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Nuclear Reactor

A nuclear reactor is based upon controlled nuclear chain reaction. When U-235 undergoes fission
after bombarded by neutrons. On an average 2.5 neutrons are produced per fission of uranium
nucleus. It raises the possibility of a chain reaction with the neutrons that is produced triggering
another fission.
Fission of U-235: Energy is released in form of heat during reaction which is used to produce

During fusion the more abundant isotope U-238, which is not fissionable undergoes a reaction as

The chain reaction once started will remain steady, accelerate or retard will depend upon
neutron reproduction factor or multiplication factor (k) which is defined as the ratio of Rate of
production of neutrons to the Rate of loss of neutrons.
For operation of the reactor the value of k should be equal to 1.
Different components of the reactors are as follows
1. Fuel: Usually U-235 is used as fuel in reactor. Natural uranium contains only 0.7% U-235 and
rest as U-238. Since U-238 is not fissionable, hence enriched Uranium is used in which the
percentage of U-235 is increased to 3% apx.
2. Moderator: The neutrons produced in fission are fast with KE of the order of 2MeV. But for
fission required energy of neutrons is apx 0.04eV. The substance used to slow down the fast
neutrons is called Moderator.
Eg. Heavy water, Graphite, Beryllium Oxide etc.
3. Control rods: The rate of reaction is controlled by inserting or withdrawing the control rods.
Control rods are made of such materials which absorbs neutrons without undergoing any
additional reaction. This reduces rate of reaction by decreasing multiplication factor to a value
smaller than 1.
Eg. Cadmium, Boron
4. Coolant: The energy released inside the reactor is in the for of heat which is removed by
coolant. This heat is utilized to produce heat to drive turbine for generating electricity.
Eg. Molten sodium, Water, carbon dioxide

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