LESSON VI Vegetables

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Vegetables are edible parts of plants. They are the roots, tubers, bulbs, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds, or
pods. In culinary arts, vegetables are considered those plant materials eaten with the principal parts of the meal.
They may be served cooked or raw in their natural state or in completely change in appearance. Vegetables may be
combined with other food items or eaten as is. In the Philippines, vegetables are always the popular item in peoples

Classification of Vegetables

Plant parts used as vegetables maybe classified as follows:

Leafy Vegetables- are often called green vegetables. Examples of these are kamote, kangkong, petchay, saluyot,
malunggay, ampalaya leaves, alugbati, spinach and other leaves used for food.

Seed Vegetables- are sometimes called leguminous vegetables. Examples of these are paayap, mango, bataw, and
other beans and peas.

Stems and Bulbs- consist of asparagus, bamboo shoots, coconut shoot, onions and celery.

Roots and Tubers- are at times referred to as root crops. Examples are kamote, cassava, carrots, ubi, singkamas,
potato, gabi, ginger, garlic and other plants identified with roots.

Fruit Vegetables- consist of tomatoes, squash, eggplants, upo, ampalaya, patola, sayote, cucumbers and okra.

Flowers- consist of katuray, squash blossoms, cauliflower, and kakawati flowers.

Nutritive Value of Vegetables

Vegetables are naturally rich sources of vitamins and minerals. They also contain cellulose-fibrous minerals
that aid in digestion. Protein, sugar and starch are most abundantly found in vegetable seeds and pod, root crops
and fruits and flowers. Dark green and yellow vegetables are especially rich in Vitamin A as well as other minerals.

Some Guidelines in the Selection and Purchase of Vegetables

Vegetables have high perishability and great variations in quality. It is therefore important for one to know
how to select vegetables at their best quality. The quality of vegetables depends on:

a. favorable conditions of their growth

b. the season of their harvest

c. the variety of the vegetables

d. degree of maturity

e. size and uniformity of shapes

f. presence of defects

The Essentials of Buying Vegetables

1. Buy vegetables that are in season; they are cheap and plentiful. They are also most nutritious and better in flavor.

2. Select the vegetables that are free from surface bruises and blemishes due to decay.
3. Choose leafy vegetables that are fresh, young and free from decay. Avoid wilted ones.

4. Pick out dry seeds or legumes that are not powdery and are free from holes. Legumes are susceptible from weevil
attacks when they been improperly stored for sometime.

5. Get root crops that are free from dark spots and dirt. They must be firm not soft.

6. Buy quality vegetables that will best suit your particular purpose.

7. Consider the cost in relation to the edible portion and the amount of waste for each type.

8. Buy by weight of by count if necessary.

9. Consider the prices of similar vegetables from atleast two sources before buying.

10. Consider equality above all considerations.

Vegetable Cookery

1. Cook fresh green vegetables uncovered for the first few minutes and continue cooking until tender and still
slightly crispy.

2. Peel and cut vegetables just before cooking, avoid soaking them in water.

3. Never cook vegetables in an iron container. Enamelware is more suitable and preferable.

4. Use the smallest amount of water possible in boiling leafy vegetables. If vegetables are to be cook with meat. Add
the vegetables just before the meat gets too tender.

5. To preserve the green color of the vegetables, avoid over cooking them ; do not use baking soda, uncover the pan
for the 2-3 minutes.

6. Use the same water in which dried legumes are soaked, by simmering them instead of boiling.

7. Cook starchy vegetables such as potatoes. Gabi etc. long enough to gelatinize. Drain off after boiling.

8. Save the liquid left after the vegetables, use it for gravies,soup and sauces.

9. See that cook vegetables are crispy rather than mushy with flavor and color as natural as possible.

10. For the best method of cooking frozen vegetables, read what is stated on the package.

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