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S86 GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO KY THI CHON HOC SINH GIOL TINH NH 2012-2013 DAKDAK MON : TIENG ANH LOP 9 - THCS DE CHINH THUC ‘Thai gian lam bai: 125 phut (khong ké thoi gian giao dé) - = Ho vatén hoe sinh +... SO BAO DANH — Sinh ngay . Nod sinh $00.00... ccs ~ Hoc tai trun, an Thival Hoi dng thi: Phong thi so: GIAM THI 1 GIAM TH] 2 k ___ (Ho tén vi chit ky) (Ho tén va chit ki) SO PHACH SO GIAO DUC VADAOTAO KY THI CHQN HQC SINH GIOI CAP TINH LOP 9 TINH DAK LAK NAM HQC 2012 - 2013 MON: TIENG ANH . DE CHiNH THUC Thai gian lam bai: 125 phat (khng ké thoi gian giao dé) — (Lieu §: Hoc sinh léam bai ngay trén dé thi nay) Dé thi gdm 6 06 trang CHU KY CUA 2 GIAM KHAO DIEM THI SO PHACH BANGSO | -BANGCH—fS | SECTION I: PHONETICS (20ms) 1. Pick out the word whose underlined part has the pronunciation different from that of the other words: (10 ms) 1a, through ©. tough enough 2. a. brotherhood ©. wood 4d. bookbinder 3.a. slave c. transit 4. papal 4.4. off c. knit dof 5.a. design . transi d. aspect 6.a. famine b. examine c. determine d.coalmine 7. a, cheque b. challenge ¢. bachelor 4. anchor 8. a. plough b. ground ¢, mouther d. southern 9. a, wrap b. whale ©. shake d. rabies 0. a, bushwalking b. funetion . suburb d. bustle IL. Find out the stressed syllables of the following words: (10ms) 1. picturesque 2. recognition 3. economical 4, retirement 5. neighborhood 6. photography 7. monarchy 8. psychology 9. balloon 10. escapade SECTION II: VOCABULARY - GRAMMAR (40 ms) 1. Choose the best answer: (30 ms) 1. Accuraey is .-- 0 the skill of typewriting. a. important ». fundamental c. elementary d. good 2. Remember to let us know as soon as possible so that we can start . arrangements, a. doing b. making c. having 4. fixing 3. They live in a very «.....c...++-+++-- Populated area of Italy. a. sparsely b. scarcely . hardly d. barely 4. This isn’t a . is it? If [end you my car, you will bring it back, won't you? a. cheat b. trick ¢. rip-off d. deceit 5. This national garden is a . area. a. conservative b.conservatory —_c. conservation conservatism 6. [don’t want to be t00 ... on Alice, but | think I should tell her that her work isn’t good enough. a. strict b. firm . difficult d. hard 7. The annual production of coffee beans has increased ........ 5% every year since 1997. a. by bat con under 8. [can’t remember ..... a. we ever met b.usever meeting ¢. meeting us, 4. to meet one another 9. Hunting and fishing are banned here. This is a a. preserve ». preserver c. conservation _d. preservation 10, She arranged a party to help put the strangers at their . a. comfort b. ease c. delight d. pleasure 11. It looks as though it bo a. will rain b. would have rained e. rained 4. is going to rain 12, Had I not had time to exercise it properly, I a large pet. a. would never keep b. never kept c. didn’t keep 4. would never have kept 13. 1s. vs that our children’s handwriting should be legible. a. needed ». essential ©. compulsory 4d. obliged 14. in the world export diamonds. a. Even some nations b. Only few nations c. Only a few nations 4, Less nations 15, You can’t get through on the phone because the number you want is a. busy »b. occupied c. in use d. engaged 16. Asa general rule, snakes ................ Without offence. a. do not bite b. will not bitec. aren’t going to bite d, haven't bitten 17. Pd be very .. .- 10 go to study in Great Britain one day. a. interested b. fond ¢. hopeful 4. determined 18, What a ..... boy Tom is. He always cares about my health and offers help when I am tired. a. naughty b. lovel . thoughtful d. sensitive 19, This isa picture of a... 3 a. red bright London bus b. bright red London bus ¢.red bright bus London 4. London red bright bus 20. Tom likes .. on weekends, not doing anything b. to do nothing —_c. do anything 4d. doing nothing Il. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (10 ms) 1. Martin was very .. of What he had done. (SHAME) 2. The museum does not charge for on Sundays. (ADMIT) 3. Our.. . from London to Sydney took 24 hours. (FLY) 4. The secretary was very busy all day dealing with +s ssssessss (ENQUIRE) 5. My teacher .. me to take this examination. (COURAGE) 6. Recently health foods have increased if... (POPULAR) 7. The old lady hid all her under the floor. (SAVE) 8. The gas from the chemical factory was extremely 9, 1 (HARM) The restaurant is now under new .. ssssesseen (MANA 0. Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your complete (SATISFY) ION IV: READING (60 ms) in each space with ONE suitable word. (20 ms) Computers are miracle of (1) w¢lectronic industry. They are able to (2) very complicated tasks that most of us will have t0 (3) wev.ensunnn. @ lot of time doing them. Thus, computers are often called electronic machines. Today, computers are used in (4) . - all professions. They perform functions which considerably reduce the (5) . of manual work involved. Multinational companies use computers £0 (6) oc. the payroll of numerous employees, record and analyze their output figures as well as to (7) out various (8)... tasks II. Choose the best option for each numbered gap to complete the passage: (20ms) Bill Gate is a very important (1)... in the computer industry. He has been Q). . officer of Microsoft Corporation for years. He is also the richest person in the US. How did he do it? He learnt a lot from his parents. While Bill was going to school, his father went to college, got a (3)... ., and became a successful lawyer. From this Bill learnt that you have to work hard if you want something. His mother was a very busy teacher, but she also @.... going to parties. From this he leant (5). If you want to work hard and play hard, you have to make a (6).......+:.- When Bill was young, he spent a lot of time alone. While most of his friends were playing, Bill read all of the (7). Book Encyclopedia and finished it when he was 8. Bill’s childhood was not all work, however. He used to play a lot of sports- swimming, (8), ... and tennis. He was very serious about sports. When he was older he spent more time working and playing-on a computer. Before he was 20, Bill 9). the world’s first computer language for the personal computer. Once when he was thinking about the future, he realized something important. He thought that everyone should have a computer, and every computer would need software- his software. He said, “I'm going to (10).. . my first dollars on computer by the time I am 25”. And he did! 1.2. people ». person 4d. key-figure 2.a,main manager _—b. chief director _—_c. chief executive. major executive 3.a. degree », bachelor ©. certificate 4. diplomat 4.a. fancied b. enjoyed ¢. preferred 4. adored 5.a.something more b. further thing cc. anythingelse —_

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