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21st Century Literature - Lesson 2

differentiate the 21st century literary genres,

and the one’s from the original genres;
enumerate the elements, structures and
traditions of each genre;
appreciate the unique features of each
21st Century Literature refers
to new literary work created
within the last decade. It is
written by contemporary
authors which may deal with
current themes/ issues and
reflects a technological culture.
It often breaks traditional
writing rules.
Literary work
created from
January 1, 2001 and
continue through
December 31, 2100.
A 21st Century Reader
grew up using
technology as a primary
learning tool. He is
capable of navigating and
interpreting digital
formats and media
He also possesses literacy
skills which include
technological abilities such as
keyboarding, internet
navigation, interpretation of
technological speak, ability to
communicate and
interpret coded language and
decipher graphics.
It is an imaginative awareness of experience
expressed through meaning, sound and rhythmic
language choices so as to evoke an emotional
response. It has been known to employ meter and
rhyme. The very nature of poetry as an authentic
and individual mode of expression makes in nearly
impossible to define.
It is a literature created from the
imagination, not presented as fact, though
it may be based on a true story or
situation. Types of literature in the fiction
include the novel, short story and novella.
It is a composition in prose or verse presenting in
dialogue or pantomime a story involving conflict
more contrast of character, especially on
intended to be acted on a stage: a play. It may be
any situation or series of events having vivid,
emotional, conflicting or striking interest.
It is based on facts and the author’s opinion
about a subject. The purpose of non-fiction
writing is to inform and sometimes to
persuade. Its examples are biographies,
articles from textbooks and magazines and
• Story through text and illustrated images
• 50% of the narrative is presented without words
• The reader must interpret the images in order to
comprehend completely the story.
• Textual portions are presented in traditional
• Some illustrated novels may contain no text at
• Span all genres.
• Triple Media Literature
• Combines three media: book,
movie/video and internet website
• In order to get the full story, students
must engage in navigation, reading,
viewing in all three forms.
Book Form Video Form Website Form
• Narrative in comic book formats
• Narrative work in which the story is conveyed
to the reader using a comic form.
• The term is employed in a broad manner,
encompassing non-fiction works and
thematically linked short stories as well as
fictional stories across a number of
• Japanese word for comics
• It is used in the English-speaking world as a generic
term for all comic books and graphic novels
originally published in Japan.
• Considered as an artistic and storytelling style.
• Ameri-manga- sometimes used to refer to
comics created by American artists in
manga style.
• Shonen- Boy’s Manga (Naruto, Bleach, One
• Shojo- Girl’s Manga (Sailormoon)
• Seinen- Men’s Manga (Akira)
• Josei- Women’s Manga (Loveless, Paradise
• Kodomo- Children’s Manga (Doraemon,
Hello Kitty)
• Graphic novels originate • Manga is of Japanese origin.
from American.
• Graphic novels are read from • Manga is read from right to
left to right. left.
• Graphic novels, on the other • Manga’s writing pattern is to
hand, are written to have flow continuously, with the
some breaks. The most most important scene
important scene in graphic placed at the bottom of the
novels is the first scene. page.
• Literary presentation where the author
incorporates doodle writing and drawings,
and handwritten graphics in place of
traditional font.
• Drawing enhance the story, often adding
humorous elements that would be missing
if the illustrations were omitted.
• Blogs, email, and IM format
• Stories told almost completely in
dialogue simulating social network
• Is genre fiction that addresses issues
of modern womanhood, often
humorously and lightheartedly.
• Chick Lit typically features a female
protagonist whose womanhood is
heavily thermalize in the plot.
• Is a style of fictional literature of
extreme brevity or telling a story in a
few words.
• There is no widely accepted
definition of the length and category.
The example below was written by former student to express a person’s
many facets as an individual:
• It is a genre of writing that
uses elements of creative
writing to present a factual,
true story.
• a work can only be considered creative
nonfiction if the author can attest that
100% of the content is true and factual.
(In other words, even if just a few details
from one scene are imagined, the story
could not be considered creative
• Memoirs or written records of a person's
knowledge of events or of a person's own
• Biography or an account of someone's life
written by someone else.
• Autobiography or an account of a person's
life written by that person.
• Travel writing, personal essay, interviews
A memoir about a
pregnancy the author was
forced to terminate due to
the revelation that the fetus
was carrying a number of
birth defects and would
have no choice of surviving
outside the womb.
• Is a genre of speculative fiction dealing with
imaginative concepts such as futuristic
science and technology, space travel, time
travel, faster than light travel, parallel universe,
and extra-terrestrial life
• Often explores the potential consequences of
scientific and other innovations and has
been called a “literature of ideas”.
This gripping novel paints a
plausible picture of life on
Earth's satellite, three years
before man set foot on the
moon for the first time. Its
depictions of the challenges
of life in orbit, and the
ingenuity of human
solutions to the problem
• A web log; a website containing short
articles called posts that are changed
• Same blogs are written by one person
containing their own opinions, interests
and experiences, while others are
written by many different people.
• It is poetry uploaded on the internet.
Its medium is the computer screen.
• When it comes to hyper poetry,
poets publish them on the internet
along with images or movements.
• It is a short poetry in a form of
tanaga, that is sent through SMS on
mobile phone. It consists of 4 lines
with 7 syllables using (/)to end a line
and (//) to end the stanza.

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