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C/U Lesson Conte Objectives Procedure Materials Learning Date

Stages nt Methods Activities / Notes
Techniques Evaluation
Evocation Opening Greeting the class and taking attendance. Greetings Direct 4
1.2 Warm up activity Play “Guess”. T holds up a flashcard assessment
1.8 back to the class, the students ask questions and guess. Direct, audio-
1.9 - learn the lingual 5
new Working with homework T calls on students who Whole class 7
structures volunteer or picks them. activity
- develop Vocabulary: T introduces the new vocabulary and teaches Chorus 5
Realization oral fluency the meaning tea, milk, juice, fruit, sandwich, vegetable, repetition
of meaning drink, healthy. Guided Phonetic
conversation exercises
- practice Speaking: T directs students’ attention to the picture in
and use -Wh Ex. 1 p. 15 Students read the sentence and point to the right 7
questions picture. Ex. 2 p.14
Stay healthy.

Flashcards 7
Reflection Reading: T asks some students to read the conversation Team work,
and answer the questions. -Ex.6 p.15 individual Short
- write Do you eat healthy food? dialogues 4
sentences on Why is it healthy? Pair work
the topic Speaking Students talk to their deskmates; they look and Grammar
say. Ex 4 p. 14 drills
Example: Dan likes plums and cheese.

He doesn't like milk and tomatoes. Performance 4

Extension Writing: Students choose don't or doesn't and make up Guided assessment
sentences. conversation The use of
Example: Nick doesn't like tomatoes. learned 2
I don't eat pizza. structures
Sofia doesn't like tea. Ex 7 p. 15
Home-work Ex.8 p. 15 (My mother likes................... Whole class
My mother doesn't like............. activity
My father likes..............
My father doesn't like.................)
Lesson Plan
Lyceum: PITL ,, Stefan cel Mare,, or.Drochia
Date : The 18thof October
Grade: the III-rd form
Level: A 1.2
Topic : Stay healthy
Type of the Lesson : Mixed
Time : 45 min.
Teacher: Josan Natalia
Unit Competences
1.2 Distinguishing words which contain sounds and groups of sounds specific to the English language in simple and familiar

1.8 Using words and simple short sentences, which contain sounds specific to the English language, in simple and familiar
communication contexts, following/imitating models.

1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to the English language according to models of simple short sentences in familiar

Operational Objectives
- learn the new structures
- develop oral fluency
- practice and use -Wh questions
- write sentences on the topic

Didactic Strategies: Conversation, discussion, brainstorming, group work, speaking, clustering, reading,
explanation, silent reading, listening, observation, game, writing.
Aids : posters, annexes, slides, dictionary, textbook, cards, tape recorder.

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