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Hypothesis is statement or tentative theory which aims to explain facts about the real world.

The process of making inference or generalization on population parameters based on the results of the
study on samples.

Most of these hypotheses have their origin in a question to some practical problem. In search for an
answer, “educated guesses” and some pertinent evidences are brought out which later on become
propositions or hypotheses.

Null Hypothesis:

 It is denoted by Ho

 It serves as the working hypothesis

 It always expresses the idea of non-significance of difference

 Always in the negative form

 Always contain the equality sign

Alternative Hypothesis

 It is denoted by H1

 Expected to be accepted

 Never contains the equality sign

 Uses the < or > or the ≠ sign

 Generally, represents the idea which the researcher wants to prove

Title: An evaluation of the effectiveness of online learning

Problem: The researcher wants to know if online learning has increased the GWA of PUP
Engineering Students from 78%

Ho: μ = 78; Online learning has not increased the GWA of the PUP Engineering Students

H1: μ > 78; Online learning has increased the GWA of the PUP Engineering Students


 If you reject Ho, it means it is wrong.

 If you do not reject Ho, it does not mean that it is correct – it simply means you do not have
enough evidence to reject it

The level of significance of a test is the maximum value of probability of rejecting the null hypothesis
when in fact it is true.
What does it mean?

 A 5% level of significance means that we can accept about 5 chances out of 100 that we would
reject the null hypothesis when it should be accepted. A 5% level of significance implies that we
are 95% confident that we have made the right decision.

 A 1% level of significance means that we could be wrong with a probability of 0.01. In other
words, a 1% level of significance implies that we are 99% confident that we have made the right

Areas of rejection

One-tailed and Two-tailed

 If the test involves improvement in certain aspects (test scores, performance, etc.) or reduction
(errors, weight, etc.), it is a one-tailed test.

 If the test involves significant difference between two samples, it is a two-tailed test.

Decision Rule

1. HO: ___________

H1: ___________

2. α = ______; Critical value = ________

3. Decision Rule: Reject Ho if

│computed value│ ≥ │critical value│

4. Decision

5. Conclusion

Normality Test:

W/S test

Normality Testing:

1. Since it IS a test, state a null and alternate hypothesis.

2. If the data are not normal, use non-parametric tests.

3. If the data are normal, use parametric tests

W/S Test:

q= =3.71
q c =3.67−5.16
Parametric Non-Parametric
Central Tendency Mean Median
Dispersion Standard Deviation Range
Significant Difference t-test (equal variances) Mann Whitney U-Test
(Independent Samples)
Significant Difference t-test for paired samples Wilcoxon Rank Sign Test
(Paired Samples)
Significant Difference ANOVA Kruskal Wallis H-Test
(3 or more samples)
Post-test Scheffe’s Test Dunn Post Ad Hoc Test
Correlation Pearson’s r Spearman Rank ρ
Significant Relationship t-test for r t-test for ρ

Three types of hypotheses which can be tested by the z-test

 Population or hypothesized mean (Population mean vs Sample mean)

( x−μ ) √ n
 Two sample means and two sample standard deviations (sample 1 vs sample 2)

 Two sample means and population standard deviation is known (Sample mean 1 vs Sample
mean 2)

x1 −x2
√ 1 1
n1 n2

Two sample means and two sample standard deviations

x 1−x 2

2 2
s 1 s2
n 1 n2


x 1 = mean of sample 1

x 2 = mean of sample 2

s1 & s2 are sample standard deviations

n1 & n2 are sample sizes

A statistics teacher wants to know if students without calculator got significantly lower scores in
statistics midterm exam than those with calculator. He took a sample of 40 students without calculator
with the following results:

79 80 83 90 70 65 60 71 85 89

80 87 85 85 75 73 74 71 70 68

88 78 81 85 87 91 93 90 83 84

81 80 74 73 71 66 65 58 78 78

He then took a sample of 50 students with calculator with the following results:

88 80 81 66 75 75 78 61 85 90

89 88 91 81 85 88 84 86 83 84

85 88 81 80 83 81 95 90 99 98

65 60 83 61 90 91 93 83 80 82

85 91 90 88 81 80 80 87 87 86

Test at α = 0.05

5-step solution

1. Ho: μ1 = μ2; There is no significant difference between the performance of students without calculator
and the students with calculator

H1: μ1 < μ2: The performance of the students without calculator is significantly lower than the
performance of students with calculator.

2. α = 0.05; one tailed to the left. Critical value = ─ 1.65.



2 2
8.73 8.65
40 50

3. Decision Rule: Reject Ho if

│─ 2.76│ ≥ │─ 1.65│

4. Decision: Reject Ho because

│─ 2.76│ > │─ 1.65│

5. Conclusion: There is no significant difference between the performance of students without calculator
and the students with calculator at 0.05 level of significance.

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