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AE2: Finned Tubing Types and their Classification

The tube bundles of air-cooled heat exchangers are generally fabricated using
externally finned tubes. These tubes give an extended surface on the airside
which helps compensate for the relatively low surface to air heat-transfer
coefficient compared to the normal single phase turbulent or condensing process
side coefficients.
A very wide range of finned tubes are used for diverse duties. This sheet
details a classification system for finned tubes and indicates the more common
types and their uses. The classification system forms the basis for part of the
extended surface data bank described by Echarte (1981). The system is an
extension of that described in PFR (1976).


The following categories are used in the classification system:
(1) Tube type
(2) Tube material
(3) Tube principal dimensions
(4) Fin type
(5) Fin shape
(6) Fin profile
(7) Fin surface
(8) Fin/tube interface
(9) Fin/tube attachment method
(10)Fin material
(11)Fin principal dimensions.
Each of the categories is itemised as detailed in the following sections.

3.1 Tube Type
(1) Round - the most common type

(2) Elliptical

(3) Flattened

(4) Miscellaneous ‘drop shaped’.

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Types (2), (3) and (4) allow more ‘compact’ exchangers as more tubes can be
fitted in a bundle of given width and air pressure drop compared to a bundle of
round tubes. Types (2), (3) and (4) are generally more expensive than the
equivalent round tube and the choice of fins tends to be limited.
3.2 Tube Material
The same list and order is used as in the performance program ACOL (See
Cheshire et al, 1976).
(1) Aluminium
(2) Admiralty brass (28% Zn, 1% Sn, Cu alloy)
(3) 70% Copper, 30% Nickel alloy
(4) Cast iron
(5) Copper
(6) Mild steel - the most common tube material
(7) Stainless steel
(8) 70% Nickel, 30% Copper
(9) Titanium.
3.3 Tube Principal Dimensions
One dimension is specified for found tubes, namely the outside diameter D
(mm). The other tube types are characterised by two dimensions D (mm) and Dm
(mm) measured on the major and minor axes respectively (see section 3.1). It
should be noted that these dimensions apply to the base tube only and do not
include fin sleeves etc.
3.4 Fin Type
(1) Bare tube (no fins)
Bare tube bundles are not common in air-cooled heat
exchangers. They tend to be used for small inexpensive
exchangers, where low process side heat-transfer
coefficients occur, and in high temperature applications.
(2) Helical fins
This is the most common type of finning. Helical fins are
well suited to mass production manufacturing techniques.
They are usually made by wrapping a continuous ribbon
around the tube or by extruding the fins from a tube fitted
over the base tube.
(3) Annular fins
Annular fins are made of discs or plates of various shapes
which are mounted on one or more tubes. The fins are usually
separated from one another by tube collars or interruptions in
the fin surface formed during manufacture of the fins. In
some applications annular fins are extruded.
(4) Studded fins
Studded fins are made by attaching individual studs to the
tube. The stud shape and size, frequency, and arrangement
around the tube can all be varied. Studded fins are generally
used on tubes of larger diameter than the usual tubing for

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other fin types. They are well suited to high temperature

applications such as economisers in furnaces.
(5) Wire form fins
Wire form fins are made by helically winding a continuous
flattened ‘spring’ around the tube. The wire is attached to the
base tube generally by soldering or brazing. This type is often
used on oil coolers.

3.5 Fin Shape

(1) Round fin. The most common fin shape.
Can be either helical or annular types

(2) Square fin

(3) Rectangular fin

(4) Elliptical fin

(5) Continuous plate fin

Types (2) to (5) are annular type fins.

3.6 Fin Profile

The cross-section through a fin can be varied to suit heat transfer or
manufacturing requirements. The two profiles usually encountered are
(1) Rectangular - Usual for annular and plate fins

(2) Trapezoidal - Usual for helical fins wound from flat

strip. Extruded fins generally approximate to this profile.

It should be noted that apart from extruded and plate fins it is common for a
degree of ‘dishing’ to occur such that the fin profile lies at a small angle to the
perpendicular to the base tube axis. Pronounced ‘dishing’ has adverse effects on
the pressure drop and heat-transfer characteristics of a finned tube.

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3.7 Fin Surface

(1) Smooth
This is the most usual surface where the fin is near flat and smooth. This type
is amenable to theoretical treatment, e.g. Sheets AM3 and AM4.
(2) Rough
That is where a smooth fin has been roughened by the manufacturing process
but not to the extent that the fin falls in one of the following categories. Any
roughening of the fin tends to enhance heat transfer (but causes larger air
pressure drops) for a tube row of given pitch. Also, any roughening can cause a
greater susceptibility to fouling.
(3) Slotted
A fin can be interrupted in a variety of ways. Slits or holes
can be punched into fin stock before tension winding. On
winding, the slits deform into elongated holes. An example is
shown in the diagram for a helical round fin. Any benefits
from slotting have yet to be demonstrated.
(4) Fully cut
Where the fins are firmly attached to the tube, the fins can
be cut either helically or along the tube axis as shown.
(5) Partially cut (serrated)
Similar to 4 above but the cuts only extend partway in
from the periphery of the fins
(6) Wavy
Wavy fins are formed by mechanically crimping the fin
surface after the fin has been attached to the tube. The fin
surface prior to crimping may be either smooth or slotted.
An example of the latter is shown in the figure.
(7) Corrugated
Corrugated fins are round helical fins that have been crimped on the tubeside
of the fin ribbon immediately prior to wrapping around the tube. Less tension is
involved in the wrapping process and little stretching of the fin material is
required. The corrugations give the fin more area per revolution of the tube but
this is offset by the greater distance required between fins compared with smooth
helical fins. The thermal contact between the fins and the base tube tends to be
3.8 Fin/tube Interface
(1) Integral
Where the fins and tube are formed from one solid length of material, the fins
are integral fins. For materials such as aluminium or copper, the fins are extruded
from the surface of a thick-walled tube. For high temperature applications the
finned tube may be machined or cast.

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(2) Integral bimetallic

In this type a tube of the fin material is slid over the
base tube. The fin is then extruded from the outer tube.
The advantage of this type is that the base tube can be
selected to handle the process fluid chemical properties
and pressure and the fin material can be selected for good
thermal conductivity, ease of manufacture, and
atmospheric corrosion resistance. A common combination
of materials is aluminium finning on a mild steel base tube.
(3) Edge footed (I fins)
In this type the inside edge of the fin rests on or is
attached directly to the base tube. The base tube is therefore
exposed to the atmosphere between the fins. This fin/tube
interface is not recommended as the fins are not positively
located on the base tube and relative movement of the fins
tends to occur (unless the fins are bonded to the base tube).
(4) Embedded (G fins)
These fins are formed from metal strip that is tension
wound into helical grooves in the base tube. The sides of the
grooves are then peened over to firmly fix the fin in the
This type can generally operate at higher temperatures
than tension wound fins as the fins are prevented from expanding away from the
base tube.
(5) L Footed
Rather than wind the fin strip directly onto the base tube as for the edge
footed arrangement a variety of foot designs can be preformed in the strip prior
to winding. One foot design is the ‘L’ as shown in the
diagram. This design gives a larger heat transfer area
between the tube and fin and improved base tube protection
compared with the edge footed arrangement but corrosion of
the base tube can occur at the gap between the L foot and
the next fin.
(6) L Foot grooved (shoulder grooved)
This is a combination of L foot and embedded fins.
(7) Overlapped footed
This is a variation of the L foot design which gives much
better corrosion protection to the base tube.
3.9 Fin/tube Attachment Method
(0) No attachment
This item covers those cases where there is no metallurgical attachment (apart
from 3 below) between the fins and the base tube, e.g. bimetallic integral fins,
and tension wound fins including G fins. It also includes integral fins where the
fins are ‘part of’ and not ‘attached to’ the base tube.
(1) Brazed or soldered
Wire form fins are usually attached to the base tube by these means.

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(2) Dip galvanised

This is often employed to improve the bond and the corrosion protection of
steel fins on a steel base tube.
(3) Tube expansion
This technique is common for annular fins and continuous plate fins. The fins
are fitted over the tube and a ball is forced through the tube and/or hydraulic
pressure is applied to expand the tubes and provide close contact with the fins.
(4) Welded
This method is usually used for studded fins and often for cut fins. It is the
normal attachment method for high temperature applications.
3.10 Fin Material
The same list and order given for the tube in section 3.2 is used.
3.11 Fin Principal Dimensions
For the purposes of classification the following five
quantities are used,
(1) Fin height in the direction transverse to the
airflow, H (mm)
(2) Mean fin thickness, s (mm)
(3) Fin frequency (number of fins/m of tube) nF (m-1)
(4) Fin height on the upstream side of the tube in the
direction of the airflow (if different from H above), Ha
(5) Fin foot thickness (for L fins etc) or bimetallic
sleeve thickness (see diagram), sF (mm).


Category No. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Item No. Item No. Item No.

(1) Tube 1 round 1 round 1 round

(2) Material 6 mild steel 6 mild steel 6 mild steel
(3) Dimension D = 25.4 mm D = 25.4 mm D = 25.4 mm
(4) Fin type 2 helical 2 helical 2 helical
(5) Shape 1 round 1 round 1 round
2 trapezoidal 2 trapezoidal 2 trapezoidal
(6) Profile 1 smooth 1 smooth 1 smooth
(7) Surface 5 L footed 2 integral bimetallic 4 embedded
(8) Interface 0 non (tension 0 none 0 non (mechanical
(9) Attachment wound) peening)
1 aluminium 1 aluminium 1 aluminium
(10) Fin Material
(11) Dimensions H = 12 – 24.5 mm H = 12.7 – 25.4 mm H = 12 – 24.5 mm
s = 0.35 – 1.3 mm s = 0.35 – 1.3 mm s = 0.35 – 1.3 mm
nF = 160 – 435 m-1 nF = 160 – 435 m-1 nF = 160 – 435 m-1
sF = 0.38 – 1.3 mm sF = 0.6 – 2.3 mm sF = 0

Process 120 – 160°C 120 – 290°C Depends on fin material

temperature depending on depending on metallurgy
limit operation operation Process fluid temperature can be
conditions conditions up to 400°C
(see AP13 and AM16) (see AP13 and AM16)

Base tube corrosion Reasonable Can be Excellent. Poor. The base tube is
protection problems at gap between Popular in marine sometimes galvanised to
L foot and next fin. environments. improve corrosion resistance.

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CHESHIRE, Mrs. E.P., HALE, A.B. and COWAN, G.H. “The performance of air-
cooled heat exchangers”. Part 1, (Revised). The logic of ACOL for performance
simulation computations. HTFS-DR10 (Revised).
ECHARTE, R. (1981) “Heat transfer and pressure drop correlations for air-cooled
heat exchanger finned tubes”. DR3 (Revised) (To be published).
PFR ENGINEERING SYSTEMS INC (1976) “Heat transfer and pressure drop
characteristics of dry tower extended surfaces. Part 1: Heat transfer and pressure
drop data”. BNWL-PFR-7-100 PFR Inc, Marina del Rey, California.

Heat Transfer Division
National Engineering Laboratory
East Kilbride Glasgow
May 1981

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