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1. Editorialize the value of being a media and information literate individual? (15 points)
2. Illustrate and give the differences in the communication process between print and broadcast
media? (20 points)
3. Identify the traditional media and new media and their relationships? (15 points)
4. Differentiate the concepts in practicing the ethical use of information? (15 points)
a. Privacy
b. Plagiarism
c. Accuracy
5. Give the information literacy set of skills? (10 points)
6. Which of the following do you believe are true, and which are false?
a. Critical thinking is synonymous to media and information literacy.
b. To familiarize internet is enough to become information literate.
c. Media are full of negative effects that people need to stop using them.
d. Being media literate means limiting the use of any kind mass media.
e. The mass media has become a not so important part of people’s lives, particularly in
f. Media literate individual is exposed to media.
g. Ancient people were not able to effectively communicate.
h. The television is most powerful medium in history.
i. Technological advancements has led to profound changes in the fie4ld of communication.
j. Access and use information ethically and legally.
k. Evaluate information and its sources critically.
l. Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.
m. Information literacy does not stop in mere consumption of information.
n. A person should understand how to analyze and work with the information.
o. An information literate individual knows how to store and share the information.
7. Define the media literacy and information literacy? (10 points)

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