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Group 2 discussed the design of traffic facilities, public transportation system,
transportation functionality, transportation problems, capacity of transit system and stages
in motor vehicle travel.
Design of traffic facilities focuses on the safety and efficient movement of people and
goods by using traffic control device. Traffic control device direct, guide, and inform drivers
by offering visual or tactile indicators. Traffic control device four categories these are signs,
signals, road design and markings, and barriers and channelizers. Signs such as regulatory
sign, warning sign, guiding or informal sign, local information is provided to drivers
through these road signs. They are quite apparent in headlights at night since they are
made of reflective material in high contrast colors. Words and symbols can both be used in
signs to convey meaning. The same as the traffic signals, road marking and road
construction, and barrier and channelizers are located along roadways and highways to
safely and effectively move both automobiles and people. These devices are positioned in
strategic areas to direct traffic, regulate vehicle speeds, and alert drivers to potentially
hazardous circumstances. The next topic that they discuss is the public transportation
system. Buses, railroads, and other modes of public transit tricycles, pedicabs, trolleybuses,
ferries, fast transit, or jeepneys transportation (such as metro or light rail systems that are
operating on a platform that is accessible to the broader public and planned timetable. The
advantages of public transportation are, it is environmentally friendly, cheaper compared
to using your car and reduces traffic congestion, while its downside are it is very much
crowded and higher chance for infection with diseases and may experience delay. The next
topic they discussed is transportation functionality. Transportation process efficacy or
whether a particular mode of transportation succeeds in achieving its goal is referred to as
functionality. Moving items from one location to another is the primary goal of
transportation management. The next topic that was discussed is the transportation
problems, transportation problems include safety, declining fuel reserve, environmental
problems, inadequate transportation facilities and parking issue. Transportation problem is
a form of linear programming issue in which the goal is to minimize the cost of transporting
a commodity from several sources or origins to multiple destinations. The traditional
simplex approach is unsuitable for handling transportation issues due of its unique
structure. These issues necessitate a unique approach to resolution. The location from
which goods are dispatched is the source of a transportation problem. They discussed on
how to compute the capacity of transit system. The capacity of transit mode is the
maximum number of passengers allowed per hour. At its greatest average, a particular
mode can be predicted to carry speed of operation. Passenger capacity is calculated as
frequency multiplied by reliability multiplied by the number of coaches multiplied by
number of seats multiplied by the load factor.

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