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EDUC 1100/1150 – Presentation Outline

Presentation Outline

Title-Strategies to avoid language barrier for international Students

Group members:Sahibjeet Singh (100415044) Barinderjit Singh (100416179) Jaspreet Shokar

(100416179) Jashan Gill(100410693) Manjiv Thandi (100376649)

Overview of the presentation:-

To discuss the difficulties that international students face in school when it comes to the
language barrier in class. Also the strategies that universities use to prevent these language
barriers by using peer to peer tutoring and learning centres.

Research question & Keywords:

The thing that motivated the research question was that the majority of the students in this
group are international students and have a passion for this research question.
Thesis statement-
Universities are providing international students strategies such as peer to peer tutoring and
learning centres to prevent language barriers.

Research results
Source 1:

CRAAP Test score: 30

Main findings & Relevance:

The main findings in this article are that students from Syria were facing many language barriers
being international students and the schools decided to emphasize the use of peer to peer
tutoring to help students with being more comfortable and understanding of the language
barriers. Professors realized that having many students in the class makes it hard for them to
focus on trying to solve the language barrier problem. Students feel more comfortable with
students therefore they understand and learn better. This is very relevant to our topic because
we have a strategy for the language barrier.

Source 2:

CRAAP Test score: 28

Main findings & Relevance:

The main findings of this article are how difficult it is for international students in the United
states to relocate to a new country while being stereotyped and not being able to understand
EDUC 1100/1150 – Presentation Outline

anyone or anything due to a language barrier especially in school. 16 students were used to
create a new system for international students to get over the language barrier. One of those
strategies was students can come to the learning centre for extra help making them feel more
comfortable. This is relevant to our topic because we have some proof of strategies for our
project and topic.

Source 3:

CRAAP Test score: 34

Main findings & Relevance:

The main findings of this source are how international student have a lot to deal with due to a
language barrier which universities need to come up with strategies for this language barrier to
be less of a barrier for students. The results and strategies drawn from this recourse are from
an experts perspective. This article is relevant to us because it will help us find some more

Conclusions- In conclusion we can see that the universities are trying to do their best job to
help international students to overcome their language barrier with the use of peer to peer
tutoring and learning centres.

Group remarks about the research process –

In this group it was very difficult getting all the members together and trying to focus. We
had difficulties retrieving the annotated bibliographies as none of us have done that. Finding
research for the presentation was very easy once all of the members were focused creating a
great team environment for everyone. We are all kind to each other and never put each
other down.


 Kondakci, Y., Zayim Kurtay, M., Kaya Kasikci, S., Senay, H. H., & Kulakoglu, B. (2022). Higher
education for forcibly displaced migrants in turkey. Higher Education Research and
Development,  ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-14.
 Hunter-Johnson, Y. (2022). A leap of academic faith and resilience: Nontraditional international
students pursuing higher education in the united states. Journal of International Students,  12(2), 283-
EDUC 1100/1150 – Presentation Outline

 Yanaprasart, P., & Lüdi, G. (2018). Diversity and multilingual challenges in academic
settings.  International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism,  21(7), 825-

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