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When humans initially created basic tools to aid them in
performing work, this continuum was born. It was the era of
physical labor and hand tools. The Industrial Revolution's age of
mechanization ultimately surpassed it. Machines were created
during the age of mechanization to perform tasks that humans
had previously carried out with hand tools.

These developments are having an impact on the workplace. Automation and integration are having the following effects
on workers:
Changing the emphasis from physical work to automated mechanical work
Changing the emphasis from physical to mental work
Changing the emphasis from physical to mental work
Increasing the level of stress on workers, supervisors, and managers
Eliminating some traditional blue-collar jobs that cause morale problems and decrease employee loyalty
Making workers feel a loss of control and the onset of helplessness and powerlessness
Workplace stress is a complex concept involving
physiological, psychological, and social factors.
People become stressed when they are
overwhelmed. Automation appears to be
increasing the instances in which such an
imbalance occurs. This chapter focuses on the
safety and health concerns associated with
computers, robots, and automation and
appropriate measures for dealing with these


Cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) include a long list of tendon, peripheral nerve,
vascular, muscular, and joint-related disorders. Those most commonly associated
with VDT use are tendinitis, lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), and carpal tunnel
syndrome (CTS). Of these, CTS is the most commonly reported. The carpal tunnel
receives its name from the eight bones in the wrist, called carpals, which form a
tunnel-like structure. The tunnel is filled with flexor tendons, which control finger
movement. It also provides a pathway for the median nerve to reach sensory cells in
the hand. Repetitive flexing and extension of the wrist may cause a thickening of the
protective sheaths that surround each of the tendons. The swollen tendon sheaths, or
tenosynovitis, apply increased pressure on the median nerve and produce CTS.
RESULT OF VTD Kurimoto et al. recommend the following strategies for reducing the physiological
and psychological problems associated with VDT use:
Long-term VDT use results in eye strain, Increasing computer response time. This is a matter of upgrading the
which presents risks to safety and health computer’s processing capability or replacing it with one that has more
from two different angles. In the beginning, processing power
the operator who is under stress has poor Providing more frequent breaks from VDT use or a work rotation schedule that
vision. Second, lowered productivity at work allows users to intersperse non-VDT work in their daily routine.
Creating a work design that recognizes and accommodates the need to break
and higher psychological stress both raise
up continual VDT use.
the risk of accidents. Arranging the keyboard properly so it is located in front of the user, not to the
side. Body posture and the angle formed by the arms are critical factors.
Adjusting the height of the desk. Taller employees often have trouble working
at average height desks.
Adjusting the tilt of the keyboard. The rear portion of the keyboard should be
lower than the front.
Encouraging employees to use a soft touch on the keyboard and when clicking
a mouse. A hard touch increases the likelihood of injury.
Encouraging employees to avoid wrist resting. Resting the wrist on any
type of edge can increase pressure on the wrist.
Kurimoto et al. recommend the following strategies for reducing the physiological and psychological problems associated with VDT use:

Placing the mouse within easy reach. Extending the arm to its full reach increases the likelihood of injury.
Removing dust from the mouse ball cavity. Dust can collect, making it difficult to move the mouse. Blowing out accumulated dust
once a week will keep the mouse easy to manipulate.
Locating the VDT at a proper height and distance. The height of the VDT should be such that the top line on the screen is slightly
below eye level. The optimum distance between the VDT and user will vary from employee to employee, but will usually be between
16 and 32 inches.
Minimizing glare. Glare from a VDT can cause employees to adopt harmful postures. Glare can be minimized by changing the
location of the VDT, using a screen hood, and closing or adjusting blinds and shades.
Reducing lighting levels. Vision strain can be eliminated by reducing the lighting level in the area immediately around the VDT.
Dusting the VDT screen. VDT screens are magnets to dust. Built-up dust can make the screen difficult to read, contributing to eye
Eliminating telephone cradling. Cradling a telephone receiver between an uplifted shoulder and the neck while typing can cause a
painful disorder called cervical radiculopathy (compression of the cervical vertebrae in the neck). Employees who need to talk on
the telephone while typing should wear a headphone.
introduced new safety and health risks. With industrial
robots, this is especially true. What makes robots more
potentially dangerous than other machines can be
summarized as follows: (1) their ability to acquire intelligence
through programming, (2) their flexibility and range of
motion, (3) their speed of movement, and (4) their power.

The often-discussed peopleless factory is still far in the future.

However, robots are so widely used now that they are no longer the
oddity they once were. Consequently, there is plenty of human–
robot interaction in modern industry. Robots and other intelligent
computer-controlled machines will play an increasingly important
role in modern industry. As this happens, safety and health
professionals must be concerned about the new workplace hazards
that will be created.
Robots are being used in industry for such applications as arc welding, spot welding,
spray painting, material handling and assembly, and loading and unloading of machines.
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), the principal hazards associated with
robots are:
Being struck by a moving robot while inside the work envelope. The work envelope
of a robot is the total area within which the moving parts of the robot actually
move. Figure 23–3 illustrates an example of a robot’s work envelope
Being trapped between a moving part of a robot and another machine, object, or
Being struck by a workpiece, tool, or other object dropped or ejected by a robot
Until a worker enters the work envelope of a robot, there is little probability of an
accident. However, anytime a worker enters a functioning robot’s work envelope, the
probability becomes very high.
If human workers never had to enter a work envelope, the safety and health
problems associated with robots would be minimal. However, workers must
occasionally do so. Therefore, safety and health professionals must be concerned
with ensuring safe human–robot interaction. The NSC recommends several
strategies for minimizing the hazards associated with robots.
Ensure a glare-free, well-lighted robot site. The recommended light intensity is
50–100 foot-candles
Keep the floors in and around the robot site carefully maintained, clean, and
free of obstructions so that workers do not trip or slip into the work envelope.
·Keep the robot site free of associated hazards such as blinding light from
welding machines or vapors from a paint booth.
Equip electrical and pneumatic components of the robot with fixed covers and
Clear the work envelope of all nonessential objects and make sure all
safeguards are in place before starting the robot.
Apply lockout and proper test procedures before entering the work envelope.
Remove and account for all tools and equipment used to maintain the robot
before starting it.
Industrial medicine is a specialized field that is concerned
with work-related safety and health issues. Practitioners of
industrial medicine are becoming increasingly concerned
with the interaction of humans and automated machines,
particularly robots and computers. They are concerned
about maladaptation to an automated environment.
Oshima makes the following recommendations for improving the interaction between humans and robots,
computers, and other automated machines in the high-tech workplace:

• Match the human system and the computer system.

• Position machine systems as human-supportive systems.
• Adapt human–computer interaction to human use.
• Initiate job-changing opportunities.
• Allow suitable rest periods for users of automated equipment.
• Vitalize the workplace.
• Encourage recreation.
• Promote the effective use of nonworking hours
• Increase the contact with nature.
• Free people from hazardous, dirty, and harmful jobs.
• Shorten working hours and promote work sharing.
• Expand human contact.
• Harmonize people, things, and the environment ergonomically
The various components in the sociotechnical system theory explain what
must happen if humans and technological systems are going to work together
harmoniously and safely. Safety and health professionals can apply the theory
as they work to minimize the potential problems associated with automation
in the modern workplace. These components can be summarized as follows:
Variance control
Boundary location
Work group organization
Management support
Design process
Quality of work life
Ergonomics management program
If the sociotechnical system theory is fully applied, the safety and health
hazards of the automated workplace can be minimized. Safety and health
professionals can play a key role in making sure the theory is applied.

The sociotechnical system theory discussed in the previous section is broad and conceptual in nature. Modern safety and health
professionals also need to know specific measures that can be taken to minimize the hazards associated with robots and other
automated systems. Examples of safety measures that can be used at the technological systems level include the following:
Construction of a safety fence around the system that defines the work envelope of the system
Control of the speed of movement of system components when working inside the work fence
Installation of an emergency stop device colored red and placed in an easily accessible location
Location of the control panel for the system outside the safety fence
Establishment of automatic shutdown switches that activate any time a system component goes beyond its predetermined
operational range
Safety measures relating to training include training system operators to work safely within the work envelope and to work
together as a team when interacting with the system. Maintenance workers should be trained on the technical aspects of
maintaining all machines and equipment that make up the system. This is important because the safety level of the system is the
sum of the safety levels of its individual components.

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