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Good morning, dear teacher, good morning, dear friends welcome to our presentation.

My name is
Douaa Elatifi and this Outmane Marmouzi.Today we’re going to talk about renewable energy which is
a part of the major that we picked.

First, what does energy mean for you?

Energy is the capacity to do work.

There are two types of energy sources: renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

Non-renewable energy is energy derived from finite resources that are not replaced quickly enough
to keep up with the speed of consumption There are three types of fossil fuels which are coal, natural
gas, and oil.

First, let’s talk about fossil fuels are found in the earth and formed over millions of years, hence the
fossil in fossil fuels coal is burned which releases heat which is then used to generate electricity to
power our homes and buildings.

There are three types of fossil fuels which are coal, natural gas, and oil.

Among other types of applications, natural gas is used mainly for heating cooking, and electricity
then oil or petroleum is used typically for transportation like in cars and aircraft. Fossil fuels are also
the majority of energy used at the moment and I'll get into those statistics soon.

Now nuclear power is also used to generate electricity to power our homes and buildings just like
coal does but the good thing about nuclear power is that is environmentally friendly because it
doesn't burn fuel. But Exposure to large amounts of radioactivity can cause DNA damage and raise
risk of cancer .

Now on renewable energy, the main renewable energy resources include solar wind geothermal
hydroelectric biomass, and ocean. This energy is defined as energy from a source that is not depleted
when used.

As the statics show that 80 % of the world's energy comes from non-renewable sources and only 20%
from renewable sources. Sadly, 87% of the harmful carbon dioxide emitted by humans in the last 50
years has come from burning fuels. It’s been terrible for the atmosphere and oceans and is changing
our climate in dangerous ways.

On the other hand, generating renewable energy creates far lower emissions than burning fossil
fuels. So, transitioning from fossil fuels, which currently account for the lion’s share of emissions, to
renewable energy is key to addressing the climate crisis.

Now I’m going to turn it over to Otmane , so he can talk to you about the different types of
renewable energy ressources.

As my friend Douaa said there are many types of renewable energy sources:

Solar energy is derived by capturing radiant energy from sunlight and converting it into heat,
electricity, or hot water. electricity isn’t simple. The most promising technology we have is called the
photovoltaic, or simply, PV cell. Photovoltaic (PV) systems can convert direct sunlight into electricity
through the use of solar cells. This source of energy is so abundant and easily accessible.
Then wind energy is generated from the wind through the use of a turbine that is turned to generate

The other renewable energy source that works very similarly to wind power is hydroelectric power,
which also uses turbines. The main difference is that the fluid doing work on the wind turbines is
water instead of air.

Geothermal is when people may not know which is about extracting heat from the earth.
Geothermal wells are drilled into the ground and a pump would transfer hot steam or water from the
earth up through the pipes which are then used to generate electricity you can see a simplified
version here and how she is extracted through pipes from within earth the plant it turned into
electricity and is deposited back to the earth. There are many methods but this is the idea and
designing and maintaining these pumps or even ones that exist in our homes need engineers.

And last is biomass which is an organic matter like plants that are used as fuel plants contain energy
from the Sun due to photosynthesis and then when burned this is released as heat but there are
other types of biomasses out there such as wood and crops now, we also burn coal to create heat in
energy but coal is not

renewable because it took millions of years to form once we burn it, we can't just get more even in
one lifetime but crops and other biomass can be grown quickly and again used for energy.

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