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J Food Sci Technol


Development of fortified probiotic dairy desserts with added date

extract, whey protein, inulin, folic acid, vitamin D and calcium
Fatemeh Hemmati1 • Azam Abbasi2 • Alireza Bedeltavana3 • Mehdi Akbari4 •

Vahid Baeghbali2 • Seyed Mohammad Mazloomi2,5

Revised: 21 December 2021 / Accepted: 21 December 2021

Ó Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2022

Abstract This study aimed to develop fortified dairy product with good acceptability and high nutritional
desserts containing Lactobacillus casei and evaluate the quality.
physicochemical, sensory, and microbiological character-
istics of the product during 28 days of storage. Seven dairy Keywords Desserts  Dairy technology  Whey protein 
desserts were formulated by date extract (8%), whey pro- Probiotics  Inulin  Fortification
tein (1.56%), inulin (4%(, folic acid (0.00066%), vitamin D
(0.002%) and gluconate calcium (0.66%). The addition of
date extract and inulin increased total solids while whey Introduction
protein incorporation into dairy desserts led to the
improvement of protein and phosphorous content. Fur- Micronutrient deficiencies are of important public health
thermore, all fortified dairy desserts showed higher and socioeconomic problems worldwide, leading to meta-
antioxidant activity and total phenolic content. Fortification bolic disorders, reduced resistance to infections and
of dairy desserts had no negative effect on the sensory delayed psychomotor and physical development (Tulchin-
acceptability and syneresis was not observed. In addition, sky 2010; Bouis and Saltzman 2003). According to the
the pH reduction and increased acidity did not adversely World Health Organization (WHO), more than 2 billion
affect the count of L. casei, which remained above 8 log people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies, globally
CFU g-1 during storage. Consequently, the fortified dairy (Tulchinsky 2010). Therefore, food fortification could be
dessert developed in this research is an innovative food used as a good strategy to prevent or correct nutrient
deficiencies and, hence to balance the nutrient composition
of a diet (Tulchinsky 2010; Dwyer et al. 2015). In general,
food fortification is the process of adding essential nutri-
& Seyed Mohammad Mazloomi ents to a particular food and aims to improve the nutritional quality of the food and amend the nutrient deficiencies in
the society (Dwyer et al. 2015). As a result, in recent years,
Student Research Committee, School of Nutrition and Food
Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
interest has increased on functional foods with alleged
health benefits. New functional products are produced by
Department of Food Hygiene and Quality Control, School of
Nutrition and Food Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical
changing regular food formulations, adding healthy ingre-
Sciences, Shiraz, Iran dients (e.g. soluble fiber, vitamins, phytosterols) and
Department of Research and Development, Zarrin-Ghazal
replacing or eliminating particular components (González-
Co, Shiraz, Iran Tomás et al. 2009).
4 In this regard, milk-based desserts are appropriate
Department of Food Science, Engineering and Technology,
College of Agriculture and Natural Resource, University of vehicle for the delivery functional compounds like pro-
Tehran, Karaj, Iran teins, probiotic, prebiotics, vitamins and minerals. The
Food and Supplements Safety Research Center, Shiraz addition of whey proteins to milk desserts has different
University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran effects on the functional and nutritional properties of the

J Food Sci Technol

final product. One of the most important attributes of whey desserts with better sensory acceptance and also, the
protein is its ability for heat-induced gel formation (El- importance of developing functional foods according to
Garawany et al. 2005). In addition, they increase the pro- high prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies, the present
tein content of food and contain vitamins, minerals and study aimed to develop fortified probiotic dairy dessert
lactose, which improve the nutritional value of the products formulations containing whey protein, date extract, inulin,
(Hegedušić et al. 1995). Date extract is the main and L. casei, calcium, vitamin D and folic acid and to evaluate
general by-product of dates, which can serve as a sweet- the physicochemical, sensory and microbiological charac-
ening, thickening and flavoring agent in dairy products teristics of the products during storage.
(Jridi et al. 2015). Iran exported around 1.15 million tons of
date in a year, which accounted for 20 percent or so of the
global date export. A large amount of wastes produced Materials and Methods
from dates will be processed to high valuable products like
date extract and date honey with different economic Preparation of the probiotic milk culture
advantages (Abdollahzadeh et al. 2018). Indeed, date
extract contains an optimal mixture of phytochemicals such Prior to the preparation of dairy desserts, 0.1 g/L DVS
as dietary fibers, polyphenols, natural antioxidants and (Direct Vat Set) type culture of L. casei (Chr. Hansen,
other bioactive compounds that have shown an important Hørsholm, Denmark) was aseptically dissolved in sterilized
role in the prevention of different diseases (Jridi et al. whole milk (Apada, Iran) and stored at -188C. The culture
2015). was thawed at 58C prior to inoculation and incubated at
Additionally, dairy desserts are suitable food matrixes 378C for 2 h.
for the addition of probiotics, as they have over 70%
moisture, pH greater than 6.0 and no competing microor- Production of dairy desserts
ganisms, which are appropriate for the viability of these
strains (Heenan et al. 2004; Valencia et al. 2016). Potential Seven formulations of dairy dessert (C, D, DW, DWI,
probiotic health benefits included cancer prevention and DWIF, DWIFV, DWIFVG) were prepared, as presented in
control, reducing the serum cholesterol level, improving Table 1. For preparation of dairy desserts, the content of
the immune system, reducing diarrhea and constipation, xanthan gum (0.2%) and Corn starch (3%) ware kept
treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, and peptic ulcer constant in all formulations. Seven dairy desserts were
(Heenan et al. 2004; Mazloomi et al. 2011). Among the formulated by sugar (10% in C and 4.4% in other formu-
commonly used Lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Lactobacillus lations), date extract (8% in all formulations except C),
casei has been widely used in dairy products due to its whey protein (1.56% in all formulations except of C and
resistance under low temperature storage, demon- D), inulin (4%, except of C, D and DW), folic acid
strated viability, and particularly not affect the sensory (0.00066% in DWIF, DWIFV and DWIFVG formulations),
attributes of flavor and texture (Terpou et al. 2019; vitamin D (0.002% in DWIFV and DWIFVG formulations)
Valencia et al. 2016). As a further matter, the viability of and gluconate calcium (0.66% in DWIFVG formulation),
probiotic microorganisms can be stimulated using prebi- according to Table 1. The ingredients were firstly weighed
otics (Valencia et al. 2016). Prebiotic ingredients, such as and added to the whole milk and then mixed for 10 min.
inulin, are non-digestive carbohydrates that increase the After that, the mixture was heated for 5 min at 758C, fol-
growth and/or activity of gastrointestinal microflora to lowed by cooling down to 378C. The incubated probiotic
confer a health benefit on the host and prevent the growth culture was then inoculated (1%) under sterile conditions,
of pathogens (Mazloomi et al. 2011). Moreover, inulin has and mixed during 1–2 min. Finally, the formulations were
beneficial properties such as improving the flavor, taste and filled in 100 gm containers and stored at 58C for 28 days.
texture of the food products, reducing blood cholesterol,
and increasing the absorption of calcium (González-Tomás Determination of pH and acidity
et al. 2009).
The results of our previous study have showed the high The pH values of dairy desserts were determined using a
nutritional value and antioxidant activity of fermented milk pH meter (Methrohm AG, Herisau, Switzerland). Titrat-
products containing date extract. Although, formulation of able acidity was measured by the titration method, using
a dairy product containing date extract with higher 0.1 N NaOH (Merck) solution according to AOAC (2004).
organoleptic acceptance is needed to become more attrac- 10 g of the sample was diluted with 20 mL of distilled
tive for consumer (Abdollahzadeh et al. 2018). Hence, water and then titrated with 0.1 mol/L sodium hydroxide
considering the importance of incorporation of date extract solution till a faint pink color lasts for 30 s using a
as a by-product of date into the formulation of dairy

J Food Sci Technol

Table 1 Quantities of
Ingredients Formulation Codes
ingredients (g 100 g-1) used in
the different dairy dessert C D DW DWI DWIF DWIFV DWIFVG
Whole milk 86.8 84.4 82.84 78.84 78.84 78.84 78.17
Xanthan gum 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Sugar 10 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
Corn starch 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Date extract – 8 8 8 8 8 8
Whey protein – – 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56
inulin – – – 4 4 4 4
Folic acid – – – – 0.00066 0.00066 0.00066
Vitamin D – – – – – 0.002 0.002
Calcium gluconate – – – – – – 0.66
Lactobacillus casei* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
*The DVS (Direct Vat Set) type culture of L. casei (0.1 gr/L) dissolved in whole milk

phenolphthalein indicator. The results were expressed as the solution was mixed with 25 mL of molybdovanadate
the percentage of lactic acid. reagent (20 g L-1 ammonium molybdate, 1 g L-1 ammo-
nium metavanadate, and 140 mL L-1 concentrated nitric
Syneresis index acid). The final solution was diluted to a volume of 100 mL
with deionized water followed by 10 min setting at room
g of dairy dessert sample was weighed and then centrifuged temperature. Finally, the absorbance was measured at
(Sigma 3K30 Centrifuge) at 5000 9 g for 20 min at 58C. 420 nm against a reagent blank (y = 41.053x,
The syneresis index (S) was defined as: R2 = 0.9972) using spectrophotometry (Apel PD-303,
S = Ps/Pa 9 100. Japan). Potassium dihydrogen phosphate was used as a
Where: Ps is the supernatant weight (g) and Pa is the standard (Rahmdel et al. 2017).
total weight of the centrifuged sample (g) (Valencia et al. The potassium content of dairy desserts was determined
2016). using an EEL Flame photometer (Evans Electroselenium
Ltd., UK) according to Singh et al. (2015) method. The
Physicochemical analysis color parameters L* (lightness-darkness), a* (red-green
axis) and b* (yellow-blue axis) values of the dairy dessert
For determination of total solids, the samples were air oven formulations were measured using ColorFlex EZ (Hun-
dried at 105 ± 1 °C (Memmert, Schwabach, Germany) terLab. USA) according as the method described by Jridi
(Gad et al., 2010). The ash content was determined by et al. (2015). Total color difference (DE) between fortified
incineration process of samples in a muffle furnace at samples and the control sample (C) was calculated using
550 °C overnight (Rinaldoni et al., 2012). Total nitrogen the following equation:
was measured using the micro-Kjeldahl method and the qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2  2  2
protein content of dairy desserts was then calculated from DE ¼ Li  Lc þ ai  ac þ bi  bc
nitrogen content using a conversion factor of 6.38 (Hashim,
where L*i, a*i and b*i are the color parameters of the for-
tified samples and L*c, a*c and b*c are the color parameters
phosphorous content was determined using to the
of the control sample (Baeghbali et al. 2020).
method described by Rahmdel el al. (2017). In brief, 3–4 g
of each sample was incinerated in a muffle furnace
Preparation of dairy dessert water extracts
(Ex.1200-4L, Exciton Co. LTD., Mashhad, Iran) at 500 °C
overnight. The remaining white ashes were mixed with
The dairy dessert sample (10 g) was mixed with 2.5 mL of
5 mL of hydrochloric acid (HCl 37%; Merck, Darmstadt,
distilled water and the pH was acidified to 4.0 using 0.1 M
Germany) and boil-heated on a hot plate for 10 min. The
HCl. Then, the mixture was heated in a water bath at 458C
digests were diluted to a final volume of 40 mL with
for 10 min followed by centrifugation (5000 g, 20 min,
deionized water in a beaker and boil-heated for 10 min.
48C). Then, 0.5 M NaOH was added to adjust the super-
After cooling adequately, the solutions were filtered and
natant pH to 7.0. The neutralized supernatant was cen-
diluted to 100 mL using deionized water. Then, 4 mL of
trifuged (5000 g, 20 min, 48C) and the supernatant was

J Food Sci Technol

gathered and then used for determination of total phenolic according to a five-point hedonic scale, ranging from one
content of dairy desserts (Amirdivani and Salihin Baba (extremely disliked) to five (extremely liked) after 10 days
2011). of storage. Different dairy desserts formulations were dis-
tributed in plastic cups randomly coded with specific
Total phenolic assay numbers; then, the panelists were asked to evaluate the
sensory properties including color, aroma, taste, texture,
1.0 mL of dairy dessert water extract was mixed with and overall acceptability (OA) (Jridi et al. 2015).
1.0 mL of 95% ethanol and 5.0 mL of distilled water in a
test tube. Then, 0.5 mL of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent 50% v/v Microbiological analysis
was added and mixed. After five minutes, 1.0 mL of Na2-
CO3 solution (5% w/v) was added and then the reaction For microbiological analysis, 10 g of the dairy dessert
mixture was left to stand for 60 min at room temperature. sample was dissolved in 90 ml of 0.1% sterile peptone
The absorbance was measured at 725 nm by a spec- water and serial dilutions were prepared. Then, 1 ml of
trophotometer (PD-303, Japan) and the results converted each dilution was inoculated into MRS agar (MRS agar;
into total phenolics and expressed in micrograms of gallic Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and the plates were anaero-
acid equivalents per mL sample (lg GAE mL-1). Gallic bically incubated at 378C for 72 h. Finally, the results were
acid was used as standard (Amirdivani and Salihin Baba expressed as log CFU g-1 (Aghajani et al. 2012).
Statistical analysis
Antioxidant activity by 1,1-diphenyl-2-
picrylh1ydrazyl (DPPH) All the experiments were performed in triplicate and the
results were expressed as the mean ± standard deviation
For this assay, 0.4 mL of dairy dessert extract was added to (SD). For physicochemical and microbial data, one-way
1.6 mL of 0.1 mM DPPH (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) in ANOVA was used followed by the Duncan test to evaluate
95% ethanol. The decrease in absorbance was measured at the presence of any significant difference between the
517 nm against the control sample that contained ethanol results. The sensory data (nonparametric data) were ana-
(0.4 mL) instead of the dairy dessert extract. The inhibition lyzed, using the Kruskal–Wallis test. The ‘‘Repeated
percentage was calculated as follows (Razaei et al. 2013): Measures ANOVAs’’ were used to test mean differences in
 Control  pH, acidity and microbiological analysis during 1, 7, 14, 21
A517  Aextract
Inhibition % ¼  100 and 28 days of storage and ‘‘Paired-Samples T Test’’ was
517 used to compare means obtained from total phenolic con-
tent and antioxidant activity after 1 and 28 days in the
Ferric-Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) assay storage time. The statistical analyses were carried out using
the SPSS software, version 19 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
Ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) of dairy dessert USA) considering 5% of significance (P \ 0.05).
samples was determined according to the method of Benzie
and Strain (1996) with some modifications. The FRAP
reagent was prepared by mixing 10 mM TPTZ solution in Results
40 M HCl, 20 mM FeCl3 solution and 300 mM acetate
buffer (pH = 3.6) in proportions of 1:1:10 (v/v/v). Then, Determination of pH and acidity
1 mL of dairy dessert extract was mixed with 3 mL of the
FRAP reagent and incubated at 37 °C for 5 min. The Figure 1 shows the pH values and acidity of the plain and
absorbance was determined at 593 nm against a blank fortified dairy desserts. The pH values decreased and the
reagent. The standard curve was determined using ascorbic titratable acidity increased significantly over a 28-day
acid and the values were expressed as milligrams ascorbic storage period. Moreover, a significant difference
acid equivalent (AAE) per milliliter of the extract (Benzie (P \ 0.05) was observed in pH values and titratable acidity
and Strain 1996). between the plain and fortified dairy desserts. All fortified
formulations had significantly lower pH and higher acidity
Sensory evaluation during storage which attributed to the acidic nature of date
extract, added to the products.
The sensory evaluation was performed by ten trained
panelists (five females and five males, 24–40 years old)

J Food Sci Technol

Fig. 1 a pH and b acidity (a)

values in the dairy dessert 7
formulations during 28 days of
refrigerated (5 °C) storage
Values are shown as
mean ± standard deviation of
three replicates. C: probiotic 6
dairy dessert (control); D:
probiotic dairy dessert with date

extract; DW: probiotic dairy
dessert with date extract and
whey protein; DWI: probiotic 5
dairy dessert with date extract,
whey protein and inulin; DWIF:
probiotic dairy dessert with date
extract, whey protein, inulin and
folic acid; DWIFV: probiotic 4
dairy dessert with date extract, 1 7 14 21 28
whey protein, inulin, folic acid Days
and vitamin D; DWIFVG:
probiotic dairy dessert with date
extract, whey protein, inulin,
folic acid, vitamin D and (b)
calcium gluconate 80

Acidity (% lactic acid)







1 7 14 21 28

Physicochemical analysis In contrast, no significant differences were observed for the

L* parameter, with values ranging from 57.17 to 65.62
The results of physicochemical characterization of the (P [ 0.05).
seven formulations on the first day are shown in Table 2. It
was observed that the phosphorous and potassium content Total phenolic content (TPC)
of dairy desserts ranged from 195.61 to 276.30 and 125.33
to 233.33 mg 100gr-1, respectively. The addition of date As shown in Fig. 2, all the fortified dairy desserts showed
extract and inulin increased total solid content signifi- significantly higher total phenolic content than the plain
cantly. Furthermore, the samples fortified with date extract, dairy dessert (C: control). Obviously, date extract incor-
whey protein and calcium had significantly higher ash poration into dairy desserts led to the significant
content. Whey protein incorporation into dairy desserts led improvement of total phenolic content as compared to the
to the significant improvement of protein content. In plain dairy dessert (P \ 0.05). Additionally, the TPC of all
addition, syneresis was not observed in the seven studied fortified dairy desserts was increased during storage
formulations during the 28 days of storage. A significant (P [ 0.05), while plain dairy dessert (C) exhibited a
difference in the a* and b* values of the dairy desserts were decrease in TPC over the 28 day storage period.
obvious as the formulation of these dairy desserts differed. (P \ 0.05).

J Food Sci Technol


whey protein and inulin; DWIF: probiotic dairy dessert with date extract, whey protein, inulin and folic acid; DWIFV: probiotic dairy dessert with date extract, whey protein, inulin, folic acid
Antioxidant properties

C: probiotic dairy dessert (control); D: probiotic dairy dessert with date extract; DW: probiotic dairy dessert with date extract and whey protein; DWI: probiotic dairy dessert with date extract,

The results of antioxidant activity of the dairy desserts are

17.08 ± 0.38bc
15.39 ± 1.28b

20.25 ± 0.64d
0.27 ± 0.38a

18.41 ± 1.26c

17.69 ± 0.58c
17.30 ± 1.82
given in Fig. 2. All fortified dairy desserts had significantly
higher antioxidant activities than the plain dairy dessert
(C) during the refrigerated storage. Moreover, date extract

incorporation into dairy dessert formulations led to the

significant improvement of the anti-DPPH and the reducing
-2.37 ± 0.30a

1.63 ± 0.09b

1.56 ± 0.10b
1.60 ± 0.09b
1.11 ± 0.09c
1.59 ± 0.02

1.51 ± 0.08
power activities (P \ 0.05).

Sensory properties

The results of the sensory evaluation of dairy desserts in

65.62 ± 4.47a

59.86 ± 5.10a
57.17 ± 1.32a

57.55 ± 3.68a
62.96 ± 2.59a
54.83 ± 3.97

57.38 ± 6.26

Fig. 3 showed that the taste, texture and overall accept-

ability scores were significantly different. Whey protein

and vitamin D; DWIFVG: probiotic dairy dessert with date extract, whey protein, inulin, folic acid, vitamin D and calcium gluconate addition caused a significant increment in texture score, as

the lowest value was recorded for plain dessert. However,

125.33 ± 19.42a

198.33 ± 37.52a

175.00 ± 35.35a
177.50 ± 36.06a
203.00 ± 26.90

174.50 ± 45.96

there was no significant difference in the color and aroma

174.50 ± 9.19a
(mg 100 g-1)

attributes among different formulations. Fortification of


dairy dessert with folic acid, vitamin D and calcium had no

negative effect on the sensory characteristics of the prod-
ucts, as the formulation containing all ingredients gained
the highest score for overall acceptability.

Microbiological analysis
Phosphorous (mg

276.30 ± 22.97b
247.95 ± 11.33b

267.58 ± 11.33b
265.40 ± 24.76b
195.61 ± 40.85a
197.79 ± 13.61

241.41 ± 6.54

As shown in Fig. 4, the population of L. casei in the pro-

100 g-1)

biotic and synbiotic formulations remained above 8 log

*Results followed by different letters in the column are significantly different at P \ 0.05

CFU g-1 during the 28 days of refrigerated storage.

Moreover, the count of L.casei was gradually increased in
the dairy desserts during storage periods.
4.22 ± 0.22bcd

3.95 ± 0.10acd

4.40 ± 0.10bd

4.61 ± 0.25b
3.56 ± 0.44a
3.80 ± 0.22

4.40 ± 0.45
Protein (%)


0.99 ± 0.02d

The pH values reduced and titratable acidity increased

0.55 ± 0.01a

0.80 ± 0.01c
0.81 ± 0.01c

0.81 ± 0.00c
0.71 ± 0.00

0.81 ± 0.00

significantly throughout 28 days of storage (Fig. 1).

Ash (%)

Among the seven formulations, the highest pH values were

Table 2 Physicochemical properties of dairy desserts

observed in the plain dairy dessert. As expected, dairy

desserts containing date extract had lower pH and higher

75.45 ± 0.47b
77.02 ± 0.12a

71.68 ± 0.18c
71.57 ± 0.40c
Moisture (%)

76.06 ± 0.23

71.68 ± 0.29
71.7 ± 0.59c

acidity than C sample which attributed to the acidic nature

of the added date extract. Similar findings have been
described by Jridi et al. (2015) who observed a significant
decrease in pH of dairy dessert samples containing date by-
products (Jridi et al. 2015).
Total solids (%)

22.97 ± 0.12a*

24.54 ± 0.47b
28.29 ± 0.59c

28.31 ± 0.18c
28.42 ± 0.40c
23.93 ± 0.23

28.31 ± 0.29

The results also showed that the pH values of all for-

mulations decreased and the titratable acidity increased
significantly during storage period (P \ 0.05). This result
was expected as L. casei is a heterofermentative lacto-
bacillus that converts lactose into lactic acid, acetic acid,


and carbon dioxide, which will in turn lead to medium


acidification (Valencia et al. 2016). Moreover, the presence


of whey protein and date extract in dairy dessert


J Food Sci Technol

Fig. 2 antioxidant activities (a)

(2a. DPPH and 2b. FRAP) and

Total phenolic content (ugGAE/100mL)

2c. total phenolic content
(lgGAE mL-1) in dairy 120 c c bc c bc c bc bc b
b b
desserts during 28 days of
refrigerated (5 °C) storage 100
Values are shown as
mean ± standard deviation of
three replicates. Results 60 aA
followed by different letters, aB
within the same storage day, are 40
significantly different at
P \ 0.05. Results followed by 20
different capital letters, within 0
the same formulation, are 1 28
significantly different at Days
P \ 0.05. C: probiotic dairy
dessert (control); D: probiotic C D DW DWI DWIF DWIFV DWIFVG
dairy dessert with date extract;
DW: probiotic dairy dessert (b)
with date extract and whey
Antioxidant potency by Frap (mg AAE/ mL)

protein; DWI: probiotic dairy c
dessert with date extract, whey 0.14 bA b b c b b
protein and inulin; DWIF: bA b b
probiotic dairy dessert with date 0.12 bB bB
extract, whey protein, inulin and 0.1
folic acid; DWIFV: probiotic
dairy dessert with date extract, 0.08
whey protein, inulin, folic acid
and vitamin D; DWIFVG:
probiotic dairy dessert with date 0.04 aA
extract, whey protein, inulin, aB
folic acid, vitamin D and 0.02
calcium gluconate 0
1 28


100 bc bc c bcA bc b b bc
bc bc bcB b
DPPH inhibition (%)

70 aA
60 aB

1 28


formulations led to the accumulation of acetic acid, butyric and coconut flan inoculated with L. paracasei subsp.
acid, citric acid, formic acid, acetaldehyde and lactic acid paracasei LBC (Correa et al. 2008).
via the breakdown of sugar and protein compounds (Shori There was no syneresis in the seven formulations during
and Baba 2011). Similar findings have been described for the 28 days of storage which could be attributed to the high
dairy dessert containing L. paracasei (Valencia et al. 2016) total solid content in the fortified dairy desserts. Besides,
xanthan gum, as anionic hydrocolloid, is capable of

J Food Sci Technol

reinforcing the texture of the dairy desserts by interacting containing date extract (Sadeghi Amiri et al. 2014). In
with the positive charges on the surface of casein micelles, accordance with the results of El-Zeini et al. (2016), the
which leads to higher water retention. Similar findings have incorporation of whey protein yields the most protein-en-
been reported for dairy dessert samples containing xanthan riched formulation, due to the high protein content
gum during 28 days of storage (Valencia et al. 2016). observed in this component compared to the others. Our
Furthermore, fortification of dairy desserts with calcium data showed that dairy dessert formulated with date extract
considerably influences the released water quantities of and whey protein (DW) had the highest phosphorous
dairy desserts which is mainly related to the higher col- content compared to other formulations, probably due to
loidal calcium phosphate cross-linking between casein the greater phosphorous content in whey protein. In con-
micelles and more intense gel structure formation of dairy trast, no significant difference in potassium content was
dessert (Singh and Muthukumarappan 2008). Our result is observed among different dairy desserts. Concerning b*
in line with that of reported by Pawlos et al. (2016) which values, which represent yellowness, they were increased
described reduced whey leakage in kefirs enriched with (P \ 0.05) by date extract, whey protein and calcium
25 mg and 30 mg Ca in 100 g of milk (Pawlos et al. 2016). addition (Table 2). The color of dairy desserts containing
As a matter of fact, the total solids content is one of the date extract influenced by the presence of natural pigments
main factors influencing the firmness, body and texture of such as carotenoids (beta carotene and lutein) and flavo-
the products. DWIFVG formulation had the highest total noids (quercetin and catechin) (Karbasi et al. 2014). These
solids (TS), but this parameter was the lowest in the plain observations are similar to those reported by Jridi et al.
dairy dessert. The variation of total solids content was due (2008), which tested the effect of date powder and date
to date extract and inulin addition, which significantly syrup addition on dairy dessert color (Jridi et al. 2015).
increased total solids content in D and DWI formulations Moreover, there was an increase in the a* (redness) value
compared to C and DW. Our results agree to those reached with the incorporation of date extract and inulin, while the
by Muzammil et al. (2017) who observed that the supple- dairy dessert containing whey protein (DW) showed sig-
mentation of yogurts with inulin significantly increased the nificantly lower a* values compared to the D sample.
total solids compared to the control (Muzammil et al. In the present study, the date extract incorporation into
2017). Moreover, the addition of date extract, whey protein dairy desserts resulted in a great improvement in total
and calcium to dairy desserts increased significantly the ash phenolic content as compared to the plain dairy dessert
contents, confirming previous results on ice cream (P \ 0.05) (Fig. 2). Therefore, date extract is a good

Fig. 3 Sensory average scores Color

of dairy desserts C: probiotic 5
dairy dessert (control); D:
probiotic dairy dessert with date
extract; DW: probiotic dairy 4
dessert with date extract and 3.5
whey protein; DWI: probiotic 3
dairy dessert with date extract,
whey protein and inulin; DWIF: 2.5
probiotic dairy dessert with date 2
extract, whey protein, inulin and OA 1.5 Flavor
folic acid; DWIFV: probiotic
dairy dessert with date extract, 1
whey protein, inulin, folic acid 0.5
and vitamin D; DWIFVG: 0
probiotic dairy dessert with date
extract, whey protein, inulin,
folic acid, vitamin D and
calcium gluconate

Texture Taste


J Food Sci Technol


Numbers of viable cells (Log CFU/g)



1 7 14 21 28

Fig. 4 Survival of Lactobacillus casei added to dairy dessert dessert with date extract, whey protein and inulin; DWIF: probiotic
formulations during 28 days of refrigerated (5 °C) storage Values dairy dessert with date extract, whey protein, inulin and folic acid;
are shown as mean ± standard deviation of three replicates. Day 1 DWIFV: probiotic dairy dessert with date extract, whey protein,
refers to the first day after inoculation. C: probiotic dairy dessert inulin, folic acid and vitamin D; DWIFVG: probiotic dairy dessert
(control); D: probiotic dairy dessert with date extract; DW: probiotic with date extract, whey protein, inulin, folic acid, vitamin D and
dairy dessert with date extract and whey protein; DWI: probiotic dairy calcium gluconate

source of various biologically active compounds such as dairy dessert formulations could be an effective alternative
phenolic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and mineral to produce health-promoting products with novel proper-
selenium (total phenolic compounds) that justifies its role ties. Moreover, dairy dessert containing whey protein
in the dairy dessert formulations. Similarly, Jridi et al. (DW) exhibited significantly higher reducing power
(2015) indicated that the dairy desserts containing date by- activity than the D sample. It can be attributed to the
products were the richest desserts in total phenolic com- presence of peptides in WPC, which is in agreement with
pounds (Jridi et al. 2015). Besides, the dairy dessert con- published findings (Bierzuńska et al. 2017). Additionally,
taining whey protein (DW) showed a significant increase in the reduction of antioxidant activities during the storage of
TPC compared to the D sample on the first day due to the dairy desserts could be explained by the increasing
presence of whey protein in the respective formulation. degradation of phenolic compounds with antioxidant
Although not difference, all fortified dairy desserts pos- activities and/or increasing phenolic compounds-casein
sessed a higher TPC during refrigerated storage (Fig. 2). In interactions in dairy products (Amirdivani and Salihin
fact, lactic acid bacteria degrade the polymeric phenolics Baba. 2011).
and use ferulic and p-coumaric acid during the storage Based on the results of sensory evaluation, the DWI
period; this leads to the production of phenolic compounds formulation was more acceptable by the consumers in
such as vanillic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids (Amirdivani terms of taste compared to the DW sample (P \ 0.05).
and Salihin Baba 2011) and explains the increment in TPC With this result, it is evident that dairy desserts fortified
during storage. with inulin gained higher scores for taste properties due to
Considering the lack of an accepted standard method for the low degrees of polymerization in oligo-fructoses and
the assessment of antioxidant activities of foods and the large amounts of free sugars, like glucose and fructose,
complexity of bioactive compounds reactivity, the antiox- which has 30–50% of the sucrose sweetening power
idant activity of the dairy desserts was examined via two (Valencia et al. 2016). This is consistent with another study
methods. Compared to the plain dairy dessert, date extract investigating the effect of inulin on the sensory properties
incorporation significantly improved the anti-DPPH and of frozen yogurt, in which the most appealing sensory
the reducing power activities (P \ 0.05), confirming pre- characteristics (flavor, texture and total acceptance) were
vious reports on dairy desserts fortified with date by- found due to the presence of inulin in the product (Rezaei
products (Jridi et al. 2015). From these data, it could be et al. 2014). Furthermore, dairy dessert containing whey
concluded that the incorporation of the date extract into protein and date extract (DW) had significantly better

J Food Sci Technol

scores for the texture compared to the D sample. This could Taking into account the acceptability scores, the dairy
be attributed to the whey protein addition that improved the dessert prepared according to the DWIFVG formulation
texture and also enhanced the gel firmness, as suggested by (containing all the added nutrients) gained the highest score
Vidigal et al. (2012). for overall acceptability, so fortification of dairy desserts
According to the present results and relying on the OA had no negative effect on the product’s sensory
scores, the DWIFVG sample containing date extract, whey acceptability.
protein, inulin, folic acid, vitamin D and calcium selected Regarding deficiency and insufficiency of vitamin D,
as the most appreciated formulation by the panelists and folic acid and calcium among some patients and malnu-
gained the highest score for overall acceptability. There- trition prevalence in different groups of people, the forti-
fore, it could be concluded that fortification of dairy dessert fication of dairy desserts with different nutritious
with folic acid, vitamin D and calcium had no negative ingredients not only can reduce the need for medication,
effect on the sensory characteristics of the products, con- but also can improve the nutritional status of these patients
firming previous studies on yogurt fortified with calcium and more importantly, prevents further deterioration.
and vitamin D (Singh and Muthukumarappan 2008; Therefore, it can be concluded that the fortified dairy
Kaushik and Arora 2017). dessert developed in this research could be an innovative
Probiotic products should have the recommended min- functional food product with good acceptability for con-
imum of 7 log CFU g-1 probiotic microorganisms for sumers and high nutritional quality.
health benefits (Stanton et al. 2005). In the present study,
the population of L. casei in the probiotic and synbiotic Acknowledgements The authors would like to appreciate Shiraz
University of Medical Sciences (project no. 95-01-106-12747) for
formulations remained above 8 log CFU g-1 throughout financially supporting the study. They are also grateful for Dr.
the 28 days of refrigerated storage. Our results showed the N. Shokrpour at Research and Consultation Center, Shiraz University
role of the dairy dessert matrix, as an appropriate medium of Medical Sciences for editorial assistance.
to maintain the viability of probiotic strains. Therefore, the
present dairy dessert formulations provided a stable num- Author Contributions FH carried out the experiment and wrote the
paper; AA supervised the work and contributed the analysis; AB and
ber of viable probiotic cells in excess of the recommended MA helped supervise the work; VB edited the manuscript; SMM
minimum during the storage period. conceived and supervised the work.
The concentration of lactic acid is an important agent in
the viability of probiotic cells. Despite the significant pH Funding The study was supported financially by Shiraz University of
reduction and increment in acidity (Fig. 1), the viability of Medical Sciences (project no. 95–01-106–12747).
probiotic cells was not adversely affected during the
Data availibility Not applicable.
refrigerating period of the formulations, corroborating the
data reported by Valencia et al. (2016) who observed the Code availability Not applicable.
maintenance of minimum amounts of viable probiotic cells
during storage (Valencia et al. 2016). Therefore, L. casei Declarations
represented greater survivability in the dairy desserts dur-
Conflicts of interest The authors declared no potential conflicts of
ing the 28 days of storage (8 log CFU g-1), which provides interests with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this
a potential probiotic product with health benefits to paper.
Ethics approval Not applicable.

Consent to participate Not applicable.

Consent for publication Not applicable.
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