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Running Head: ASSIGNMENT 1

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1. Introduction 3

2. Question 1 3

2.1 Role of HRM functions in enhancing organizational performance 3

2.2 Role of HRM functions in the achievement of organizational goals 4

3. Question 2 5

3.1 Use of innovative HRM practices in achieving optimum employee Recruitment 5

3.2 Use of innovative HRM practices in achieving employee satisfaction 6

4. Conclusion 7

References 8

1. Introduction

Human resource management studies hiring, recruiting, managing, and positioning

employees in an organization. HRM is also referred to as human resources. The HR

department of a company or organization is responsible for producing and supervising

policies governing workers and the relationship with employees. About the company,

ADNOC Refining is an Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, a UAE-based refinery with a

global reach, managing over 55,000 employees. For the past 40 years, they have supplied 40

million tons of highly refined products worldwide (Adnoc 2022).

2. Question 1

2.1 Role of HRM functions in enhancing organizational performance

A higher level of HRM practices leads to higher environmental performance. Adnoc

strategizes for ecological performance, so the human resource management shapes

environmentally friendly culture and capital and hires environmentally friendly employees.

They also train employees with skills and knowledge in technology and innovation, providing

honor and inducement for making environmental management successful. Less attention is

paid to fine-tuning human resources practices to improve the effectiveness of ecological

talent management (Alosani et al. 2020).

A higher level of HRM practices leads to higher innovation performance. In Adnoc, it is

a process of developing, adopting, and implementing new ideas. 1. Administrative and

technical innovation, 2.Product and process innovation; 3.Incremental and radical innovation.

Improvements in production, service providing and product making are technological

innovations, whereas administrative innovation is the revision of an organizational structure

and managerial procedures (Sufian & Lee 2019).

Higher innovation performance will lead to organizational performance. In Adnoc,

innovation is seen as an ability that leads to competitive advantage and organizational


performance. The combination of different types of innovations yields other organizational

performance. Technical innovation improves company competitiveness and, in turn, advances

company value. Market innovation helps companies like Adnoc earn good revenue. It has

been put forward that innovative performance is an indicator of organizational performance

(Werdhiastutie et al, 2020).

2.2 Role of HRM functions in the achievement of organizational goals

Training and Development: Within Adnoc, human resources specialists are responsible for

organizing employee training programs to strengthen work quality. In training and

development, the role of human resources includes examining the training needs, creating

training manuals, ensuring training objectives, etc. (Alosani et al. 2020).

Employee Acquisition: Adnoc’s human resource department is responsible for many

features of hiring and developing employees. Employee addition and retention strategies are

crucial to the success of the company.

Project management: Careful planning methods are often overlooked when conducting

Adnoc projects. In Adnoc, the human resource involved in project management helps the

company stay organized by demarcating project goals and bene, identifying costs, and

evaluating the project (Sufian & Lee 2019).

Compliance management: In Adnoc, the human resources management handles dispute

resolution and labour relations. They should be aware of the government rule and regulations

related to labour, income, and equality.

Cost and quality control: Human resources specialists help Adnoc comfiture costs when

creating compensation packages, employee assistance programs, or benefit materials.

Additionally, innovative advances increment the advancement o profoundly created preparing

programs that HRs are generally able to carry out. The HRs are also responsible for standard

control, which is directly related to the Adnoc company's success and helps it (Hermawati et

al., 2021).

3. Question 2

3.1 Use of innovative HRM practices in achieving optimum employee Recruitment

Adnoc Refining is often submerging when it comes to hiring employees. Whether they have

one, two, ten, or twenty vacancies, they will still have the intimidating responsibility of

substantiating suitable candidates who are fit and valuable assets to their company. The

recruitment procedure is often time-consuming and lengthy (Groen et al., 2019). With

traditional employment recruiters and agencies, Adnoc quickly spends thousands of dirhams

for a single position. Optimum HR has been planned and organized to give many advantages,

including the chance to draw in with Recruiters, who will set aside time and cash for the firm.

Adnoc recruiters can work on-site or remotely according to their preferences and needs

(Alosani et al., 2020). They understand their recruiters' requirements and are there to help

when needed. Below are a few responsibilities of the human resource team while recruiting


● Analyze the requirements of a job

● Create accurate job descriptions to attract employees to the position

● Play an active role in social media

● Online job postings

● Screening resumes

● Pre-screening telephone interviews

● Scheduling and vigorously participating in interviews

● Executing reference checks

● Hiring

● By integrating the new employee into the organization


● Make sure every stage meets decree requirements.

Few other things include partnering with employing managers to recognize current and future

needs in personnel, demarcating optimal job advertisement mix, including job committees,

careers pages, and social networks, and preparing sourcing strategies through online channels

(Sufian & Lee 2019).

3.2 Use of innovative HRM practices in achieving employee satisfaction

● Offering a competitive salary. Even though money is not everything, it is a good

starting point to focus on employee retention and fulfillment.

● Ask for employees' suggestions. This is also a suitable place to measure how

comfortable the employees are with their work.

● Be transparent. Adnoc suggests taking action steps to get started executing changes

and keeping employees in the loop throughout the process (Werdhiastutie et al. 2020).

● Get creativity benefits. Employee advantages are an often-overlooked aspect of the

wages package that can make a significant distinction in job fulfillment.

● List employees' concerns. Employees may have genuine concerns about the culture

of your workplace, but they are unlikely to share them with management if they fear

consequences(Pak et al., 2019).

● Celebrate success. It might seem small, but employees who obtain positive

distinction daily said they are satisfied or delighted with their jobs.

● Prioritize physical and mental illness. It’s tough to feel comfortable working when

you’re not in total health, whether physically, emotionally, or mentally. Many

organizations have a civilization of workaholic that donates to stress, burnout, and

declining employee health (Groen et al., 2019).


● Don't forget remote employees. The growth of remote work has posed a unique

challenge for Adnoc, which has to ensure its teams still feel interconnected and can

voice any concerns.

● Invest in employees' future. Adnoc speaks with employees one-on-one about their

future career goals and their anticipations to achieve them in this company

(Hermawati et al., 2021).

4. Conclusion

This study is related to the roles played by the human resource management team in Adnoc

Refining Company. There is a clear description of the role played in achieving and enhancing

goals, using innovation to recruit individuals, and achieving employee satisfaction. In

conclusion, the act of HRM is to coordinate with the general technique to guarantee possible

utilization of individuals and give better re-visitations of the companies as far as profit from

belief for each dirham spent on them.


References 2022. ADNOC Refining. [online] Available at: <
refining> [Accessed 5 July 2022]

Alosani, M. S., Yusoff, R., & Al-Dhaafri, H. (2020). The effect of innovation and strategic
planning on enhancing the organizational performance of Dubai Police. Innovation &
Management Review.

Groen, B., van der Voordt, T., Hoekstra, B., & van Sprang, H. (2019). Impact of employee
satisfaction with facilities on self-assessed productivity support. Journal of Facilities

Hermawati, A., Sihombing, N. S., Bahri, S., Djawoto, D., & Hendarto, T. (2021). BASED
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, 19(4).

Pak, K., Kooij, D. T., De Lange, A. H., & Van Veldhoven, M. J. (2019). Human Resource
Management and the ability, motivation and opportunity to continue working: A
review of quantitative studies. Human Resource Management Review, 29(3), 336-

Sufian, A., & Lee, C. C. (2019). Enhancing organizational performance: An investigation of

the impact of employees’ commitment. International Journal of Human and
Technology Interaction (IJHaTI), 3(2), 81-88.

Werdhiastutie, A., Suhariadi, F., & Partiwi, S. G. (2020). Achievement Motivation as

Antecedents of Quality Improvement of Organizational Human Resources. Budapest
International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Volume, 3, 747-


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