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S86 GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI HQC SINH GIOI TINH THCS NH 2014-2015 DAKLAK MON : TIENG ANH (NGHE HIEU) ‘Thai gian: 30 phiit, khong ke thdi gian giao dé. pe cHiNH THUC ~ Ho vatén hoe sinh: = Sinh ngiy = Hoc tai trang Thi tai HOi déng thi : Phong thi s6: ...... sO BAO DANH Noi sinh GIAM THI 1 GIAM TH] 2 ; (Ho tén va chit kj) (ig tén va chit ky) SO PHACH $6 GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO. KY THI HQC SINH GIOI TINH THCS, TINH DAK LAK NAM HOC 2014-2015 . MON: TIENG ANH (NGHE HIEU) pe CHINH THUC Thai gian lam bai: 30 phiit (khng ké thai gian giao a) (Lata J: Hoc sinh lam bai ngay trén dé thi nity) Dé thi gdm cé 02 trang CHU KY CUA 2 GIAM KHAO DIEM THI 86 PHACH BANG SO BANG CHU SECTIO! I LISTENING (20ms) You will hear a radio interview with the manager of a summer activity course. For each question, choose the correct answer. (6 ms) 1 This year, the course will run for A. six weeks B, seven weeks C. eight weeks The problem last year was that A. few people wanted to attend B. there are too few workers. C. There was nothing to do on the rainy days This year, for the first time, children will A. do creative activities B, do new outdoor sports C. organise events Molly doesn’t think children will come for six weeks because A. it’s too expensive B. they will do the same activities again and again C. their parents will want to spend time with them The course isn’t open to teenagers because a A. Molly thinks they aren’t interested in the activities which are available B. Molly thinks they should spend time with young people of a similar age C. Molly’s staff think that teenagers are difficult to please It’s important that parents of children attending the course A. pay the full amount immediately B. choose the activities the child want to do when they apply C. inform Molly about any food the child cannot eat IL, Look at the six statements for this part. You will hear a man called Steve and a woman called Caroline talking about summer jobs. Decide if each sentence is true or false. Tick (V) the boxes. (6 ms) Statements True | False 7. Steve hasn’t arranged any work for the summer yet. 8. Caroline's work will allow her to have free time during the day. 9. Caroline’s work will be located in a city. 10. Caroline found out about the job from the internet. 11. Caroline says that work at music festivals is badly paid. 12. Caroline does not have to pay for her accommodation. IIL. Listen and fill in each blank with ONE missing word: (8 ms) The question “Why do students (13), so much with one teacher and so little under the (14), of another teacher?” is often asked. I believe, as a result of having done (15) in this area for some time, developing good classroom (16) is a determining factor. Respect is paramount. Students need to feel respected and in turn need to develop respect for the teacher. I've spoken to kids who (17) in mucking up in class and I've talked to their teachers. A common (18) cue they both tend to give is rolling their eyes. “Oh, that class,” the teacher recoils. “Oh him!" the student groans. What’s clear here is a (19) of respect. And don’t start to think as a teacher you'll be able to fake it, Students are quick to smell a (20) Teachers who are not able to respect their students are in the wrong game. - THE END -

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