RRWTW Developmnd Manun: Groso

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rrwtw developmnd manun

inatie, con eep,
a . Stag Groso th e velpun
Cym- Bevelouu
4. Factottt ain dK

Social Cognitive
Development Development

Language Emotional
Development Development
VartousAspecti Of Chrowh.&Devlopmant

n3 Phuital lopmht
dlaa ptnLLA dhat stards to human atancuA-
ortioues dillsosblestootPhyatreil oAclaned: inv6lves
toke to e devalaprment of a childs bants

Mapr Deelapment
Grrss mtaielemat Fatmitor duelepmeat
eoolueA t#hoalueloment df tko.cosvea dhesnall uacde
atep muaclenio chid - i a f ebootap 2Aproiallysin
Th mukclajlve uato satinikei band
Slan alk' A uLN

ool oL Cognitve of Deuoprisotihia
t lacludes a dulopmea E 0gbiHNe4
ottual poDLK liki1ka2prinL L22aning
heoking inanlna tcem yConceottadtein,Creaai
eostien pon cepidon,mumomiis cKfminnten

Mbral DiwelapmiLn t k dh ptaA dhauedo

hch childun dwnlsp prabert attituoA Ahhauiaura
D Emartona Dewelabmeot L ifado ah childls
ablite o toolotz Conkt-otena
vii)Lgngunop Tevtopmeot=l t dockuees o lsanoins,
DAht lanuaap briitommunicatene
Prdorlple, of Communz, Devzlapmet ds a cootënuatua
praLAAA 4 continuza trom conceptten uoft| tu
mdiuth 4 tnku plare. ata slU OX a tapid rat
happeng oroqulan beuatsi
Rt DF_aroDHh & Muelopmot-i oA On~foxn
The tat ofqtadihr 2dwelepneot a mt_uniorm
i all ttmea t_ptaceeds moru apédLu tntu
Raxdupariolike but:islaw. lelos laturasiag
oETodëvisua Diffuxe0Le
P&gicla: haue ditficond-dtnelaf mant Tani
Date L

9 Unisoumdy oF Patero mannetS

DNpment occuA ig0Lderc
Enompl +All childton firuAtiltaren o sti upntihut supm

elatoLnt ProLtds fiom Gquntsal Ho Secitic Reapanses

Guoetal aclisctiouoan prgcedspecikca actvidp
Prtineipl DAzamaiian
Dwn lotment prarerolsiArom e t a l n cperikc ar
from nshale to portts

Pnineinln oft Ratrmrelatten CThissalzkidbad tka thtt

Hupts of davlanorndsi Suh aa S0efals mindal2 emmii
bonaai2 htL1-wltr Aoncu xiet Ditxu odher
Dexelop meot sAredteia bl ri
wwwwso0 predctdenekotanot b obsirvadton a Pycholo-
a PraLenl of delopmuntalsdrackten, Thez sleslapec
ofmoto i cobcplssdantesikron Jarai2dandamntal
Girib4Dulapmantis a Taintfroducirof EothHzedita2
Enulronmeati tto rooliky g nvironmi plaa a impor=
due endividuialea
(DDevlepment is Sp~ca&odi Lineor Thhile
dota napKaLegstraith-on dkpohiof dledEtopmtat
oosiarde Dstasu pacerz
Thepiehapmi nt of ari child ots nmt olloua
sahpaihuItinmaits likoassp?Kal
Factors influencing the Development:
1. Hereditary factors

5. Soclal nature
2. Biologicalor
constitutional factors
4. Emotional

Stages of Development:

A ch i ld's de velopment is general ly classifi ed in five st ages:

1. Prena ta I Pe ri o d: 9 Mon t hs b efore Birth.

2. Infancy ( birth to 2 Years) -

Senses are
3. E arly Childhoo d (2-6 Ye ars)- Pre- s ch o ol Age
Later Childhoo d (7-11 Ye ars)-Gang Age.
5. Adole s cence ( 12-19Ye ars) - Iden t ity Cr isis.

1. Infancy (birth to 2 Years):

The development of language starts from this stage.
Duringt his s t age, t he ch i ldt ransi t ions f rom a de p
endent t o dd ler to an active child.
He or she is now able to crawl and walk.
2. Early Childhood (2-6 Years):

In this stage children spend a lot of time playing with toys.

Atthis st age ch i ldren do not attend t he t radi t ion a l system

of e duca t ion but they start going to pre-school or play school.

Chi ldren are s elf-centr ic(eg o centr ic) at t his s t age.

It is as ensit ive p eriod for language de velopment.

3. Later Childhood (7-11 years):

Here, a child joins the traditional system of education that is why

this stage is known as elementary school age.

This stage is also known as troublesome age.

Children de vote more t ime wi t ht heir pe er g roup.

De velopment of ch i ldren's cr e at ive p oten t i albegins.

Experiences oft hisperiodinfluence t he ch i ld throu g
hout his life.

4. Adolescence or Puberty (13-19 Years):

"Adole s cence is t hestage ofs tress and sto r m" - StanleyHal


This is t he most crit ic a lstage ofa p er s on's life.

Als o known as t he s t age ofIden t ity cr isis.

At t his st age, adole s cents face many so ci a l, biolo g ic

al and p er s on a l change.

This is the transitional stage; where a person transits from a

child to an adult.

Adole s cents face adjus t ment problems.

They become aggressive at times.

In this stage thought becomes more abstract and logical.

DELTA/Page No.
Date L

Ea ccorsntluencing Gitasih &Develmen

- qtoihn 2welopmeatEoÉefe huma bein
iofuzncootaartioiaofifacdotA: ie=

A tiinal facbt A acludts

Bio Lpgi cal
Soria latuiu
THs apincAio shich Hkiphysicala dorial
chararaeisti.sansmttduron parat to_child
The huaht wieiokr Lolnur. of hu Lye colaur oLE
Hhe skiotdieidad kp dhuu hasttdliphfluend

oltalL factbr
ralogzealfacso affirksioskhhaviceof ar oganism
ntuoloqkcal otqpnetc. 2tsa naio-factor to
utitndne burman behaszionct
heenchilditaA hho ao phusteorlla Dnk can n
ntaaen co,
Haki tke tta dintslan at tu.tton tmg
haimptladtanalhip Adhrtü qroth &daunlrpat
affLck thuit Sxra leahavíaut .metad uelarmea
aattonal mak uh
Ena-inoah fattora
Ahaa aqatakluancsz ao aathselapnt.ad
Th chilkenm atuffeaiftoo nsatve mosiens
Bika fe anqtjaloa at ar badue atfeedsldin
Sac2albt i
Spcrali2adom hlps hiio ochitseqopih 2 delerea

ExTERNAL Focdoita lin

Th facbtayinatside henduidualsinovinonment
a said to be exhnal faclata
Govironmunt awdlablo io the Woma oftu atn
Th AAviltaamiot ofHAedomh of ttemothenintluen
TDh_Aulepinte of tkechildten. Tht follauai
factara ata tospansiblz for HeqdadBh-2 dwlatrmeod-of
sthu chilo
fhu phualcal&mataL htalHh_of He roodkur ducep
staala child a multple childten qihionau2shmeat
n i omb
The 94nliks & 4uandiduaf nutistie0 oceivea b4 the
Huk odhin omh of-lke mathex
2ant elamag ot accolootp echild cake aomb

Lenveromunt Availnbu Aften Ctrth

Envitanmat auailabl afkua birstb plas an inpaxkano
Ml£o hunan life. These a.to diffueot dapas torton
mentsuch o phsaical paviifonment wualeovimmen
&paehologicak eovltonrmgo

2Phaacal rnvtrtonmLat conscsts of olli fod clothia

ghizxgL0qraphical candickon si eat. hich ha
mct on iindiviclual chileb
orzdnvfronmtnt is itonsíss of sostal Vams 2
cuanmsnhith influnnco. his qmaih2 duelstmen
1|Psunhotoaicel sndnomand 2s osAÁcia ch lete
fkectienA fulinq douarda 0achathes
709rodh AJLNlapokaaEALKagulalidte
niroioent pé as todividualoiohetuhu:livzi
Influence of Heredity & Environment:

First he
makes advances
in this way
But moves
back for

Individual starts
his growth &.
from this point
Fig. 5.1 Development is spiral.

Heredity: Heredity provides the basis for the development of

human personality. Heredity is what a person is born with.

All the qualities that a child has inheritedfrom the parents is

called heredity

Att he t ime of C oncep t ion the un i on of m al e and fem al e

germ ce l Is causes fertilization of the ovum. The fertilized egg
is known as zygote.

Zygote has 46 chromosomes; i.e 23 pairs of chromosomes are

there in a zygote.


Environment includes al l t he as pec ts of our sur roundings

except one's genes.

These factors influence the development of an individual.


Heredity(nature) is defined as the totality of biologically

acquired factors and is n important factor in the life of an

Environment(nu r ture) ist he to ta lity of condi t ions

w hich play an important role in bringing the modification
of our behaviour.

According to W oo dwo rth, b oth are e qu al ly es s en tial

in t he g rowth and development ofthe child.
Individu a l is t he res u lt of m ultiplica t ion(pr o du c t) b etw
e en her e dity and environment.
De velopment=Her e dity x Environment

Educational Implication
The knowledge of both the factors will help the teacher in
finding out the individual differences among his students in

learning different subjects.

Hence teacher must provide a congenial atmosphere for the
students and treat them equally.
The children should be taught to adapt to the environment.
o knot
eveloepuut aw indivienal
ww.an eenq
To chack 3HM

3. v l o F tegut personalluty
ev1epdant 5. uRg UT
onl letap
s. Pkaracfart 4 6 3a 1 aTarlza dad ETATAT

Principlei Tmpetufand OT ETTET

rincipla s nni -
C r p l t a huuan bcing

Cel Cerw-polue unaw laaeng

. Rede Rofsprst velp

74- 6 -16 1 -aoeve
Urlortue patfert
Penatl 9nane anstshn afe chela
hrt Aolas 20 4o bov
4: Principle of evelatpmn rackom 4 taah RT At T

Thr Ceplato eaudal T Preyime olieta uatais a feir

pranap prtenerplr
Pertuptun Sauna-

5. HHUTa eal
5.Prinaipte o Iítegr
Ma ed T

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