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Associazione culturale BoscoArteStenico

Application Form
I (Name/surname) ………………………………………………………..………..............................................
Born in …………………………………..the (date) ……………………...……………...……........................
Residing in ………………………………………………………………………………..................................
Address ………………...............................................N. .……………Z.I.P.code.......………………………....
Tel. number.………………………………. E-mail …………………………………….................................
participate to the 11° Edition of BoscoArteStenico – “Art Museum in Nature” 2023.
To this end, I declare that
- I have read the notice of participation and accept all its conditions.
- Attach to this form:
 The photocopy of the identity card
 Curriculum Vitae
 Photographic documentation regarding recent artistic productions
 Graphic sketch of the artwork proposed for the BAS accompanied by a title and a written presentation of the idea
 A shorter version of the written presentation of the artwork (up to 10 lines of text) is kindly asked
 A picture of the artist (with a photo definition suitable for printing and for the upload inside the website and even-
tually inside the catalogue)

This application form must be filled and signed and send in a closed envelope with requested documents sent by mail
before the 28th of February 2023 to: e-mail address (in .pdf formats) indicating for which
of the 2 sections of BoscoArteStenico they intend to participate. Please note that files sent via Wetransfer must be re-
named (in the message field) with the name of the artist. Applications received after the defined deadline, evaluated for
creativity and artistic effect could be included in the list of participating artists.

The undersigned understands that thestatements related to personal data referred to above, pursue art. 46 of Presidential Decree no.
445 of 28.12.2000, and is aware of the criminal penalties in case of false statements, about training or use of false documents, re -
ferred to in art. 76 of the aforementioned Presidential Decree. The undersigned also declares to be informed about the purposes and
effects of the Legislative Decree 196/2003 and pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 for the protection of persons and other
subjects regarding the processing of personal data, in relation to the information that will come into possession, we inform you that
the personal data collected will be processed, also digitally, exclusively in the context of the procedure for which this statement is

Date…................……….Place……………………. Signature…………………………………

Il Comitato Organizzativo

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