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Abegail B.

Ayala BCAED 2-G


1.Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat. It is the rhythm of your life. Its the expression in time and
movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.-Jacques DAmbroise
This quote means that Dancing has become our life, it id related to us. It is part of who we are. And by
Dancing we can express our emotion, all of our feelings just by dancing.

2. It is very significance because by it sudents can express their thoughts and emotions via dance, which
is especially helpful when finding the right words is challenging. All dancers move differently, and this
originality in movement enables students to accept and understand one another. Dance is a safe place
for people to express themselves.

3.It promotes about Physical Education for the students. To train students in terms of physical activities
like sports. To also know about the students creativity, talents, and where specializatiom they excells.

4.First the people involve in the Physical Activities should undergo a exercise/warm up for their body to
be prepared for the Physical Activities. Have a plan ahead for what the activity is all about and have a
clear instruction for the people to be mentally prepared. Know about the first aid because in doing
Physical Activities it is common to have injuries so you just have to prepare when that happened know
about how to react.

5. Traditional Dances is very important to our culture because Traditional Dances shows what our
culture is all about. Shows about our ethnicity. Also Traditional Dances is being passed on by generation
for us to know our culture and learn about it.

6. Peñafrancia Festival is celebrated in Bicol to honors the miraculous Nuestra Senora de Penafrancia,
also known as Our Lady of Penafrancia or Ina, to her devoted followers.

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