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Course on Hydraulics of Dams Appurtenant Structures

PWUT, Winter 2013


Dr. Jalal Attari

Assistant Professor P
Power &W
t U University
i it off Technology
T h l
Water Engineering Department Tehran, Iran

 Free Overflow Spillway

 Design of Ogee Crest

 Sample Design
p y
Karun 1 Dam: (Concrete Arch)

I t d ti
Karun 1 Dam: (Plan)

I t d ti
Majed Solyeman Dam: (Earthfill)

I t d ti
Gheshlagh Dam: (Chute Spillway)

I t d ti
Gheshlagh Dam: (Ogee Spillway)

I t d ti
p of
g Crest
Overflow Structure

I t d ti

a) Un-gated b) Gated

Dotted line: Minimum bottom pressure

(Vischer & Hager, 1998)
Sharp Crested Wier and Ogee Crest

I t d ti

a)Thin-plate weir, fully aerated b) Corresponding standard crest

(Vischer & Hager, 1998)

Sharp Crested Wier and Ogee Crest

I t d ti

a)Thin-plate weir, fully aerated b) Corresponding standard crest

(Vischer & Hager, 1998)

g of
g Crest
Discharge coefficients for a vertical-faced
vertical faced ogee crest

I t d ti

Fig. 17.1, (Mays, 1999) (USBR, 1987)

C ff
Coefficient off discharge ffor other than the design head

I t d ti

Fig. 17.2, (Mays, 1999) (USBR, 1987)

Coefficient of discharge for an ogee-shaped crest
with a sloping upstream face

I t d ti

Fig. 17.3, (Mays, 1999) (USBR, 1987)

Ratio of discharge coefficients associated with the apron

I t d ti

Fig. 17.4, (Mays, 1999)

(USBR, 1987)
Ratio of discharge coefficients associated with the tailwater

I t d ti

Fig. 17.5, (Mays, 1999)

(USBR, 1987)
Pier-contraction coefficients for high-gated overflow crests

I t d ti

Fig. 17.6, (Mays, 1999)

(USBR, 1987)
Upstream front Pier Position

I t d ti

a) Abutment & Piers b) Pier

(Vi h & H
(Vischer Hager, 1998)
Crest pressures along piers (Type 3A) for high
overflow dams

I t d ti

Fig. 17.7, a
(Mays, 1999)
(USACE, 1988)
Crest pressures along piers (Type 3A) for high
overflow dams

I t d ti

Fig. 17.7, b
(Mays, 1999) (USACE, 1988)
Crest pressures along the centerline of a pier

I t d ti

Fig. 17.8, a
(Mays, 1999)
(USACE, 1988)
Crest pressures along the centerline of a pier

I t d ti

Fig. 17.8,
Fi 17 8 b
(Mays, 1999) (USACE, 1988)
Crest factors for the definition of nappe-shaped
nappe shaped crest profiles

Fig. 17.9, a1
(Mays, 1999)
(USBR, 1987)
Crest factors for the definition of nappe-shaped crest profiles

Fig. 17.9, a2
(Ma s 1999)
(USBR, 1987)
Crest factors for the definition of nappe-shaped crest profiles

Fig. 17.9, a3
(Mays, 1999) (USBR, 1987)
Factors (xc, yc, R1, and R2) for definition of nappe-shaped crest profiles

Fig. 17.9, b1
(Mays, 1999)
(USBR, 1987)
Factors (xc, yc, R1, and R2) for definition of nappe-shaped crest profiles

Fig. 17.9, b2
(Mays, 1999) (USBR, 1987)
Factors (xc, yc, R1, and R2) for definition of nappe-shaped crest profiles

Fig. 17.9,
Fi 17 9 b3
(Mays, 1999)
(USBR, 1987)
Ogee Crest
l Design
D i
Determine the geometry of the spillway crest and the discharge rating curve
for an un-gated overflow spillway. A bridge over the spillway will be supported on
piers 1.8 m thick with a maximum span width of 12 m between the centerline of
i Th
The reservoir
i and
d flflood
t are as ffollows:
Maximum flood discharge : 2800 m3/sec
Maximum flood pool elevation: 110 m
Maximum normal pool elevation: 100 m
Approach channel invert elevation: 80 m
Downstream channel elevation : 20 m
Maximum flood tailwater elevation : 40 m
Assume that the overflow crest becomes tangent to a spillway chute that is slopes
at 1h:1v

(Mays, 1999)
Solutiion (1):

Design Head

In this example, the spillway crest elevation is the same as the normal pool
elevation, and the maximum head available to pass the maximum flood discharge
is H MAX 110-100=10 m.
The design head H0 will be selected as H0 = 0.8HMAX = 8 m.
By selecting a design head that is less than the maximum head, there will be a
region of negative pressure on the spillway crest during the maximum discharge,
which results in an increased discharge coefficient. Negative pressure is
acceptable during maximum discharge provided that it does not exceed one-half

(Mays, 1999)
Sol tion (2):
Solution )

Discharge Coefficient

The basic discharge coefficient C 0 is determined using Fig. 17.1.

P =100 - 80 = 20 m
P/H 0 = 20/8 = 2.5
C 0 =(0.552)(3.945) = 2.178

Figure 17.2
Fi 17 2 is
i used
d tto d
t i didischarge
h coefficients
ffi i t ffor a range off h
d tto
complete the discharge rating curve (Fig. 17.36).

This spillway will have a vertical upstream face

face. Since the maximum tailwater
elevations well below the spillway crest, there will be no tailwater effect and no
apron effect. No further corrections to the discharge coefficient will be required.

(Mays, 1999)
Spillway discharge rating curve

Fig. 17.36 (Mays, 1999)

Discharge Rating Curve

Table 17.36 (Mays, 1999)

Sol tion (3):
Solution )

Checking Minimum Pressure on the Crest

From Figs. 17.7 and 17.8 the minimum pressure at maximum

discharge (H/Hd = 1.25) occurs along the pier and is about –2.8 m,
which is less than one-half atmosphere or 5 m head. This is

(Mays, 1999)
Sol tion (4):
Solution )

Crest Geometry

Unit discharge approaching crest at design head H0 8m:

q =1991/47.4
=1991/47 4 = 42 m3/s/m.
Approach velocity:
V a =q / (P + H 0 ) = 42/28 =1.5 m/s.
Approach velocity head:
ha = 0.115 m
and ha/ H 0 = 0.014.

Parameters for the crest geometry are determined from Fig. 17.9.
K =0.503
N =1.865
X c / H 0 = 0.277
Y c / H 0 = 0.12
R1 / H 0 = 0.525
R2 / H 0 =0.225
(Mays, 1999)
Sol tion (5):
Solution )

Crest Geometry

The origin of the X-Y axis is at the crest of the spillway, and X c is the distance from
the upstream face to the crest

Upstream of the origin:

X c = 2.216
2 216 m,
Y c = 0.960 m,
R1 = 4.200 m, and
R2 = 1.800 m.
Downstream of the origin:
Y = 0.08325 X.865
Location of the tangent
g p
point is determined by
Y’= - 0.08325(1.865)X0.865 = -1.0
X t = 8.614
Y t = 4.619
The crest geometry is plotted on Fig. 17.37.
(Mays, 1999)
Ogee Crest Shape

Fig. 17.37 (Mays, 1999)

Sol tion (3):
Solution )

Crest Length

Pier nose shape Type 3A from Fig. 17.6 is selected for the bridge piers. The pier
coefficient K p can be assumed to be 0.0. The headwall will be 90° to the direction
of flow with rounded abutments. K a =0.1
H MAX / H 0 =1.25
=1 25
C MAX /C 0 = 1.03 (Fig. 17.2)
C MAX = (1.03)(2.178) = 2.243
QMAX = CMAX L HMAX 3/2 = (2.243) L (10)3/2 =2800
2800 m3/s
L = 39.48 m

Three p
piers will be required
q to support
pp the bridge.g The net lengthg of the crest L’ is
determined from L = L’ – 2(0.1)(10) = 39.48 m
L’ = 41.48 m (use four bays at 10.5 m each).
The total spillway crest length, including three piers at 1.8 m thickness, is 47.4 m.
(Mays, 1999)

1-Coleman, H. W., Wei C. Y. & Lindell J. E. (1999), Hydraulic Design of Spillways,

Chapter 17, Hydraulic Design Handbook, Mays L. W.(Ed.), McGraw-Hill,
McGraw Hill, New York.

2- USBR (1987), Design of Small Dams, Denver, Colorado.

Case St
3- Vischer D.L. & Hager W. H. (1998), Dam Hydraulics, John Wiley &Sons, West

4- Zipparo, V. J. , Haen H.(1993), Davis’ Handbook of Applied Hydraulics, 4th Ed.

McGraw-Hill, New York.
Th k you ffor your attention
Thank tt ti

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