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Behind of Power, There is Veracity

By: Kim Louies N. Sonio

Narrator Kryzel
Aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite) Justin Jeric
Aspiring presidential candidate(has firm stance) Kim Louies
Older sister of Justin Princess Joy
Older sister of Kim Nicole kate
Host Ashley Mae
Representative for Reflection Ashley

Act 1
Scene 1: House of them. A private place.

June 2, 2008, where campaign period starts and there are 2 aspiring presidential candidate
namely, Justin Jeric and Kim Louies. Justin's political background is his family who have
been leading the country for how many years....

Princess Joy, older sister of Justin:

What a wonderful day, my beloved and soon to the president of the country, Justin Jeric!

Justin Jeric, aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite):

I know, sister. I know in myself that even if I do nothing, I can surely win. Hahahaha!!!!

Princess Joy, older sister of Justin:

Hmm.. I don’t think so. Your opponent is quite firm. And just like I’ve always told you that
you will encounter a lot of circumstances and you have to deal it with your own….

Justin Jeric, aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite):

[sigh with a disappointed face] You know what? You don’t even have a support to your
brother! What kind of sister you are?! I will do what I want to do because I have to prove
myself that everything will be perfectly done in my own hand!
[Justin walk out]

Princess Joy, older sister of Justin:

Hey.. But always remember that whatever comes in the dark, will always come in the light.

Meanwhile, Kim Louies’ doesn’t have any political background but she is an employment
and labor lawyer & psychologist who gave service freely for the past 9 years.

Kim Louies, aspiring presidential candidate(has firm stance):

Wow, I can't believe that I am now at the point in my life where I will give fully support and
service to every fellow citizen as well as to our beloved country, sister. This might be so
different from what I become. This is the start of new beginning..

Nicole kate, older sister of Kim:

Indeed, you are right. So you should be the voice and a friend to every people out there.
You will become a president, a leader to every nation, a leader who will understand, have a
lot of patience, willing to accept critisms but that critisms, you must accept it as
constructive critisms, Kim Louies….

Kim Louies, aspiring presidential candidate(has firm stance):

Yes, sister! And also I’m willing to learn from every mistake I did. Not only be the voice of
my fellow cetizens but also their listener. Their opinions and insight are very important
because it has signifance and reflect to our country.

Nicole kate, older sister of Kim:

Aww.. I am so proud of you. No words can explain how much I love you, sister.. I know you
will do well and be a notable president one day. Mark my words….. Anyway, let’s now take
a rest because we will become an early bird for tommorrow’s affair.
[They hugged each other]

Act 2

Scene 2: Streets. A public place.

The next day is so exciting, a very exciting moment.

Justin, aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite):

Hahahaha! This is my day! Hi, guys! I am your new president or maybe just your candidate
for now. Here, take these candies.

[Justin is laughing while throwing the candies ]

Kim, aspiring presidential candidate(has firm stance):

Good day, everyone! I am Kim Louies running as your president. Here, take a look to my
flyer and get some candies right here.

Justin, aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite):

Hmm.. Look at that woman(pertaining to his sister), she really wants to win this election
huh? Tsk.. let's just see what she can do once she sees the real one she's competing with.

[Justin took out an envelope full of money inside and gave them to the people]

Justin, aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite):

Hey, here's money, it's for you to vote for me. That's a lot so, if you don't vote me... you will
die. You got it?

Act 3
Scene 3: Conference Room. A private place.

Today is the day! This is the day where we can know the truth! Please give a round of

[citizens clapping]

Everyone! My beloved cetizens, I would like to get your attention because are you guys
excited and ready to know who is our new president?! Because today, I am now going to
announce! As you can see there, there is the results as well as the envelope I’m holding.....
In 3.. 2.. 1..

[Kryzel will open the number of votes.]

So our new president is Kim Louies with a total votes of 1 million.

[Cetizens are cheering while Justin is confused at the same time mad.]

Justin, aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite):

What? Why my votes became invalid?! No!!!!

[Justin walk towards the blackboard]

Justin, aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite):

The winner should be me! This should be me! Not Kim! This should be me!
[Justin tear aggressively the results and get the microphone from the host]

Justin, aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite)

No! I am the winner! I did everything when I was campaigning but why I didn't win?! Why?!

Your votes became invalid, because... do I really need to say it? You already know the
answer don't you?

Justin, aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite):

H-Huh? Of course I did not cheat- why would I do that?

Kryzel: Mr. Justin Rapanut, you are under arrest for cheating and giving money to the

Justin, aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite):

Huh? Ain't that what others do?! Ugh! This is so unfair!!

Princess Joy, older sister of Justin:

Brother, how many times have I told you that what ever comes to dark, will always comes
to the light. Brother, I hate to say this but... this is what you get for being greedy.

Justin, aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite):

No!! Let me go!!

Kim Louies, aspiring presidential candidate(has firm stance):

Oh my gosh, I never would've thought my opponent is like that..

Princess Joy, older sister of Justin:

Yes, I'm sorry for my brother..

Kim Louies, aspiring presidential candidate(has firm stance):

It's alright, as long as he's going to learn his lesson.

This story was inspired on our today’s society because a lot of people are becoming blind
on reality. Some or maybe most of politicians are giving out of money for two different
reasons: 1. To help and 2. To buy a vote also known as vote buying. Even the higher officials
do not care about this situation because they think it has become a part of politics that is
difficult to remove from the people but we reckon that no matter what happens, let’s keep
in mind that we must not live in a dangerous or precarious situation. Process is the key to
success and success leads to the best for everyone. You can't turn a negative mind to
positive actions, cheating and using these bad things will not do anything good to you or to
anyone. It is also better if we had someone with us in our life, families and friends that are
always there to give suggestions, opinions, and orders to keep our life positively and
peacefully. We should compete fairly or so called sportmanship so that the results will be
fair as well and no doubts. Good is to the good and bad is to the bad, every cause will be
reflecting the effect, whether it's positive or negative. No legacy is so rich as honesty that's
why Honesty is the best Policy also written in the Philippine law, the Constitution, Article 2,
Section 27 provides that: "The State shall maintain honesty and integrity in the public
service and take positive and effective measures against graft and corruption".

Prepared by: Grade 9 - STE Dalton (Set B) (Group #3)

Assigned Role:


co-leader & one of the aspiring presidential candidate(hypocrite)


sister of the hypocrite president
representative for reflection




sister of the newly elected president




leader, scriptwriter, & one of the aspiring presidential candidate who won(has a firmly

Presented to:

Mr . Dexter A .Viray
English Teacher

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