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This section pertains to the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered from

the employees of food chains in the city of Santiago.

The main purpose of this study is to determine the selection and recruitment

process of food chain owners of their employees in Santiago City. The data gathered

through the survey questionnaire were tallied, tabulated and analyzed and interpreted in

response to the questions of the study.

Here are the highlights of the findings of this study

Research Question One.

What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, civil status, educational

attainment, monthly salary and number of years in service? The table shows the

frequency distribution of the respondents according to their profile with majority in the

age bracket of 26 – 30 years old, female, single and married are equal, are holders of

bachelor’s degree, with a monthly salary between 6,000 to 9,000 pesos, and have

served between 2 – 5 years.

Table 1. Respondents Profile

Characteristics Category f %
Age 20 – 25 years old 4 20
26 – 30 years old 7 35
31 – 35 years old 4 20
36 – 40 years old 2 10
41 years old and above 3 15
Occupation Construction 6 30
Vendor 2 10
Sales lady 4 20
Fast food restaurant crew 3 15
Tricycle driver 2 10
Kasambahay 3 15
Number of Family Member 1 to 3 family member 4 20
4 to 6 family member 8 40
7 to 10 family member 5 25
11 and above 3 15
Total 20 100

Research Question Two.

How does food chain owners practice the following in the recruitment and selection of

their employees as perceived by the department heads and employees themselves. As

shown in the table in relation to the recruitment and selection practices of the food chain

owners of their employees. As stated in the advertisements a weighted mean of 2.25 or

an interpretation of “Seldom” which implies that they rarely use advertisement as a

means of recruitment of employees. In relation to using agencies or services a weighted

mean of 2.88 or an interpretation of “Sometimes” was garnered. In relation to using

schools, colleges, or the community a weighted mean of 2.81 or an interpretation of

“Sometimes” was garnered. In relation to using internal resources in the recruitment of

employees a weighted mean of 3.40 or an interpretation of “Sometimes” was garnered.

In relation to the selection of employees an weighted mean of 4.38 or an interpretation

of “Often” was garnered.

Table 2.
Recruitment and Selection Practices
Statements Mean SD Interpretation
Internet (e.g., bulletin or job boards) 3.63 1.41 Often
Local newspapers 1.38 0.74 Never
National newspapers 1.25 0.46 Never
Trade publications and magazines 1.75 0.89 Never
Direct mail 2.75 1.28 Sometimes
TV or radio 2.75 1.58 Sometimes
Employment agencies 3.50 1.77 Often
Temporary help agencies 2.25 1.16 Seldom
College recruiting 2.50 1.51 Seldom
Job fairs 3.13 1.73 Sometimes
Targeted minority recruiting 2.63 1.19 Sometimes
Partnerships with community organizations 3.00 1.31 Sometimes
Internal job postings 3.63 0.92 Often
Employee referrals 4.13 0.99 Often
Company web site 3.50 1.69 Often
Walk-ins, unsolicited resumes 4.00 1.51 Often
Toll-free number 1.75 1.04 Never
Manager provides an adequate pool of quality
4.63 0.52
applicants Always
Manager gives cognitive test which measures
intelligence and verbal numerical 4.25 0.89 Always
Manager does not rely mainly on resumes but
conduct reference check 4.38 0.92 Always
Manager finds good candidates from non-
traditional sources when necessary 3.88 0.99 Often
Manager train hiring employees to make the best
hiring decisions 4.63 0.52 Always
Manager looks for experienced employees in
selection process 4.13 1.25 Often
Manager act as a consultant to enhance the
quality of the applicant pre-screening process 4.75 0.71 Always

This section will discuss about the different findings basing from the data

gathered from the respondents wherein data collected is tabulated and computed and

presented with numerical equivalents that was used to come up with a qualitative

description that will then be utilized to come up with generalizations to answer the

stated questions of the research.

Summary of Findings

The study seeks to find the recruitment and selection practices of Food Chain

Owners in Santiago City as perceived by the employees. It is to determine their profile

so as to determine how they make the human resources of different food chains in

Santiago City and their perception in relation to the recruitment and selection practices

on the hiring of food chain employees of Santiago city in relation to advertisements,

agencies or services, school, college or community, internal resources, and selection.

The purpose of the study is to determine how food chain owners practice the

recruitment and selection process of their food chains employees which makes it

possible for them to understand better what requirements they need for the employees

of their establishments.

A survey questionnaire was utilized in the data gathering needed by the study to

determine what are the recruitment and selection practices of selected food chains in

Santiago City. Descriptive method of research is utilized because it suits the data

needed to be collected by the study wherein from the data collected a description of the

current situation of employees of food chains in Santiago City in relation to their

recruitment and selection practices are found and determined. With the collected data

generalizations can be made and suggestions can be given to better improve the

recruitment and selection of the respondents of the study thus helping them better

improve their establishments.

The findings of the study shows that majority of the employees and human

resource department heads are in the age bracket of 26 – 30 years old, female, with

equal number of single and married respondents, majority having a Bachelor’s Degree,

with monthly salary between 6,000 to 9,000 monthly and have been in service between

2 to 5 years in the company. Implications of these are saying that majority of the

respondents are in the proper age to be heading the human resource department with

enough academic knowledge and work experience to be able to properly recruit and

select employees for their food chains in line with the standard that their company


As to the different practices in the recruitment and selection process of food

chain employees in Santiago City it is shown that majority of the food chains does not

depend much on advertisements, agencies or services and schools, colleges or

community in the recruitment of their employees but would rather use internal resources

in the recruitment of their future food servers and other crew. With only some forms of

recruitment standing out like posting on the internet, asking for employment agencies

and looking for employees on job fairs showing significant use in their recruitment

process. This implies that majority of food chains in Santiago City are utilizing internal

resources in finding new employees with employee referrals a significant weight in their

process of selecting new employees.

In relation to the selection process practiced by food chains in Santiago City

managers providing adequate pool of qualified applicants and having proper training in

the hiring of employees to ensure that they give accurate and proficient decision in the

hiring of new employees. Also a significant factor in the hiring of new employees is the

manager acting as a consultant in the pre-screening process of applicants to enhance

the quality of applicants accepted by the food chains.

Discussion of the Findings

The main objective of the study is to determine the recruitment and selection

practices being implemented by the different food chains in Santiago City to ensure that

they are able to hire the best qualified employees for their establishments.

From the findings of the study wherein the respondents are knowledgeable

enough in the process of proper recruitment and selection of new employees, it is

determined that managers still have the biggest impact on how applicants are screened

and who among the qualified applicants are able to pass as new employees and

proceed to the training to enable these applicants to be proficient in the positions they

will be holding in the food chain.

Implications for Practice

The findings of the study if when analyzed shows different methods and practices

on how different food chains in Santiago City are able to recruit and select properly new

employees that they will be working within their establishments and will be able to

perform accurately and proficiently the tasks assigned to them.

From these findings the proponents of the study are able to discern what they

have to do if ever they become human resource management department heads and
what they need to look for in new employees that they will be working with in their

company. It also shows that it is important to know what are the qualifications for a

certain job that you are applying too ensuring that you will come to the interview and

training with enough knowledge to be able to attract the attention of your employer and

land that job you are applying for.

Recommendation for Further Research

Basing from the findings of the study the researcher are recommending the

following, focus should be given to what are the qualifications food chains are looking

for in new employees, and further research be conducted on how food chains train their

new employees for them to be proficient in performing their responsibilities when in

duty. Also further research could be conducted in relation to how human resource

managers are able to discern qualified applicants from those that the company does not



1. According to Pilbeam and Corbridge, a useful overview of potential positive and

negative aspects noting that: ‘The recruitment and selection of employees is

fundamental to the functioning of an organization, and there are compelling

reasons for getting it right. Inappropriate selection decisions reduce

organizational effectiveness, invalidate reward and development strategies, are

frequently unfair on the individual recruit and can be distressing for managers

who have to deal with unsuitable employees.

2. As posited by Gold recruitment is the process of generating a pool of capable

candidates applying to an organization for employment. This suggests that

applicants with experience and qualifications most closely related to job

specifications may eventually be selected.

3. According to Armstrong, the aim is to obtain, at a minimum cost, the number of

suitable and qualified candidates to satisfy the needs of the organization. The

organization attracts candidates by means of identifying, evaluating and using

the most appropriate sources of applicants.

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