12 A Virtual Message and Grammar

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12th Arts

Div. – A

Grammar and writing skill

Mrunal Ahire
Virtual message
Process to write a message
• Planning
• Organizing
• Writing
• Completing – data processing

English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

1 Planning –

• Analyze -
-Know your audience / receiver.

• Gather Info-
-Determining needs of the audience or receiver.
-Obtaining necessary information as needed.

• Select the right medium (to send virtually).

English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

2 Organising -
Organise the information (to be communicated)

• Presenting or defining the main idea.

• Limit your scope.

• Select approach (direct or indirect).

• Decide on the outline or structure of


English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

3 Writing -
presentation of Data (written information).

• Simple, clear & easily to comprehend.

• Accuracy - Grammar, spelling, language.

• Second reading (to correct or edit).

• Underline if anything needs to be focused.

• Adapting the data well as per your receiver.

English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

4 Completing –
Submitting the message (data) as final.

• Revise the message.

• Proof read the message.

• Process the message ( for virtual use ).

• Submit or send the message ( for virtual use ).

English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

Don'ts –
Message must not include-

• Drawing, Designing, Mapping.

• Infamous Abbreviations, codes, confusing

content, dishonorable content.

• Difficult words, Ambiguity, Vagueness.

• Take things or receiver for granted.

English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

Points to Remember While
writing a message
• Include only important details.

• Error free / flawless.

• No ambiguity |no double meaning words.

• Word limit.

• Much elite language , bombastic words ,

obscure vocab not expected.

• Check before you submit or send it.

• Avoid pun, ambiguity or witticism.

• Avoid all that lead to confusion.

English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

• Draft a message
• Verbal form ( not non – verbal)
• Written form – must be hand written
• Sender receiver are important, mention of both
is important
• No format is expected (freedom)
• Message can be in once own format. You have
that freedom.
• Appropriate (to the point)

English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

Affirmative & Negative –

1. Use of opposite -
Ex - She cares very little for you.
Ans - She doesn't care very much for you.

2 Using/removing prefixes -
Ex - He is literate.
Ans - He is not illiterate.

3. Generally ‘only‘ is affirmative

so for negative
- None but (for person)
- Nothing but (for things)
Ex - Only the ladies should apply.
Ans - None but the ladies should apply.
Ex - Only God is precious.
Ans - Nothing but God is precious.

4. Use of without , hardly , scarcely.

Ex - he had no money.
Ans - He hardly had money. he was without money.

English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

5. Use of ‘failed to’
Ex - He could not catch the bus.
Ans - he failed to catch the bus.

6. Irregular -
Ex - He doesn't know anything.
Ans - he is ignorant./ he hardly knows anything.

7. By using ‘or’, removing ‘too’ or using ‘no

sooner__ than’.
Ex - The news is too good to be true.
Ans - the news is so good that it can't be true.

8. By interchanging degrees of comparison.

9. By using a word of opposite meaning after a

negative word or by use of double negative.
Ex - We tried every plan.
Ans - we left no plan untried.

10. By making a sentence negative and

interrogative simultaneously.
Ex - I love you very much.
Ans - Don't I love you very much.?
English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire
Assignment –

1. Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

2. Only the brave deserve the fair.
3. He is sometimes foolish.
4. The beauty of this scene is beyond description.
5. Her song was so sweet that it pleased everyone.
6. There is not a day when I do not miss you.
7. It doesn't matter if we fail.
8. There is no rise without fail.
9. Don't destroy trees.
10. It is not at all true.
11. I see you will never take no for an answer.
12. Never do anything in secret.
13. We should not ignore any aspect of his interest.
14. All come under this category.
15. It was unjust.

English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

Change the degree -

Degree Form Comparison

Positive As _ _ _as / Comparison
so _ _ _ as between two
Comparative _ _er than / Comparison
more _ _ than between two
Superlative The most _ _/ One with the rest
_ _ est

English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

Examples –

1. Sahara is the hottest desert.

P- No other desert is as hot as Sahara.
C- Sahara is hotter than any other desert.

2. Mahatma Gandhi is one of the greatest leader

of the world’.
P - very few leaders of the world are as great as
Mahatma Gandhi.
C- Mahatma Gandhi is greater than many other
leaders of the world.

3. A Maruti car is more expensive than a scooter.

P - Scooter is not as expensive as Maruti car.

4. Mother is more than the earth.

p - the earth is not as much as the mother.
positive- comp.- sup.
• Much/many - more- most
• Much - uncountable
• Many countable
English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire
Assignment –

1. Viruses are the smallest sort of germs.

2. I was not as much shocked as surprised
3. The girl was more afraid than injured.
4. It is easier to preach than to practice.
5. She is not as good a singer as a dancer.
6. Very few artists are as talented as Dilip Kumar.
7. Ashoka was one of the greatest Indian emperors.
8. He did not work any more than that was necessary.
9. Mount Everest is higher than any other peak.
10. Kaiidas is the greatest author.

English _12th arts _ Div A _by Mrunal Ahire

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