Muntasir Week 5

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Compound interest:

We know for compound interest formula is



p is the principal amount that invested

r is the interest rate

t is time

According to the question,

t=20 years

principal amount p=$8500

rate of growth r=8.12%=0.0812


the amount will be worth , c(t)=8500(1+0.0812/12)12x20


Hence this account will be worth in 20 years with compound, $42888.18

Simple interest:




Hence in simple interest this amount will be $13804

from graph we have pints that, (0,8500),(240,42888.18)

we know about exponent function, f(y)=aby



If we put the value of a in second equation



> b=240√(42888.18/8500)


we can conclude the function,

f(t) with the value of a and b is, f(y)=8500(240√5.0457)y

Now plot the two functions on desmos calculator

x=8500 {0<y<240}

x=8500(240√5.0457)y {0<y<240}

Fig: Two functions plotted

Option b is better than first one. Because second option is expanded over the years.

2.  Graph the function   and its reflection about the line y=x on the same
axis, and give the x-intercept of the reflection. Prove that  . [Suggestion:
type   {- 7 < x < 2}  {0 < y < 7} in desmos, and then type its inverse function.]

Inverse function:


let y=f(x)




exchange the variables,

x=ln(y/5)/ln(0.5) is the inverse function.

fig: plotting three function


ax=ex lna

Left side:

let ax=y

taking ln on both sides



Right Side:

ex lna = eln(y) [xln(a)=ln(y)]

> exlna = y [ln e=1]

> exlna= ax



given us A(t)=A0 ekt

The time for half of Decay T=700000000

considering A(0)=0.5A(0)

Solving for half time decay,

> A(T)=0.5A(0)

> 0.5A(0)=A(0)ekt

> ekt=0.5
taking ln both side

 ln ekt=ln (0.5)
 kT=ln(0.5)
 k=ln(0.5)/T

Proved , k=ln(0.5)/T

Hence , A(t)=A(0)e-9.9 x 10-10 t

When 20% decayed rest of the uranium is 80%.hence, we can calculate t,

A(t)=A(0)e-9.9 x 10-10 t

 0.8A(0)= A(0)e-9.9 x 10-10 t

 e-9.9 x 10-10 t=0.8

taking ln both sides

 -9.9 x 10-10t=ln(0.8)
 t=ln(0.8)/-9.9 x 10 -10t
 t=225349666

The time take for decay is 22534966 years.

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