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Planners - Rules Management
AVES Training, September 2018, Hanoi

1. AVES Data Manager ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Log in to AVES Data Manager ................................................................................................ 5
2. Activity codes ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Description of form Activity code.......................................................................................... 7
2.2 Predefined “Kind” for Activity codes..................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Standby codes................................................................................................................ 8
2.2.2 Positioning codes ........................................................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Other duty codes ........................................................................................................... 8
2.2.4 Travelling codes ............................................................................................................. 8
2.2.5 Day off codes ................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.6 Leave codes ................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.7 Extra day off codes ........................................................................................................ 8
2.2.8 Sickness codes ............................................................................................................... 8
2.2.9 Time block codes ........................................................................................................... 8
3. Basic data I. ................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Supertypes registration to CMS ............................................................................................ 9
3.2 Aircraft type group for planning.......................................................................................... 10
3.3 Languages ............................................................................................................................ 11
3.4 Holidays ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.5 Twin airports ....................................................................................................................... 13
3.6 General crew composition (for A/C types) .......................................................................... 13
3.6.1 Crew composition validity ........................................................................................... 14
3.6.2 Basic crew composition ............................................................................................... 15
3.7 Crew kind requirement ....................................................................................................... 16
3.8 Check In/Check Out parameters ......................................................................................... 17
3.9 Check In/Check Out Locations............................................................................................. 17
4. Basic data II ................................................................................................................................. 18
4.1 Balancing system ................................................................................................................. 18
4.2 Basic parameters ................................................................................................................. 18
4.3 Crew groups ........................................................................................................................ 18
4.4 Rules for defining crew groups............................................................................................ 20
4.5 Duty categories.................................................................................................................... 21
4.6 Rules for defining Flight categories ..................................................................................... 23
4.7 Rules for defining Standby categories ................................................................................. 25
4.8 Balancing period .................................................................................................................. 26
4.8.1 Registering flight category into balancing period........................................................ 27
4.8.2 Coefficient for balancing.............................................................................................. 28
4.9 Rules for defining crew categories – CC only ...................................................................... 29
4.10 Annual leave award system/General settings ..................................................................... 30
4.11 Annual leave award system/Coefficients for planning ....................................................... 31
4.12 Duty change reason............................................................................................................. 32
5. Extra rules ................................................................................................................................... 33
5.1 Rules for planning................................................................................................................ 33
5.2 Description of Rules Form ................................................................................................... 34
5.2.1 Rule definition part ...................................................................................................... 35
5.2.2 Flight selection ............................................................................................................. 35
5.2.3 Crew selection by criteria ............................................................................................ 37
5.2.4 Crew selection by list ................................................................................................... 38
5.2.5 Bottom frame .............................................................................................................. 38
5.2.6 General principles for using Extra rules ....................................................................... 38

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5.3 Forbid/Prefer crew to flight ................................................................................................ 39

5.3.1 Age – Forbid ................................................................................................................. 39
5.3.2 Transit check rule FC .................................................................................................... 40
5.3.3 VIP flights CC ................................................................................................................ 41
5.4 Forbid crew on stay ............................................................................................................. 41
5.4.1 Stay in Russia – visa – Forbid ....................................................................................... 41
5.5 Set crew structure ............................................................................................................... 43
5.5.1 FC – Limit number of crew over specific Age .............................................................. 43
5.5.2 CC – specify number per Language and Gender ......................................................... 44
5.6 Like/Dislike rules.................................................................................................................. 44
5.7 Plan crew on other functions .............................................................................................. 45
5.8 Crew number by flight specification ................................................................................... 46
5.9 Crew number by PAX specification ..................................................................................... 47
5.10 Rules Reserved for rest reserve – used for Optimisation ................................................... 48
5.11 Crew ground time specifications ......................................................................................... 49
5.12 Rules for time blocking around flight duties ....................................................................... 50
5.13 Rules for time blocking standbys ........................................................................................ 51
5.14 Rules for blocking around leaves ........................................................................................ 52
5.15 Rules for time blocking around non-flight activities ........................................................... 54
5.16 Rules for individual day off profile ...................................................................................... 54
5.17 Rule for checking flight time for periods – by number of periods ...................................... 55
5.18 Rule for checking flight time – by sequence of periods ...................................................... 56
5.19 Limit for variables over period ............................................................................................ 57
5.20 Rules for evaluating crew requests ..................................................................................... 58
5.20.1 Requests for activities evaluation................................................................................ 58
5.20.2 Requests for days off evaluation ................................................................................. 59
5.21 Set Colours for Flights ......................................................................................................... 60

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AVES Data Manager

1. AVES Data Manager

AVES Data Manager (the Basic Data Management module) is used for managing AVES Crew
Management System basic data, crew specific data, or rules. Within AVES Data Manager, all
necessary adjustments for correct running of AVES Crew Plan or AVES Crew Monitor modules are set
up. Most of these settings are done only once. Some were already prepared as samples.
AVES Data Manager is divided into Flight Crew (FC) and Cabin Crew (CC) part, only some adjustments
have an effect to both professions. Where applicable, the sharing of settings between FC and CC is
stated in the text.

1.1 Log in to AVES Data Manager

Use cB icon for start AVES Data Manager

 Login & Password are taken from your Windows credential, use OK directly

 Select a profession

 After loging in, the main screen with menus will appear:
Main menu Brief description
Activity codes Managing codes for all kinds of activities
Basic data I. System setting for basic codes tables
Basic data II. System setting for Balancing and other extended features
Crew database Crew database and related data for crew
Norm For maintaining the core crew rule sets
Extra rules Additional rules for planning

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2. Activity codes
Application: The menu “Activity codes” contains functionalities for managing codes for all types of
activities used in the AVES Crew Plan module. Before planning activities in AVES Crew Plan module it
is necessary to input data for activities codes via these menus. Even in the case that an airline does
not distinguish activities by codes, at least one code must be entered into the system.
Results are visible in AVES Crew Plan/AVES Crew Monitor in crewmember’s roster and prints.

Affects: FC & CC shared or separately, depending on settings of each activity code.


The following tables list all Activity types used in the AVES system except of Simulators and Trainings.
The Simulator does not need to define the types, so the setting of that is not available in this menu.
Trainings are closely related to Crew database, so its definitions are accessible though menu Crew
Duty type Brief description
Standby Standby
Positioning Positioning (Bus, train, flights with other carriers etc.)
Other duty Other ground duty (office, meeting, medical check etc.)
Travelling codes Travelling from airport to hotel and vice versa

Off Day type Brief description

Leave All kinds of crew vacations (in days)
Day off All kinds of requested/due to norm days off (in days)
Sickness Sickness (in days)
Extra day off Other blocking (in days)
Time block Time blocking (in hours)

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Activity codes

2.1 Description of form Activity code

The following window is used for all Activity codes – with different title only:

Form description:
Code: Unique code for Activity
Profession: Profession, for which the code is valid (FC,CC or both)
Description: Short descriptions
Text for display: Visible mainly in the roster line
Text for printing: Visible in Month plan
Kind: Kind for AVES functionality, see the description in the next chapter
Validation (From/to): Fill up when the code is valid only for some period, for example when the
code is no longer in use
Text for graph printing: For use in canvas like printing
Select macros for printing: These graphical macros are used in field Text for printing or in Text
for graph printing

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2.2 Predefined “Kind” for Activity codes

Almost all activity codes have field “Kind”, which is used for specific system functionality or
calculations. The following chapters provide list of these kinds for all Activity types.
2.2.1 Standby codes
 Standby (at the airport)
 Standby in a quiet room
 Standby on call – home, could be different duty time
2.2.2 Positioning codes
 As Crew member
 As PAX with employee flight ticket
 As PAX with normal flight ticket
 Ground positioning
 Unspecified
2.2.3 Other duty codes
 N/A – use description only
2.2.4 Travelling codes
 Travelling from airport
 Travelling to airport
2.2.5 Day off codes
 Forced – adjusted by day fixing optimisation
 Requested – possible to request these days off by crew via AVES Crew Portal
 Revocable – can be cancelled, if needed, for example days off with this kind can be used after
standby for layover
2.2.6 Leave codes
 High priority – request by crew via AVES Crew Portal
 Last minute – request by crew via AVES Crew Portal
 Maternity
 Middle priority– request by crew via AVES Crew Portal
 Ordered
2.2.7 Extra day off codes
 Day off – counted as regular day off into FOM limitations
 Family member is sick
 For training
 Unpaid extra day off
2.2.8 Sickness codes
 N/A – use description only
2.2.9 Time block codes
 N/A – use description only

Note: If none of predefined “Kind” is suitable, leave the combo empty (if the field is not mandatory).

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Basic data I.

3. Basic data I.
Application: AVES Crew Plan module needs a lot of basic data and system settings that are managed
under the block of functions called Basic data. Under “Basic data I” are settings for base tables, under
“Basic data II” settings for AVES add-ons, such is Balancing or Wage calculation.
Submenus for Basic data I Brief description
Supertypes registration to CMS Mandatory adjustment to AVES Crew Plan
Aircraft type group for planning Groups Supertypes for optimisation
Languages Edit languages
Holidays Edit Bank/National holidays
Twin airports Used for destinations with 2 airports
General crew composition (for A/C types) Crew numbers specifications
Crew kind requirement Normal, augmented, double crew set up
Check-in/Checked-out parameters Settings for Check in/out module
Check-in/Checked-out locations Settings for Check in/out module

3.1 Supertypes registration to CMS

Application: Mandatory adjustment for AVES Crew Plan to proceed on optimisation with these
registered Supertypes.

Affects: FC & CC – one setting is for both professions


 Use Edit or Insert button

 From Combo select Supertypes and add description to it

 Insert all Supertypes, which shall be visible in AVES Crew Plan

Note: General Supertypes are set up in AVES Web Portal/AC Types.

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3.2 Aircraft type group for planning

Application: Allows to merge A/C Supertypes for optimisation in AVES Crew Plan.
If set, the merged Supertypes are optimised together, for example 330 and 350. The condition is that
FC have qualification for both Supertypes.

Affects: FC only (INOP with CC)


 Use New or Edit button

 In Aircraft types field select Supertypes, which shall be merged together

 Set validity from, to (if needed, otherwise leave empty)

 Describe the group. This description will be visible in AVES Plan

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Basic data I.

3.3 Languages
Application: This function is used to enter and edit languages codes to be used during in Crew
database and for the Flight Duty, e.g. when specific language is required for flight to some country.

Affects: FC & CC – one setting is for both professions


Add languages as required or edit/delete existing ones.

Note: Languages can be assigned into crewmembers in AVES Web Portal/Personal

The rule for assigning crew members with required language to specific flight is described in chapter
5.5 Set crew structure in this document.

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3.4 Holidays
Application: Enables to insert Bank/National holidays for the selected year.
Those days are displayed in green on “Time bar” within AVES Crew Plan/AVES Crew Monitor.

Affects: FC & CC – one setting is for both professions


 Select the required year

 Use “New or Edit button

 Set correct date & description for the holiday

 Repeat to set all holidays per recent year

Note: If used then this procedure should be repeated for every year.
(Religious holidays may vary each year)

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Basic data I.

3.5 Twin airports

Application: To avoid location discontinuity in AVES Plan for cities with multiple airports. E.g. arriving
to STN departing from LHR and vice versa. Setting up this rule tells the system, that crew can change
airport during stay and no positioning is needed.

Affects: FC & CC – one setting is for both professions


 Use “New” or “Edit” button

 Fill up the corresponding airports

 If needed, adjust the transport time

3.6 General crew composition (for A/C types)

Application: Specifies basic number of Crew required for specific A/C type for several kinds: Normal,
Augmented or Double. Those kinds can be adjusted within 3.7 Crew kind requirement on page 16.
Within this table only basic crew compositions are set. The numbers for specific flights can be
adjusted in extra rules. See
5.7 Crew number by flight specification on page 45 or
5.9 Crew number by PAX specification on page 47

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Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently, however the period list is shared

3.6.1 Crew composition validity

In the left part of the window is a list of crew composition used over time.
Important note: If crew composition change during time, don’t edit existing period, otherwise you
will affect the composition of already rostered flights. Instead of edit use button “New”, as is
described here:
 Use button “New”

 Set up the correct Validity from, validity to can be unlimited

 Choose existing crew composition, which should be copied to new period

Note: The current period will be finished automatically one day before the validity of the new period.

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Basic data I.

3.6.2 Basic crew composition

In the upper right part of the window set up the basic crew composition for A/C types & functions.

 Double click on row, which you want to adjust

 Fill up the table with most often used numbers

 Augmented or double crew can be set by percentage based on Normal crew from or number

Note: When new A/C type or new function is registered into system, adjust the numbers accordingly

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3.7 Crew kind requirement

Application: Enables to adjust normal, augmented or double crew calculation, if needed. However,
the change in these values must be done with care and better with previous consultation to KITE

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Example from FC

 Use button “New” or “Edit”

 If user defined values are used, then adjust formula for calculation of flight time and in/flight

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Basic data I.

3.8 Check In/Check Out parameters

Application: This adjustment is for CICOS system. Specifies Check In/Out parameters for Crew.

Affects: FC & CC – one setting is for both professions


Example of the adjustment for CICOS:

 Crewmember would not be accepted if later than 5 minutes – he/she is to call dispatcher.
 Reporting/cancellation would be accepted only once within 5 hours
 Cancelation could be done only 25 minutes after planned debriefing.
 Rest of adjustments are for CICOS system

3.9 Check In/Check Out Locations

Application: Works with AVES Check In/Out (CICOS) system only. Specifies and describes Check
In/Out locations. Usually used by ADMIN.

Affects: FC & CC – one setting is for both professions


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4. Basic data II
Application: AVES Crew Plan needs a lot of basic data and system settings that are managed under
the block of functions called Basic data. Under “Basic data I” are settings for base tables, under “Basic
data II” settings for AVES add-ons, such is Balancing, Wage calculation or Annual leave management.

Submenus Brief description

Balancing system Adjusting balancing system (Fairness)
Annual leave award system Rules for Annual leaves managements
Duty change reason Adjustment of optional kinds of duty change reasons
Wage & extra pay settings Settings for working time and export to Salary system

4.1 Balancing system

Application: Balancing system is used to distribute flights and other balance criteria fairly between
crew members. The system allows:
 Divide crew into balancing groups according to company requirements
 Split flights and standbys into different balancing categories
 Define a period, for which the balancing shall be evaluated
 Define the KPI (goal in percent) for each balancing category and crew group, which the
balancing system shall meet

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


4.2 Basic parameters

Not used for VNA

4.3 Crew groups

Application: Specifies groups of the crew for balancing system. Under this menu is only definition of
a list of groups, without assigning crewmembers into it. Crewmembers will be assigned in the next
chapter, by Rules for defining crew groups.
Balancing is done within each group separately.

Note: The number of balancing groups is unlimited. But use them carefully, as the wrong
specification can leads to unrealizable conditions for balancing. For example for cabin crew with
mixed type qualification, when layovers are not distributed equally between types. It may be
impossible to achieve fairly distribution in such conditions.

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Basic data II

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


 Use button “New” or “Edit”

 Profession is selected automatically according to used AVES Data Manager – FC or CC

 Code (=ID) is predefined automatically or can be adjusted. Must be unique. This ID is then
used in balancing reports
 A/C type – select from the menu – mandatory for FC, not available for CC
 If the group is for balancing, then check “Is balancing group”. If left unchecked, then the
group is just recorded but not balanced.
 Describe the group precisely to avoid confusion with other groups, this text will appears in
balancing optimisation

Note: The button “Rules for assignment” leads you to the form, where can be created the rule for
assigning the crew members to the balancing group depending on specific criteria. Description is in
the next chapter.

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4.4 Rules for defining crew groups

Application: Assign crewmembers into previously created balancing groups according to specific
criteria, such are AC types, home bases, Flight qualifications, etc.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


 Adjust rule name, validity and conditions as required, usually by function plus extra function
and Supertype for FC, eventually by Canvas for CC
 Option “Select by list” can be used for groups, where the belonging to the group does not
depends on some conditions, but is determined directly, for example Managers
 Finally, choose the Category from previously created list of crew balancing groups

Note: The balancing group of crewmembers is changed automatically, when the conditions is
changed. For example, when crewmembers move from Flight Attendant to Purser, he/she also
change the balancing group depending on condition used in these rules. Deficits in balancing
categories are handled according to setting in the Balancing period.

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Basic data II

4.5 Duty categories

Application: Specifies duty categories for balancing system. Under this menu is only definition of a
list of categories, without specification for flights and standbys. These specification are described in
the next chapter, Rules for defining flight categories.
Balancing is done within each category separately.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Some categories are predefined by AVES and cannot be changed. However, it is possible to decide,
if they will be in use or not.
Default categories by Time
 Flight time (#201)
 Duty time (#202)
 Stay time (#203)
Default categories by Count
 Number of Stay rotation (#204)
 Night duty number (#205)
 Standby (#208)
 Days off (#212)
 Duty days (#213)

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 Use “Edit”, “New” or Duplicate button for defining the balancing category

 Profession is selected automatically according to used AVES Data Manager – FC or CC

 Category number is predefined automatically or can be adjusted. Must be unique. This
number is then used in balancing reports
 Service type offers Flight duty or Standby as kind of balancing category
 Describe the category in field Description. This description will be used as head on balancing
reports from AVES Crew Plan
 Computing method – select requested, balancing by count or by time
 Interval for registration of crew requests is special functionality, which allows to close this
balancing category for crew requests via AVES Crew Portal within predefined date range

Note: Similar as for crew group, this is only list of balancing categories. It is needed to assign the
flights or standbys into these categories. The description is in the next chapter.

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Basic data II

4.6 Rules for defining Flight categories

Application: Create rules for assigning flights into previously created balancing categories according
to specific criteria, such are AC types, STC or specific airports or countries.

Note: Best results are brought by small number of categories (around three). As the number of
categories increase, it if very difficult to set up the appropriate costs to achieve satisfactory results.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Each flight can belongs to one balancing category only. If the flight shall belongs to more balancing
categories, use special functionality of creating balancing sets. In these sets the balancing is provided
separately. The flight can belongs to one category in each set.
To achieve this, use special sign @ in the rule name:
@+keyword sets separate categories unaffected by other ones.

For example, the flight can belongs into category NRT and also into 2Legs category. As is visible in the
picture, this is achieved by defining the rule for NRT and another rule 2-Leg@Leg, where @Leg
redefines the new balancing set.

Note: Keep in the mind the Priority column of the rules. For description of this functionality, see the
chapter 5.2.6 General principles for using Extra rules on page 38.

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The form for balancing categories editing is very similar to other forms in Extra rules:

 Adjust rule name, validity and conditions as required,

 Priority – please keep in the mind the priority system used and avoid situation, when one
flight can meet two rules with the same priority
 Level – is not important in this rule
 Finally, choose the Flight duty category from previously created list of crew balancing

Note: Default Flight categories are handled separately, does not need to assign specific rule

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Basic data II

4.7 Rules for defining Standby categories

Application: Create rules for assigning standbys into previously created balancing categories
according to specific criteria. Defining and set up the rule for standby is very similar to flight category.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


 Adjust rule name, validity and Standby type as required. Other fields are not needed.
 Finally, choose the Standby duty category from previously created list of crew balancing
Note: Default Standby categories are handled separately, does not need to assign specific rule

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4.8 Balancing period

Application: Specifies period for balancing and defines parameters for that. After that register the
predefined balancing categories to this period.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


The form specifies parameters for balancing period:

 Method for defining categories for balancing

- Define standard categories based on selection criterion means, that the user can create
own balancing categories.
- According to norm use only predefined categories without option to create new ones.
 Method for deficit transfer … If balancing will start from zero or some balancing deficits
should be converted from previous period/group
 Methodology for evaluating/measuring balanceness. Use At the end entire balancing season
 Balancing methodology for categories based on … which days are evaluated for balancing
- AEA: Company productive days
- BRT: All days excluding training days
- All days: All days in the period
- Usable days: Excluded are days where the duty cannot be planed
- Usable days for flight duty plan: Like Usable days, but without ground duties

Note: Recommended practice for balancing period is to balance for calendar year and et the end of
period duplicate the period with default settings and new starting date. Former period will be ended

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Basic data II

4.8.1 Registering flight category into balancing period

Application: This functionality allows to decide, which balancing categories will be registered into
actual balancing period.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Use button Flight category, the window with categories registered into balancing period is displayed:

 Use Edit or New button:

 After using the New button, the first unregistered category is offered
 You can add it or use button next to Category number to choose another from balancing
Duty categories, or even to create a new category

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4.8.2 Coefficient for balancing

Application: Specifies default values for balancing, however it can be overwritten in AVES Crew Plan
before the Balancing is run. Default for balancing is set to ± 5% level of fairness.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


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Basic data II

4.9 Rules for defining crew categories – CC only

Application: This rule is reserved for CC to set inexperienced crewmembers (similar as “B” pilot).
After creation of the rule defining the B category it is possible to create Crew structure extra rules
limiting number of crew members in B category on flights.

Affects: CC only

Example: CC with function not older than 90 days is B-category

 Fill Y into Function field

 Fill 90 days into maximum Duration field
 Choose B category
 As a result, the CC, who has function Y not more than 90 days will belongs to the B category

Note: It is also possible to use tab Select by list and insert the crewmembers individually.

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4.10 Annual leave award system/General settings

Application: Specifies parameters for the leaves - e.g. if weekends or holidays are to be calculated as
leave or not. Those days can be automatically converted to days off.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


The screen shows default settings, adjust, if needed

 Function – the settings can be different for each function.

 Setting for calculation – when checked, the appropriate days are not counted as leave. In
default are the holidays not counted as leave, change, if needed.

 Setting for displaying – choose, how the leave days shall be displayed

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Basic data II

 Settings for planning – choose, if days not counted as leave shall be displayed as leave or
converted to days off

 Set up how the optimizer shall plan the annual leaves. The default is in 7 days blocks,
regardless of holidays

4.11 Annual leave award system/Coefficients for planning

Application: Calculates available number of days which can be used for leaves by annual leave
optimisation. Can be used for separate months or longer period.
AVES Crew Plan calculates number of necessary crewmembers for rostering by expected flight hours
from flight schedule with adjustment to expected average crew hours inserted in this rule. As the
result, the difference between demand and crew numbers can be planned as leave.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Use button New for defining new leave coefficient

 Select Function & A/C type (A/C type not necessary for CC)
 Adjust date period for adding leaves
 Insert assumption of hours for selected date period for 1 crewmember per month
 Set reserve in % for sickness etc.
Result example:
 Flight schedule expect 6000 hours, 120 employees, with average 60 hours
 Required 100 plus 10 as reserve = leave for 10 can be assigned.

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4.12 Duty change reason

Application: Parameters for the duty change reasons. Adjust according company policy.
Can be used for later analyses. This Change of reason must be filled up for each change in current
period or in the past.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


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Extra rules

5. Extra rules
Application: These rules are used for modification of the standard system rules and norms and
allows creation of custom rules according to company policy. Most of the rules is settled only once.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Extra rule are divided into three areas:

Submenus Brief description
Rules for planning Extra rules used for rostering
Rules for evaluating crew requests Setting for crew request point system
Set colours for flights Adjusting colour of flights for AVES Crew Plan/AVES
Crew Monitor

Note: For correct setting of extra rules following tables should be filled up:
 Language – Basic data I/Languages
 Exams/Diplomas – Crew database/Diplomas/Examination types
 Home base – Crew database/Bases
 Balancing group – Basic data II/Balancing system/Crew group
 Balancing category – Basic data II/Balancing system/Rules/Rules for defining Crew Categories

5.1 Rules for planning

Application: These rules affects the rostering, as the users can setup the rules for crew composition,
create forbid rules or adjust the other parameters for duty rostering.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Submenus for Rules for planning Brief description

Forbid/Prefer crew to flights Ban someone to fly specific flights based on rich
range of criteria, such are Age, VIP flights etc.
Forbid/Prefer crew to stay Same as previous for layover flight
Set crew structure Crew structure Languages, gender, inexperience
“Like/Dislike” rules Avoid crewmbers to flight together
Plan crew on other functions Allows downgrading
Crew number by flight specification Overrules crew composition by flight
Crew number by PAX specification Overrules crew composition by PAX numbers
Rules for rest reserve Parameter for robustness of roster
Crew ground time specifications Adjust minimum time between flights
Rules for blocking around flight duties Block period before or after flight
Rules for blocking around standbys Block period before or after standby
Rules for blocking around leaves Block period before or after leave
Rules for blocking around non-flight duties Block period before or after ground duties
Rules for individual day off profile Set up the number of crew’s days off
Rules for checking flight time – periods Block hours limitation depending on previous
Rules for checking flight time – by sequence Same as previous, but more universal
Limit for variables over period Limitation for specific month

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5.2 Description of Rules Form

Application: Similar forms are used in AVES Data Manager to set up rules for AVES Crew Plan/AVES
Crew Monitor and rostering then proceeds with respect to Norm and adjusted rules. This chapter
describes general design of the rule form and principles how to use it.

The form is divided into several parts. In the top is frame for rule definition, in the middle part with
the criteria specification (mostly for flight or for crew) and in the bottom specific rule settings.

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Extra rules

5.2.1 Rule definition part

Form description:
 Name: Specifies the name of the rule, this name is visible in AVES Crew Plan/AVES Crew
Monitor as violation text
 Valid from/to: Specifies the period during which the rule will be used. Valid to is usually left
empty – limitless
 Priority: Specifies the order, in which the rule will be processed. See chapter 5.2.6 General
principles for using Extra rules on page 38 for more info.
 Level: According to the number gives Error or Warning in AVES Crew Plan. Insert value above
75 for Error, 75 or bellow for warning
 Description: Specifies the description of the rule
5.2.2 Flight selection
Specifies the conditions for flights selection, for which the rule is valid.

 Flight – flight number if the rule is for specific flight. Use the check box at “!” mark for
excluding the flight number from the rule
 Buttons in column “E…” next to each attribute offers you possibilities to fill the content
or you can type the text directly into the field. Check boxes in column “N..” (meaning Not)
excludes selection from the rule

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 Flight attributes list the default flight properties available in the system. It is also possible to
use Not attributes criteria

 Extended flight attributes allows to bound the rule to flights depending on duration or
start/end time

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5.2.3 Crew selection by criteria

Similar to flights, assigning crew members to the rule can be done through rich set of criteria.
Moreover, it can be also done individually via a chosen list of crew (see the next chapter)

 Fill up the criteria as needed

 Fields for Duration, Seniority and Age offers two fields, insert Minimum and/or Maximum
values into that.

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5.2.4 Crew selection by list

Allows assigning crewmembers to rule directly by names. Used often for individual ban.

 Button “Add” offers a list of Crewmembers with options to filter them by function and type
of A/C
 It is also possible to upload crew members list from file. It must be text file divided by
semicolons (;), first column must be Personal ID or CMS Name

Note::Selections “By Criteria” and “By List” are evaluated together. When you fill up both Select by
list and Select by criteria, only crew members satisfying all criteria will be assigned to the rule.

5.2.5 Bottom frame

Bottom frame can be different for each kind of rule according to their specification. In this example is
possible to set up the Forbid/Prefer type of rule.

5.2.6 General principles for using Extra rules

This is the summary of general principles used for rules evaluating:
 The values in the same field are evaluated with OR, the different fields as AND. For example
with specification for Arrival Airport = EWR, DXB and Supertypes = 350 will be valid for flight
to EWR or DXB, but only for A350.
 Most of the rules are based on priority. Rules will be processed in order of their Priority in
descending order. When the flight fulfil the condition of the rule, the rules with the lower
priority are not evaluated for that flight.
 The flight can belongs to only one rule in each category (=menu in AVES Data Manager).
 Prevent situation, when flight fulfil criteria of more rules with the same priority. If this
happen, still only one rule is used, and the others are lost.
 The changes in the rules take affect only after restarting the AVES modules.

Note: Set up the priority carefully, as the wrong settings can leads to the situation, that some rules is
never used.

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5.3 Forbid/Prefer crew to flight

Application: Forbid/Prefer rule is used when is necessary to ban selected crewmembers to be
assigned to flight by AVES Crew Plan system. When the rule is violated, the Error or Warning sign
appears in the AVES Crew Plan/AVES Crew Monitor.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Following chapters list some example on how to use this rule.

5.3.1 Age – Forbid
Example: Forbid Captains over 60 years to fly to EWR and DXB.
Fill up the header and Route Airports (or countries) in the Flight selection.

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Fill up the Function and Age field

5.3.2 Transit check rule FC

Example: Forbid FC without Transit exam to be rostered to the destinations, which requires the
transit qualification.

Fill up the rule header

 Set up the name, description and the validity, if needed

 Change the Priority according to other rules to prevent the flight will fulfil the conditions of
more rules with the same priority.

Fill up the Schedule selection

 Set up the list of airports, where the Transit check is needed

Fill up the Crew selection

 Set up the Exams TRAN and mark the Except checkbox. As the result, only FC with TRAN
Exams are valid for this rule

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5.3.3 VIP flights CC

Example: Forbid CC without VIP exam to be rostered to the VIP flights.

Fill up the rule header

 Set up the name, description and the validity, if needed

 Change the Priority according to other rules to prevent the flight will fulfil the conditions of
more rules with the same priority

Fill up the Schedule selection

 Set up the list of STC valid for VIP flights

Fill up the Crew selection

 Set up the Exams VIP and mark the Except checkbox. As the result, only CC with VIP Exams
are valid for this rule

Note: STC codes are adjusted to each flight by Schedule department. To make them visible in
“Schedule window” use 5.21 Set Colours for Flights page 60

5.4 Forbid crew on stay

Application: This rule is very similar to previous one, but allows to specify length of layover.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


5.4.1 Stay in Russia – visa – Forbid

Example: Only crew with VISA RU exam will be allowed for layover in Russia, however the flights
without layover can fly everybody.

Fill up the rule header

 Set up the name, description, priority and the validity, if needed

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Fill up the Schedule selection

 Select Arrival country – RU

 Cross the check box “Stay” on Flight attributes

Fill up the Crew selection

 Select exam VISA RU and mark the Except checkbox. As the result, only FC with TRAN Exams
are valid for this rule
 Alternatively, if the exam for VISA is not maintained in AVES, select the crew without visa
from the “Select by list” tab.

Fill up the specific rule section

 Adjust stay duration, if there is possibility to stay without VISA for short layover. If not, leave
it empty

Note: As the rule is not shared between FC and CC, it must be done twice – for CC and also for FC

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5.5 Set crew structure

Application: This rule doesn’t change the number of crew – is used to specify the crew structure
based upon the function, gender, age, seniority, the languages known etc.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


5.5.1 FC – Limit number of crew over specific Age

Example: Only 1 FC over 60 in Normal crew for all flights

Fill up the rule header accordingly.

For Flight selection keep it empty (except for Frequency), as this rule is valid for all flights.
For Crewstruct specification use Insert button

 Insert “Age” (From) & maximal number of crew (To)

Result after settings:

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5.5.2 CC – specify number per Language and Gender

Example: Every flight to Russia with 1 Chief purser speaking Russian and with 1 Man

Fill up the rule header accordingly.

For Flight selection keep it empty (except for Frequency), as this rule is valid for all flights.
For Crewstruct specification use Insert button

 Select Function & language

 Insert 1 into minimum crew number field
 Confirm by OK
 Use insert again and cross Man under Gender section
 Insert 1 into minimum crew number field

Result after settings:

5.6 Like/Dislike rules

Application: This rule is used for setting the preferences of the crews based upon likes and dislikes
for another crew.

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Extra rules

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Example: Prevent to fly TUNG3 with ABID on all flights

Fill up the rule header accordingly.

For Flight selection keep it empty (except for Frequency), as this rule is valid for all flights.

For Crew selection use Select by list and insert the crew who required the dislike rule

Next use Crew preferences dislike tab and in the Select by the list insert the crew who cannot fly
together with the crew selected in the previous step.

As the result, TUNG 3 and ABID cannot be rostered together in the same flight. The warning will be
displayed, if this rule is violated.

Note: It is also possible to use these rules for combining crew members from different groups or use
it for example for flights with layover only.

5.7 Plan crew on other functions

Application: This rule is used to downgrade crewmembers to lower function if necessary.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Example: Crew member with B-Class exam can be downgraded to function B.

Fill up the rule header accordingly.

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For Flight selection keep it empty (except for Frequency), as this rule is valid for all flights.

For Crew selection fill up the Function field and insert the B exam.
Finally, choose the function B in field Plan on function in the specific rule section.

5.8 Crew number by flight specification

Application: This rule specifies the total number of crew required for a specific flight, overrules
standard number of crew setting. Used for CC. Can be adjusted by flight time as well.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently, but used for CC only.


Example: Add 2 crew members with Y function for A330 flights to Russia or Australia
Fill up the rule header accordingly.

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Extra rules

For Flight selection fill up the 330 in the Supertype field and RU, AU into Route country field.

For Crew number section insert the required numbers for functions.

5.9 Crew number by PAX specification

Application: This rule specifies the crew numbers based upon PAX categories and number.
Applicable if AVES CMS is supported with booked PAX for flight. Rule overrules standard number of
crew setting.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently, but used for CC only.


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Example: Add 1 cabin crew to flights, where is more than 35 bussines PAX and more then 70 Y PAX

Fill up the rule header accordingly.

For Flight selection select appropriate Supertypes

For Crew number section set up +1 FA.

The form allows to calculate number of PAX in two modes:
- Total number of PAX (calculated as 3*F + 2*C + Y)
- By specific numbers per each class
The default is by total number, if specific PAX numbers are needed, then unmark the checkbox
Defined by total number of PAX.
Following description is for specific numbers, however the process is almoat the same for the
standard, only first step is excluded.

 First fill up the list of requested classes in the row Pax classes, then use button Lock the list
 Then fill up the table with numbers of PAX as requested, use Enter for adding the additional
 After that add functions, which will be modified by using the button in the right upper
corner of the grid with the PAX numbers
 Finally adjust the crewmembers numbers by button for each line

5.10 Rules Reserved for rest reserve – used for Optimisation

Application: This rule extend the rest after specified flights. Mainly is used for rostering optimisation
to get more robust plan where reserve more time between flight duties than the Norm require.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


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Extra rules

Note: After the rostering is saved, change “Valid from” date to next month. If not, the rule will also
affects the tracking period.

Example: Extend rest for 30 minutes after all duties starting from 1.9.2018.

5.11 Crew ground time specifications

Application: This rule specifies ground time between specific flights needed by crewmembers to
prepare for the next flight.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


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Example: Roster minimum 90 minutes between two flights for 330,350 and 787 on CXR, DAD, HAN or
SGN airport.

5.12 Rules for time blocking around flight duties

Application: This rule is used for blocking the time for other activities around flight duties. E.g. it is
possible to block any activity within adjusted time prior departure to long-haul flight with stay.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


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Extra rules

Example: No duty allowed 48 hours before flight to CDG

5.13 Rules for time blocking standbys

Application: This rule is used for blocking the time for different standby activities before and after
the standby.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Example: No duty allowed 20 hour before VIP standby

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5.14 Rules for blocking around leaves

Application: This rule is used for block around leaves for the crewmembers. E.g. if a crewmember
takes a leave then according company policy you adjust end time of duty prior the day of leave and
start time for his next duty.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


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Extra rules

Example: All duties must end till 16:00 local time before and not start before 8:00 local time after
any type of leave longer than 3 days.

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5.15 Rules for time blocking around non-flight activities

Application: This rule is used for blocking time for different ground activities, E.g. before and after

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Example: Add 2 hours block before and 30 minutes after all Other duties

 Calendar mode extends the block till local midnight

 Use --- record for all kinds of activity

Note: This rule only defines the defaults for newly inserted activities, it can be modified during

5.16 Rules for individual day off profile

Application: Allows to set up the individual crewmember limit for days off.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Not used for VNA.

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Extra rules

5.17 Rule for checking flight time for periods – by number of periods
Application: This rule allows to set minimum and maximum flight hours within selected date periods.
Result is that if the crewmember exceeds within specified number of months defined limit for flight
hours, then this rule set up maximum for the next month.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Example: When two consecutive months are over 80 BLH, then third month must be bellow 70 BLH.

 Set up rule header as needed

 In Basic settings set up the upper limit for the last month
 In Specification section set up number of months for checking (2 months) and the limit (80
 The rule is activated, when same crewmember has more than 80 BLH in two consecutive

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5.18 Rule for checking flight time – by sequence of periods

Application: Similar rule as previous one, but it allows you to set different values for consecutive
months in the checking period.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Example: Maximum 70 BLH after 80 and 85 BLH in previous two months.

 Set up rule header as needed

 In Basic settings set up the upper limit for the last month
 In Specification section set up number of months for checking (2 months) and then fill up the
limits for first and second month
 The rule is activated, when crewmember has more than 80 BLH in the first month, more than
85 BLH in the second month. In the next month he/she is limited to 70 BLH.

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5.19 Limit for variables over period

Application: Rule used to set for specific crewmembers maximum flight hours within a month.
Can be used as 90 hours Warning, 100 hours Error = 2 rules

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Example: Block everyone to 100 BLH per month

 Set up rule header as needed

 The Crew selection section keep empty (the rule will be valid for all crewmembers)
 In the Limit specification section choose Flight time and set up the limit to 100:00
 As the result, the violation will be visible, if someone exceed 100 BLH in any month.

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5.20 Rules for evaluating crew requests

Application: These rules are used for point system. It is possible to define how many points will cost
flight or day off requested in specific period. Crew member can place request only when his/her
points account has enough point left.

Points can be assigned according company policy and the quantity of them can limit crew requests.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


5.20.1 Requests for activities evaluation

Application: The setting up the number of points required for specific flight.
When member insert request for flight, the system calculate the required number of points using the
formula from these rules.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Example: 200 points per layover day to France, but maximum 1000

Fill up the rule header

Fill up the Flight selection, insert Route country = FR and flight attributes = Stay

The Crew selection will be empty, this rule is valid to all crew members

In the specific rule section fill up:

 C0 (base cost) keep empty
 C1 (penalty for late request) keep empty

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Extra rules

 C2 (points multiply if flight is stay) keep empty

 C3 (multiply points per layover day) fill up 200
 C4 (multiply by BLH) keep empty
 MAX (maximum points per request) fill up 1000

5.20.2 Requests for days off evaluation

Application: The setting up the number of points required for days off.
When member insert request for days off, the system calculates the required number of points using
the formula from these rules.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Example: 200 points per each day off, twice per weekend

Fill up the rule header

The Crew selection will be empty, this rule is valid to all crew members

In the specific rule section fill up:

 C0 (base cost) keep empty
 C1 (penalty for late request) keep empty
 C2 (multiply per number of days) fill up 200
 C3 (multiply per number of weekend days) fill up 200
 C4 (multiply by seniority) not apply
 MAX (maximum points per request) keep empty

As the result, the request from Friday to Sunday will cost 3*200 + 2*200 = 1000 points.

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5.21 Set Colours for Flights

Application: This rule is used to define background colours in AVES Crew Plan/AVES Crew Monitor
schedule window.

Affects: Actual profession – FC & CC independently


Example: Setting up the Cyan colour for domestic flights between SGN and HAN

 Fill the rule header, adjust the priority, if needed according to other rules
 In the flight selection insert SGN for departure airport and HAN for arrival airport
 Set the required colour

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