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I. Answer the questions by stating your own opinion creatively! (Modul page 25)
1. Should students join an extracurricular? Why?
My opinion is yes, students should join an extracurricular because by taking part you’ll build
long lasting friendships and connections, meet students from different backgrounds and gain
transferable skills such as communication ,teamwork ,organization ,problem solving ,and
time management .It will improve your confidence .But, yeah all of that are in depend of you.
2. What is the most important quality of a creative teacher?
My opinion is creative teacher mean good teacher right, so a good teacher is a teacher that
can make world of difference in a student’s life ,impacting everything from their classroom
learning to their long-term success.A good teacher sould have skills, that is skills in
communication,listening,collaboration,adaptability,emphaty and patience.Other
characteristics of goodteaching include an engaging classroom presence,value in real-world
learning,exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.
3. What is the best thing about living in your city?
Before I giving my opinion,i live in Surabaya so my opinion is since Mrs.Risma being leader
of Surabaya everything are change.The facilities,education,and the significant (big) change is
the cleanliness of Surabaya become very clean.Although now the leader of Surabaya is
change but I trust that my city that I live in will be better than before and increase all of the
potential to be reality.
4. Would you be the smartest, the kindest, or the funniest person in the class? Why?
I have two opinion for this topic,so my first opinion is I would prefer to be the smartest.
Now, the reasons are that,nobody would remember you just because your funny. If your
funny, people would be like ‘Haha, that guy is funny!’ I don’t think anybody would be like
‘Woahh! See the funniest guy! He cracks the funniest jokes!’ On the other hand, being smart
can earn you respect and interest from others. People would prefer to stay in a room with you
as you are worth a stay.Being funny at all times would not help you, but being smart may
help you in extreme situations.I believe I am already funny.So people, I wish I am the
smartest guy in any room I sit.

And my second opinion is I don't have to be either. Nor do I particularly care about being
either.I have made a living from writing funny for TV and film and I also know a whole lot
more about a lot more things than most people do. And they were lessons learned both from
books and from the streets and the trails.But, even more importantly, I am smart enough to
know the very moment I don't know something.So I always feel comfortable in my own skin
and I never feel a need to pretend to be smarter or funnier than I am.And that usually makes
people feel comfortable around me. And when people feel comfortable with you, that's when
they want to do business with you.Because they won't recall me as being the smart one or the
funny one. They will remember me as the one they would want to do business with. And,
more often than not, we will find a project and no one will recall how it all started.Except for
me.And I'll never tell.

5. What school subject is the most important for students to learn?

My opinion is The most important subject in school is not one of the courses you take.
Rather, it is the underlying purpose supposedly underlying the entire formal curriculum.
Included in this overarching curriculum are a rich combination of academic and personal
skills necessary for helping adolescents develop themselves to their full potential.

The same is with importance of subjects. If you want to be a scientist of some sort, then
math, social studies, and science are the best subjects. If you want to be a doctor, then it’s
science and language arts. If you want to be a detective, then knowledge of all subjects is
needed. Generally, I would say language arts. Language arts fuels every job, as learning new
vocabulary and rules to grammar can do as little as spicing up a report to getting a complete
understanding of everything you read or hear. A close second is math and science. Math
helps understand the unknown and science uses math to fuel exploration of reality. Social
studies, like language arts, give s understanding. However, I would not say it is as necessary
as math or science. Phys Ed is important and so are the arts. It’s just that math/language
arts/science enhances most of the jobs available.

II. Complete the dialogues below using the suitable expression of asking for or giving
opinion! (modul page 29)
1. A : What is your reaction to the prohibition of bringing motorcycle in the school area?
B : My reaction is yeah this is good regulation but definitely every regulation have a plus
and minus so,I think if school prohibit the student to bring motorcycle in the school
area.of course the student can bring the motorcycle outside from the school so the
school can’t oversee the student this action can appear negative activities.better to
permitted the student for bringing vehicle in school area.
2. A : What would you say about students who often come late to school?
B : I would say that student is a undiscipline but if I a wise person to think more inside
i’ll ask the student the reason you late,if the student lie of course it can be seen from
the look on his face and body movement.If the student honest of course it can be
seen.Maybe the student have a busy activity that make them late but all of that is
depend on you how to manage your time?although you are the busiest person in the
3. A : What is your opinion about the materials in this chapter?
B : My opinion is actually this material already there since I was in the elementary but of
course the level is upgrade so I have to more thinking.Opinion and agree/disagree
is one of material that I like it because inside this material I can show all my opinion.
4. A : What do you think about the TV program nowadays?
B : As I see it,this is specific for Indonesian tv program right,so I think nowadays indo tv
program actually not much changes from the previous year(era) but all of that is
depend on you how you to choose tv program that you will watch?
5. A : How do you feel about having seminar about juvenile criminally?
B : I feel is good for protecting kid criminal but when the protecting is proceed the kid
criminal must be getting punishment to make them not repeat again like put them in jail
special for a kid criminal as in U.S.A.Actually my opinion still much but I think enough.

Misel Rajasyah H.P XI MIPA 3-22 THANKS

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