Electronegativity of An Atom Represents The Power of That Atom in 4

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Electronegativity of an atom represents the power of that atom in a molecule

to attract bonding electrons.

A polar bond is a covalent bond formed between two atoms of different
Allotropes are variations in the forms of an element which differ in molecular
composition or the way in which atoms form different packing arrangements
in the solid state.

A dative covalent bond is a covalent bond formed between two atoms where
both electrons of the shared pair are contributed by the same atom.
At Cathode, H+ is continuously discharged. The conc. of H+ drops to a level
lower than that of OH-, so the solution at cathode becomes alkaline
the lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom enable its molecules to form
hydrogen bonds with water molecules. As a result, it is slightly soluble in

the oxygen and hydrogen atoms in the -OH group enable its molecules to
form extensive hydrogen bonds with water molecules. As a result, ethanol is
very soluble in water.

The electronegativity difference between N and H is greater than that

between C and H and so a N!H is more polar.

Each propan-1-ol molecule can form one hydrogen bond on average

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