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by Terrermix
Recipes Compilation by our
advisors for your Thermomix
Table of Contents
Pes Masakan/Paste

Minuman/ Drinks

Main Dishes/Menu Utama

Side Dishes/ Lauk Sampingan

Desserts/Pencuci Mulut

Light Dishes/ Makanan


Recipe Contributors
Paste Masakan/ Paste
Thai Green Curry Paste
Soto Soup Paste
Pes Nasi Goreng
Pes Perapan Ayam
Percik Paste
Ibu Sambal
Sambal Cili Berapi Nenek Fauziah Paste

2 Seconds Vitamin C
Jus Pegaga
Pandan Lemongrass Ginger Tea

Main Dishes/ Menu Utama

Laksa Sardine
Mee Curry
Nasi Kerabu
Masak Lemak Cili Padi Udang Galah & Pucuk Paku
Nasi Briyani Ikan ala Neelofa
Ginger Beef Kway Teow
Ayam Masak Merah
Bihun Goreng Mama
One Pot Tom Yum Pasta
Daging Lada Hitam (TM6)
Sambal Sotong Petai
Kari Ikan Jenahak
Kari Ayam Likat
Side Dishes/ Masakan Sampingan
Sambal Balado Sap sap sui
Sambal Totok
Kerabu Pegaga
Bendi Masak Belacan
Kangkung Goreng Belacan
Masak Lemak Labu

Desserts/ Pencuci Mulut

Tepung Pelita
Bubur Pulut Hitam Slowcook
Tau Fu Fah
Kuih Lepat Pisang
Sweet Corn Puding

Light Dishes/ Masakan Ringan

Roti John
Souffle Cheese Buns
Paste /Pes
Thai Green Curry
Paste by Fina
6 fresh long green chillies, trimmed, deseeded if preferred and cut
into halves
4 spring onions/shallots, trimmed and cut into pieces
3 sprigs fresh coriander, leaves only
2 stalks fresh lemongrass, white part only, cut into pieces (3 cm)
3 fresh Kaffir lime leaves
½ - 1 tsp shrimp paste, to taste (see Tips)
1 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp ground coriander
2 garlic cloves
2 - 4 tsp fish sauce, to taste
20 g peanut oil, plus extra if needed

1. Place all ingredients into mixing bowl and blend 30 sec/speed 9.
2. Scrape down sides of mixing bowl with spatula and blend for a
further 30 sec/speed 9.
3. If paste is too dry, add a little extra oil and stir to combine.
Transfer into sterilised sealable storage jars and place into
refrigerator until ready to use.
Soto Soup Paste
by Dina

Ingredients A
200g red onion
50g garlic
15g ginger
10g galangal

Ingredients B
100g cooking oil
1 pc cinnamon stick
4 pcs star anise
3 pcs clove
5 pcs cardamom

Ingredients C
70 g soup powder
10g chicken stock powder
5g nutmeg powder
20g white pepper
15g salt
10g sugar

1) Place 'A' in mixing bowl. Blend
5 sec | Speed 6
2) Scrap down side of mixing bowl. Blend
30 sec | Speed 10
3) Scrap down side of mixing bowl.
4) Add in 'B' . Saute 10 min | 120'c | Reverse spoon.
5) Add 'C' and cook 20 min | 100'c | Reverse spoon.
Transfer into sterilised sealable storage jars and place into
refrigerator until ready to use.
Pes Nasi Goreng
by Echah

3 biji bawang besar saiz sederhana
3 biji bawang putih
24 biji cili padi
25g ikan bilis (basuh dan tos)
80g minyak
10g garam

1. Masukkan semua bahan di atas dan kisar 10
saat/kelajuan 6
2. Kikis semua bahan ke bawah
3. Tumis 5 minit/ 120 deg/kelajuan 1
4. Masukkan garam
5. Masak 5 minit/100 deg/kelajuan sudu

Biarkan sejuk. Simpan dalam bekas bertutup. Letak

dalam peti sejuk. Boleh bertahan dalam peti sejuk
selama 2-3 minggu.
Pes Perapan Ayam
by Nadie Rosli

Bahan untuk kisar halus (perapan):

6 ulas bawang merah
1 batang serai
4 ulas bawang putih
1 sudu kecil garam
2 cm halia

Langkah Pemyediaan:

1. Masukkan semua bahan di atas. Kisar 1min

/speed 8-10.
2. Masukkan dalam botol bersih dan simpan
dalam peti sejuk beku.
Percik Paste
by Nadie Rosli


6 shallots
20 gm ginger
1TBSP chilli boh
1tsp tamarind paste
1tsp salt
200 gm coconut milk
50 gm water
2 lemongrass
50 gm water
50 gm-100 gm gula melaka syrup/ sugar


1-Add Shallots and ginger. Blend 10s/speed 10.

2.Add Chilli boh,water,tamarind paste, coconut
milk. Cook 10mins/100C/reverse speed 1.
3-Add Salt, gula melaka. Cook
5mins/100C/reverse speed 1.
Transfer into sterilised sealable storage jars and
place into refrigerator until ready to use.

Pour gravy over marinated chicken and air fryer

200C for 20mins - 25 mins.
Ibu Sambal
by Shy

120gm Cili Kering
1000gm Air

30gm Minyak Masak

200gm Air
150gm Bawang Merah
100gm Bawang Putih
10gm Pes Asam Jawa
10gm Belacan, optional


1) Masukkan Cili Kering ke dalam MB - buang biji

dengan Turbo/1sec, ulang langkah (1) jika perlu.
2) Tapis biji cili with Varoma Tray & Varoma Lid.
3) Masukkan deseeded Cili Kering dan 1000gm air -
rebus 10min/100'/sp.2
4) Tapis air rebusan dan Cili dengan Varoma Tray.
5) Masuk kan Cili yang dah direbus, minyak, air,
bawang merah, bawang putih, pes asam jawa dan
belacan - kisar 30sec/sp.10, ulang langkah (5) jika
6) Kemudian, masak selama 10mins/varoma/sp.2.

Biarkan sejuk. Simpan dalam bekas bertutup. Letak

dalam peti sejuk. Boleh bertahan dalam peti sejuk
selama 2-3 minggu.
Sambal Cili Berapi
Nenek Fauziah
by Aimi

Ingredient A
160g bird eyed chillies
30g shallots
100g cooking oil

Ingredient B (to taste)

sugar- optional
mushroom seasoning

1.Add all ingredient A in mixing bowl, cook 5

minute/Varoma/reverse spoon.
2.Blend 15 seconds, start with speed 5 and speed up
to speed 8.
3.Scrap bowl. Cover with Splash Guard.Cook 8
minutes/Varoma speed 1.
4. Add ingredient B, still using splash guard,cook 8
minutes/Varoma/speed 1.
Transfer into sterilised sealable storage jars and
place into refrigerator until ready to use.
2 seconds Vit C
by Shy


1 orange
1 lemon
30 gm asamboi
1 L water

1- Add all ingredients above.
Blend 2 sec/ speed 10.
Jus Pegaga
by Malati


200 gm daun pegaga

1 L water
90 gm raw cane sugar

1- Add all ingredients above.
Blend 30 sec/ speed 10.
Pandan Lemongrass
Ginger Tea
by Nadie Rosli


100 gm rocks sugar

50 gm fresh ginger
5 stalks lemongrass
6 knots pandan leaves
1200 ml water

1- Add 100 gm rock sugar to mixing bowl. Grind
2s/Turbo 2 times.
2-Add ginger and lemongrass. Blend for
5seconds/speed reverse 4.5.
3-Add knot pandan and water. Cook for
25mins/98C/speed 1.
4-Once done , user strainer to pour in the jug.
Best server when it is hot.
Laksa Sardin
by Aimi

120gm Holland onion

30gm cili padi
20gm shrimp paste/belacan
1 can Sardin Ayam brand (425gm)

1- Add above ingredients in mixing bowl. Blend

30 sec/speed 6.

1200gm water
8gm daun kesum
6 pieces asam keping
1 cube stok ikan bilis

2-Next add all ingredients above in mixing bowl

5 eggs
3-Place into Varoma dish.
4-Cook for 30 mins/Varoma/reverse spoon.

1 packet of laksa.
5- Put aside eggs, and place laksa into Varoma
dish. Cook for 5mins/Varoma/reverse spoon.
6-Ready to server, enjoy with slice cucumber,
slice onion & chillies.
Mee Curry
by Nadie Rosli

100gm shallots
2 garlic cloves
1 lemongrass
50gm cooking oil
12gm fish curry powder
12gmbeef/chicken curry powder
1tsp salt
1tsp mushroom seasoning
200gm chicken
1000gm shrimp stock
100gm cockles (kerang)
200gm coconut milk.
Daun kesum
200gm bak choy / sawi
450gm yellow mee.

1. Blend Shallots, garlic. 15 seconds/speed 10.
2. Scrape down.Add oil. Repeat blend 15 seconds/speed 10
3. Add lemongrass, curry powder, chicken, salt and mushroom
seasoning . Sauté 7mins/120C/reverse speed 1.
4. Add shrimp stock. Assemble varoma dish. Lower layer,
bakchoy/sawi. Upper layer yellow mee. Cook for
13minutes/Varoma/reverse spoon.
5. Put aside Varoma dish. Add cockles, fishball, fishcake,
coconut milk, daun kesum in mixing bowl. Insert measuring
cup.Cook 7minutes/98C/ reverse spoon.Serve while it still
warm. Enjoy.
Nasi Kerabu
Community recipe

500 gm parboiled basmathi rice (washed)
950 gm water
30 pcs fried bluepea flowres
40gm oil
2 pandan leaves knotted
2 tsp salt

1- Add 950 gm water, dried bluepe flowres and pandan leaves. Boil
7mins/120C/reverse spoon.
2-Add rice, oil and salt.Set rice cooker mode. Once done, leave the r
in MB for 10-15 mins before serve.
Masak Lemak Cili Padi
Udang Galah & Pucuk Paku
by Nadie Rosli

3 garlic cloves
1 big onions
2 inch ginger
3 shallots
6 king prawns (udang galah size M)
1tsp tumeric powder
1tsp salt
1tsp mushroom seasoning
1 tomato
1 daun kunyit (finely slice)
30gm oil
5 cili padi
1 lemongrass
200gm coconut milk
300gm water
1 dried tamarind( asam keping)
300 gm pucuk paku

1. Add garlic, onion, ginger, shallots, cili padi. Blend 6 seconds/

speed 6.
2. Add oil, lemongrass,tumeric powder. Sauté 4
mins/120C/reverse 1.5.
3. Add king prawns,water, salt, dried tamarind, tumeric leaves,
mushroom seasoning, pucuk paku. Cook 7mins/Varoma/
reverse speed spoon.
4. Add coconut milk. Cook 3 mins/98C/ reverse speed spoon.
5. It’s ✅ doneeeeee.
Nasi Briyani ala Neelofa
by Nadie Rosli

6 shallots
3 garlic
1 cinnamon stick
3 cloves
3 cardamom
100gm ghee/butter
1/2 - 1 tbsp beriani powder
1 chicken cube
235gm rice Basmathi (around 2 pots)
200gm evaporated milk(susu cair)
270gm water

Siakap cuts marinate with salt& tumeric
(Deep fry or using AF)

1-Add shallots, garlic. Turbo 2sec. Scrap down. Repeat Turbo 2 sec.
2-Add ghee, beriani powder, chicken cube,cinnamon stick,
cardamom,clove. Sauté 5mins/120C/reverse spoon.
3-Add rice, evaporated milk, water. Active rice cooker mode. Once
done leave it in the bowl for 15 minutes before serve.
4-Place nasi beriani in oval Thermoser, arrange fried fish. Enjoy 🤗❤️
Ginger Beef Kway Teow
by Aryati Ariffin

200-300gm daging(finely slices)

1 tbs Oyster Sauce
1/2 tbs corn flour
Salt to taste
1 tbs sesame oil
(Marinate for 15-30mins)

1inch ginger (sliced)
3 garlic
100gm bawang holland (sliced)

1 pkt kway teow

2 tbs Mahsuri Oyster sauce
3-4 tbs Kicap Pedas Manis Mahsuri
1tsp mushroom seasoning
(Mix together your kway teow with this mixture)


1. Cook the beef with high temp (Cookidoo: Browned Beef strips)
2. Then follow Char Kway Teow method in Cookidoo.(Cookidoo: Char
Kway Teow)
Ayam Masak Merah
by Eya Azli

600 gm ayam
2 SB serbuk kunyit
1 SK garam
2cm halia
8 biji bawang kecil
4 ulas bawang putih
2 SB cili boh
30gm minyak
2 batang serai dititik
5 SB sos tomato
5 SB sos cili
30gm air
50gm santan kara
1 SK garam
1biji bawang besar dihiris

1-Perap ayam (A) dan goreng,diketepikan

2-Masukkan bahan B, kisar 10s/speed 10.
3-Masukkan cili boh, minyak, serai.Tumis 4mins/120C/reverse
4-Masukkan sos tomato, sos cili dan air. Masak 5mins/100C/reverse
5-Masukkan santan, bawang besar, garam. Masak
3mins/90C/reverse poon. Gaul bersama ayam yang digoreng tadi.
Bihun Goreng Mama
by Nadie Rosli

4 garlic cloves
5tbsp chili paste
1 tsp salt
1 tsp mushroom seasoning
30gm cooking oil
200gm beef (cut slices)

500gm water
20gm light soy sauce
5gm ABC dark soy sauce

150gm sawi
7pcs A1 brand mee hoon- rinsed very lightly

1- Chop garlic 5 seconds/ speed 5

2- Add the rest of ingredients A. Saute 10mins/120C/ reverse spoon.
3-Add ingredients B. Cook 7mins/120C/reverse spoon.
4- Add ingredients C and cook for 3 mins/ Varoma/reverse spoon. Let
it rest in mixing bowl for 2 minutes once cook. Serve accordingly.
One Pot Tom Yum Pasta
by Ilyana

1/2 yellow onion cut into quarters
4 garlic
6 bird eye chilli
3 lemongrass (white part only)
10 gm olive oil

2 TBS tomyum paste
2 coriander roots
2 fresh tomatoes cut into quarters
10gm coriander leaves and stalks

200 gm cooking cream
600 gm water
1 TSP salt
2 TSP brown sugar
200 spaghetti

30 gm prawns
20 gm squids
4 keffir lime leaves (sliced thinly)

1- Add A into MB, chop 5sec/speed 5. Scrape down.

2-Add B saute 3mins/120c/Speed spoon.
3-Add C .Cook 20mins/100C/reverse speed 1.
4-During last 7mins add D via MC hole.
Daging Lada Hitam
by Kak Salviah

250 gm daging batang pinang dihiris
1 SB kicap masin
1 SB sos tiram
2 SB kicap manis
1 SB lada hitam kisar
2 SB gula perang
1 ST sos ikan
(Perap daging dengan bahan A selama 2-3 jam)

2 ulas bawang putih
1/2 biji bawang Holland dihiris
1/2 biji Capsicum hijau dihiris
1/2 biji Capsicum merah dihiris

1- Guna Cookidoo Resepi : Browning Beef Strip untuk mengoreng

daging. Ikut arahan seperti dalam resepi.
2-Setelah selesai, masukkan bahan B dan masak
4mins/Varoma/reverse spoon.
Sambal Sotong Petai
by Azfar

20gm dried chillies, deseeded and boiled
4 garlic clove
80 gm shallots
1 tsp shrimp paste

70 gm oil
1 onion slices
1 stalk lemongrass bruises

1 tsp salt
1 tsp tamarind paste
50 gm palm sugar

500 gm squids
A handful petai

1- Place A in MB. Blend 15sec/speed 10. Repeat 2x.

2-Add B ,saute 8mins/120C/reverse spoon.
3-Add C, saute 3mins/120C /reverse spoon.
4-Add D, cook 3mins/Varoma/reverse spoon.
Kari Ikan Jenahak
by Eyka Zawawi

3 shallots
2 garlic cloves
1 inch ginger
Blend 10sec/speed 10

100 gm cooking oil
3 shallots sliced
1 garlic clove sliced
1 tsp mixedhalba
Saute 10 mins/120C/speed spoon (MC off)

4 tbsp fish curry powder, water (mix until become paste)
1/2 tomato
3 green chillies (halved)
Pour paste in MB. Saute 15mins/Varoma/reverse spoon (MC off)
after 10 mins add tomato & green chillis.

100 gm santan, 400 gm water
1 tomato quartered, 8 lady fingers, 1 egg plant quatered
1 Jenahak (sliced into 4 parts)
1 tsp salt
Insert blade cover, pour santan & water. Cook 5
mins/100C/reverse 0.5
Add lady fingers, tomato, egg plant, salt & fish. Cook 5-7
mins/100C/reverse spoon.
Kari Ayam Likat
by Ilyana

300gm ayam
3 biji bawang putih
1 biji bawang besar (100gm)
20gm halia
Rempah 4 sekawan
5 sudu besar Rempah Kari ayam/daging
1 biji kentang @ 150gm
1 biji buah tomato
100gm santan
50gm air
2 tangkai daun kari
50gm minyak masak
1 sudu kecil garam secukup rasa

1. Masukkan bawang putih, bawang besar, halia, chopped

5secs/speed 5.
2. Masukkan minyak masak, rempah 4 sekawan, daun kari tumis
3. Masukkan rempah kari dan air, tumis 20mins/120c/speed 1
(extend masa jika perlu)
4. Masukkan ayam dan kentang, masak 10mins/120c/reverse
5. Masukkan santan, buah tomato dan garam, masak
10mins/98c/reverse spoon
Side Dishes /
Sambal Balado
by Nadie Rosli

*Sambal Balado Sap sap sui* by Nadie Rosli

Inspired by @eykacooks

7 red fresh chilllies ( you can also opt for green chillies)
5 bird eye chillies (adjust to taste)
3 garlic cloves
10 shallots
1 tsp salt
1tsp mushroom seasoning
100gm cooking oil (with Thermomix you can opt for olive oil)

1. Add chillies, bird eye chillies, garlic, shallots. Chop for 6
seconds/speed 6. ( If you prefer more fine you can increase
the speed)
2. Add oil. Insert splash guard instead of measuring cup.
Saute’ for 13 minutes/120C/reverse spoon.
3. Add salt and mushroom seasoning. Still using splash guard.
Saute’ for 3 minutes/120c/reverse spoon.

Note: You can pour this sambal balado on top of your fried
aubergine, fried tempe and tauhu, fried chicken or fried fish.
Sambal Totok
by Ilyana

A (total must be 500 gm or more)

6 shallots
2 red onions
3 garlic cloves
8 green chillis
4 red chillis
5 green cili padi
3 red cili padi
1 tomato
2 inch shrimp paste
80-100 gm cooking oil

Juice of 5 calamsi
100 gm fried anchovies

salt & sugar to taste

1-Access the caramallized onion recipe in Cookidoo to use High

Temprerature mode. Place A & cooking oil in MB. Follow the
steps and cook for 20 mins. (use step 1 only).
2-Blend 5sec/speed 5.
3-Add fried anchovies, salt & sugar. Saute’ 20mins/ 120C/spee 1.
4-Add Calamansi Juice. Mix for 5sec/speed 3.
Kerabu Pegaga
by Soraya


1-2 bunches daun pegaga

1-2 bunches daun selom
1 medium size carrot
2 shallots
60 gm fried anchovies , set aside 1 Tbsp
1/2 tsp white pepper powder
Salt & sugar to taste
Juice of 2 calamansi

1-Add daun pegaga, daun selom, carrot. Chop Turbo 0.5/2-3

times until desired texture. Set aside in bowl.
2-Add shallots, fried anchioves, white pepper powder, salt,
sugar, calamsi juice. Chop 5s/speed 5.
3-Scrape down. Insert butterfly and add ulam from step 1 and
1tbsp reserved anchovies mix 20sec/speed 2.
Bendi Masak Belacan
by Eyka


200 gm bendi
4 garlic cloves
2 red chillis
1 tsp belacan
1 tbsp anchovies
20 gm oil

1-Add garlic, red chillis, belacan, anchovies and chop

4seconds/speed 6.
2-Add oil and saute 4.5 mins/120C/reverse spoon.
3- Add sliced bendi cook 4 mins/100c/reverse spoon.
Kangkong Goreng Belacan
by Eyka


3 cloves garlic
2 red chillis
1. inch belacan
10 gm dried prawns
40 gm oil
300 gm kangkung (1 tie)

1-Add garlic, red chillis, belacan,dried prawns and chop for 7

seconds/reverse speed 5.
2.Add oil and saute 5mins/120c/reverse speed 1.
3-Add kangkung and cook 4mins/100C/reverse spoon.
Masak Lemak Labu
by Xyra


1/4 pumpkins cut into cubes

3 cloves garlic
2-3 long beans cut into 3 cm
20 gm oil
2 tsp ground tumeric
Water as required
50 gm coconut milk
salt & sugar to taste

1-Add garlic, chop 10 seconds/speed 5.

2-Add oil saute 3mins/120C/reverse spoon.
3-Add pumpkin, long beans, ground tumeric and enough water
to cover the water in pumpkin. Cook 3 mins/ 100C/reverse
4-Add coconut milk, salt & sugar to taste. Cook 4
mins/98C/reverse speed spoon.
Pencuci Mulut
Tepung Pelita
by Aziyah Aziz

A (Bahagian bawah -hijau pandan)

1/2 cawan tepung beras

1/4 cawan gula
2 cawan air
1/2 cawan jus pandan (5 helai daun pandan dikisar bersama 1/2
cawan air 1min/speed 10 dan tapis)
Secubit garam

B (Bahagian atas - putih santan)

3SB tepung beras
100ml santan
1 cawan air
1/2 ST garam

1-Masukkan bahan-bahan A masak 15 mins/100C/speedm4.
2-Masukkan 1/4 ST gula dalam setiap bekas dan tuang adunan
ke dalam bekas.

1-Masukkan bahan-bahan B dan masak 15mins/100C/speed 4.
2-Tuang ke dalam bekas tadi dan sejukkan.
Tau Fu Fah
Original recipe community

150gm soaked soya beans
1300gm water
1/2 tsp GDL powder
1tsp corn flour
30 gm water

400gm gula melaka
150gm water
2pieces Pandan Leaves

1-Place soaked soy beans and 500gm water in MB. Blend 1min
speed 6-10.
2-Add remaining 800gm water. Mix 5 sec/speed4.
3-Sieve using muslin cloth.
4-Pour strained soy beans milk into MB. Boil 18 min/98C/speed 1.
Remove MC, place with SB.
5-Mix GDL, corn flour and 30gm water well in thermoserver.Then
pour boiled soy beans at height into Thermoserver. Cover with
lid and leave for 30 minutes.

6-Gula Melaka
Place all ingredients. Cook 5 mins/100C/speed 2.
Bubur Pulut Hitam Slowcook
Original recipe community

200gm black glutinous rice (soak overnight)
5 pcs pandan leaves, washed and tied
180gm gula melaka
1200gm water

1- Add all ingredients .Cook 20min, 100c, reverse, speed 1.

Change to Slow Cook mode to cook 3 hours, 98c.

Sauce clean mixing bowl add 200g coconut milk and 1.5 tsp salt,
3min, 98c, reverse, speed spoon.

Serve with coconut milk drizzled over the black glutinous rice
Kuih Lepat Pisang
by Soraya

500 gm ripe bananas
100 gm plain flour
30 gm rice flour
50 gm sugar
1/2tsp salt
70 gm coconut milk
Banana Leaves for wrapping
500 gm water for steaming

1-Add all ingredients mix 10 sec/speed 4.

2-Scrape down and mix 10 sec/speed 3.
3-Set aside in separate bowl. Clean mixing bowl.
4-Add in 500 gm water in MB and boil using kettle mode at 100C.
Meanwhile place 1-2 tbsp of banana mixture onto banana leaf
and wrap like parcel.
5-Arrange in Varoma and place over mixing bowl lid. Steam 16-20
minutes/ Varoma/speed 3.
Sweet Corn Pudding

120 gm sugar
150 gm custard powder
200 gm creamed corn (canned)
200 gm coconut milk
700 gm water

1-Place sugar, custard powder, creamed corn, coconut milk and

water in MB. Cook 8mins/100C/speed 3.
Transfer mixture to baking tray and set for 10 minutes in a cool
place before refrigerating.
Light Dishes/
Roti John
By Aziyah Aziz

For bun:
Use killer toast bread recipe then divide into 8 part. Roll into
oblong shape. Bake for 20 minutes.

Fillings (for 3 buns)

1 yellow onion
2 garlics
30 ml oil
150- 200 g ground beef (10 secs/sp7 of partially frozen beef
2 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1/4 tsp ground cumin
1/4 tsp ground fennel
1/2 tap salt
50 ml water
3 eggs

1-Add garlic, onion . 4s/speed 5.5

2-Scrape mixing bowl. Add oil, saute 6 min/120c/speed 1.
3-Add dd ground beef, curry powder, coriander, cumin, fennel,
salt n water. Mix evenly with spatula. Then Cook 8m/120/ speed
4-Transfer into a bowl let it cool awhile.
5- Beat 3 eggs in separate bowl then add into the bowl with
cooked beef. Mix evenly.
6-Cut the buns.
7- Heat a pan at medium heat. When the pan is hot. Pour the
eggs batter onto the pan. After awhile put the bun on the
batter(face down) until the eggs batter is cooked.
Community Recipe

360 gm all purpoose flour
240 gm milk
1 TBSP oil
1 TBCP baking powder
1/2 TSP baking soda
1 TSP Salt

1- Add all ingredients into MB. Knead mode 4 minutes. Rest in MB

for 15 minutes. Then knead second time for 4 minutes.
2-If sticky dust your fingers with flour.
3-Roll into ball shape divide into 2 portion.
4-Roll each into flat rectangular shape.
5-Coat both surface with oil & wrap with cling wrap. Keep at
room temp at least 2 hours.

Shape method:
1-Place 2 pieces dough on chopping board & cut them into
3-Place one strip on top of another then use a chop sti k to
press them in the middle. Deep fry you cakoi using pan & stove.
Souffle Cheese Buns
by Soraya

300 gm bread flour
145 gm milk
50 gm castor sugar
4 gm instant yeast
1 egg size B
65 gm cream cheese
20 gm unsalted butter
20 gm whipping cream (optional)
4 gm salt

1- Line 9’ baking tin with baking paper.

2-Place all ingredients in MB. Mix 10 sec/speed 4.
3- Knead mode for 4 minutes.
4- Transfer dough onto pastry mat , wrap with damp cloth and
let it proof until double the size.
5- Preheat oven 170C.
6- Punch to deflate the dough. Divide and shape dough into 16
equal portions. (40gm each). Let it rest for 15 minutes. Sprinkle
some flour onto the shape dough.
7- Bake for 35 minutes , 170C until light golden brown.
Recipe Contributors

Fina Aziyah



Ilyana Malati

@ilyana.azizul @malati_senggu


Salviah Echah

@salviahhassan @echahrahimah

Recipe Contributors

Eyka Dina

Aimi Azfar/Jepar

@aimi_hehe @azfar_yusof

Nadie Eya

@nadierosli @eyaazli

Recipe Contributors








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