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Name: Zain Noor Ali (19007)

Course: Expository Writing - 1 (SSC -106) (Sir Eesar Khan)

Program: BBA

Assignment No: 2

Topic: Countering Negativity in Youth

Youth are one of the most important and integral category of demographic to any society. They
contribute immensely towards an economy as well as they help bring innovation and newness into our
culture and economy. It’s very vital, thus, for such a significant group of demographic to carry on with
the right mindset and avoid any and all things which can lead them towards negativity. In today’s ever
changing world, we have learnt to live with the fact that depression and anxiety are things which is
common and should be embraced, which it should be, but it also causes diversion from finding out
about the root causes of these problems.

One of the most daunting and negative condition found commonly in our youth is depression. An
estimated 1.9 million teens and young adults or 3.2% of all youth—have been diagnosed with
depression. There might be many causes for this such as unemployment, anxiety, feeling left out, feeling
unsuccessful, being bullied, heartbreaks etc., but we really need to focus on pulling our youth towards
more positivity.

Empowering the youth means we need to focus on ‘protecting the youth from negativity in their life’.
This can be done in several ways. First and the foremost being effective communication. We should
focus on creating a more vocal and comfortable environment so that the youth won’t feel vulnerable to
speak about their concerns. Communication relieves a person of negative thoughts as they feel more
confident. Secondly, we need to make sure that we give equal importance on developing this
demographic in the very same way this demographic provides us with immense support culturally and
economically. We need to create more positive opportunities and activities which would still divert their
attention, but only, towards much more positive tasks and duties. Constantly motivating them and
allowing them to gather their thoughts and have some free time if they feel restricted needs to be a
policy adopted by organizations and culture which would help the youth become more efficient and
prone to future possible negativity.

Thank You!

Word Count: 339

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