Criminal Justice

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LESSON 5: IDENTIFYING THE DIFFERENT It can still be applied under the following conditions:
1. Should commit an offense while on a Philippine ship
The first Code of Kalantiaw, Maragtas Code and Code or airship.
of Hammurabi, Theory of Logomacy, felony, offense,
2. Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note
misdemeanor and crime in general. Lastly, the teacher
of the Philippine Islands or obligations and securities
will also discuss what has been written under the
issued by the Government of the Philippine Islands;
concept notes, including its exceptions.
3. Should be liable for acts connected with the
Law - It is the rule of conduct, just and made obligatory
introduction into these islands of the obligations and
by the legitimate authority for the common observance
securities mentioned in the presiding number;
and benefit. It is symbolically represented by a
blindfolded woman carrying with one hand a sword and 4. While being public officers or employees, should
the other a balance. commit an offense in the exercise of their functions; or
Criminal Law - It is a branch or division of law which 5. Should commit any of the crimes against national
defines crimes, treats of their nature and provides for security and the law of nations, defined in Title One of
Book Two of this Code.
Act No. 3815- The primary source of criminal law in the
Philippines. It is otherwise known as the Revised Penal PROSPECTIVE
Code and it took effect on January 1, 1932. The Code
Committee was chaired by Anacleto Diaz, with its Criminal law cannot make an act punishment in a
members, namely: Quintin Paredes, Alex Reyes, manner in which it was not punishable when
Mariano de Joya and Guillermo Guevara. committed: it has no retroactive effect.

1. When a new statute dealing with the crime
The law is binding to all persons who live or sojourn in
establishes condition more lenient or favorable
the Philippines.
to the accused, it can be given a retroactive
Exceptions: effect.

1. Head of the state or country EXEMPTION TO THE EXCEPTION: IF THE ACCUSED IS

2. Foreign diplomats
3. Ambassadors who are duly accredited to a country IN THE EXPLANATION OF CRIME
4. Foreign troops permitted to in arch within a territory


The law is binding to all crimes committed within the 1. Objective Approach: Criminal behavior is explained in
National Territory of the Philippines. terms of factors extraneous to the offender which are
(TERRITORIAL) social, sociological, cultural and economic.

Terrestrial- jurisdiction exercised over land Fluvial-over 2. Subjective Approach: Criminal behavior is explained
maritime in terms of factors within criminal, i.e. physical,
biological and mental traits.
Aerial-over the atmosphere and interior waters
DIFFERENT APPROACHES IN THE EXPLANATION OF Psychotics are of two types, having psychosis of
CRIME organic origin and having psychosis of non-psychosis
origin or functional psychosis.

10. Organic Psychosis Approach: General paralysis of

1. Biological Approach: It proposes that human beings
the Insane (Patients of this abnormality commit
commit crime because of internal factors over which
offenses with astonishing openness and silliness);
they have little or no control.
Traumatic psychosis (Patients of this abnormality
2. Causal Approach: This is a study of the causal link that
commit crimes of violence):
exists between the defendant's action and the plaintiff's
injury. It is observation of facts in relation to Encephalitis Lethargic (Patients of this abnormality
phenomenon of crime interpreting them in relation to commit crimes of explosive and sexual Snature);
the possible causes of criminal behaviour. A cause may
Senile Dementia (patients of this abnormality are of old
be necessary or sufficient. If result B invariably follows
age and commit varying crimes); Epilepsy (Patients of
cause A without any other factors being required, and
such abnormality commit crimes of sudden violence).
cause A cannot be replaced by any other alternative,
then cause A is both sufficient and necessary cause.

3. Deficient in Probity Approach: The criminals deficient Schizophrenia (Patients of this abnormality suffer split-
in probity, says Dr. Maurice Parmellee, commit crimes mindedness.
against property.
11. Heredity and Criminal Familles Approach: Studies
4. Descriptive Approach: It describes the phenomenon were conducted by Arthur Dugdale in the United States
of crime and those who commit it. It covers all aspects of America on the Jukes (1877) and by Henry Herbert
such as personal traits of criminals and the various Goddard on the Kallikaks (1912).
forms of criminal behaviour.
12. Individualistic Approach: It focuses its attention on
5. Organically Inferior human traits Approach: This the biological, mental and other characteristics of the
study was carried by Eavert A. Hootan and William H. offender to explain the cause of his delinquent
Sheldon. Hootan stated that criminals are organically behaviour.
inferior. Hootan had studied 13,873 male criminals and
3023 persons of control group. The study was 13. Physiological Approach: It is an approach to
conducted in various American States. To Hootan the criminology made by endocrinologists who found that
criminal is an inadequately developed runty fellow, glandular malfunctioning caused the delinquent
while to Sheldon the criminal is husky and athletic type behaviour.
fellow. 14. Social Approach: Man may live in isolation but
6. Economic Approach: It studies external economic generally he lives in society.
factors. 15. Therapeutic Approach: This approach is of recent
7. Endemic Approach: It studies those factors that arise origin. It considers the criminal as a victim of
from local conditions or belong to a particular period of circumstances and a product of various factors within
the year, or the specified area that make a man the criminal and the society.
criminal. 16. Twin Research Approach: Violent due to
8. Environmental Approach: It seeks to explain the environmental influences as prejudices of honor,
phenomenon of criminal behaviour with reference to politics and religion, approach.
factors outside the personality of the delinquent. 9.
Functional Psychosis Approach: As to mental quality an
offender is either normal or abnormal. The LESSON 7: COMPARING THE DIFFERENT SCHOOLS OF
SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT IN CRIMINOLOGY POSTED BY: to contradict widely-held commonsensical notions of
BRIAN NEESS human behavior.

1. Classical School Classicism concentrated on the criminal act and ignored

individual differences between criminals. Neoclassicism
The classical school developed during the
still held that freewill is important, but that it can be
Enlightenment in response to excessive and cruel
constrained by physical and environmental factors.
punishments to crime. Cesare Beccaria argued for more
Thus, neo-classicists introduced revisions to account for
humanitarian forms of punishment and against physical
problems presented in classicism:
punishment and the death penalty. He believed that
punishment should fit the crime and not be excessive. Allowing for mitigating circumstances by looking at the
situation (physical and social environment) in which the
A primary premise of the classical school was the
individual had been placed.
fundamental equality of all people, which meant that
every person should be treated equally under the law. Some allowance was given for an offender's past record.
Criminal behavior would be subject to similar A court needs to take into account an offender's
punishment, and people had to know what categories criminal history and life circumstances when making a
of conduct were punishable. Punishable conduct would decision about someone's sentence.
only be that which encroached on someone else's
Consideration should be given for factors like
freedom in violation of the social contract. No longer
incompetence pathology, insanity and impulsive
would status be a factor to receiving favorable
behavior Also, certain individuals, such as children and
treatment or more favorable punishment.
the mentally-ill, are generally less capable of exercising
Central to the classical school was the presence of their reason.
freewill. All people act within reason; conduct results
from the conscious operation of a person's will after
reflection and choosing among alternatives of action. 3. Positivist School
People know the difference between right and wrong.
Awareness of right and wrong combined with crime as a The positivist school opposed the classical school's
choice played into how the classical school thought of understanding of crime. All people are different, and
punishment. Because crimes are chosen through free thus vary in their understanding of right and wrong, this
will, they should be punished swiftly and proportionally needed to be a barometer for punishment. The person
to the crime. This is the most effective deterrent to and not the crime should be punished.
crime. "Positivism saw its role as the systematic elimination of
2. Neo-Classical School the free will metaphysics' of the classical school-and its
replacement by a science of society, taking on for itself
The neo-classicist school emerged, in large part, to the task of the eradication of crime," lan Taylor, Paul
remedy some of the problems created by the classical Walton and Jock Young wrote in "The New Criminology:
school. For a Social Theory of Deviance." This new,
deterministic movement was consolidated by Enrico
According to Taylor, Walton and Young, contradictions
Ferri, who championed the approach then being
in classicism presented themselves in universal penal
employed by an Italian military physician, Cesare
measures and in day-to-day practice. "It was impossible
in practice to ignore the determinants of human action
and proceed as if punishment and incarceration could The "positive" method consisted of carefully observing
be easily measured on some kind of the characteristics of criminals to gain insight into the
causes of antisocial conduct or behavior. Ferri did not
endorse all of Lombroso's conclusions, such as that
universal calculus: apart from throwing the working of some people are born criminals and that some physical
the law itself into doubt (e.g. in punishing property features, like the shape of a person's head or the
crime by deprivation of property) classicism appeared placement of one's cheekbones, can predict criminal
behavior. However, Ferri adopted the inductive method
and set out to create a science that would explain the
causes of crime within society and the individual

The school started by considering crime a product of

heredity and environment. Instead of criminal
"conduct," criminal "behavior" became the focus.
Environmental factors such as societal conditions and
pressures interact with hereditary factors in a person to
cause that individual to be predisposed to criminal acts.
The deterministic school was more concerned with the
actual or would-be criminal rather than criminal

Positivism's focus on the individual may have been the

greatest contribution to criminology and the criminal
justice system. It led to classifications of offenders, such
as habitual criminals, as well as categories between
insanity and sanity. It also led to the use of psychology
in studying offenders, opening the way for different
kinds of sentences and treatments that fit the criminal
and not the crime.

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