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Practical File
A practical file submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for CBSE in Information Technology (402) for the year 2022-23

Guided by Presented by

Ms. Seema Khokhar

PGT Computer Science X
JNV Udupi JNV Udupi
SNO Name of the Practical Teacher’s Sign

1 Write the steps to create table "Emp" in design view.

2 Write the steps to insert data in table "Emp" and sort

the data on the basis of column Ename.
3 Write the steps to increase the salary of all Employee
by Rs 10000
4 Write the query to create a table Items and write the
queries based on the questions.
5 Create a form for the school database created in the
above activity. Populate the table marks using the
6 Create a report to display data from table Marks
stored from database School.
7 Write the steps to consolidate data of two sheets in
Open Office Calc .
8 Explain the styles given in the Styles and Formatting
Window for writer and paste the screen shot of the
window also.

9 Write the steps to create new style in Open Office

10 Write the steps to record Macro in open office calc

11 Write a program to explain the concepts of scenarios. 1

12. Write a program to explain the concepts of goal seek

13. Write a program to explain the concepts of subtotal

14. Steps to insert table of contents feature

15. Steps to insert an image from the hard disk drive in

writer document
16. Steps to create a template using wizard
PROGRAM 1: Write the steps to create table "Employee" in design

1. Click on Create Table in Design View… option available under

Tasks and a Table Design window appears as shown

2. Specify the field name and data type of the field to be

created as shown below

3. In the gray box at the left of the line, right-click and select
Primary Key, bringing up a key icon in the box


4. Click on Save Icon to save the table and give the table
name as Employee.
PROGRAM 2: Write the steps to insert data in table "Employee" and
sort the data on the basis of column Ename.

1. To insert the data in the table, follow the steps: Select the table
> Double click on it.

The table will open in Datasheet View in which data new data can
be inserted and existing data can be updated or removed

Sorting means to arrange the data in either ascending order of

descending order. Select the column(s) then click on sort buttons.
The data will be displayed accordingly.
Data in Descending Order


Data in Ascending Order

Program 3: Write the steps to increase the salary of all Employee
by Rs 10000

click on Tools > SQL. A window similar to the one below will be

Type the query as shown below in space and click on Execute.

Program 4: Write the query to create a table Items.

Program 5: Create a form for the school database created in the
above activity. Populate the table marks using the form.

1. Open existing database School.

2. Click on the forms option left side. Click on Use Wizard to
create Form.

3. Select the table and required field from Form Wizard option.
Follow the 8 steps given in the left side of wizard. Click on next
after each steps and apply styles.
4. Click on Finish button your form will be displayed with the
existing details of table.

Program 6: Create a report to display data from table Marks stored
from database School.

Open existing database School.

Click on the Reports option left side. Click on Use Wizard to create

Select the table and perform the steps mentioned in report wizard
dialog box.
After performing all the steps click on Finish in dialog box and all
data will be shown in reports.

Program 7: Write the steps to consolidate data of two sheets in Open
Office Calc .

1. Open a new file in Open Office Calc and write the following data :

2. Open another file in Open Office Calc and write the following Data

3. Open the third sheet and click on Data → Consolidate. The

following dialog box appear
4. Click to select Source data range of first sheet and then click on
Add button.
5. After adding Source data range from both the sheets, the dialog
box will appear like shown below:
6. Output of data consolidation will be:

Program 8: Explain the styles given in the Styles and Formatting
Window for writer and paste the screen shot of the window also. supports the following types of styles: 1. Page styles 2.

Paragraph styles 3. Character styles 4. Frame styles 5. Numbering styles
6. Cell styles 7. Graphics styles 8. Presentation Styles

Page styles : include margins, headers and footers, borders and

backgrounds. In Calc, page styles also include the sequence for printing

Paragraph styles : control all aspects of a paragraph’s appearance, such

as text alignment, tab stops, line spacing, and borders, and can include
character formatting.
Character styles : affect selected text within a paragraph, such as the

font and size of text, or bold and italic formats.

Frame styles : are used to format graphic and text frames, including
wrapping type, borders, backgrounds, and columns.

Numbering styles : apply similar alignment, numbering or bullet

characters, and fonts to numbered or bulleted lists.
Program 9: Write the steps to create new style in Open Office Writer.
We can create New (Custom) Styles in two ways

1. Creating a new style from a selection :

1. Open the Styles and Formatting window and choose the type of style

you want to create.

2. In the document, select the item you want to save as a style.

3. In the Styles and Formatting window, click on the New Style from

Selection icon

4. After Clicking on New Style from Selection, create style dialog box

5. Write the name for the new style and click on OK

Program 10: Write the steps to record Macro in open office

Following steps create a macro that performs paste special with


1. Open a new file in calc.

2. Enter the following data

3. Select cell A3, which contains the number 3, and copy the value to the

4. Select the range A1:C3.

5. Use Tools > Macros > Record Macro to start the macro recorder.

6. The Record Macro dialog is displayed with a stop recording button.

7. Use Edit > Paste Special to open the Paste Special dialog.
8. Set the operation to Multiply and click OK. The cells are now
multiplied by 3.
9. Click Stop Recording to stop the macro recorder. The Basic Macros dialog opens and save the macro at
specified place with a particular name.

Program 11: Write a program to explain the concepts of scenarios.
1. Open the office calc.
2. Write the below data in a sheet and select the data as shown

3. Click on Tools and open Scenarios.Give the scenarios name as P is

4. Uncheck the copy back option and click OK

5. One Scenario will be created. Follow the above steps and create
one more scenario with P is 2000. 17

6. Based on the input you can select the scenario in navigator.

Program 12: Write a program to explain the concepts of goal seek.
1. Open the office calc.
2. Write the 5 subject marks and make one subject marks as 0
3. Apply the formula of percentage

4. Find the marks of CS using goal seek by clicking on Tools goal

seek option if required percentage is 80.
5. Select all the data. Click on Tools and open Goal Seek
6. Below window will appear.Fill the target value and click OK.


7. Finally the value in CS subject will be inserted.

Program 13: Write a program to explain the concepts of

1. Open the Office Calc

2. Write the below data.

3. Select all the data .Click on Data and open subtotal menu.Select
Group by option as Stream and calculate subtotals for marks.

4. Click ok to finish. Stream wise marks data will be displayed.

Program 14: Steps to insert table of contents feature.
When you create your document, use the following paragraph styles for
different heading levels (such as chapter and section headings):
Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3. These are what will appear in
your table of contents. You can use more levels of headings, but the
default setting is to use only the first three levels in the table of

1. Place the cursor where you want the table of contents to be inserted.
2. Select Insert > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and Tables.

2. Change nothing in the Insert Index/Table dialog. Click OK.

Program 15: Explain the steps to insert an image from the hard disk
drive in writer document?

1. Click on Insert menu – choose Picture option

2. Select from File option.
3. Insert Picture Dialog box will appear.

4. Select your image and click on Open button.

Program 16: Steps to create a template using wizard
Creating A Template Using A Wizard

a. Type of fax (business or personal)

b. Document elements like the date, subject line (business fax),

salutation, and complementary close

c. Options for sender and recipient information (business fax)

d. Text to include in the footer (business fax) choose File > Wizards
>[type of template required

e. Click on Templates and Save. The below window will appear. Click
OK to save the template.


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