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Standard Method of Test for Density of Soil In-Place by the Sand-Cone Method AASHTO Designation: T 191-14 AASHIo ‘SCOPE 1.1, __THismetod is intend for determining the place dest of sls, The apparatus described herein s restricted to tests in sls cortaiig pares mat rer than SO mm (2. n ae. 12 “The owing apts to all specie its in his standart: For the purposes of determining conformance wth hese specications, an observed value shal be rounded of tothe nearest nn the ast aad face of igus used in expressing the nig vale, nacordance with he round o method ef AST E Bs REFERENCED DOCUMENTS rs 21 AASHTO Stared: + M231, Welhing Devices Usedin th Testing of Mater TTSH/T 19, Buk Dersty CUnt Welgh) ant Voisin Agree 1.98, Mooure-Densty Relations of Sos Using 249 (8B) Rammer anda 305 mm (124) Drop T 217, Determination of Wiser Sols by Means ofa Celdun Caride Gas Pressure Motu Teter 17265, Laoratry Determination of Mottire Conte of Sls 22, ASTM Sanda: + 4643, andar Test MethotferDeterrration of Water (Moisture) Content fol by Hcronave Oven Heatrg (0495 Standard Test Method or Determination of Water (Mature) Content ofS By Direct Heating * £29, Star Prac for Using Seniant Dats in Test Data to Determine Coforance vith Speccatons a Bay Density Apparatus wih Base Plte—The density apport shal ost o 341. (L ga jr and detachable _applance consisting ofa clndrial valve with anor 12.7 mm (in) in ameter an har 2 sal {ume cnnecing toa standard G mason ar op once end and a large fume on the other end The valve stall have slop to prevent rotating the valve past te cxrleteyepen or compte cosed positon The ‘base pote shal be made of mea and suit ald The late shal hve oad cetera reste the large fume. The apparatus shall caferm to the requrements shown n laa, The apoarahs, descbed here represen a desig Wet has proven sotsfoctr. Othe apparatus siar popes Wil perform equal Wel so lng asthe basic principles of sad lume determinaon ae ofserved, The ase tes required for carton bd teing, Ses Mat Tea or Dane fal Fey the San Cone Math / Jar shall be of proportions ‘such that there willbe no shoulder void when determining the bulk density of sand. Rubber Ring or Gasket Metal Funnel Valve Stops. 6.75 in, Dia- co Metric Equivalents inom i,m 0301276501651 Om | il Gr ints 112s 286123048 ‘ential epee Te, nt Sen apna meses ‘Sarda of Tet x Dey ol P80 e Sar. Cor Moh 5375 1365 Figure 1—Densty Apparatus 32. CabratonCotaines—A sturdy clinical crane of known vlume (V2), Te csi stall be dmersionay agroximae tothe largest at role that wl be du, The container shall be cltted ‘accrang tT ASHVT 19, "Note 1—The itera lamer othe container shal be equal or sgh les an the deter ofthe ‘perng ofthe base plate used with the san-cone, The 94-am? (apf) and 2830-or? (Yen) Mas speed in 99 and 180 are sub, 33. Santry dean dy ree-owing, uncemented sand having fe, fan, particles passing the O.07S-mm oF etained onthe 2.00-mm sieves. In seleing asunder uso, several blk density detent should be ‘made using the same representative sare reach determination, To be acepabl, Ex sand shal pot havea variation in tuk censty greater en {percent 34 Bolncas—A balance confrming tothe requirements of M 23, Cass G20, As, a balance conering to the reqaerrets of M 231, cass G2 3s. Drying Eguipmere—Stove cr oven or other suitable equipment for dying moist onent saps, 36. Msaaloneous Equipments pick, sls, spoons for aging test ole; 254m (10 in) frying pan or {any suitable conan for drying rate saps; buses wih hs, canvas ack oro Sable ‘artainers for retaining the dersty sal, rss, or dest sang, respectively sma paths side rule, and netbook CONE CORRECTION AND BULK DENSITY FACTORS ~ : 4 Fling the appre: 41.1, ithe apparatus wit snd tise and condone tothe sare state atc ring testg. Note 2—The apparatus may be filed ether with witha the metal fn eng atached, The funnel may be removed ant retiached as needed inorder to fil the apparatus wth he fuelaetached $1.2, Determine ar record the mass ofthe apparatus filed with sad (m) 42. Determine the mas of sand require oil the fre rd baseplate (cone correction). 4241, Place the bese plate cn a dean level plane surface. Invertthesordcone filed wit snd and seat the fart n the eens ofthe bas poe 422. Openthe valve uly, nd low the sand to aw ut stops (Mate 2 423, hse he valve shar, remove the apparatus, and determine the mass ofthe apprsus athe remaining sand (m). 424, The ess of san requed fl he cone ae base plate scaled by the deence bebven the il ‘mass (Step 4.1.3) ad nal mas (Step 4.2), Racaré is mass asthe cone caret (ec = my). (Se Sesion) 43, Determine the buk dest of sand () tbe se nthe fl test 434, Replace the sand remaved nthe une! determination sccrdng to Secon 4.1, close the va, ant ‘etermine the mass of appara and send (m), 432. Pelion he craton container on a dan, evel, lane sutace, Place the base plat on he caltaton| ‘tain (Nate 1). vert the appar ed seat be fur! ne reese of the bate poe 433. Opentte valve uly and keep open unt the sand stops owing (Note 2), 434, Close the valve surly, remove te apparatus, and deterine the emminng mas fhe apparahs and sara (mg). 435. Calaiate the mass of te sand needed tol the contains, fuel ad bose plate. Subtract the el mass (043.4) rom te lial moss ap .3.1) piv terres UP Tel rel Siete pagmatet 6 rascos Sarr etd Tet i Dery Sl Face bye Saco Ma 436, Themassof be sand needed tol the container el is detersined by stating the mess ofthe cone prrection (Stn 42.4 from be toa mass requred tl he cartane withthe mel and Boe pe (Sen 25 437, Determine the bu dens ofthe cabration sad (sn calla far). Determine the moss ofthe sand eset the conan thee times and average the resus. Divide the mass fhe sand needed toil ‘he corainer (Sep 4.3.5) bythe volave of te calraioncotainer a determine according oT TMV 1, De = (m—m—Ce 438, Record tis factor for fre reference, (See Sesion 4.4) 44, Each container of sand wi have aunque cone correction and sand calbaton factor. Each sand-cone ‘bd matches base plate set wills have niga cane caecor ae bulk sand erates, Carseat, ‘cach sae-cane and baseplate should be marked and the acocated correction daa Fado recorde 5 PROCEDURE ere a a — 51. Determine the dest ofthe sll n place as fll: 5.11, Fillthe apparatus wit sand accrcng to Section 4. Record the total ras 5.12. Prepare the surface ofthe locaton tobe teste so that is a evel plane 5:13. Sethe base pate on he prepared srfce. Di the test ened the opening ofthe bese lt, beng ‘very careful to avoid itrbing the sol that wl beurethe le, Sis that are essen granular rere extreme care. ce alosened sol ina cntier, being arf avd os ary mara Care st be {eken to avad melee loss daring excavator, 5:14, —_Ploe the apperats on the bas plate an open the valve. Aer thesandhas stoped owing, dose the valve (Nate 2), 5:5. Wegh the apparatus withthe realning sad (and recor 5:6. Weigh the moist materia tht was removed from the test le. 5:17. Mix the material thoroughly and seare and weigh a epreseraie sare for mostre determination 5:18. Dry and weigh the sl sample for moisture content determination n accordance wih 265 on accordance ith rapid methods such asT 217, ASTM D 4959, or ASTM D 464. The ress cane sg hese & ater "oi et menos must be cece to the values oainad in acardance with T 25, Cleuste Be ‘masre content othe nearest 1 perce 5.49, Theririmum est hfe volumes suggested in determining the in-place deny of sll mbes ar given in “Table This table shows the suggested miramum mass of the maitre content samgle aon we, ‘maxim parte sie sol stirs. ‘Table 1—Yrimum Test Hole Volumes ae Minimum Motsture Content Samples Based on Maximum Sze of Parle ‘xin Parisie ‘Minimom Tea Foe, "ania Size Vole Moisture Coment nm, Altemate en! me Sample g a5 ie deve 70 ons 100 ns "i wets 030 20 230 2138 mrs ‘0 00 2630 100 1000 in ttt too topo & “CALCULATIONS —— — 6a, (eluate the volume of te test hale Vi on ssp gr AP Teh, tS anole « 6. 62, 63, ‘Stari Med of Tet Deny So Plan by he Sar. Cone Mes Viy= (mis~ Mig CDs w oa Vi = vole ofthe test hae, m5 = Ital mass of the apparatus and san, mg = fal mass of the apparatus and ond, = cane carecton ant Dy = bu dersty of the sand, Cala the volume othe test hale tothe nearest 1c? (2.0001. Cla they mass ofthe materi eve fom the test hl as flows ® ry mss ofthe material removed fom the test hele, Moe = ys = maistmass of the material removed from the etl, and pscertge of mise, in material removed frm be test hale, Catt the ery mass ofthe material tothe nearest 19 (001 B). Colao the place ry dens of the material enoved ram the test eas oko: Dp=Mps!Vir ° were: Dp lnplace ory deny ofthe material removed from the test hale, Mos = ery mass ofthe meter removed fam the test ol (Section 5.2), and Vy = volume othe test ole Secon 5.1). Caledate the nace cry densty tthe nearest kal? (0), (Se Notes 3 and) Note 30.001 g/cm? = g/m? Note 4—t may be desired to exes th nace density a @ percentage of some cer dent, or ‘ample the laboratory maximum densty deterred in accordance ith T 98. Ths retitip can be eter by vg te place deny bythe maxon det and rliyng by 100. ou gainers pM Pa Tee el See Ppa

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