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Đề cương nhóm 5

I. Choose the best answer:

1. All nation use some kinds of trade barriers for their own..........
A. Interest B. Purposes C. Benefits D. Profits an accounting function that involves the review and evaluation of finacial
A. Auditing B. Auditor C. Audit D. Internal audit
3........are used to prevent the import or export of anything with another country.
A. Subsidies B. Tariff C. Quotas D. Embargoes
4. Bookkeeping is a process of detailed ........... of all the financial transactions of a
A. Dicusses B. Recording C. Transferring D. Accounting
5. All information contained in this report is..............and remains the property of
the company.
A. Evaluation B. Confidential C. Receivable D. Benefit

6. Consumers will get ..........of 8% off phone bills from May.

A. Price cut B. Price controls C. Price tag D. Price war
7........ in a marketing mix includes such factors as distribution channels, locations
of points of sale, transport, inventory size, ect.
A. Product B. Price C. Place D. Promotion
8. A tariff increases the price of the item, raise ..........for the government and
controls consumption through market force.
A. Quota B. Absolute advantage C. Climate D. Revenue
9. The practice of selling foreign imports in the domestic economy at priceslower
than the actual cost of production is called.........
A. Dumping B. Competing C. Challenging D. Restricting
10. What is the mean “sum of money owed to customers for goods or services
purchased on credit”?
A. Accounts receivable B. Liabilities
C. Turnover D. Accounts payable

II. Read the paragraph and choose the best answer:

The foreign exchange market is the market in which participant are able to buy,
sell, exchange and speculate on currencies. Foreign exchange markets are made up
of banks, commercial companies, central banks investment management firms,
hedge funds, and retail forex brokers and investors. The forex market is considered
the largest financial market in the world.
The foreign exchange market-also called forex, FX, or currency market- trades
currencies. Aside from providing a floor for the buying selling, exchanging and
speculation of currencies, the forex market also enables currency conversion for
international trade and investments. The forex market has unique characteristics
and properties that make it an attractive market for investors who want to optimize
their profits.

The forex market has enticed retail currency traders from all over the world
because of its benefits. One of the benefits of trading currencies is it massive
trading volume, which covers the largest asset class globally. This means that
currency traders are provided with high liquidity.

In the forex market, as one major forex market closes, one in another part of the
world opens. Unlike stocks, the forex market operates 24 hours daily except on
weekends. Traders find this as one of the most compelling reasons to choose forex,
since it provides convenient opportunities for those who are in school or work
during regular work days and hours.

1. What is the foreign exchange market?

A.The foreign exchange market is the market in which participants are able to buy,
sell, exchange and speculate on currencies.

B.The foreign exchange market is a global decentralized market


D.The foreign exchange market is not over-the-counter market

2. What do the participants in the foreign exchange market include?

A. Banks and commercial companies

B. Central bank, retail forex brokers and investors

C. Investment management firms and hedge funds

D. All of the above

3. When does the foreign exchange market operates?

A. 24 hours daily
B. 8 hours daily
C. The last day of the month
D. 24 hours daily except on weekends

4. According to you, where is the largest foreign exchange market?

A. New York

B. London

C. Paris

D. Shanghai

5. What are the benefits of foreign exchange market?

A. Increasing

B. Fast transaction

C. Participants always make a profit

D. A&C

III. Make up complete sentences using the words or phrases given.

1. Accounts/ use/ describe/ finance/ position/ entity’s financial resources and

obligations/ one point in time

2. Price / still/ remain/ one/ of/ important/ element/ determine/ company/

market share/ profitability
3. Small companies / price/ often / set/ top management / rather/ marketing /
sales department.

4. Amount/ money/ go/ in/ out/ country / refer/ balance/ pay .

5. There / two/ form / import tariffs/ specific/ ad valorem.

IV. Match the words with their definitions

1. market a. when competing companies reduce prices in response to

segmentation each other.
2. price war b. discuss prices, conditions to reach a satisfactory
3. financial c. trade restrictions to benefit domestic producers
4. Protectionism d. someone who contacts existing and potential customers,
and tries to persuade them to buy goods or services.
5.bargain e. diving a market to distinct groups of buyers who have
different requirements or buying habits.

V. Answer questions

1. What does the term “ corporate finance” refer to?

2. How might underdeveloped countries benefit from international trade?

VI.E-V translation
1. Many companies do not handle pricing well. The common mistakes are:
pricing is too cost oriented, price is not revised often enough capitalize on
market changes, price is set independently of the rest of the marketing mix
rather than as an intrinsic element of market-positioning strategy, and price
is not varied enough for different product items and market segments.

2. Although tax information important for a company's successful operation

and is related to financial and management accounting information, it results
from a different system and complies with specialized legal requirements
that relate to a company's responsibility to pay appropriate amount of taxes.

3. Sources of funds include trading profits, depreciation provisions, sales of

assets, borrowing, and the issuing of share.

VII. V-E translation

1. Thông tin kế toán tài chính được thiết kế chủ yếu để hỗ trợ các nhà đầu tư
và các chủ nợ quyết định nơi đặt các nguồn lực đầu tư khan hiếm của họ.

2. Nếu chi phí vận chuyển tăng, hoặc tỷ giá hối đoái thay đổi, thì việc sản xuất
sản phẩm ở nước tiếp thị có thể trở nên rẻ hơn, đặc biệt nếu có liên quan đến
lượng lớn hàng xuất khẩu.

3. Mặc dù các rào cản thương mại có thể có lợi cho nền kinh tế trong nước nói
chung, nhưng các rào cản này có xu hướng có lợi nhất, và do đó thường
được các doanh nghiệp trong nước thúc đẩy khi đối mặt với sự cạnh tranh từ
hàng nhập khẩu nước ngoài.

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