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Health Brochure

“Cease the sneeze!”

HEVERT® “Back when my grand-
father started our com-
How Hevert® Allergy Relief Helps You
pany in the 1950s, he
never dreamed of how
his products would
Hevert® Allergy Relief contains a proven combi-
nation of carefully selected homeopathic active
touch the lives of so
many people. After ALLERGY
his death, my grand-
substances working effectively – naturally.
mother carried on his
Hevert® Allergy Relief promise of safe and ef-
fective healing with medicines made by nature. My
• Works anti-allergically
father kept our family’s healing tradition alive and Homeopathic Medicine
• Reduces swelling
helped make Hevert one of Europe’s most trusted
• Relieves itching
names in natural medicine. And today, I keep the
• Restores nasal mucosa
promise made by my grandparents more than 50
years ago to always share my family’s gift with
other families everywhere and keep their vision of
a healthier, more natural world alive.”

Mathias Hevert

With the Power of Homeopathy

NEW Hevert® Allergy Relief Active ingredients: Apis mellifica 4X, Galphimia glauca 4X, Kali
bichromicum 6X, Teucrium marum 4X, Verbascum densiflorum 2X. Inactive ingredients:
lactose, magnesium stearate. Uses: For temporary relief of minor symptoms of allergy,
such as: sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose and throat, watery and itchy eyes. These ‘uses’
have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Warnings: Do not use if you
are allergic to bee venom or chromium, or if you are lactose intolerant. Package size: 100
tablets. NDC 54532-0012-4. Made in Germany. Distributed by Hevert Pharmaceuticals, LLC ·
Eugene · OR 97401 · · Toll free: 1.855.387.6466

Hevert® Allergy Relief provides temporary relief of For each package sold
Hevert donates a percent-
allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, Recommended by: age to the Schools Project
“School Bricks for GANDO”
watery and itchy eyes, itchy nose and throat. This in Burkina Faso, West
Africa ·
homeopathic medicine is also suitable for children
ID: 4799056 · 02/2013

(aged 6 years and older). Easy to take – the tablets Hevert gets 100% of its
electricity from renewable
dissolve in your mouth. energy sources

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For further information visit us at: Facebook
Reaction of the Immune System Effective for Allergy Symptoms Legacy and Tradition
As with other allergic symptoms, allergic symptoms Hevert® Allergy Relief contains a proven combination When he founded the Hevert company together
of the respiratory tract are an overreaction by the of five carefully selected homeopathic active sub- with his wife Dorothea in the 1950s, Emil Hevert laid
body to certain foreign particles called allergens. stances working effectively – naturally: the foundation for the company on Emanuel Felke’s
These include pollen, mold spores or proteins that work. Hevert was founded in the German town of
Apis mellifica 4X reduces swelling of mucous mem-
adhere to animal hairs and dust. Bad Sobernheim, where the naturopath Felke prac-
branes in the nose and throat area.
ticed for many years, and which later became the
The most common type of allergic rhinitis is hay
Galphimia glauca 4X relieves typical headquarters for the Felke Association. Emil Hevert
fever. Millions of people in the United States get
allergy symptoms and is an important was also involved in the founding of this associa-
hay fever. Everyone has their own individual allergy
homeopathic remedy for hay fever. tion.
season, depending on whether they react allergi-
cally to early flowering trees, weeds and shrubs in Kali bichromicum 6X is generally To this day, Bad Sobernheim, with its spa resorts,
early summer or to grasses and grains later in the effective for allergy conditions of the is the center for the Felke Therapy which uses the
summer. upper respiratory tract. well-known natural remedies of light, air, water, clay
and a natural food diet in addition to homeopathy.
The symptoms of hay fever are not limited to the Teucrium marum 4X helps restore the
Galphimia glauca A large number of the Hevert homeopathic formu-
nose, where frequent sneezing, swelling of the na- nasal mucosa’s resistance to allergens.
las were created in cooperation with students of the
sal mucosa and runny nose are the main symptoms.
Verbascum densiflorum 2X relieves allergic irritation famous Emanuel Felke.
Other symptoms include watery, burning and red
of the respiratory tract.
eyes. The eyes as well as the entire nose and throat
area can become annoyingly itchy. Our tip: Start taking Hevert® Allergy Relief before
your allergy symptoms start. This way you will acti-
vate the body’s ability to heal itself and prepare the
House Dust
Pollen immune system for the coming pollen season with
(e.g., birch, grass)
homeopathic stimuli. To get relief from your allergy
Animal Hairs
symptoms on an ongoing basis, you should continue
(e.g., cat) to take this product during pollen season as needed.
Medication Allergy
(e.g., penicillin)
Insect Venom
(e.g., bee sting)
Hevert Headquarters
Mold Spores
Food Proteins
(e.g., nuts, soy)

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