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Practice Test-5
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 100
General Instruction:
1. All the answers are single digit or double digit.
2. Question 01 to 10 carries 2 marks each, Question 11 to 22 Carries 5 marks each and
Question 23 & 24 carries 10 marks each.
3. No negative marking.

1. If the number of factors of 20192020 equals N, sum of digits of √N.

2. Find the number of distinct 4-digit numbers divisible by 3 with their last two digits as 29.

3. Find the units digit of 172020.

4. If the number of four-digit multiples of 8 greater than 2020 equals X, find the last two digits of

5. Find the number of positive integers for which x2 – 7x + 12 is a prime.

6. A = ∑2020 𝑖
𝑖=0 3 . Find the remainder when A is divided by 8.

7. If Xn = 2n + 1 and the number of integers between 1 and 200 (inclusive) for which Xn a multiple
of 5 is N, find (N).

8. Find the smallest number which can be written as the sum of four positive integers x, y, z, and
w such that x + 2 = y – 2 = 2z = .

9. Find the remainder when 11log11 911 + 12! + 1465 is divided by 13.

10. If S = (12 – 22 + 32 – 42 + … – 20192 + 20202)(–12 + 22 – 32 + 42 – … – 20192 + 20202) find the

remainder when S is divided by 4.

11. Find the smallest positive integer which leaves a remainder of 7 when divided by 11 and a
remainder of 6 when divided by 7.

12. If the number of odd factors of N equals a and the number of the even factors of N equals b, and
N = 76 – 1, find a + b.

13. Let s(n) denote the sum of digits of n in base 10. If s(52r) = 364 find s(13r).

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14. Find the last two digits of 132020.

15. Find the number of ordered pairs that satisfy xyz = 56.

16. Find (p1 – 2)! (mod p1) + (p2 – 2)! (mod p2) + … + (p30 – 2)! (mod p30), where p1 = 2, p2 = 3, p3
= 5 and p30 denotes the 30th prime number and x (mod y) denotes the remainder x leaves when
divided by y.

17. If the sum of the divisors of 2020 equals B and B = 42q + r, where q is a positive integer and 0
6 r < 42, find r.

18. Find the remainder when the sum of the squares of the first 2020 odd natural numbers is divided
by 8.

19. If y is the smallest number which leaves a residue of 4 when divided by 11 and a residue of 7
when divided by 13 find the remainder the product of the first (y – 1) natural numbers would
leave when divided by y.

20. Find the number of y's that satisfy (a+4)(a2 – 4a + 16) + (y + 4)(y2 – 4y + 16) = 594, where a and
y belongs to the set of integers.

21. For a particular positive integer m, s(m) = 1729. Now if (m + 2) = 9k + r, for positive integers
k, r where 0  r < 9 find r.

22. Find the number of solutions to the equation (a + 1)(a2 – a + 1) + a3 = (6 – ), where a  Z.

23. Let the number of solutions to equation a10 + 2 = b2 – 4, where a, b  Z be p.

Let the smallest natural number which leaves a remainder of 5 when divided by 7, a remainder
of 11 when divided by 13 and a remainder of 8 when divided by 17 be k. Find k-p.

24. For positive integer n, f(n) denotes the sum of the distinct positive prime divisors of n less than
30 (e.g. f(24) = 2 + 3 = 5 and f(59) = 0). Let the remainder when f(1) + f(2) + … + f(50) divided
by 100 be r.
If x is the smallest number such that x  5 (mod 11) and x  7 (mod 13) and y is the smallest
number such that y  3 (mod 5) and y  1 (mod 6). Let x (mod y), where a  b (mod c) if and if
only c|a – b, here x and y are positive integers, be z. Find r + z

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