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FITRIASARI, HAPPY. 2018. Mind Mapping as a Technique to Enhance Students’ Writing Skill in
Recount Text (A Classroom Action Research for the Eighth Grade Students of MTs
Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo in Academic Year 2017/2018). Thesis, English Education
Department, Tarbiyah Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies of Ponorogo. Advisor. Drs.
Dolar Yuwono, M.Pd.
Key Word: Writing, Recount and Mind Map
Writing is the way we express our idea into the written form. Writing is important for students
because most exams in educational purpose often use writing as a tool to measure students’ knowledge.
Mind Mapping is a good way to express students’ ideas into a map then they get easier to develop it
into the meaningful paragraph. Mind Mapping as a technique is used in teaching English.
The aim of this research is to improve the English writing skill of the eighth grade students
especially in recount text at MTs Muhammadiyah I Ponorogo by using the mind mapping technique.
The study was action research. In conducting the study, the researcher involved the English
teacher and the students of Grade VIIIA. The subjects of the study were 14 students of Grade VIIIA of
MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo in academic year 2107/2018. The procedures of data collection were
test and documentation. Test used to measure students’ knowledge in writing skill. Researcher was also
observing the teaching-learning process during the implementation of actions.
Based on the result of this research, the implementation of “Mind Mapping” technique was
enhancing students’ writing skill at the eighth grade of MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo. It can be
seen from the result of observation checklist were poor: 35,714%, fair: 57,142%, and good: 7,142%.
Then in the second cycle were poor: 14,285%, fair: 28,571%, and good: 57,142%. It showed that the
students’ were more active and enthusiast in teaching and learning writing because the good criteria
had improved. Some students in cycle 1 were not reach the minimum score 70, the percentage of cycle
1 result is 42,857% then it was improved in cycle 2;all of students were passed the criteria of minimum
score and the percentage of cycle 2 is 92,857%.
Finally based on the data, the researcher concluded that the implementation of “Mind Mapping”
technique can enhance students’ writing ability in recount text at the eighth grade of MTs
Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo in the academic year 2017/2018 was successful. The researcher suggested
to the next researcher can be reference to continue this research.
Most people, especially, the students in Indonesia have difficulties when they should
master English in writing. Writing becomes one of the most difficult aspects which students
usually encounter. The process of making a sentence then develop it into paragraph make the
students feel uneasy. Meanwhile, writing needs more attention in order to do not get a mistake
when they write a sentence or paragraph.
Writing is one of the important skills that should be mastered by students because if they
have a good skill in writing they will be able to express their ideas in the written form. Harmer
stated that in the context of education, it is also worth remembering that most exams, whether
they are testing foreign language abilities or other skills, often rely on the students’ writing
proficiency in order to measure their knowledge.1
The purpose of writing, in principle, is the expression of ideas, the conveying of a
message to the reader; so the ideas themselves should arguably be seen as the most important
aspect of the writing. On the other hand, the writer needs also to pay some attention to formal
aspects: neat handwriting, correct spelling and punctuation, as well as acceptable grammar and
careful selection of vocabulary.2
Based on the reality, learning to write is difficult especially for writing in a second or
foreign language in academic context. It is supported by the result of observation in writing skill
in Indonesia. Basically, their score in writing were low. 3The student feels that writing is
complicated skill to be learnt. They find that writing is difficult because it requires hard
thinking for the writing ideas when they must produces words, sentences, and paragraphs at the
same time. They also felt anxious when they learnt writing because they scared their result were
Most of the current research in second language writing has been conducted by ESL
professionals; however, we also found many practical articles illustrating the uses of writing in
FL, and ESL classrooms. We have included theoretical and historical articles so teachers can
think about their own vision of language teaching and place it in a theoretical perspective, along
with ”hands-on” articles that demonstrate effective uses of writing in actual foreign language
classes. 4
The problem of teaching related to students interest and motivation. Most students are
not interested in learning the language and just think about passing the course, thus because
they are not interested, they don’t listen to their teachers and not learn anything, even if they
learn something they will forget it quickly, because they are tired of its repetition.5
Based on the observation by interviewing some students at Mts Muhammadiyah I
Ponorogo6, there were some problems that were found in the writing class. The students are
lacked on vocabulary. They also lacked in structure and the teacher did not give them an
interesting strategy. Teachers usually give the students the corrected form of their task and
students rarely to look at them again if they had corrected it. This case becomes usual things
which teachers do. It makes the students do not know about the writing process. They focused
on the product rather than the process. Students feel confused how to constructs their writing on
the right way. Then the other problem is about the activity. Teacher usually writes the material
in the whiteboard then students make a note in their books. Then, the teacher gives the students
assignment which is taken from the course book. It is happened repeatedly.
Teachers should pay attention to improve students writing ability especially in recount
text because recount text contains several difficultness such the generic structure or in language

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing (New York: Longman, 2004), 1.
Penny ur, A Course in Language Teaching (United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1999), 70.
Accessed on on 22 June 2018 at 11.00 a.m.
Torild Homstard and Helga Thorson, “Writing Theory and Practice in the Second Language Classroom: A selected
Annotated Bibliography” (German: Technical Report Series, 1994), 2.
Akram Inanloo Khajloo, “Problems in Teaching and Learning English for Students” International Journal of
Engineering Researh and Development, vol. 7, issue (May, 2013), 56.
Interview with Faradilla, Dyah at 25 February 2018 at 10.00 am in mts muhammadiyah I Ponorogo
features. Based on interviewing with Annisa7, she said that she became confused, anxious ‘and
think hard when it comes to write something that happened in the past because she should
remember the right past verb which is used in the text. Also, she should make the text orderly
that is appropriate with the language features and the generic structures of recount text.
The technique that researcher would to try to solve the problem is mind map. Based on
Wikipedia mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to
and arranged radically around a central keyword or idea.
Caviglioli and Harris argue, model mapping can “enable pupils to access the structure of
their thinking and learning” as: “It shows them how they learn, and it teaches them how to
learn.8 The mind map needed to improve their writing skill. Students will be easy to expressing
their ideas, to arrange the words to be a good sentence. This technique can improve students’
creativity and make them happy in learning, because it consist of colors, pictures, and some key
words that can also make them find it easy to learn English especially in writing skill.
The purpose of this study is to observe the use of mind mapping in order to enhance
students writing ability. During this study, it was expected to find out the technique to enhance
students writing ability trough the using of mind map.
Based on the some problems and discussion above, the researcher would like to conduct
a study which entitled “Mind Mapping as a Technique to Enhance Students’ Writing
Ability in Recount Text (A Classroom Action Research at The Eighth Grade Students of
MTs Muhammadiyah I Ponorogo in Academic Year 2017/2018.

Interview with Annisa in 25 February 2018 at Mts Muhammadiyah I Ponorogo
Keith Polson, Mind Mapping in Learning and Teaching : Pupil and Teacher Perspectives (Scotlandia: GTC Scotland,
2004), 8
In this part the researcher will present four parts. The first part is related to review of previous
study, the second part is related to review of theoretical background, the third part is related to
theoretical framework, and the last part is related to the actions of hypothesis.
A. Review Of Previous Studies
This study needs some previous research as a consideration theory. The details of
research is explained as follows:
The first previous research is taken by Andris Adriansyah with entitled, The Effect
of Using Mind Mapping in Teaching Recount Text to the students’ writing ability at eighth
grade of SMP 2 Ngadiwuluh in academic year 2015/2016. He said that there are two
purposes of his research. They are to know students’ ability in Writing Recount Text before
and after taught using Mind Mapping at Eighth grade of SMPN 2 Ngadiluwih Academic
year 2015/2016. The design of Andris’s study is pre-experimental design. The population
of the study was the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ngadiluwih and the sample was class
8-A which consists of 36 students. The instrument of this research was test. The test was
used to measure the students’ achievement in writing recount text before and after being
taught by using mind mapping. The data of the test were presented in the form of mean
scores. It was found that the mean score of the pre-test was 77,14 while the mean score of
the post-test was 79,67. Then, it was analyzed using t-test. The result shows that mind
mapping is effective to be used to teach writing recount text. It is proved by the result of t-
score (10,65) which is higher than t-table (2,24) in the level of significance 1%. Some of
the advantages of this Mind mapping strategy help students to improve their achievement in
writing recount text and also to motivate students to improve their interest in writing
recount text. Mind mapping strategy is proved give a very significant effect to the students’
writing ability.9
The second previous finding is taken by Evi Lestari with the title “Improving
Writing on Recount Text by using Mind Mapping Technique: A Classroom Action
Research of the Eighth Grade Students at SMP Islam Ambulu, Jember”. The researcher
conducted preliminary study at SMP Islam Ambulu by interviewing the English teacher.
This preliminary activity was intended to get some information about the English teaching
and learning process. The researcher found that most of the eighth grade students had low
ability in writing. The English teacher explained that the students had difficulties in
generating ideas, grammatical structure, expanding their vocabulary, and making good
composition. Classroom observation was also conducted in preliminary study. From the
classroom observation, the researcher found that the students were lack of motivation
during the writing class and many students wrote without any good idea. The teacher just
asked the students to remember their past experiences and wrote them. Almost all of the
students did not know to start to write. They often waste their time by thinking what they
had to write. As the result, they did not make a good composition in writing. Besides, the
students’ ability is below minimum standard score. The minimum standard score of the
school is 73 and 40% of students get score > 73. Based on the problem above, the
researcher applied mind mapping technique in teaching writing to improve students’
writing achievement.10
The third previous is from Riswanto and Pebri Pandika Putra in International Journal
of Humanities and Social Science with entitled, The Use of Mind Mapping strategy in the
teaching of writing at SMAN 3 Bengkulu. They said that the main objective of this study
was aimed to identify whether the use of Mind Mapping strategy was effective in
improving the students’ writing achievement. Non-equivalent group pretest-posttest design
was used in this study. The population was the First year students of SMAN 3 Bengkulu
Town in academic year of 2011/2012 with a total number of 234 students. Out of this
population, 66 students were taken as sample. There were two groups, each of which

Andris Andriansyah, The Effect of Using Mind Mapping in Teaching Recount Text to the students’ writing ability at
eighth grade of SMP 2 Ngadiwuluh in academic year 2015/2016, (Thesis 2015)
Evi Lestari, Improving Writing on Recount Text by using Mind Mapping Technique: A Classroom Action Research of
the Eighth Grade Students at SMP Islam Ambulu, Jember. (Thesis 2015)
consisted of 33 students. The data were collected by using writing test. The data obtained
were analyzed by using t-test formula. From the t-test calculation of the pre test result was
known that t obtained was 0.25 by using t table p level and 64 df results in a figure of 2.0,
so the obtained < t table (0.25 < 2.0). it means that there was not a statistically, the average
of two groups were the same grade. Then after giving the treatment for sixteen meetings the
post test was given to the two groups. The mean score of the experimental group was
68.1212 and the control group was 62.7727. In testing the significant difference between
these two group means; t obtained was 2.7 and t table value at 0.05 p level and the 64 df
was 2.0. So that t obtained > t table (2.7 > 2.0). It meant that there was a significance
difference on students writing achievement which was taught through Mind Mapping
This research is considered to use mind mapping technique to teach the writing skill.
This research focuses in teaching recount text. The difference of this research and the
previous studies are from the first previous is explaining about how mind map can affect
the learning English in writing skill especially in recount text before and after taught by
mind mapping technique. The difference was this study focuses on how mind map can
enhance students’ writing skill in recount text. The second previous explain about mind
map can improve writing recount text. Actually, there was similar with this study but this
study is conducted and started from students anxiety when they taught English lesson
meanwhile the previous was not. The third previous explain about teaching writing with
mind map in generally and the purpose was not to enhance or improve the students ability.
Based on the differences above, the previous study were supports this research in giving
knowledge to the researcher about mind map technique.
B. Review of Theoretical Background
In this chapter the researcher would like to discuss the definition of writing, kinds of
writing, the process of writing, teaching writing, mind map, teaching writing through mind
1. Writing
a. The Nature of Writing
Writing is a process that involves at least four distinct steps: prewriting, drafting,
revising, and editing. It is known as a recursive process. While you are revising, you
might have to return to the prewriting step to develop and expand your ideas.12
According to David Nunan writing can be defined by a series of contrasts, the one
of them is writing is both a process and a product. The writer imagines, organize, drafts,
edits, reads, and rereads. This process of writing is often cyclical, and sometimes
disorderly. Ultimately, what the audience, is a product an-essay, letter, story, or research
product. 13
David Nunan also stated that writing purpose is both to express and impress.
Writer typicaly serve two masters : themselves, and their own desires to express an idea
or feeling, and readers, also called the audience, who need to have ideas expressed in
certain ways. Writers must then choose the best form for their writing –a shopping list,
notes from a meeting, a scholarly article, a novel, or poetry are only a few of the
complexity, depending on its purpose.14
Writing is a skill that needs a process so that ideas that have been possessed can be
expressed through writing. It needs in teaching-learning process to made the teaching-
learning process can be done well. Certainly, writing in English is not easy. Expressing
ideas is not enough, because the ideas still have to be told in English. For that reason, a
technique that can support the learning process is needed.15
Based on the statement above. Writing is about how we express our idea into
sentences and paragraph. The process of writing begins with finding a topic and ending
with the products of writing.
Riswanto, The Use of Mind Mapping strategy in the teaching of writing at SMAN 3 Bengkulu, Indonesia.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. (Journal 2012)
Accessed from on 16 of
December 2017 at 20.00pm.
Ibid; 88.
Ibid; 88.
Fuad Nur Cahyo, “Using Mind Mapping Technique to Improve The English Writing Skill of The Tenth Grade
Students at MAN Yogyakarta III,” (Thesis,UNY,Yogyakarta,2013), 9.
b. The Writing Process
The writing process is supposed to provide a step by step model for writing so that
the product of writing is the best it can be. According to Regina L. Smalley, Mary K.
Ruetten, and Joann Rishel Kozyrevs they said the process of writing is the way writers
actually go about the task of writing. While different writers approach the process in
different ways, all writers go through a general sequence of stages called prewriting,
drafting, and revising.16 Those stages of writing are highlighted as follows:
1) Prewriting
In the prewriting stage, writers take time to think about their topic and generate
ideas. They also spend some time focusing and planning the piece of writing.
a. Generating ideas
Sometimes you are frustrated because you cannot think of anything to
say about a topic. In this section, you will learn a number of strategies and
techniques for generating ideas. Use these techniques when you first begin to
think about your topic and then anytime you feel your flow your ideas drying up.
b. Invention Techniques
1. Brainstorming
A brainstorm is a sudden insight or connection. Brainstorming is way to
associate ideas and stimulate thinking.
2. Freewriting
Freewriting is writing without stopping. It means writing whatever
comes to your mind without worrying about whether the ideas are good or the
grammar is correct.
c. Planning
After writers have generated ideas about their topics, they focus their
ideas on a main point and develop a rough plan for the paragraph or essay they
are going to write.17
2) Drafting
The first step in this stage is to write a rough draft from your outline. This is
how to proceed:
a. Write down the topic sentence and underline it. Doing this will remind you of the
focus of your paragraph.
b. Skip one or two lines per line of writing and leave margins of one inch on both
sides of the paper. These blank spaces will allow you to add more details,
information, examples, etc. in order for you to fully develop your points.
c. Write your paragraph, following your outline as closely as possible. Try writing
steadily. Don’t hesitate to add ideas that aren’t in your outline if you are certain
they are relevant to the topic.
d. Don’t worry about grammar, punctuation, or spelling. This first rough draft does
not have to be “perfect”; in fact, it won’t be because your main goal is to write
down as much information as you can, following the points in your outline.18
3) Revising
Porter G. Perrin said in revising, the writer takes the point of view of a reader or
critic as far as he can and looks at his work to see how it will read or, if it is a speech,
how it will sound. This means testing for material, for plan, and for style and the
mechanics of writing.
a. Material
A check for material is necessary to make sure that enough has been put in the
paper to gain its intended purpose.
b. Plan
Reading the almost completed paper will test its plan.
c. Mechanics
Finally the paper should be examined for the small matters that can so easily
mar what is fundamentally a good job.19

Regina L. Smalley, Mary K. Ruetten, Joan Rishel Kozyrev,Refining Composition Skills Rhetoric and Grammar
(USA: Heinle Publisher, 2001), 3.
Ibid, 3-8.
Alice Oshima, Writing Academic English (New York: Longman, 1999), 10-11.
Porter G. Perrin, Writer’s Guide and Index to English (New York: Scott, Foresman and Company, ), 299-300.
c. Kinds of Writing
There are several types of writing according to Brown on his book. He said four
categories of written performance that capture the range of written production are
considered here. Each category resembles the categories defined for the other three
skills, but these categories, as always, reflect the uniqueness of the skill area.
1. Imitative. To produce written language, the learner must attain skills in the
fundamental, basic tasks of writing letters, words, punctuation, and very brief
sentences. This category includes the ability to spell correctly and to perceive
phoneme-grapheme correspondences in the English system. It is a level at which
learners are trying to master the mechanics of writing. At this stage, form is the
primary if not exlusive focus, while context and meaning are of secondary concern.
2. Intensive (controlled). Beyond the fundamentals of imitative writing are skills in
producing appropriate vocabulary within a context, collocations, and idioms, and
correct grammatical features up to the length of a sentence. Meaning and context are
of some importance in determining correctness and appropriateness, but most
assessment tasks are more concerned with a focus on form, and are rather strictly
controlled by the test design.
3. Responsive. Here, assessment tasks require learners to perform at a limited discourse
level, connecting sentences into a paragraph and creating a logically connected
sequence of two or three paragraphs. Tasks respond to pedagocical directivenes, lists
of criteria, outlines, and other guidelines. Genres of writing include brief narratives
and descriptions, short reports, lab reports, summaries, brief responses to reading, and
interpretations of charts or graphs. Under specific conditions, the writer begins to
exercise some freedom of choice among alternative forms of expression of ideas. The
writer has mastered the fundamentals of sentence-level grammar and is more focused
on the discourse conventions that will achieve the objectiveness of the written text.
Form-focused attention is mostly at the discourse with the strong emphasis on context
and meaning.
4. Extensive. Extensive writing implies successful management of all the processes and
strategies of writing for all purposes, up to the length of an essay, a term paper major
research project report, or even a thesis. Writers focus on achieving a purpose,
organizing and developing ideas logically, using details to support or illustrate ideas,
demonstrating syntactic and lexical variety, and in many cases, engaging in the
process of multiple drafts to achieve a final product. Focus on grammatical form is
limited to occasional editing or proofreading of a draft.20
d. Recount text
According to Knapp, Recount Text, basically it is written out to make a report
about an experience of a series of related event. A recount is written out to inform an
event or to entertain people. Recount text is text function as for telling an incident in the
Boardman stated that the steps for constructing of written recount text are:
a. The first paragraph that give a background information about who, what, where and
when. It is called on orientation.
b. A record of events usually recounted in chronological order, named; event 1, event
2; event 3.
c. A personal comment and or evaluative remarks, which are interspersed throughout
the record of events named evaluation.
d. A reorientation which “rounds off” the sequences of events or retell about what
happened in the end.
The language features usually found in a recount:
a. Use of nouns and pronouns to identify people, animals or things involved.
b. Use of past action verbs to refer the events.
c. Use of past tense to located events in relation to speaker’s or researcher’s time.
d. Use conjunctions and time connectives to sequence the event.
e. Use of adverb and adverbial phrases to indicate place and time.

H Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principal and Classroom Practice (New York: Longman, 2003), 220.
Natanael Saragih, Roswita Silalahi, Hilman Pardede, “The Effectiveness of Using Recount Text to Improve Writing
Skill for Grade III Students of Kalam Kudus Elementary School 2 Pematangsiantar”. IOSR Journal of Humanities and
Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), vol.19, Issue I ver. XII February 2014, hlm. 56-64.
f. Use of adjectives to describe nouns.22
2. Mind Mapping
a. The Nature of Mind Map
Mind mapping is popularized by Buzan who claims that it is an enormous superior
note-taking method. By mind mapping one can develop their ability in memorizing,
brainstorming, learning, as well as creativity. 23 Tony Buzan also stated mind mapping
allows such greater access to human intelligence.24
Mind maps graphically show ideas in a relational context, with the main topic at the
center of the map, major subtopics on branches radiating from the main topic, and sub-
topics around each subtopic, etc. 25
Usually mind map used to brainstorm students idea, David Nunan stated Brainstorming
can be done individually or in pairs or groups of students. In brainstorming session,
students list all the ideas they can think of related to a topic, either in writing or aloud,
quickly and without much planning. If no topic is given, then the students can brainstorm
possible topics.26
Mind mapping is a diagram that has functions as a way to organize ideas and represent
words, tasks, or another links that arranged a central keyword by branches and typically it
contains words, colors, short phrase and picture. Buzan also said that mind mapping is a
primary tool used for stimulating thought that shows ideas which are generated around a
central theme and how they are interlinked. According to Buzan, the education system
primarily focuses on the left and brain strength which includes the use of language, logic,
numbers, sequence, looks at detail, linier, symbolic representation and judgmental
So, mind mapping is useful to the students in order to brainstorm their idea and also
they can develop it into sentences or paragraphs.
b. Teaching Writing
Tricia hedge stated that in the 1990’s, methodology for the teaching of writing in ELT
classroom made dramatic departures from traditional approaches. At least in theory, in
practice it is difficult to assess the extent to which teachers, set about by pressures of time
and assessment, have been able to incorporate recent ideas into their pedagogy, but the
ideas are available.27 Teacher should be used their time with the right way in teaching and
give assessment then achievement to the students. Writing teachers were mostly concerned
with the final product of writing. Composition were supposed to: 1) meet certain standards
of prescribed English rhetorical style, 2) reflect accurate grammar, and 3) be organized in
conformity with what audience would consider to be a conventional. 28
Harmer said that when helping students to become better writers, teachers have a
number of crucial tasks to perform. Among the tasks which teachers have to perform
before, during, and after student writing are the following:
1. Demonstrating. Students need to be aware of writing conventions and genre constraints
in specific types of writing, teachers have to be able to draw these features to their
attention. In whatever way students are made aware of layout issues or the language
used to perform certain written functions, for example, the important issue is that they
are made aware of these things – that these things are drawn to their attention.
2. Motivation and provoking. This is where the teacher can help, provoking the students
into having ideas, enthusing them with the value of tasks, and persuading them what fun
it can be.
3. Supporting. Teacher need to be extremely supportive when students are writing in class,
always available (except during exam writing of course), and prepared to help students
overcome difficulties.
4. Responding. When responding, teachers react to the content and construction of a piece
supportively and often (but not always) make suggestion for its improvement.
Ibid, 57
W Martin Davies, “Concept Mapping, Mind Mapping and Argument Mapping: What are the Differences and Do They
Matter?” (The university of Melbourne, Australia), 2.
Tony Buzan, Super-Creativity An Interactive Guidebook, (New York: St. Martin Press, 1988), 2.
Diane Murley, Mind Mapping Complex Information. 1.
Ibid, 87
Tricia hedge, Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom (New York : Oxford University press, 2000), 300.
H Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles an Interactive (New York: San Fransisco Addison Wesley Longman,
2001), 335.
5. Evaluating. When evaluating students’ writing for test purpose, teachers can indicate
where they wrote well and where they made mistakes and teachers may grades; but,
although test-marking is different from responding. Teachers can still use it not just to
grade students but also as a learning opportunity.29
c. Teaching Writing Trough Mind Map
Teaching writing trough mind map known as the strategy for the students to explore
their ideas and they can brainstorm their knowledge in order to be written into sentences
and paragraphs. According to Stewart, Van-Kirk, & Rowell concept maps are flexible tools
that can be used in a variety of educational settings. For example, they can play a
significant role in curriculum development, learning, and teaching.30
In the education sector, mind maps are commonly used for note making, creative
thinking, report writing and decision making. As illustrated by Wen, graphic learning helps
to promote learning motivation and develop self-learning abilities. 31
Mind mapping could provide teachers with a feedback about students’ mental structure
and development of their mental structure. On the other hand, it could facilitate students’
recalling the knowledge by the assistance of using visual elements. Clearly in this situation,
it could increase the participation among students in teaching and learning process.
Basically, teachers need to explain the purposes of note-taking to the students such as:
1. Making notes on a book helps the student to focus on the content and to remember it.
The more the student makes notes, the easier it becomes.
2. Notes should be easier for the student to re-read than the book itself, as they will be
shorter and in his own familiar style.
3. Once formal education is finished, the student often has to use documents or other
books, so note-taking is a useful transferable skill.
4. The student usually need to acquire specific information from a book, and his notes will
select and summarize what is important to him.32
Using Mind Map is start with circle in the middle of a piece of paper. Write the topic
of the assignment inside the circle. Then start adding ideas you associate with this topic
around the circle. You can use lines to point to the various ideas, you can use arrows to
show that ideas are related, or you can put related ideas in smaller circles. In other words,
there is no right or wrong way.33
This technique involved using line thickness, colours, pictures, and diagrams to aid
knowledge recollection. Buzan makes the following recommendation when mind mapping:
1. Place an image or topic in the centre using at least 3 colours
2. Use images, symbols, codes and dimension throughout your Mind Map
3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters
4. Each word/image is alone and sitting on its own line
5. Connect the lines starting from the central image. The central lines are thicker, organic
and flowing, becoming thinner as they radiate out from the centre
6. Make the lines the same length as the word/image
7. Use colours-your own code-throughout the Mind Map
8. Develop your own personal style of Mind Mapping
9. Use emphasis and show association in your mind map
10.Keep the Mind Map clear by using radial hierarchy, numerical order or outlines to
embrace your branches34
C. Theoretical Framework
Traditional teaching Students skill on
First Condition writing recount is
Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing (New York: Longman, 2004), 41-42.
30 Learning
Saoma Boujade, May Attieh, “The effect of Usingused mind
Concept Maps as a Study Tools on Achievement in Chemistry”,
Next Condition map technique
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 4 (3), (2008), 234.
Carol Pua, Dorothy Lui, Shirley Cheng, “Using Mind-mapping as a Tool to teach English Vocabulary for the
Elementary Students”, Ta Ku Ling Ling Ying Public School, 71.
Tze Kiong Tee, Suriani Mohamed, Azman M.N.A, “Buzan Mind Mapping: An Efficient Technique for Note-
Taking” World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Social, Human Science and
Last Condition Students’ skill in
Engineering, No.1, (Vol.8), 2014, 30.
33 writing 2:
Cyntia A. Brodman. Writing to Communicate recount text and Essays. (New York: Pearson Education, 2008), 33.
Ibid, W Martin Davies is improved
Cycle I

Cycle II

D. Hypotheses

Based on the some references and previous study about this problem, the researcher
decides the hypothesis “the use of mind mapping as a strategy can enhance students’ writing
ability in recount text”.
This chapter presents the research methodology used in this study. It involves Research
Variable, Classroom Action Research Procedures and Research Schedule.
A. Research Object
The purpose of this research is to know the enhancement of students’ writing ability in
recount text through the use of mind mapping technique. The object of the research is the
students writing ability in made the recount text and their enthusiasm in writing subject. The
writer chooses the students at the eighth grade of MTs Muhammadiyah I Ponorogo. Based on
the observation and interview with some students, in the eighth class there are divided into three
classes. The researcher take the A class. The researcher want to seek how mind mapping can
enhance their ability in writing recount text and also how mind mapping can make the students
be more enthusiasm in English lesson especially in writing lesson.
B. Research setting and subject
The research take place at MTs Muhammadiyah I Ponorogo, Jl. Stadion timur no 20b
Kertosari, Babadan, Ponorogo. It built with Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and Madrasah Aliyah with the
title “KOMPLEKS PERGURUAN MUHAMMADIYAH”. This school has a number of
facilities including the principle room, teacher room, computer laboratory, a sport field for
playing volley ball, a parking place and school canteens.
The subject of this research is the students of the eight A class of MTs Muhammadiyah I
Ponorogo in academic year 2017-2018. The classroom holds of 14 students with the
composition 6 male students and 8 female students. The school is chosen as the field of the
study because the school is reachable and students’ writing skill is low. The researcher chooses
this class because the researcher found the interested problems that students faced in teaching
writing. After identifying the problems above, researcher suggests to apply suitable strategy to
enhance students’ writing ability with the mind map technique. This study will be done within
the second semester, in academic year of 2017/2018.
C. Research Variable
There are two variables that researcher want to observed:
a. The Achievement
The use of Mind Mapping technique is expected help the students’ get the better score.
b. The Enthusiasm
The use of Mind Mapping technique is expected make the students enthusiast, active in
group work and more enjoy to study the English lesson.
D. Classroom Action Research Procedures
The research that researcher will be conducted is action research. Action research
focused on the efforts to improve the real condition of the English teaching and learning
According to Kemmis and Taggart action research is started by planning for action.
Then the plan is implemented as an action in classroom and the action is then observed. The
reflection is done to analyze the data obtained during the action.35
The following diagram displays a model of an action research cycle:
and Identify
Problem or
Take Question (s)

Reflect Plan Research

Analyze and Collect

Interpret Data Data

Siti Khasinah, “Classroom Action Research”, Journal Pionir, Vol.1, 1 (Juli-Desember, 2013), 109-110.
It is also can be described as follows:



CYCLE II Reflecting





1. Planning
Together with the English teacher, the researcher designed some plans to be
implemented in the action research. In this step, some techniques or activity that researcher
want to implemented have selected. The actions planned arranged are as follows :
a. Implementing the mind mapping technique for each cycle.
b. Give the students some activity or tasks to gain their knowledge in writing; especially in
recount text.
c. Using English classroom effectively.
d. Giving rewards to the active students.
e. Making a lesson plan.

The contents of lesson plan are:

1. Standard competence
2. Basic competence
3. Indicator
4. The purpose of learning
5. The material of learning
6. Teaching method
7. Learning activities
8. Media of teaching and learning process
9. Assessment
2. Acting
Action is the application of the planning. Firstly, the researcher makes a lesson plan
to writing using mind mapping technique. The application of planned scenario action such
a. Give motivation and apperception before start the teaching and learning process.
The teacher gives brainstorming to the students, such as: playing game or other activity
that students can keep have a spirit.
b. Give the point of the material in teaching and learning using mind mapping technique.
Teacher gives a theme or topic on the white board about the subject material.
c. Before finish, the teacher and students concluded the material.
Teacher asked to students about the material that has been discussed before, then the teacher
gave the concluding.
d. Reflecting all aspects during teaching and learning process.
Teacher was back up the learning process to know the students understanding, about the
material that have been taught during the teaching and learning process.
3. Observing
In this study the observation was conducted to get the data on how well Mind Mapping
technique is able to achieve the goal of the study. The researcher do some activities to
observes the teaching and learning process, records the students’ activities and condition
during the learning process, take notes about the weakness and the advantages from the
teaching learning. Then the researcher can sets what have to do in the next cycle by using
the criteria of success. It is determined that the criteria of success are:
1. The students’ achievement
The students have good qualification of achievement in writing test. In this case,
the students are conducted to be successful if they can achieve the standard of Mastery
Minimum Criteria Score 75%.
2. The students’ enthusiasm
The students follow all steps of Mind Mapping technique during the teaching
and learning process. In this case, the criterion of success is divided into good, fair, and
poor. The students are considered to be successful if in every cycle the poor criteria was
decrease and good criteria was increase well.
Based on these criteria the researcher can make the decision whether the action
is successful or not.
4. Reflecting of the action
Reflecting is part of action research that important to do. In reflecting section the
researcher can know the next action which the researcher want to observed. It means
reflecting is used to evaluating the planning to look for the steps which need to be solved.
The conclusion of the reflecting section is between these two; stop the action or continue
the action to the next cycle.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

The writer takes four kinds of technique in collecting the data during the research. The
techniques are:
1. Observation
The first instrument used in collecting data was observation. Observation is a way of
collecting data through observing. Observation data collection method is classified as a
participatory study, because the researcher has to immerse herself in the setting where her
respondents are.36 The purpose of collecting data through observation is measuring the
In this study, the researcher observed the teaching process and activities in the class and
the result by using checklist (). The focus of the research is to know the students’
enthusiasm during teaching and learning process. Then, the researcher wrote the result in
percentage, which is counted by certain measurements.
2. Documentation
Documentation is the third instrument that used to collect the data. The documents used
in this research as a supporting data. The documents could be score, notes, transcripts, books,
newspaper, agenda, etc.
The documents were taken from students’ result of the given test, students’ progress
report, teacher lesson’s plan, and photograph of teaching-learning process.
3. Test
The last instrument that used to collect the data is tests. Tests provide a way to assess
subjects’ knowledge and capacity to apply this knowledge to new situations. Tests take many
forms. They may require respondents to choose among alternatives (select a correct answer,
select an incorrect answer, select the best answer), to cluster choices into like groups, to
produce short answers, or to write extended responses.37
The researcher used the tests in order to know the increasing of students’ ability in
4. Questionnaire
accessed on on 14 April 2018 at 8.44
An overview of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, 55-56.
Questionnaire was conducted to obtain data or information about students’ interest,
opinion, feelings, and responses attitude toward the implementation of the technique.
Questionnaires were distributed after the implementation of the technique.
F. Research Schedule
Date/month/year Activity Note

20-25 February 2018 Planning

27-3 March 2018 Observation

6-22 March 2018 Acting

22- March 2018 Making research report

In this chapter, the researcher will explore about data analysis, finding and discussions. The
details of discussion are in the following point.
A. Data Analysis
This study was Classroom Action Research (CAR). CAR is a research which is
conducted by teacher with the certain purpose to solve the problem that happened in the class.
The other purposes were to make a better quality of learning and it creates an innovation in
teaching and learning. Here, the researcher will report the result of the cycles. Each cycle will
describe four components of classroom action research. They were planning, acting, observing,
and reflecting. All of the following results will be presented orderly in the following sections.
B. Cycle Explanation
In this research, Classroom Action Research is divided on two cycles. Each cycles
contained planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The details are as follows:
1. Cycle I
The first cycle was conducted on 6th March 2018 until 13th March 2018. In this cycle the
researcher did three meetings according to English lesson schedule in MTs Muhammadiyah I
Ponorogo. There were on Tuesday and Thursday of a week. In this cycle the researcher did
the certain strategy in teaching English then observed and evaluated it to make decision in
order to continuing the next cycle or stopped.
a. Planning
In this step, the researcher planned everything needed for the research. Based on the
observation and information gotten from some students and English teacher previously,
the researcher prepared the action to improve students’ writing skill. The details of acting
were as follows:
1) Designing lesson plan based on topic.
The researcher prepared the lesson plan with the topic “holiday”.
2) Prepare the material
The material was recount text. Recount text is the kind of text that tells
something happened in the past. The researcher helps the students with some pictures
in writing recount text. The generic structure of recount:
1. Orientation: tells who was involved, what happened, where the events took
place, and when it happened.
2. Events: tell what happened in chronological sequence
3. Re-orientation: consists of optional-closure of events/ending.
Example of recount text:
A Tour to the Botanical Gardens
By Nita
On Thursday 24 April, Year Seven students went to the Botanical Gardens. We walked
down and got into the bus.
After we arrived at the gardens, we walked down to the Education Centre. We were to
have a look around. First, we went to Orchid Farm and Mrs Rita read us some of the
information. Then we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot in
the Botanic Gardens and had morning tea.
Next we took some pictures and then we went back to the Education Centre to have
lunch. After that we went for a walk.
A lady took us around and introduced herself, then she explained what we were going to
do. Next she took us in to the green house. It was most interesting.Soon after we had finished
we went back outside. Then we got into the bus and returned to school.
3) Making study instrument
The researcher prepared the instruments, they were:
a) Observation sheet. It was used to observing the student’s activities in the classroom
during English language teaching and learning.
b) Test. It was used to measure skill, knowledge, quality, or talent possessed by an
individual or group. It contains a sequence of questions or practices or other
b. Acting
The first cycle was conducted on Tuesday March 6 th, 2018 until March 13th,
2018. In this case, the school which is used for the place of research was using the 2013
Curriculum of 2017 new revision. The explanation of the activity was as follows:
The researcher as the teacher did the apperception by greeting students, checking
students’ attendance, giving motivation and opening the lesson. Before the researcher
started the lesson, the teacher asked the students to make a group which consists of 3-4
In main activity section, teacher showed the picture related to the topic then she
showed the example of mind map. The students must pay attention to the pictures.
Before teacher started with mind map, teacher give students some exercise like fill
in the blank part and rearrange the random words. This activity was done because students
can easy to know more words in English.
The next activity was the teacher led students to ask questions about the topic or the
mind map to the students. Then teacher showed them the example of mind map and how
to make it. The topic that teacher chooses was about holiday. Then teacher guided the
students to find and collect the information with the other friends to complete their
information about the topic.
Next, teacher asked the students to write the words or the sentence in the simple
past form. Then they drew the mind map and students added those words into their mind
map. The final activity was developing those words into a paragraph which is suitable
with the generic structure of recount in a chronological ways.
The last activity was the students came forwards in front of the class then they red
their story.
After these activities were done teacher asked to the students about the difficultness
faced during the teaching and learning process then teacher asked to the students about the
material which has been studied. Moreover teacher gave the feedback to the students’
reflection about the lesson. The last, teacher concluded the lesson.
c. Observing
In this research, the researcher did not only teach but also observing. The
researcher observed students’ writing skill and enthusiasm during teaching trough the use
of mind mapping technique. Observation conducted in order to know the effects of mind
mapping technique to improve students’ writing skill. It also used to improve students’
enthusiasm and effectiveness during learning English especially in writing skill. To record
the finding, the researcher used observation checklists.
The result of the first cycle was as follow:
1) Observation sheet
Table 4.1
Observation sheets of students Activeness and Enthusiasm
NO NAMA Keaktifan Antusias Siswa
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 Ambarwati  
2 Annisa Hidayatun  
3 Chiche Setya  
4 Devina Nabila  
5 Dewi Rosita  
6 Diah Ayu  
7 Faradilla Putri  
8 Hannun Qurrota  
9 Saddam Danu  
10 Sang Aji  
11 Sarip Puji  
12 Thukul Prio U  
13 Yusuf Abdul  
14 Zainnal Muttaqien  
5 8 1 4 6 4

2) Test
In cycle I, researcher had prepared a test for the students. Test used to know
students’ achievement from teaching and learning English by using mind map technique.
The kind of test was write a recount text based on the topic that have been chosen. The
students’ had done the test individually. The result could be seen in the table below:
Table 4.2
The result of students’ score in cycle I
1 Ambarwati 2 2 3 1 3 11 55
2 Annisa Hidayatun 2 2 2 1 4 11 55
3 Chiche Setya 3 3 2 3 3 14 70
4 Devina Nabila 2 3 2 2 2 11 55
5 Dewi Rosita 2 2 2 2 4 12 60
6 Diah Ayu 2 2 3 2 3 12 60
7 Faradilla Putri 1 2 1 1 3 8 40
8 Hannun Qurrota 3 3 3 3 3 15 75
9 Saddam Danu 3 3 2 2 4 14 70
10 Sang Aji 4 4 3 2 3 16 80
11 Sarip Puji 3 3 2 2 2 12 60
12 Thukul Prio U 2 2 2 2 1 9 45
13 Yusuf Abdul 3 4 4 3 4 18 90
14 Zainnal Muttaqien 3 3 4 3 3 16 80
From the acting and observing stage, the researcher took reflection. The
reflection details were as follows :
1) The researcher concluded based on observation sheet that the students were
not active in teaching and learning English especially recount text which
using mind mapping because some students were still not active and
enthusiast. It can be seen in table above that they are 5 students who are not
active and 4 students who are less enthusiast.
2) The result of test also has not achieve the target because there were some
students who didn’t get the score over the KKM (Minimum Based Criteria)
So, it could be concluded the process of learning has not satisfied yet. Many
students haven’t good writing ability. It could happened because they were still confused
about the generic structure of recount and vocabulary. Students felt difficult to find the
appropriate diction to express their ideas in written form. Because of that, some students’
got unsatisfied score. It could be said that there were many problems in the first cycle that
have been solved. In other hand the target had not been reached.
Based on the reflection above, the researcher decided to continue to the cycle II
and the problem in this cycle would be solved in the next cycle. For the next step the
researcher give motivation and various topics to increase their writing ability.
2. Cycle II
a. Planning
Based on the reflection on cycle I that has not reach the target, researcher
planned some efforts as treatments to solve the problems identified which is happened in
first cycle. In order to solve the problems identified above, researcher still uses similar
activities like in Cycle I. Besides, researcher would focus in using dictionary and
cooperativeness in each group. Also, researcher used the colorful pictures in order to
help students interest in study and drawing the mind map. The researcher planned
everything for the research in planning step; the activities of this step were follows:
1) Designing lesson plan based on theme which has chosen
2) Prepare the material
In cycle II, the material was same with the first cycle; recount text but in this
cycle the researcher make a different topic. The researcher gave the certain topic to
the students. The topic was experience. There were “good experience and sad
3) Prepare research instruments, there are:
a) Observation sheet. It was used to observing the student’s activities in the
classroom include activeness and enthusiasm.
b) Test was used to measure students’ achievement.
b. Acting
The second cycle was conducted on March 15 th, 2018 until March 22th, 2018.
The researcher as the teacher did the apperception by greeting students, checking
students’ attendance, giving motivation and opening the lesson. Before we started the
lesson, students should gather with their groups like the first cycle. Then teacher
reviewed the last lesson by ask and give explanation about the purpose of the study in
cycle II.
The researcher as the teacher did the apperception by greeting students,
checking students’ attendance, giving motivation and opening the lesson.
In main activity section, teacher showed the picture related to the topic then
she showed the example of mind map. The students must pay attention to the
Before teacher started with mind map, teacher give students some exercise
like fill in the blank part and rearrange the random sentences. This activity was done
because students can easy to know more words in English.
The next activity was the teacher led students to ask questions about the topic
or the mind map to the students. Then teacher led students to remember how to make
the mind map like in first cycle. The topic that teacher chooses was about
experiences. Then teacher guided the students to find and collect the information with
the other friends to complete their information about the topic.
Next, teacher asked the students to write the words or the sentence in the
simple past form. Then they drew the mind map and students added those words into
their mind map. Students in each group should use the dictionary and more active
with their friend in communication.
The final activity was developing those words into a paragraph which is
suitable with the generic structure of recount in a chronological ways.
The last activity was the students came forwards in front of the class then they
red their story.
After these activities were done teacher asked to the students about the
difficultness faced during the teaching and learning process then teacher asked to the
students about the material which has been studied. Moreover teacher gave the
feedback to the students’ reflection about the lesson. The last, teacher concluded the
c. Observing
Observation conducted in order to know the real situation in the classroom action
research during the teaching and learning process. The result of observation checklist in
cycle II was better than the first cycle. The result of observation showed that most of
students were active. It could be seen on the table below.
The result of the second cycle was as follows:
1) Observation sheet
Table 4.3
Observation sheets of students Activeness and Enthusiasm


NO NAMA Keaktifan Antusias Siswa
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 Ambarwati  
2 Annisa Hidayatun    
3 Chiche Setya  
4 Devina Nabila  
5 Dewi Rosita   
6 Diah Ayu   
7 Faradilla Putri  
8 Hannun Qurrota    
9 Saddam Danu  
10 Sang Aji  
11 Sarip Puji  
12 Thukul Prio U   
13 Yusuf Abdul  
14 Zainnal Muttaqien   
2 5 7 2 4 8

2) Test
Researcher also gave the students test in cycle 2. The test was writing a recount
text with the chosen topic. It is aimed to know the result of improving “Mind Map” in
teaching and learning process. The result could be seen in table below.
Table 4.4
The result of students’ score in cycle II

1 Ambarwati 3 4 3 3 2 15 75 Passed
Annisa Passed
2 Hidayatun 3 4 3 2 3 15 75
3 Chiche Setya 4 4 4 3 3 18 90 Passed

4 Devina Nabila 3 3 3 2 3 14 70 Passed

5 Dewi Rosita 3 3 4 3 3 16 80 Passed

6 Diah Ayu 3 3 4 3 3 16 80 Passed

7 Faradilla Putri 3 4 2 3 3 15 75 Passed

Hannun Passed
8 Qurrota 3 3 3 3 4 16 80
9 Saddam Danu 3 3 2 2 4 14 70 Passed

10 Sang Aji 3 4 3 3 3 16 80 Passed

11 Sarip Puji 3 4 2 3 2 14 70 Passed

12 Thukul Prio U 3 4 3 3 2 15 75 Passed

13 Yusuf Abdul 3 2 3 3 3 14 70 Passed

Zainnal Failed
14 Muttaqien 2 2 3 2 3 12 60

d. Reflecting
From the acting and observing stage of cycle 2, the researcher can conclude:
1) The researcher concluded based on observation sheet that the students were more
active in teaching and learning English especially recount text which using mind
mapping because the students more active and enthusiast. It can be seen in table 4.3
they were not any students that have poor activeness and enthusiast.
2) The result of test was also increase. All of students reached the minimum score based
from KKM. They got score above 70. It means that the students achievement was
satisfied and they already passed the KKM (Minimum Based Criteria).
So, it could be concluded the process of learning was satisfying. Teaching writing
in recount text using “Mind Map” could improve the students’ writing ability.
C. Cycle Analysis
1. Cycle I
During teaching and learning process, the researcher observed the students’
activeness and enthusiast as well. Based on table 4.1, it can be seen that the
activeness of students are as follows:

Table 4.5
Finding on the students’ activeness and interest of first cycle

Poor Fair Good
Activeness 5 8 1
Enthusiast 4 6 4

Based on the amount above, it can be stated in percentage by a formula below:

Percentage = x 100 %


fi = total students appeared

N = total students in class
Here is calculating of the observation data:
a. Students’ activeness
 Students with poor activeness = x 100 %
= x 100%

= 35,714%
 Students with fair activeness = x 100 %
= 14 x 100%
= 57,142%
 Students with good activeness = x 100 %
= x 100%

= 7,142%
b. Students enthusiasm
 Students’ with poor enthusiast = x 100 %
= x 100%
= 28,571%
 Students’ with fair enthusiast = x 100 %
x 100%
= 42,857%
 Students with good enthusiast = x 100 %
= x 100%
= 28,571%
Table 4.6
The percentage of the students’ activeness and interest of first cycle

Poor Fair Good
35,714 57,142
Activeness % % 7,142%
28,571 42,857
Enthusiast % % 28,571%
The researcher also measure average mark of the class. It based on the gotten score of all
students in table 4.2, the details are as follows:
Table 4.7

X f f.X
40 1 40
45 1 45
55 3 165
60 3 180
70 2 140
75 2 150
80 1 80
90 1 90
Total 14 890
= = 63,57

Based on the table 4.2, it can be seen the percentage of passed and failed students are as
Percentage = x 100 %

Percentage of passed students is:

P= x 100% = 42,857%

Percentage of failed students is:

P= x 100% = 57,142%

Table 4.8
The percentage of passed and failed students in first cycle

Passed 6 42,857%
Failed 8 57,142%

From the data above, the result of first cycle have not reach yet the standard of minimal.
It meant that in the first cycle students not active and enthusiast in learning by using mind map
technique. It could happen because students felt confused about the suitable words to express
their ideas in a written form. So, the use of mind mapping as a technique in teaching writing
especially recount text in 8A class should be revised in the next cycle.
2. Cycle II
In cycle II, researcher did the observation during teaching and learning process.
Based on the table 4.3, it can be seen that the activeness and enthusiast of students are as
Table 4.9
Finding on the students’ activeness and enthusiast of second cycle

Poor Fair Good
Activeness 2 5 7
Enthusiast 2 4 8

Based on the amount above, it can be stated in percentage by a formula below:

Percentage = x 100 %


fi = total students appeared

N = total students in class
Here is calculating of the observation data:
c. Students’ activeness
 Students with poor activeness = x 100 %
x 100%

= 14,285%
 Students with fair activeness = x 100 %
= 14 x 100%
= 35,714%
 Students with good activeness = x 100 %
= x 100%

= 50%
d. Students enthusiasm
 Students’ with poor enthusiast = x 100 %
x 100%
= 14,285%
 Students’ with fair enthusiast = x 100 %
= x 100%
= 28,571%
 Students with good enthusiast = x 100 %
= x 100%
= 57,142%
Table 4.10
The percentage of the students’ activeness and enthusiast of second cycle

Poor Fair Good
14,285 35,714
Activeness % % 50%
14,285 28,571
Enthusiast % % 57,142%

The researcher also measure average mark of the class. It based on the gotten score of
all students in table 4.4, the details are as follows:
Table 4.11

X F f.X
60 1 60
70 4 280
75 4 300
80 4 320
90 1 90
Total 14 1050

= = 75

Based on the table 4.2, it can be seen the percentage of passed and failed students are as
Percentage = x 100 %

Percentage of passed students is:

P= x 100% = 92,857%

Percentage of failed students is:

P= x 100% = 7,142%

Table 4.12
The percentage of passed and failed students in second cycle

Passed 13 92,857%
Failed 1 7,142%

From the data above, the result of the second cycle had improved. It meant that in the second
cycle students were more active than the first cycle. In the second cycle, the amount of students with
poor activeness and enthusiast were decrease. It influences to improvement of the students’ score.
D. Discussion
1. Students’ activeness
Based on the result of cycle 1, the total score of students’ activeness of each criterion
was poor: 35,714%, fair: 57,142%, and good: 7,142%. Then in the second cycle was poor:
14,285%, fair: 28,571%, and good: 57,142%. It showed that the students’ were more active
and enthusiast in teaching and learning writing. The differences of the students’ interaction
in cycle 1 and cycle 2 could be seen on the chart below:
Chart 4.1
Observation Progress of Students’ Activeness







Cycle 1 Cycle 2

As shown in the data above, it can be stated that the students’ activeness rises from cycle 1 to
cycle 2. It proves that the implementation of mind mapping as a technique in teaching writing recount
text can improve students’ activeness. It can be seen in table above that students’ with good activeness
increase from 7% into 50%.
2. Students’ enthusiasm
Chart 4.2
Observation Progress of Students’ Enthusiasm





Cycle 1 Cycle 2

As shown in the data above, it can be stated that the students’ enthusiast rises from cycle 1 to
cycle 2. It proves that the implementation of mind mapping as a technique in teaching writing recount
text can improve students’ enthusiasm in learning English. It can be seen in table above that students’
with good enthusiast increase from 28% into 57%.
3. Students’ score
The result of test in cycle 1 was not satisfied enough, because many students did not
reach the minimum score 70. In cycle 2, all of students passed the test and reach the
minimum score. The improvement score could be seen in the chart below:
Chart 4.3
Test Progress

50% Passed
40% Failed
Cycle 1 Cycle 2

The chart above shows the comparison among passed and failed students in cycle 1 and cycle 2.
In cycle 1, the passed students are not more than half of all students in the class. Then the result of
cycle 2 passed students had increase for more than 50%. It meant that in cycle two students are more
active and reach the standard of minimal score.
Based on the data analysis and reflection from the first cycle to the second cycles, the
researcher can give some conclusion as follows:
1) The use of mind mapping technique is able to improve students’ English writing especially
in recount text. It can be seen from the result of teaching writing using mind map technique.
The result of students’ test in every cycle increases in significant ways. As example in the
first cycle is 42.857%, the second cycle is 92.857%. Besides, this technique gives students
fun experience in writing. It can be seen from the students’ activeness and enthusiast in
learning English improves well in every cycle. Hopefully, the students will improve their
English by their writing skill.

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