutewtewed | vis fe ) cw aouel. Cates ae eae ; > Urea dae wsost. We oulso told wre + y ‘acl and wera day wilt thay sped unos rf tee 4 aus with each otter, Gores eyes tung Otout soe Ces : Wo Fold uae tuo We do a Vey lanl Tertivvaunt bude wad > SS ae ous to eo ota nd Creryoue C4Ad : etry doy EE andy 0 Walp eet He ts ; Hired ol aaa Pe ooee clan» te fiat wae z oa. Buk af Caney he ecaues Oj Oggieasn 5 At a Ho Euow the crack problem. tuat to We has alt prrblewus ; “salokecl to Lis pareuts oud: Because La wns eed by cil, Sih OF se gar ane oie le 2 Vey wel body But due -o dhe Uuuaposed 5 Wins oy Ula parents owends Udo fee 3 on dinlitees wakes Wim agar eaotve Towards Usa pareul 4 2 aise e —————— ais I alo | coe e -to eu0w dot wot gek a plore | {eager Hourends evenjbbody pratt Wear to Ww B hho woods to Unders one. 4 4 rtd sa oh wae vel Wore quae whet Uae clecien 0% Areauus Feud that sou5s desicions an af Uda of ls Sane oh urotor. But Wis purcots usar Lhe be coues 1 =f0 flow ‘woo! clown Wie uae A a a Haak they doula wot put thot uuu of veatredtfou or Chanyge li, alain dd que ald that Cour , ES rere ap froma ten : E > ) , See y y , > y . ; 2 3 MS aa | | ow" Ga | | | Ss | [ee | (Baez eo | zt R A | At_HOME. My dubjpect At very wuuele reaniue —fowerds bio vader oud docaum tollovs q Auietly. He evar engaged in wiebile proues and Lao Honousbuuclive wore for die wtiole doy. He doesu'r Jouk, do lis wisthes, politely: but he Ads Aowre Kad of _Sluually_selaliauit wu Wu fares. He dtateus bo, ety bulk follaw euly dowue oh fe bas ous Wucstor. He © Sue aduiees. He liter up wauted jo owe an TITttou gud weurled 0 Que a esau ee riitele edna ae Jet en tee elu sett tious he dou't Ube but lew abouk Guat } We Liber Sounetteng wud won parruts oljects Vea taen for Sure db wil cho partiutlas tuing, ak Quy cost. His Zuo Odie, rok he Wor Trou prude of Saud was coujuerd about Us ute ound Wee _achFovenseuli. LLULULL LLU SEUG Gabo agddeneccerod core y [Tonic : Date | [Paeine | | ‘Ty FRIENDS Thy cubleck Los vasa, fPewols “oud he Tike do shoud ttre with them: He tied 0 speut vaost 04 The time, usith Woo prevds H&s Proud, leo dite him Veru vouuds. He ken to Tule vith new perple bh Oo group. The Cuba view wududed ow the feted aud uray roses vation Soveals, Huot the ube Shar Average gerk eeteor but “Vigh coupiclenee: Me oe Auceean GUA _VORWUL etd trough Lin Corrttolerrce level dud Ue ike, ko tobe post Lu vex US omtiuttPes - ; VELL ENUL POUL ob dou ddddieveddedeedecsed AT SOCIAL GATHERING My subleck Sikes urceting new perple ahd old ooirot feel ee wy ae ta 5 warn datlein IO oO tees one Wb. thot a chown Wo [At soctal ga he vematins oebive [ound ee CsA wer _people He eufoye ae eat a) ee —— Pogo Not an] a SCHOOL — My Aubfeet ce very wel loudly wit Use sdasol | vater. He loves oblfoye wales Hata. He Wok wasn [ppiteuds. ie spouds FT fe wht He Fe poltte © | -to wards hes teas He Uistoux fp Tuer Very | Te han deudved yxCay awards audl ee Cale as ali yeas oli gout, fox various Cousbétifien eClaids tue soul - He” as a geod types & T ACES a ta | eee yy Ty Ty td | y Ln per ° ESENCK Vex 8 J ¢ PONIALIPS = RQ S = SS as - ~~ PS ae =} PSYCHOLOGICAL = ae SS —S- . Sea S _|_CYESENCKS- <——_ <> — =} am é = Te our the perouality Sy itsee Ejpeut Afaibusioue racotifeva, Neunot od = Fe ae with the bolp of, trench Rersoual?ty SS SS RESULT Z <3 FactoR Raw ScoRe STEN score _TnteRPRer! SS T [Racronem 3% 4 Heal SST nevennise” to é Avenage 5) focrenversion 8 hgh : Ty_[tie score A 5 Average Sez v t cau cudfuldual au tue diffrent INTERPRETATION Mike atu of the -eat usar to _acode Ue parol LULL " uti tue i of ‘Cyeseincks Pewsualiby a The Yew sore woxe couverted uuld Star sure to Wake | tue _duterpret: alton canter The acenumeut éhoute Hat wy subjects position on of | psyco tou ca hry ; on Aeunsticiaud cabey SUE US extraversror ih cs high aud O41 Le ccale Gk cs averoge Degree for Vaeanuiing te Jeo ices la one’ 1-0 ae Uocoynaev a, anenoge oud I-lo ee Ugh The factor ustce Tuted tu Nk gueu belows- PSY CHOTICISM, Eee ene Ke law Suke war 4 with re é we hk 4 A cuorclug Ly cugiee ou whieh Yaa sulgjeck Wig 2s Tus wae funk vy eubjeet oe ee ou psy cuottcke uu. Tus deploy hak elke dubfeet is Wostile, egocentric, autisocal ou ULE factor feck wiawn scat wes fo wate CH v GHOLE Sune Acepnclt uy fect -falle Ju Ow ge Tus Leo 7 ager ei Lt avero 4 OU Nero “o iL the Aubject ut Kovmetives word i lopiks : SS Le a) Pa] | [Roe | Colur, wen “teurpertal , sulfa ble “Qremain “um din, canto. | Ea udivg ctu Kure GE oS sada soe ha haf ait wobiiele we} cubbferk tes defiieli aa ale jock de Sotrretinner cictive, | Lemsend , Shy, Oueous whisor UU somites he vn wit, eninge et Ow tts Vou) swore Wat 20 ua thal -Hre wale cf Har on ey lo quugatious, covially oulgety , happy go Ureky a + 4 TS ig Gane 2 Ou dis factor Pel; JLo Sore was G unth cabavseuitivg sles e of 5 ou wiiel uvy -subsect fells ele ne fuaF ii eubfeck Lig avenge ccale - thot ake Aubfect de sowetinoes have +t at a ee ee Wes on Couatly ALLAN Le UAGUAKLS - Jhe FaGREssion A | v Questiona ~ To arcens sa alba (UES [AIM in a Late a= i ACTOR Score. INTERPRETATION PHStcAL 28 Average | Aaarecston (TL) = on 1 VERBAL. NS Average AGGRESSION (L) AnaeR (MD) 23 A vennge. MoetieiTy (w) 20 Averog e Vv TOTAL 93 Aivesage CSceeg ct i we ala “of tt do asters he level of: ae Ve Aaah ek (RUA eI [Tone Guctiounare awens dhe srolluroluod fun_-four taclos« ie. Pluysteal lou (1) , Verbal Aggecaion Cie Auge (at), tility (2) - Ta al sw of the subpeet Ga 88 whPolr «Liou i eee level do avenge The ee al gee | aud pluystealhy adpeediue eee a eee ee oT Pe oe eh de Ue Subject sere ou Plysteol fig qresaiou S28 which cole tuak tue eubjece ok Aerage ov tude factor - Subfect's belavtour! Cou canat pfluysteat aru towed ota Tt vould teluds LP peek oy Weapeur ; Sucbfet dure or agaeasion Se 3 which - slides Gust tue subject HT Avecage on Hite fale + Subject's eT Weigle S Gurelue “Te outing aud swodaxtvg. t 23 oabps sure Er Prugeh in ,Areoge which slow tuk tue subject ce ean tun packer. These states +ult subject g Piderne exrdtioual seshoeite es vail ghe hostile uieapowar to Most? lity Ga Go whieh elu sk de Buea on tes a Sabjet de Stet sure tugt tue Tue stected [Aeebiug -fowercs ccna wage und deuger. foward Ottwrs - After oléig a _ Ay cteunaio Study of toe Seaponse. CoroLucted uctenvt ow cleuenvettton curd CAL T Wududed + que ese Bui bos = CECE Tus quedtiounoie geots that che subofect ts agearasive, - He aoe oggneodion fo wads Lito purer bub clo wot elu thot vurelr of apepracton Tia soa gattudings THis also alows tar Ws tte Bittle util dq absak Ws future plane Altough We hor tode oa plan but ctPll he la Aoureling He fleece Spend Hue with bas fFende ausl le hos Wau "larbbies wldel he (tea to be Cun lito fee tind Auth as Listening Ao Hex 3 books , Coutluctive Fae 0 trike cian Secleactive ldiiendie toner wuwanal ‘oul ths diuae He ts o Futerllgeut - He how Hrectived uAcunn nda _andlochFevenerts da Les dike He Wes to Eurteroee ust pesple curd Enows te technique fo wake nev Meds But We Fe agreacioe aloe. He Cour olo cunt os et gy io geals or dears at ay” coat abject ko vst veuy ema ve or eunrsuowal. He wy Semelouo hoppy - =ge- lucky person - ee s ; ' : ; , ! ferour tue following staternents we Carn couclule tek tie Uj is AveAngt ou aggreadion Oud vutgit row agapeadtive bebautouy 2 +dWerds otter. YU 4 Koad a pag ae Beers 7° violewe to protec Uy vigute . 2 VAL. Subject veope uded postttvely y a) T have threatued perple T Kuow- Subject ropended positively: nea dred openly whey, D dfsaghee wsitle tour. Subject weopenlsd ‘peat Bively. N by when furtated Lf C3 un wartatiou <0 - ae positively - Sel asluy counetivrer T -feel so bitter, cobout et gable utwopovded peattively. ee ee Le Topic Aiea a Res ——__—__ [Pop Fr [Paseo Tne ave _ fhategie wie Was ben | cugaeated Serna | Couttrol tue eae ene 3 ot | Tf au adaptive EINFOR occu easly postive selvefor cement Gs giver to Zucuon +e cleft fer fog th acl doee wok dliow _agapenat ve belafour otters , poctifue sutuforentur uric be used =m Holds wnwtrer by prrportng CUEld's feuwpusite obieh. eee Z Persons with aggneacure behaviour coun be guen oO tocen ox a rebdid wey tue o woutd behaviour oteure. The tokeus or4e couecid aud exchourged for a weword gue ox alroat fA the child 9 T The feut ce stirtertewed +o elfeft eacure - racaet behaviour aud Coetler witl tie cliewt, the tT prepareo 0 bikeso elu of, aggpeanive - prsook’ PT uth Ure least agereaaive - prove ethuctt ak the bolteu +4 “the Lietichy The sreroptst crelares the dient aud Voaks tue, dfoull +o tink wees Jeaok eae - provoking sttuation . The Uterk ke asked to stop ddniding obit the ageivacive tuations - MODELLING - CLASSTIME’ Sere (ees) | | Moawitag ik de, “Broeeduine wheu the elfents earn Uto drove Su oo comtarn way by obser utug dhe helowsiour ok asiole urodel a4 Ube thoaptal usteo dustfally okt: ao We mole noel Se AON Abak Sledurces Auyurptours BH Chreao and deyhhases Ae Iucidente oy Pilueas duck as Uigh blood preoute, and heart obirease - Beefs reo Xe used aloug ust uusedes Felaration AWealu the wind and relax the body a ae foe ee MEDITATION PROCEDURES The yoqte WweELoel Wuedi tation, Constots oO Ang wee td learuecl hel ut fu fails cao of atteuition “tat about oun altettad < Aoustourucay?t du Iver duchor tusroug le Coucoitraltey that the wedrator become Wuraware of afc Atluulatioy ancl vreacken oc oleffereuh Atali of Cour ous Usas: RR Racca re a daa et ee ee ie eee a are ae [Page No... J ; eRENtES xe] NCERT clos 127% textbook e http» [feu- wikipedia . org | http: [| www -qeegle eo: i te * htt! {| wud. Zuibd - wUr hetp: [[ydww. dliderhare com |)

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